Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of the powers conferred upon me by the last will and testament of Nancy Neff, late of West township, Huntingdon coun ty, dec'd., I will expose to public sale, on Fri day the 19th October, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M., ou the premises, the following described real estate, late the property of said deceased, viz: All that PlantStiCn and Tract of Lime stone and Bottom Land, situate in %Vest township aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Gregory, Samuel 11lyton, and others, Containing Vi2;ii :acres, about 100 acres of which arc cleared and in ex cellent cultivation. The improvements are a good two sto ry.. dwelling house, a frame bank barn, ' 11 :* lnd outbuildings. There is a good Or ch,ru upn it—running fountains of water at both house and barn—and it is situate five miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal at Petersburg. Terms made known on day of sale. JACOB HARNCAME, Executor. Sept. 11,1855. Fanuy Furs. for Ladies and Children. ,OFIN FAREIRA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fancy fin's, No. 284 Market Sheet (above Eight,) Philadelphia. Having now completed my very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds of Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all the different styles and fashions that will be worn during the present season by Ladies and Children, and being determined to sell my goods at small prof its it will be to the advantage ofLadies and oth ers to give me a call before purchasing. N. B.—Storekeeprs and the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of the largest and best variety of stock to select from in the city. JOHN FAREIRA. Sept. 25, 1855 A.DriIifINISTICATORS" NOTICE. AOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the un dersiancd on the estate of Peter Peightal, dcc'd., -' , of Penn township, and all those that know 7 - themselves to be indebted will make immediate - payment, and those having claims will pre sent them prof erly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL PEIGIITAL, JOSt.PH Adm'rs, Sept. 26, 1855. 185 ,5. _n%Ln a S b ' l l e 'O s C h t a i u o l t: . New Goo ds,— Fashionable Silks. Full Stock of Black Silks. Dress Goods, all kinds. Blankets and Flannels. Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Staple Housekeeping Goods. Cloths, Cassin:cres and Vcstings. - EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH Sts-, PhiLidclphia. P. S.—Storekeepers and other net cash buy ers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low rates. Boirg&ins from Philadel• phia and Nc‘...- York Auctions daily. N. 8.--S cases French Tilerinocs, all colors, wholosals from 65 cents to $1,25. ErvinK:Dcin New Styles of Boots and Shoes, Just Received by L. Westbrook. MY numerous customers and the public goa -1 erally, are informed that 1 have just open ed some new and the handsomest styles of Boots and Shoes for ladies, geullemen, misses and children, ever manufm - lured. Also, all kinds of fine and coarse wr rk fin- all ages. Al so, Ladies' and Children's Belts. CALL AND EXAMINE ITLY EITOCR. If you want handsome, serviceable Boots and Shoes, my store is the place to find them. Also, Morocco Skines and Lasts for sale. L. WESTBO:OOK, Huntinzdon, Sept. 18, 1855. EXECUTORS' SALE. MAKE NOTICE that there will he exposed to puthic sale oii the premises, on Wednes. day the 31st day of October, 1855, at 12 o'clock of said day,' A TRACT OF LAND in Barree township, containing 159 ACRES more or less, lying on the public road leading from Masseysburg, to Pine Grove Mills, at or near Tussey Mountain, adjoining land of Wrn. Maffit, Wm. Bell and others—on which there are about seventy acres cleared; togther with a square log house and log barn, with other out houses, and a good meadow, with some fruit trees. Also, two other separate Mountain Tracts of TIMBER LAND; One contain ing 79 acres 334 perches, and the other 47 acres and 93 perches, more or less, near to or adjoining the above tract. Being late the pro_ perty of Dector M. Massey, deed. ROBT. DANIEL MASS EY, Barree, Sept. 18, 1855. Executors. SHERIFF'S SALE, BY virtue of a writ of fi. fa. to me directed, I will sell on the premises, on Thursday the 11th day of October nexi„ the defendant's right and interest in the following described property, to wit; . A LOT OF GROUND near Saulsburg, in Barrec township, Huntingdon county, con taining- 17 acres more or less, bounded by lands of George Jackson on the north, Alemander Bell on the west, John Slack on the South, &c. - Seized, taken in execution ' and to be sold as he property of John Harper, Esq. