of the service required of our troops have fur l-dished additional evidence of their courage, zeal, and capacity to meet any requisition which their country may make upon them. For the details of the military operations, the distribu tion of the troops, and additional provisions re quired for the military service, I refer to the report of the Secretary of War and the accom panying documents. Experience, gathered from events since my last annual message, has but served to confirm the opinion then expressed of, the propriety of making provision, by a retired list, for disabled officers, and for increased compensation to the officers retained on the list for active duty. All the reasons which existed, when these measures were recommended on former occasions, con tinuo without modification, except so far as cir cumstances have given to some of them addi tional force. The recommendations, heretofore made for a partial reorganization of the army, are also re newed. The thorough elementary education given to those officers, who commence their service with the grade of cadet, qualifies them, to a considerable extent, to perforni: the duties of every arm of the service; but to give the highest efficiency to nrtillery, requires the prac tice and 87:Jecial study* of many years; and it is not, therefore, believed to be advisable to maintain, in time of peace, a larger force of that arm than can be usually employed in the duties appertaining to the service of field and beige artillery. The duties of the staff in all its various branches belong to the movements of troops, and the efficiency of an army in the field would materially depend upon the ability with which those duties are discharged. It is not, as in the case of the artillery, a speciality, but requires, also, an intimate knowledge of the duties of an officer of the line, and it is not . doubted that, to complete the education of an Officer for either the line or the general staff, it is desirable that he shall have served in both. With this view, it was recommended on a for mer occasion that the duties of the staff should be mainly performed by details from the line; md, with conviction of the advantages which would result from bush a change, it is again presented for . the consideration of Congress. ME T'he report of the Secretary of the iiavy, herewith submitted, exhibits in full the naval _operations of the past year, together with the _present condition of the service, and it makes .suggestions of further legislation, to which your attention is invited. The construction of the six steam frigates, for which appropriations were made by the last Congress, has proceeded in the most satisfac tory manner, and with such expedition; as to warrant the belief th — at they will be ready for service early in the coming spring. Important as this addition to our naval force is, it still re iiiains inadequate to the contingent exigencies of the protection of the extensive sea coast and vast commercial interests of the United States. In view of this fact, and of the acknowledged wisdom of the policy of a gradual and system atic increase of the navy, an appropriation is recommended for the construction of six steam sloops-of-war. In regard to the steps taken in execution of the act of Congress to promote the efficiency of the navy, it is unnecessary for me to say more than to express entire concurrence in the obser vations on that subject presented by the Secre tary in his report. POST OPFICT? It will be. perceived, by the report of the Postmaster General, that the gross expenditure bf the department for the last fiscal year was nine million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars, and the gross receipts seven million three hun dred and forty-two thorisand one hundred and thirty-sit dollars, making an excess of expendi ture over receipts of two million six hundred and twenty-six thousand two hundred and six dollars; and that the cost of mail transporta tion during that year was six hundred and seventy-four thousand' nine hundred and fifty tivo dollars greater than the previous year.— Much of the heavy expenditures, to which the treasury is thns subjected, is to be ascribed to the large quantity of printed matter conveyed by the mails, either franked- or liable to no postage by law, or to very low rates of postage compared with that Charged on letters and to the great cost of mail service on railroads and 'by ocean steamers. The suggestions of the Postmaster General on the subjeot deserve the consideration or Congress. f~r~i~ioa The report of the Secretary of the Interior will engage your attention, as well for useful suggestions it contains, as for the interest and importance of the subjects to which they refer. The aggregate amount of public land gold ddring the last fiscal year, located with military scrip or land warrants, taken up under grants for roads, and selected as swamp lands by States, is twenty-four million five hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and nine acres; of which the portion sold was fifteen million seven hundred and twenty-nine thou sand five hundred and twenty-four acres, yield ing in receipts the sum of eleven million four hundred and eighty-five thousand three hun dred and eighty dollars. In the same period of time, eight million seven hundred and twenty three thousand eight hundred and fifty-four acres have been surveyed; but, in considera tion of the quantity already subject to entry, ne additional tracts have been brought into market. The peculiar relation of the general govern inent.to the District of Columbia, renders it pro per to commend to your care not Only its mate rial, but also its moral interests, including edu cation, more especially in those parts of the district outside of the cities of Washington and Georgetown. The commissioners appointed to revise and codify the laws of the District, have made such progress in the performance of their task, as to insure its completion in the time prescribed by the act of Congress. Information has recently been received, that the peace of the settlements in the territories of Oregon and Washington is disturbed by hostili ties on the part of the Indians, with indications of extensive combinations of a hostile character among the tribes in that quarter, the more se rious in their possible effect by reason of the undetermined foregin interest existing in those Territories, to which your attention has already been especially invited. Efficient measures have been taken, which, it is believed, will re store quiet, and afford protection to our citizens. In the territory of Kansas, there have been ursjudiclal.n caseonly - 'b©7f76) — ifriatrolifirTe e- ral law, or of organized resistance to territo rial law, assuming the character of insurrection, which, if it should occur, it would be my duty to promptly overcome and suppress, I cherish the hope, however, that the occurrence of any such untoward event will be prevented by the sound sense of the people of the territory, who, by its organic law, possessing the right to determine their own domestic institutions, are entitled, while deporting themselves peace fully, to the free exercise of that right, and must be protected in the .enjoyment of it, with out interference on the part of the citizens of any of the States. - The southern boundary line of this Territory has never boon surveyed and established. The rapidly-extending settlements in that region, and the fact that the main route between Independ eneep in the State of Missouri, and New Mexico, is contigions to this line.. suggest the wobahiri-- ty: !Embarrassing questions- or , juriediction • may tionsecluently arise. . For these and other considerations; I commend • the subject to your early attention. CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY OT THE GOVERNMENT ..I..have thus passed in review the general state of the Union, including such particular concerns of the federal government, whether of domestic flr foreign relation, as it appeared to me desira ble and useful to bring to the special notice of Congress. Unlike the great states of Europe and Asia, and many of those of America, these Uni ted States are: wasting their strength neither in foreign war nor domestic strife. Whatever of discontent or public dissatisfaction exists, is at trihntahle tp the imperfections of human nature, or is incident to 41 governments, however per fect, which human wisdom can devise. such sub jects of political agitation, as occupy the public mind, consist, to a great extent, of exaggeration of inevitable evils, or over zeal in social improve ment, or mere imagination of grievance, having but remote connexion with any of the constitu tional functions or duties of the federal govern ment. To whatever extent these questions ex hibit a tendency menacing to the stability of the 4oNitit4tion, or the integrity of the Union, and no farther, they demand the consideration of 2 the Executive, and require to be presented by him to Congress. Before the Thirteen Colonies became a confed eration of independent States, they were associ ated only by community of trans-atlantic origin, by geographical position, and by the mutual tie of common dependence on Great Britain. When that. tie Was sundered, they severally assnmed the powers and rights of absolute :lelf-g.-.vern rnent. The municipal and social institutions of each, its laws of property, and of personal rela tion, even its political organization, were such only as each one chose to establish wholly with out interference from any other. In the lan guage of the Declaration of Independence, each State had "full power to levy war, conclude pence, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which inde pendent States may of right do." The several colonies differed in climate, in soil, in natural productions, in religion, in systems of educa tion, in legislation, and in the forms of political administration; and they continued to differ in these respects when they voluntarily allied them selves as States to carry on the war of the revo lution. The object of that war was to diseuthral the United Colonies- -from foreign rule, which had proved to he oppressive, and to separate them permanently from the mother country : the po litical result was the foundation of a federal re public of the free white men of the colonies, con stituted as they were, in distinct,. and recipro cally independent, State governments. A s for the subject races, whether Indian or African, the wise and brave statesmen of that day, being engaged in no extravagant scheme of social change, left them as they were, and thus pre served themselves' and their posterity-from the anarchy, and the ever-recurring civil wars, which have prevailed in other revolutionized European colonies of Am eri ca. • When the confederated States found it conve nient to modify the conditions of