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Sept. 18, 1855. A Journeyman Shoemaker,. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A good workman on men and .women's wear can have constant work at good wages. JOHN WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Sept. 18, 1855. J SII\IPSON AFRICA, COUNTY SURVEYOR, mmuumtkmacic:t:ati., mmmu. OFFICE ON HILL STREET. Dissoltition. 'WHATEVER partnership which existed between the undersigned in the Survey ing business, has been dissolved by mutual con sent, _ _ J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. F. RAMEY. Huntingdon, Sept. 18, 18.55. 'The business be conducted as former ly by J. SIMPSON AFRICA, CIDER MILL FOR SALE, JNE of Hickok's late improved Cider Mills for sale. Inquire either at the Globe office or at Geo. Couch's store in Portstosvn. &pt. 18, 1855. .A general assortment of Nails ae.d 14pik - es at MINN ING & DUNN'S Now is the time to purchase FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J. Sr, W. SAXTON, HAVE just received from Philadelphia, the largest and fine-t assortment of Dry Goods ever offered to the citizens of this place and sur rounding country : such as Merinos, Alapacas, Muslin de Lanes, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth, Black and Colored ;silks and every vari ety of Di?.ss Goods and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Vestines. &c., &c. CALM AND SEE one of the fines , assortments of Trimming ever brought to this p'ace; also, Collars, Unde sleeves, Chimazetts, Gloves of every variety. Ladies' zf'carfs, and the best assortment of Shells ever uffeird. CARPETS, &C., &C. A. splendid lot of the finest Carpet and Oil Cloth, ki:e , &c. 11. t. Ift raw:a of every variety the best assortment in town. cal EENSWARE, ofevery description, and at lower prices than can be got at any other house. GROCERIES, although they are a little up, we will try and sell as tow as the lowest. Hats anti Caps, Boot!" and Shoes, the lame-t awl best wsortrnent ever offered, and at lower prices. IVY MEOW WARE, &C., and every variety of Coods, such as are usually kept in a country store Call and see before purchasing any ”ther place, and if we can't satis fy you of the fact, we will cave under. Sopt 25,155 x. Shirleysbnra Female Seminary, / ILL com.t.ence its winter ,ession, on Wed- Y V nesday Nov. l, to continue 22 weeks This institution is rccommendeu by the retired and delightful situation of the village as well as by the fidelity and experience of th' teachers. who have introduced here the same pract , cal system of education which they found so success ful in the city of .New York. In addition to in struction in the usual branches of a liberal and accomplished education, at ran cement- , have been made between the Principal of the .Juniata Acad emy and the subscriber for the de;ivery of a course of evening lectures on Chemistry and Ex petimentai Philosophy, illustrated by the excel lent appretus of teat institution. Young ladies from a dictance are expected to board in the t..'em inari. Ist:tors—For board and English tuition per session .$62 50. Moderate extra charges for Modern and Ancient languages, Music, and Drawing. For circula•s with full particulars, address .1. B. KIDDER, Principal- Sept 23, 1855. Huntingdon County, ss, _ The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to AARON STAINS, one of the Executors of JOHN FLASHER, late of Cromwell township, Hun. iingdon county, deed., GEEETING: Q i E j sy,_, You are hereby cited and com manded (as before you have been cited and commanded,) to be and answer before an Orphan's Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and fhr the county of Huntingdon, on the sec ond Monday of November neet, (12th day,) to show cause if anv you have, why you should not be discharged - from said trust, and, why the letters granted should not be vacated as to you, the s::id Aaron Stains. Hereof fail not. From the Record, certified under seal of said courW.he 20th September, 1855. HENRY GLAZIER,CIerk. S. pt. 25, 1855. CELVERCEII NO'FICE. Make is hereby given that all persons who iN have already subscribed toward the erection of a Methodist Episcopal Church in the borough of liuutingdon, that Mr. James Saxton has been appointed treasurer of the building com mittee and that he is authorised to receive pay ments on those subscriptions. GEORGE GLAZIER, 3. M. CUNNINGHAM, OW EN BOAT. JAMES SAXTON, • Committee. August 7, 1855 LOST-410 It OW ,t, R D. f ost, on the 9th inst., at a Picnic Party, near 4 the Rail Road about miles above HeCon nellstown, a large Port .vtonle, containing $159, viz: two fifty dollar, two twenty dollar and one ten dollar note, all on the Bank of Reading, and a five dollar note and two dollars in gold and two dollars in silver. The finder, by leaving it at the office of the Huntingdon Globe, will re ceive the above reward and no questions asked. JOSEPH lii ORRIS Aug. 14, 1855 G O. GWIEV, Ws'.ILL dsell o t ff ed his d ce Suolmer stock of dress August 14, 1855. prices. Dissolution of ii'artnership. TIRE firm trading and doing business under . 