their-associa:- tion, by giving to the general government direct access, in some respects, to the people of the States, instead of .confining it to action on the States as such, they proceeded to frame the ex isting constitution, adhering steadily to one guid ing thought, which was, to delegate only such power as was necessary and proper to the exe cution - of specific purposes, or, in other words, to retain as much as possible, consistently with those purposes, of the independent powers of the individual States. For objects of common le fence and security, they intrusted to the general government certain carefully defined functions, leaving all others as the undelegated rights of the separate independent sovereignties. Such is the constitutional theory of our gov ernment, the practical - observance v;r•ift2.l, has carried us; and us alone, among modern repub lics, through nearly three generations of time without the cost of one drop of bloodshed in civil war. With freedom and concert of action, it has enabled us to contend successfully on the battle field against foreign foes, has elevated the feeble colonies into powerful States, and has raised our industrial productions, and our commerce, which transports them, to the level of the richest and the greatest nations of Europe. And the admi rable adoption of our political institutions to their objects, combining local self-government with aggregate strength, has established the practicability of a government like ours to cover a continent with confederate States. The . Congress 6f the United 'States is, in ef fect, that congress of sovereignties, which good men in the Old World have sought for, but could never attain; and which imparts to Ameriba, an exemption from the mutable leagues forzommon action, from the wars, the mutual invasions and :vague aspirations after the balance of power, which convulse from time to time the govern ments of Europe. Our co-operative action rests in the conditions of permanent confederation prescribed by the constitution. Our balance of power is in the separate reserved rights of the States, and their equal representation 'in the Senate. That independent sovereignty in every one of the States, with its reserved rights of lo cal self government assured to each by their co equal power in the Senate, was the fundamen tal condition of the constitution. Without it the Union would never have existed. however de sirous the larger States might be to re-organize the government so as to give to their population its proportionate weight in the common coun sels, they knew it was impossible, unless the conceded to the smaller ones authority to °sou cise at least a negative influence on all the meas ures of the government whether legislative or executives through their equal representation in the Senate. Indeed, the larger States them selves could not have failed to perceive, that the same power was equally necessary to them, for the security of their own domestic interests against the aggregate force of the general gov ernment. In a word, the original States went into this permanent league on the agreed prem ises, of exerting their common strength for the defence of the whole, and of all its parts; but of utterly excluding ell capability of reciprocal ag gression. Each solemnly bound itself to all the others, neither to undertake, nor permit, any encroachment upon, or intermeddling with, another's reserved rights. Where it was deemed expedient, particular rights of the States 'were expressly guarantied by the constitution; but, in all things beside, these rights were guarded by the limitation of the powers granted, and by express .reservation of all powers not granted, in the compact of Un ion. Thus, the great power of taxation was limi ted to purposes of common defence and general welfare, excluding objects appertaining to the local legislation of the several States ; and those purposes of general welfare and common defence were afterwards defined by specific enumeration, as being matters only of co-relation between the States themselves, or between them and foreign governments, which, because of their common and general nature, could not be left to the sepa rate control of each State. Of the circumstances of local condition, inter est, and rights, in which a portion of the States, constituting the great section of the Union dif fered from the rest, and from another section, the. most important was the peculiarity of a larger relative colored population in the south ern than in the northern States. A population of this class, held in subjection, existed in nearly all the States, but was more numerous and of more serious concernment in the South than in the North, on account of natu ral differences of climate and production and 'it was foreseen that, for the same reasons, while this population would diminish, and, sooner or later, cease to exist, in some States, it might in crease in others. The peculiar character and magnitude of this question of local rights, not in material relations only, but still more in social ones, caused it to enter into the special stipula tions of the constitution. Hence, while the,general government, as well by the . enumerated powers granted to it, as by those not enumerated, and therefore refused to it, was forbidden to touch this matter in the sense of attack or offence, it was placed under the general safeguard of the Union, in the sense of defence against either