1 the name of Steiner, Pike & Co. have this day by mutual agreement dissolved. The busi. ness after this date will be conducted in the name of G. H. Steiner & Co., and the hooks of the late firm will be kept for settlement in the hands of Geo. 11. Steiner. G. H. STEINER, E. B. PIKE, JAMES GARDNER. Philipsburg, Aug. 15, 1855. ' NOTICE. A LL persons concerned will take notice that /1_ the books of R. C. McGill, arc in the hands of A. S. Harrison for settlement and collection, and that suits will be brought in every case with out exception, if settlement and payment is not made by the lath, day of August next. At tend and save cost. July 25, 1855. If You Want to feel Comfortable, CALL at 11. ROMAN'S Cloth ing Store, where you can get a new suit for less money than you can get the same for at - any house in Philadelphia. April 24. w A JO T Er ui PR ISCH i MAKER, Can be found at E. SNARE'S Jewelry Store. All work warranted. roll 13,'55. SUMMER COATS, Pants, Vests, at 877 1 and upwards AT H. ROMAN'S Clothing Store. The cheapest and best lot of Chal Icy, Berage, and Berage de Lains, also Lawns justreecived 4nd for sale by 3. & W. SAXTON. 20 4Et7l b RE i le L a S t tbitilesAtoCreKoßGEELONG°iV2l4. A. S. HARRISON MILNWOOD ACADEMY. THE present session of this Institution will close Wednesday October 3d. The exhibi. tion will take place in the evening. The ex. amination the week previous. These exercises the public generally arc invited to attend. The next session will cemmence the last Wednesday of October. The institution is located at Shade Gap; a quiet and retired place, free from all temptation to vice, idleness or dissipation. The location is a. healthy one, being situated among the mountains. It is entirely free from the nuisances so common along our rivers, and so destructive to health. The course of instruction is snch as has been found by experience most suitable for ex pending and developing the powers ~,of the mind. The student is early taught to rely up on himself; to think, to reason, dud to investi gate the different subjects which are brought him. The government is strict but mild, ,only requiring what is for the student's highest good. Around him is thrown, as far as practi cable, the restraints and comforts of a well reg ulated Christian home. Shade Gap, is situated 17 miles from the Mount Union station on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, from which place there will be a daily line of stages. TERMS—SSO per session of five months, this includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash ing, light and fuel, extra. For further particu. lars address W. H. WOODS, Principal Shade Gap, Sept. 2€, 1855. NEW GOODS AGAIN ! AT TIM CHEAP CORNER. Dry-Goods, Clothing, Groceries, &c. &c BENJ. JACOEgS D ESP ECTF lULL Y informs his old customers. OemocratS, Whigs, Know Plothings, wag Aichts and Republicans, and the public in gene. ral that he hasjust opened a large as-orttnent of New tioods for fall and winter, consisting in part of every variety of LADIES DRLS:s GOODS of the late,t styles and best qualities ; d Dry Coeds in general too numerous to men tion. READY.MADE CLOTHING—a large as sortment for men and boys. • GROCERIES—fresh and of all kinds HATS arid CAPS, ai,d BOOTSand SHOES of all kinds for Men, women, misses an.! boys, QUERNSWARE, and all other articles usu ally kept in a c •untry store. Every body and the rest of man and woman kind, are invited to call and examine for them selves Huntingdon, Sept. 25th, 1855. Al 74;‹, , , 9 Prom Mount Union to Chanabersburgs rriflEundersigned still continues to run a tri- I . weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Cha.mbersburg. Good horses and comfortable stages have been placed on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The pro prietorof the line is desirous that it be main tained,and he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every at tention necessary will be given, and thcrunning of the stages will be regular. Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, P. M., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday— teturning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri. days; arriving at Mount Union in time for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg . , and Reefer's Store. u Fare through $3,00; to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. Aug! 2:2, 1855.-tf I u oks 7 0 it i, oks 7 . v. 2 1 00, VOLUMES of new V./ and popular books .-- •-r *VME —embracing every variety to be MlL*k 4 "' • • had in tloston, New York and Philadelphia— the subscriber his just receked and offers for sate extremely low H is stock of STATION ARY is of great variety and superior quality. as follows;—Foolscap, Letter, Note and Wrap ping Paper Envelopes of every kind, Gold and steel Pens also, Portmonies, Pocket i3ooks Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. School Books of every kind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PA I'ER of the la test and prettiest styles. just received and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the Public will find it to be to their inter, st to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street. Huntingdon, April 3, 1855. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY J , 1. The subscriber, thankful to . his friends and patrons, and to • - the public generally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Colt' s Hotel, Market street Hunting- 101: don, where he will attend to all who will favor him v. ith their custom ; and also keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., &c., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds, will be re paired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and any person having articles for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. By pay ing strict attention to businces.. and selling at low prices, he hopes to receive a share of pub lic patronage. J. W. THOMPSON, A TTO ft. NEV AT ILAW, And Commissioner for Pennsylvania, DAVENPORT, lOWA., ATTENDS to buying, selling and locating Land and Land Warrants, pays taxes_ loans money on real estate security on commis, sion, examines and makes abstracts of title &c. Any business intrusted will be attended to promptly and with fidelity. Refer to lion. George Taylor, and members of the Bar at Huntingdon. May 16,1855.6rn. Blanks, (IF ail kinds for sale at the office of the Hun k.] tingdon Gkibe. CARD. TAR. 3. M. IRVIN, Office the same fermerly occupied by Dr. M. Massey, MAssEysnuao, Iluntingdon county, Pa. Aug. 22, 18.55—tf, WM. COLON. JOSEPH REIGGEI PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS Fruits and Confectionery. REMOVAL.—The subscriber has removed to No. 26 MARKET STREET, above Front, (Three doors above the old stand.) Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in his line; consisting of Oranges, LeMons, and all kinds of fruit in sea son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, plain and roasted; Pickles and Preserves of all kinds; to which he ;nvites the attention of Dealers and others visiting the City. Goods packed at this establishent warranted to carry safe. S. L. HERRING, No. 26 Market Street, sept 18] Above Front; South side, Phila -- STOVES, STOVES!, WE respectfully solicit the attention of the public to our arsortment of MacGREGOR HEATING STOVES, for Stores, Halls, Churches, Parlors &c.,—war ranted to give more heat with one third the fuel, than any other Heating-Stove in use. The large number which have been sold in this and other cities and the constant and increasing demand for them, is sufficient guarantee of their supe riority over all other Heating Stoves, and we cheerfully invite the strictest investigation of our claims to the most perfect article of the kind in use. We also have • a superior CAULDRON, for farming and chemical purposes, .made on the same principle, for. which we claim Only a trial to be appreciated. We keep constantly on hand an assortment of the leading Cook and Parlor Stoves; and are sole Agents in this State for Queen's' Portable Forges, Buck's Patent Cooking Stoves, and B.irstow's unrivalled Cook and Parlor Stoves. Wholesale Dealers will be supplied at the low est foundry prices. NENIAN & AN ARNICK, Wholesale and Retail Stove Dealers, N. E. Cor% of Second and Race Sts., Philada. . For sale by Geo. Gwin of this place. Aug. 28, 1855. To Iron Masters and - Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No, 21 Arch Street, Above Front, PHILADELPHIA, Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, with all -kinds of plain and fancy wire work. Paper makers's wire, all kinds, Cylinder and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner in or out of ths city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder'S' Sieves.