invasion or domestic violence, like all other local interestsof the seve ral States. Each State expressly stipulated, as bound by his allegiance to the constitution, that any person, held to service or labor in one State, escaping into another, should not, in consequence of any law or regulation thereof, be discharged from such service or labor, but shoUld be deliv ered up on claim of the party to whom such ser vice or labor might be due by the laws of his State. Thus, and , thus only, by the reciprocal guar anty of all the rights of every State ag*inst in terfereuce on - the part of another, was the pres ent form of government established by our fa thers and transmitted to us; and by no other means is it possible for it to exist. If one State ceases to respetlt the rights of another, and ob trusively intermeddlea with its local interests,-- if a portion of the States assume to impose their institutions on the others, or refuse to fulfil their obligations to them,—we are no longer united, friendly States, but distracted, hostile ones, .with abundant means of reciprocal injury and mis chief. Practically," is immaterial whether aggres sive interference between the States, or deliber ate refusal on the part of any of them to comply with constitutional obligations, arise from er roneous conviction, or blind predjudice, whether it be perpetrated by direction or indirection. In either ease, it is full of threat and of danger to the durability of the Union. CONSTITUTION/Li ILELAT/ONS OF SLAVETC.T. Placed in the office of Chief Magistrate as the executive agent of the whole country, bound to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and specially enjoined by the constitution to give information to Congress on the state of the-Un ion, it would be palpable neglect of duty on my part to pass over a subject like this, which, be yondall. things at the present time, vitally con cerns individual and public security. It has been matter of painful regret to see States, s conspicuous for their services iu found ing this Republic, and equally sharing its ad yantages, disregard their constitutional obliga tions to it. Although conscious of their inabil ity to heal admitted and palpable social evils of their own, and which .are completely within their jurisdiction, they engage in the offensive and hopeless undertaking of reforming the do mestic institutions of other States wholly be yond their control and authority. In the vain pursuit of ends, by them entirely unattainable, and which they may not legally attempt to com pass, they peril the very existence of the con stitution, and all the countless benefits which it has Conferred, While the people of the south ern States oottline their attention to their own affairs, not presuming officiously to intermeddle with the social institutions of the northern States, too many of the inhabitants of the lat ter are permantly organized in associations to inflict injury on the former, by wrongful acts, which would be cause of war as between foreign powets, and only fail to be such in our system, because perpetrated under cover of the Union. It is impossible to present this subject as truth and the occasion require, without noticing the reiterated, but groundless :allegation, that the south has persistently asserted claims and obtained advantages in the practical adminis tration 'of the general government, to the preju dice of the north, and in which the latter has acquiesced. That is, the States, which either promote or tolerate attacks on the rights of per sons and of property in other States, to disguise their own injustice, pretend or imagine, and constantly aver, that they, whose constitutional rights are thus systematically assailed, are themselves the ...aggressors. At the present time this imputed aggression, resting, as it does, only in the vague, declamatory charges of po litical agitators, resolves itself into misappre hension, or misinterpretation, of the principles and facts !of the political organization of the new Territories of the United States. What is the voice of history ? When the or dinance, which provided for the government of the territory northwest of the river Ohio, and for its eventual subdivision into new States, was adopted in the congress of the confederation, it is not to be supposed that the question Of fu ture relative power, as between the States which retained, and those Which did not retain, a nu merous colored population, escaped notice, or failed to be considered. And yet the concession of that vast territory to the interest and opin ions of the northern States, a territory now the seat of five among the largest members of the Union, was, in great measure, the act of the State of Virginia and of the south. When Louisiana was acquirid by the United States, it was an • acquisition not less to the north than to the south ; for while it was im portant to the country at the mouth of the river . Mississippi to become the emporium of the coun try above it, it also was even more important to the whole Union to have that emporium; and although the new province, by reason of its ha perfct settlement, was mainly regarded as-en the chilf of Mexico, yet" in fact, it extended to the opposite boundar;.... , ~,r 13— tx,,,i,-.-tr - States, with far greater breadth above than below, and was in territory, as in everything else, equally at least an accession to the northern States. It is mere delusion and prejudice, therefore, to speak of Louisiana as acquisition in the special interest of the south. The patriotic and just men, who participated in that act, were influenced by motives far above all sectional jealousies. It was in-truth the great event, which, by completing for us the possession of the valley of the Mississippi, with commercial access to the Gulf of Mexico, im parted unity and strength to the whole confed eration, and attached together by indissoluble ties the east and the west, as well as the North and the south. As to Florida, that was but the transfer by Spain to the :United States of territory on the east side of the river Mississippi, in 3achange for large territory, which the United States 'transferred to Spain on the west side of that river, as the entire diplomatic history of the transaction serves io demonstrate. Moreover, it was an acquisition demanded by the commer cial interests and the security of the whole Union. In the meantime, the people of the United . States had grown up to a proper consciousness of their strength, and in a brief contest with France, and in a second serious war with Great Britain, they had bi,. - .. ken off all which remained of undue reverence for Europe, and emerged frem the atmosphere of those transatlantic in fluences which surrounded the infant - Republic, and had begun to turn their attention to the full and systematic development of the internal re sources of the Union. Among the evanescent controversies of that period, the most conspicuous was the question of regulation by Congress of the social. condi tion of the future States to be founded in the territory. of Louisiana. The ordinance for the government of the ter ritory northwest of the river Ohio bad contained a provision which prohibited the use of servile labor therein, subject to the condition of the ex tradition 01 fugitives from service due in any other part of the United States. Subsequently to the adoption of the constitution, this provi sion ceased to remain as a law ; for its opera tion as such was absolutely superseded by the constitution. But the recollection of the fact excited the zeal of social propagandism in some, sections of the confederation; and when a second State, that of Missouri, came to be formed in the territory of Louisiana, proposition was made to extend to the latter territory the restriction originally applied to the country situated be tween the rivers Ohio and Mississippi. Most questionable as was this proposition in all its constitutional relations, nevertheless it re ceived the sanction of Congress, with some slight modifications of line, to save the existing rights of the intended new State. It was reluctantly acquiesced in by southern States as a sacrifice to the cause of peace and of the Union, not only of the rights stipulated by the treaty of Louisi ana, but of the principle of equality among the States gintrantied by-the constitution. It was received by the northern States with angry and resentful condemnation and complaint, because it did not concede all which they had exactingly demanded. Having passed through the forms of legislation, it took its place in the statute book, standing open to repeal, like any other act of doubtfid constitutionality, subject to be pro nounced null and void by the courts of law, and possessing no possible' efficacy to control the' rights of the States, which might thereafter bo organized out of any part of the original terri tory of Louisiana. in all this, if any aggression there were, any innovation upon pre-existing rights, to which portion of the Union are they justly chargeable? This controversy passed away with the occa sion, nothing surviving it save the dormant let ter of the statute. But, long afterwards, when, by the proposed accession of the Republic of Texas, the United States were to take then• next step in territorial greatness, a similar contingency occurred, and became the occasion for systematized attempts to intervene in the domestic affairs of ono sec tion of the Union, in defiance of their rights as States; and of the stipulations of the constitu tion. These attempts assumed a practical direc tion, in the shape of persevering endeavors, by some of the representatives, in both houses of Congress, to deprive the Southern States of the supposed benefit of the provisions of the act au the organization of the State of Mis- But, tTie gocra _ vital force of the constitution, friiiiffpneetrVes sectional prejudice, and the political errors of the day, and the State of Texas returned to the Union as she was, with social institutions which her people had chosen for themselves, and with express agreement, by the re-annexing act, that she should be susceptible of subdivision into a plurality of States. . Whatever advantage the interests of the South ern States, as such, gained by this, were far in ferior in results, as they unfolded in the progre.s of time, to those which sprang from previous concessions made by the South. To - every thoughtful friend of the Union,—to the true lovers of the country,—to all who long ed and labored for the full success of• this great experiment of republican institutions,—it was cause of grUtalatiou - that such an opportunity had occurred to illustrate our advancing power on this continent, and to furnish to the w0r1..1 additional assurance of the strength and stabil ity of the constitution. Who would wish to see -Florida still a European colony? Who