— All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and Sieves for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, Brickdust, &c. BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. August 2,1855-4 w, IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. , r HE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers j that he has greatly improved the quality of Super Phosphate of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manuliLcturcd by him, as SUPERIOR to any in the market. You arc invited to call, examine and try it. Also, PERUVIAN AND MEXICAN GUANO, Oils, Candles, Soap &c. At the lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMEROY, Successor to Theis. W. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Farmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wharf. July 17-3 m. FRITZ. HENDRY & CO•; No. 29 North Third St:, Philadelphia. / TOR OC.:;0 Manufacturers, Courriers and ill Importers of FRENCH CALF—SKINS, and dealers in RED and OAK SOLE LEATHER and KIPP. [Feb 20,1855—1 y SALAMANDER SAFES. EVA NS & WATSON, rtt ' z. No. 26 South Fourth Street, hiladelphia, GRE F,IRE. CH H ST n NUT & FIFTH Streets, 1" i , 1 1 :. Friday morning, Decembor • -- __=sth , 1854. Evans & VVat _ • , son's r , aiarnander SAFE 6 triumphant, as they always are when put to the test. PHILADELPHI A Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, No. 29 South FOUR rri St, Philadelphia. GENTLEMEN:—We take much pleasure in recommending your salamander Safes to mer chants and others in want of a secure means of preserving their books, papers, &c . from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it. before tbe great fire of this morning, which .destroyed the entire block of buildings cor ner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor °foul building,,from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. The safe was then removed and opened in the presence of at least one thousand persons, who witnessed the goo •'condition of the contents Will you pleaSe have the safe and Locks repair ed, as we intend to put. it in use again, having perfect confidence in it , . fire proof qualities. Yours, Resi.estfully, LACY Sr, PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the followi: g among the many hundreds who have their :Safe:, in use : IT. S. Mint. Philada ; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. Philada ; Samuel Allen, Es.q , High :sheriff. Phifada ; John .ISL Henderson, City Controller: Caleb Cope & Co., No 183 Market St. ; Richard Norris & son, Locomoive builders. Philtain • Bancroft & Sel lers, Machini-ts, corner 16th and James Sts. • Fro... Win Fire Insunince Co , Phila. ; Pennsyl vania liailroAd Co.. Philada.; Lacey & Phillips, corner sth and Minor Sts.; sharpless Bro , No. 32 South Second St; James, Kent & Santee, No. 197 North Third street; W. H. liorstman & Sons, No 51 North Third St.; S.nith, Wil liams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; .1. & B. Orne. No. 85 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least lo percent more fire than any Herring's safe now in use.) EVANS & WATSON. also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron shutters. Iron boor= and Iron Sash. for making fire-proof Vault. for Banks, stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter t:opying Posses ; Patent slate lined Re frigerators, &c. Please give us a • call, at No 26 South FOURTH St., Philadelphia. April 3, 1855. • T)ure White Lead, just received and for r sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN:- The best assortment of Carpet ever offered, and at lower prices than can be gut at any other establishment, just received and For sale by I. & W. SAXTON.' HUNTINGDON AINID 3Esz-c:).29bia. ®p m.. mt,.. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS For McConnellstow - n, Marklesburg, Sto uerstown and Broad Top. r I N and after Monday September 24, 1855, U the passenger train on the nuntingdon and Broad ,Top Railroad will run as fellows until further notice : MORNING TRAIN : Leave Huntingdon at 8; McConnellstown at 8 15; Mar klesburg at 8 45; Coffee Run Bridge at 8 50. RETuRNING—Leave Coffee Run Bridge at 10; Marklesburg at 10'.15; MeConnellstown at 10 35. AFTERNOON TRAIN ; Leave Huntingdon at 3 15 ; McConnellstown at 3 30 ; Marklesburg at 3 50 ; Coffee Run Bridge at 4 05. RETortNixo—Leave Coffee Run Bridge at 5 20 ; Marklesburg at 5 35,1 McCon, nellstown at 5 55. FREIGHT and' PACKAGES for the above points will be attended to by giving notice to the Conductor on the Train. All Freight at the risk of the owners. H. S. 