would rejoice to hail Texas as a .lone star, instead of one in the galaxy of States ? Who does not ap preciate the incalculable benefits of the acquisi tion of Louisiana ? And yet narrow views and sectional purposes would inevitably have exclu ded them all from the Union. j But another struggle on the same point en sued, who our victorious armies returned from Mexico, and' it devolved on Congress to provide for the territories acquired by the treaty of Gua dalupe Hidalgo. The great relations of the subject had now become distinct and clear to the perception of the public mind, which appre ciated the evils of sectional controversy upon the question of the admission of new States. In that crisis intense solicitude pervaded the z nation. But the patriotic impulses of the popular heart, guided by the admonitory advice of the Father of his Country, rose superior to all the difficulties of the incorporation of a. new empire into the Coital. In the counsels of Congress there was raanifested extreme antagonism of opinion and action between some representatives, who sought by the abusive and unconstitutional employment of the legislative powers of the government to interfere in the condition of the inchoate States, and to impose their own social theories upon the latter; and other representatives, who repelled the interpositicn of the general government in this respect, and maintained the self-constituting rights of the States, In truth, the thing at tempted was, in form 'alone, action of the general govornment, while in reality it , was the endeavor, by abue of legislative power, to force the ideas of internal policy, entertained in par ticular States, upon allied independent States. Once more the constitution and the Union tri umphed signally. The new Territories were organized without restrictions on the disputed point, and were thus left to judge in that par ticular for themselves; and the sense of consti tutional faith proved vigorous enough in Congress not only to accomplish this 'primary object, but also the incidental and hardly less important one, of so amending tbo provisions of the statute for the extradition of fugitives' from service, as to place that public ditty:under the safe-guard of the ,:general government, And thus relieve it from obstacles raised up by the legislation of some of the States. Vain declamation regarding the provisions of law for the extradition of fugitives from service, with occasional. episodes of frantic effort to ob struct their execution by riot and murder, con tinued, for a brief time, to agitate certain local ities. But the true principle, of leaving each State and Territory to regulate its own laws of labor according to its own sense of right and •expediency, had acquired fast hold of the pub lic-judgment, to such a degree, that, by common consent, it was observed in the organization of the Territory of Washington. When, more recently, it became requisite to orga.nize.the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, it was the natural and legitimate, if not the in evitable consequence of previous events and legislation, that the same great and sound prin ciple, which had already been applied to Utah •and New Mexico, should be applied .to them— that they should stand exempt from the restrit tions proposed in the.net relative to the State of Missouri. -. • • • These restrictions were, in the estimation of many thoughtful men,_ null. from the beginning, unauthorized by the constitution, contrary to the treaty stipulations for the cession of Louisi ana, and inconsistent with the , equality of the States. . . They had been stripped of all moral authority, by persistent efforts to procure their_ indirect re-. peal - through -ccintradictory ...enactments. They had been practically abrogated .by the legiala tion attending the organization of. Utah,. New Mexico and Washington. If anyritalityremainecl in them, it would have been. effect, by tbe..urftcr Inc torus proposed in- the Senate .at the first session of the last Congress. It was manly and ingenious, - as, well as patriotic and justi.to do this directly and plainly, and thus relieve the statute books of an act, which-might be, of pos sible future injury, but of no possible future benefit; and the measure of its repeal was the final consummation and recognition of the prin ciple, that no portion of the United States shad undertake, through assumption of - the powers of the general government, - to dictate the social • institutions of any other portion. • The scope and effect of the language of repeal were not left in doubt. It was declared, in terms, to be "the true intent. and-meaning of this act not to legislate slavery - into any Terri tory or State; nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the constitution of • the U. States." . The measure could not be withstood upon its merits alone. It was attacked with violence, on the false or delusive pretext; that it constituted a breach of. faith. Never' was objection more utterly destitute of substantial justification.— When, before, was it imagined by sensible men, that a regulative or declaratite statute, whether enacted ten or forty years ago; is irrepealable— that an act of Congress is above the Constitu tion? If, indeed, there were in the facts any cause to impute bad faith, it .would attach to those only, who have never ceased, front the•time of the enactment of - the restrictite provision to the present day, to 'denounee and to condemn it; who have constantly refused to complete it by needful supplementary legislation; who have spared no exertion to deprive it of moral force; who have themselves again and again attempted its repeal by the enactment of incompatible pro visions; and who, by the inevitable reactionary effect of their own violence on the subject; awa kened the country to perception of the true con stitutional principle, of leaving the matter in volved to the discretion of the people of the respective existing or incipient States. It is not pretended that this principle, or any other, precludes the possibility of evils in prac tice, disturbed as political action is liable to be by human passions. No form of government is exempt from inconveniences; but in this case they are the result of the abuse, and not of, the legitimate exercise, of the powers reserved or conferred in the organization of a Territory.— They are not to be charged to the great princi ple .of popular sovereignity; on the. contrary, they disappear before the intelligence and patri otism of the people, exerting through - the ballot box their peaceful and silent boat irresistible power. If the friends of the constitution are'to have another struggle, its enemies' could not present. a more acceptable issue, than that of. a State, whose constitution embraces "a - republican form of government" being excluded from the Union because its domestic institutions may not in all respects comport with the idea of what'is wise and expedient entertained in some other States. Fresh from groundless imputations of breach of faith against others, men will commence the ag itation of this new question with indubitable vi olation of an express compact between the inde pendent sovereign powers of the United States and of the republic of ' Thies, as well as of the older and equally solemn compacts; which- as sure the equality of all the states. But, deplorable as would be such a violation of compact in itself, and in all its direct con sequences, that is the very least of the evils involved. When sectional agitators shall base succeeded in forcing on this issue, can their pre . - tensions fail to be met by counter pretensions? Will not different States respectively be com pelled to meet extremes with extremes? And, if either extreme carry its point, what is that so fat forth but dissolution of the Union? If a new State, forfned from the territory of the United States, be absolutely excluded from admission therein, that fact of itself constitutes the dis ruption between it and the other States. Bet the process of dissolution could not stop there. Would not a sectional decision, producing such result by a majority of votes, either northern or southern, of necessity drive out the oppressed and aggrieved minority, and place in presence of each other two irreconcileably hostile confed erations. It is necessary to speak thus plainly of pro jects, the ,offspring of that sectional agitation now prevailing in some of the States, which are as impracticable as they are unconstitutional, and which, if persevered in, must and will end calamitously. It is either disunion and civil war, or it is mere angry, idle, aimless disturb sucel.nf public peace and tranquility.. Disunion and partiziniiiitarctarignAtesag,_e of fanaticism our attention, it would be difficult te—VeTiPM that any considerable portion of - the people of this enlightened country could have so surren dered themselves to a fanatieal devotion to the supposed interests of the relatively few Africans in the United States, as totally to abandon and disregard the interests of the twenty-five millions of Americans—to trample under foot the injunc tions 'of moral and constitutional obligation— and to engage in plans - of vindictive hostility against those who are associated : with them in • the enjoyment of the common heritage of our national institutions. Nor is it hostility against their fellow-citizens Of one section of the Union alone. The inter ests; the honor, the duty, the peace, and the prosperity of the people of all, sections are equally involved and imperilled in this question. And are patriotic men in any part of the Union pro pared, on such an issue, thus madly to invite all the consequences - of the forfeiture of their coo stitutional engagements? It is impossible. -The storm of frenzy and faction must inevitably dash in vain against the unshaken rocks of the con stitution. I shall never doubt it. I know that the Union is stronger a thousand times than all the wild and chimerical schemes of social change which are generated, one after another, in the unstable minds of visionary sophists - and inter ested agitators. I rely confidently on the pa triotism of the people, on the•dignity and -self respect of the States, on the wisdom of Congress, and above all, on the continued gracious favor of Almighty God, to maintain, against all ene mies whether at home or abroad, the sanctitYof the constitution and the integrity of the Union. FRANKLIN - PIERCE. W.Asuraormv, Dec. 31, 18.55. far"" Overcome evil with good," as the wan said when he knocked down the burglar with the family Bible. te''.Nrover contradict a man who 1.-tuttcr s, i t only makes matters worse. re? , .. Punch says - Poverty must be a worazin - - t's so fond of pinching a person. BOTANICAL.—' 'The tree is known b.) fruity.' The only exception to this is the dor,o° ad ' whiLb .s known by its bark.