'WILSON, Eng'r, Sept. 22, 1855 3:f ' 1 _A!1,.MM..165211E9 Chopping Mill, and Saw Mill, FOR SALE THE undersigned will sell his property at pri. va.te sale, consisting of a farm of 107 ACRE, forty acres of which arc cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance in timber, and capable of being cleared and cultivated; situa ted four miles from Mill Crack in Kishacoquil_ las Valley, Huntingdon county, upon__A. I which are erected one dwelling house, ..fieEi one new frame bank barn, one saw mill, one chopping mill, with a good water power to drive the same. The chopping mill is geared so that burs may be attached for grinding wheat. The property is in the midst of a good settle ment. There is also a good running distillery connected with said chopping mill, which will be sold along with said property, either with or without the distillery machinery and vessels as the purchmer may desire. The above prop erty will be sold on terms to suit purchasers and possession given at any time. JAMES Mc DONALD, Jr. Brady township, May 1, 1855. Grocery anti Confectionary Stores LONG & DECKER, 1) ESPECTFULLY informs their friendsand Itthe public in general, that they stilleontin ue the Grocery and Confectionary- business, un der the Sons of Temperance H all, on Main street, Huntingdon, where they have now on hand a full and general assortment vi Groceries and Confectionaries, which they willscll wholesale and retail. They have also on hand Buckets, Salt,Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &c.,&c., &c.,a1l of which they will sell cheap. Country produce taken in ex change for Goods—the cash paid when we have no Goods to suit customers. As we are determined to - accommodate al who may call at our store, we invite an exami nation and trial of ourstock. LONG & DECKER. Huntingdon, Apl. 19,1855. Br ad Top Land FOR SALE. rpn - E subscriber will sell at private sale a I tract of coal land on Broad Top, well Lim. bcred and plenty of coal, adjoining the Hun tingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Coal Coin. pany's land, and within Italia mile of MeOan. les' tract, where he has laid out a town at a place known as the Watering Trough. Also, a tract of Woodland well timbered, with a Steam Saw Mill thereon, within a few hundred yards of the Raystown Branch and within six miles of the borough of Hunting don. I will sell the land with or without the saw mll, or the engine, which is eighteen horse power, alone, as there is water power to the mill. Indisputable titles will be given. -11'1.1. ROT H OCK. May 8, 1855—tf. Huntingdon, Pa 0 1 LI ME LIME! LIME ri ~,HE subscriber informs the public generally 1 . that lie has now on hand and for sale, at his kiln at Petersburg, superior burned Lillie for building, plastering, &c., &c., which he, will sell by the bushel or larger quantity. A good , supply will always be kept on hand. All orders by mail or otherwise will recive early attention. B. ATHERTON. Petersburg, Aug 22, 1955, BLANKS T. BLANKS!! BLANKS!!! A full assortment for sale at the "Globe" Of fire. DEEDS ; - SUMMONS, EX'S. AND TRUS. DEEDS, EXECUTIONS, MORTGAGES, SUBPCENAS I BONDS, with and without waiver, WARRANTS, LEASES, ATTACHMENTS, COIVIM ITTMENTS, AGREEMENTS for the sale of Real Estate, NOTES relinquishing all benefits of exemp tion laws. $2OO REV IW. Tilt public generally, and the rascals who some timesince entered my store and rem°_ ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, arc informed that 1 have just opened a more general and better as sortment of articles in my line of business than was ever brought to Huntingdon, con sisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols, eit. e& Perfumery, Port M .- onnaies,il- .1-4-.. 1 - ver Ware and Fancy Articles, &c., &c. My old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the county are requested to calland examine my assortment. EDM. SNARE. Huntingdon, March 22,1854. FLOUR AND WHEAT. FLOUR and WHEAT on hand and for sale at the store of .[lnh 6 D. P. GWIN. Wheat by the Bushel and Flour by the Barrel, for sale at the cheap new store of CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. Ham, Shoulders and Flitch, just re ceived and for sale by 3. & W. SAXTON. A choice lot of dried Beef, just re- calved and for sale at the new store of . CUNNINGHAM & DUNN Crocksl Crocks ! !---A well selected lot of Earthen Ware just received and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. JAPAN CONQUEREDA! NEW GOODS. T)ETER SWOOPE, hereby makes known to. the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and has opened in frame store room lately occupied by Marx Israel, near the corner of Hill & Mont. gomery Streets, Huntingdon, Pa. a large, new, PA-- and well-assorted stock oeBOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS embra • cing fine and coarse Boots, Shoes, Gai ters. Monroes, Ties, &e., for Gentlemen ; and also fine Gaiter Boots, Buskins, Jenny Linde, and Ties for Ladies.' Children's Boots and Shoes of every variety and fashion. Gentlemen and Boys can be accomodated with hats of the latest and most approved style. He has also a good stock of hosiery, of ladies, gentlemen and children's wear. He has a good assortment of fresh Mahogany Veneers. REMEMBER The "Nimble Sixpence is better than the slo:v Shilling." Call and be served. ]don't forget . the place, near the Corner of H illand Montgom ery Streets. Huntingdon July - 18th, 1854.—tf. Come and Be Clothed, At ROMAN'S Store opposite Coats' Hotel. Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Sack Coats, Business Coats, Pants and Vests, Shirts and Drawers, Handkerchiefs and Cravats, Collars,Gloves, Suspend ers, Hats and Caps, &e.,&.e. All of the best materials and most fa shiona. We style 'an (I finish -CHEAPER rnAN ELSEWHER B. n — Call and examine for yourselves. ARBLE YARD. ILLIAM WILLIAMS, would respect 's % fully call the attention of the citizcns.of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of BEAUTIFUL MARBLE now on hand. He is prepared to inrnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Ta bles and Stones, ofevery desired.size and form of ITALIAN OR EASTERN WARBLE, highly finished, and carved with appropriate devices, or plain, as may snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &e.,. will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish . material and workmanship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you pur chase elsewhere. Shop on 11W street, Bun tingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16,1855. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. McGILL returns his J r thanks to his friends and the Fub. :46 ~,, ;,* lic for their very liberal patronage and hopes by strict attention inun business to merit a continuance 01 in all kinds of Castings,_ Cooking Stoves, Aix- Tight Porlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves of varions sizes ; and all kindsof Ploughs : the Lancaster and the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharping and Hillside Ploughs and Shears to suit all kind of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge Cas ting, Grist and Saw-mill Castings, Lewis town Threshing Machine PLtterns, and the four horse and two horse power of Chambers burg patterns, and all other kinds of castings too numerous to mention; all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of country produce. Alec, old mettle taken in ex change for casiingli. MUM' TENGD 0 LT CARRIAGE AN .D WAGON MANUFACTORY. () WEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs the public in general that he has removed to his new shop on Wash ington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Carmon, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons and in short every kind of vehicle desired.— Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish•alwuys on hand and for sale at fair price:: ' • ' Repairing of all kinds done at the shortebt notice and 'on the most reasonable terms. fluntingdon. May 16, 1854. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS. T. K. Simonton Ag't., Huntingdon. ITONEY, Packages, and Goods of all kinds, 11 received and forwarded at, the risk of tilt Company, to all the cities and principal tom tics in the United States. R. A. MILLER, D. D. S ARTI FICIAL TEETII , from one to a full set, mounted in the most 4. improved modern style. Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with and neatness. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and patch that modern science can furnish. Huntingdon, March 8, 1854. JOHN SCOTT. SAMUEL T. Rltilll SCOTT BROW . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lITJNTINGDON, PA. j\FFICE same as that formerly occupie.l by Mr. Scott. Iluntingdon,Oct.l7, 1853. 70EN op.IIOWMT _,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wii I ~ tteild fat.lifull3 to all - legal btillici•e•ir trus.ted to his care. [Hun tingticri. . T. P CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE removed to the brick row near the Court House. Queensware---a fine assortment j ust rev( 'd at the store of CARPET BAGS of every varicty, just re ceived and for sale by _ OOD Fish, Macheral, Herring &c., just recei. ved and for sale by d. &W. SAXTON. HOrse Shoe and Nail rod Iron just re ceived and for sale by CU.ANINGITAM & DUNN. 20 barrels No. 1 Ilerring, just re ceived and for sale at the store of GEO. GWYN. R. C 111cG ILL LONG & DECKER. J. & Ai. SAXTON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers