Huntingdon globe. ([Huntingdon, Pa.]) 1843-1856, October 17, 1855, Image 3
a ) . 11 et , c‘t c, Ira C) oc) CI c 0 60 Wm . McNiTE, .tzr Gq 0 00 r -I Cst r-1 CO 0 +n M •-•1 r-4 Cl 4 Ei 0 ci aa r— yd. c) 1, to co Go in ,IL*3 co oo r. r• c= , ,t"" ca K. L. Green, 00 "1 , tlD . cq ts an co ,co t— n~r•zr en, •Q cr; xra 6 co co co t" - 'c s4 -1 ‘ 1 7„, GEORGE BELL, I -. t-- c) C'D C* " C sl " v—i ri pa gp.. z P 1 0P n ° V u .14 +a . Silas Lang, e±. 0 Cr) 2 , .. TV 0.1 1 C 5 vd. c 0 = CO C , l I". CI 0) t•••• CO 2.... Cg CO C•Z 0 CD 'Nig D. F. TUSSEY, cq 1 0 ci oao .4. ce) •-. c••• ,-+ cst mco ci ar) ' 0 •7t , mlo crD csa v -- i cq v - I 0/ • 1.-1 T••• r.. 1 •-I 02 o' 4 pi 6 F° Gv 0.1 In CO t•-• CO C) ef , , tt , VD C , l 0 . 5 Oa /1 . 3 lliam Moore, XL, CID CO (0 4\ l CO .1 , •ct. co co irz 10 co cr: krz co CO7 -1 r`l t:) t•-• cn co n 3 c 0 cr) 00 40 (0) Cq ? JOHN LONG. , c 9, c.) oo m •-• %n ti in 1 0 Nzv m co eq cst • •64 if ;72, . tO ol CO Z... C> co co c>" , :t 4 CNI Csl 00 locob Baker, .14 UZ COe-1 csz .1. r- I n $0 00 0 , 00 t o , r • rwl c , l a z c, co az in <a CO co ko co co .0 r- cq c. O GRAF. MILLER ) csa ko 0/ co co co CO v., maz• LM min .44 CO cst 1-1 1-4 0 " ' ' 0E CNHCI c") t•-• co cv co CO cn .7A , n csl C`! t- cr, A. 8: Crewet, 1.0 IQ CO OD "1. CZ C 4 <7. CO cr Cr) 4 t 4.1 C.D co C . 3 co 10 414 441 1.1 7-i AL 3 0 ti oo Csl C 4 (> C) 00 CO <0 00 CD 'co - 4 1 n . ) 07 0 0 C 4 00 Cq , 4 7, D. H. HOFIUS, csz c 9 co •cr , r. CC C...V CO .nv CI Ln CC C 4 CS/ 1•1 r-4 ti t•-• c) coo co cO. oo (0 cm oo (0-0) oo 01 co 01 (0 J. NicCuLLocii cO, cez cwo momet 01 rl 2 ia CI ei pi 0 M PI J . AL Gibb o ,,,, oCOCM CM i•••• a t . .. C) ,nCra co ec -,moo •-•1 m ln ~ .y kn co cn .crtCL c‘x cY) Cn CO t". CrD 1 0 .0 00 Q 1 00 .0 '.zr `zr 00 cyD Co 4 CX3 N too., N Co M CD M C . ) CD M M C• 1 CYb tf) J. H. Wintrode, Cs o l tO el) <3. ca ea , ez co .1- -.4 ' 7, coscoknc .1‘ 00 Jos. Henderson, ' "'" "" Q ,4 0 ill c-) g -4 - "' k -= 0U ~npa3 co a) co ico oP c 0 . 0 co c. C> U - Z co ARNOLD PLUMER , "" c s l c='•t" "V co co t". I CD "zr Cn IQ CO e-i lo 00 to to I- ca 00 r- Thos. Nicholson, V 3 GO .to or Lo 0 0 C 1 Cr. c ' cr) " ""`"' " • io ,-, ••:2 m Co co .1 , .1 , CO WDI. BIGLER, ( 4 p-i '-' Cl a) 11 '5 a) •-• a) CO CO .ct. CO cO )1" ~..4 CO 00 00 CO (=> C) 4 co CO I - - co a) James Pollock, ~ to .. ,, t. tO CO CO CZ) CO 4 VI . CO 00 CO CO "1 . /.0 r- a) CO co ,-.4 Mco CO ,--. - ...- •-.1 ,-I ,4 04 v, , r-I ...4 11 r.. 1 v... 41 •-•I Philadelphia Markets Oct 16, —FLOUR---ii8,62 a 8 75 per barrel, the latter good brands. GRAlN—White $2,10a2.13 per bushel—red $1,90a1,97. Rye 1,25. Corn G2a6:3 cents: MARRIED, On Tuesday October 9th, by Rcv. J. W. Ilaughawout, Mr. ELIAS MAFFET and Miss MA RY A. ROSSMAN, all of M'Alevcy's Fort, Po . On Thursday the 11th inst, by the same, Mr. SAMUEL BARNETT and Miss ELLEN COUCH all of East Barret: t wnship, Pa. On the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Minh, A. J. McCoy Or Hunt. co., to Mi s ELIZABETH NICHOLS of Lewistown, In Alexandria on the Ilth inst., by Rev. F. A. Rupley, Mr. llnNav SNYDER. to MiSS NANCY Dr:Aamrrr, both elMeConnellstown. DIED, In Hu.ntingdon,.jii Friday the 51.11 Oct., 1855, Vrcron Fluco, son of J. S. and L. P. Stewart, aged 3 ycars and 17 days. FOR SALE OR RENT A TAN YARD in the borough of Alexandria, Huntingdon county, well supplied wtth water twenty-four lay-away vats, two limes, and four handlers under roof—a good two story frame tan house and currying shop—a gobd bark house, &c. Terms easy. Address, JOHN PIPER, Sen. Oct. 10, 185.5.-10L* Lime Stone Land FOR SALE. WILL be sold at. public sale on , the premi ses, one mile from the mouth of Spruce Creek in Franklin township, Huntingdon co., On Tuesday, November 27th, 1855, TWO LIMESTONE FARMS. One of which contains 265 ACRES, more or less. About 160 acres of which are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, the balance good timber land. On this farm there is erect . ed a large BRICK HOUSE, now cc. lenvied by Daniel Shultz. A large bank _ a barn, and all the oonvenient outbuild. 1 ings. There is also a good well and spring of water, never known to fail, conveniently loca- 1 teal to the house and barn. The other of which contains about 157 ACRES, more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared, and under excellent fence, and well cultivated ; the balance is well tim bered. On this ;lam is erected ,a good sit ; ; • stantial STONE HOUSE, now occu- IM pied by 11. L. Harvey. A small bank e lAral barn and a good well of water and there is also a small ordhard on it. Both of the above farms are situated one mile from the depot . of the Penna. Railroad, at the mouth of Spruce Creek, and four miles from the Pennsylvnnia. Canal at Waterstreet and in one of the best neighborhoods for a home market, in the interior of the State ; being sur rounded by numerous Iron Works. TisiPots: On t the first farm there is due a widow's dower of $2789 27. On the second farm there is also due a widow's dower of $l4OO. The purchaser will be subject to the payment of the abov,e dower ori the death of tho widow; the in. teicst to be paid annually until that time. The balance of the purchase money to be paid as fbliows, to wit : $5OO to be paid on each farm when the prop erty is knocked down, or satisfactory security given therefor. The purchaser of the first farm to pay $lOOO on the first day of April, 1856, when a deed shall be executed and delivered, and possession given of the farm. The balance to be secured by bond and mortgage, and the time of payment to be in 3,4,5, or 10 equal an nual payments to suit the purchaser. The purchaser of the second farm to pay $5OO on the Ist of April, 1856, and the.balance secured as in the case of the first farm, with same pri,vileges. as to time of payment. Any information relative to said farms, can be had on enquiring of FISHER & AIaIURTRIE, Huntingdon, Penna October I7,—ts m er m er c) co 1-- c s o co co tID CD C) OD r- m m er Cq r- C' NV CO C 4 NV 0') er er m r- 'T t ° 00 "V 'V Co C 1 c".l cn so 5 , .. m ic) co is •—• ,--.. CA CA ". C) CT , Crl C.O 'C . ' Cf) C) CO r`. X 0 <I. Cf) IrJ C> = CA 1-1 C.. 0 C.O 1.0 M VZ C) CA CA v- - I • o gl C o --- E'r 0 0 a-, •., ::: 0 c 0 .---, -C ...., To i.) so "" 9° ›,'-'.., tr , - ~..^ c.= :0- -- r.- - - 3... to ,-- ai ° 5- cz ,-.. = = "D ~.... ' '.- = .- .... I) &-. M C) -= 1: " " E ..:= .- •-•— 0 , ~,a ) o-- E Fr' -0., - ._:. - ...tai trr g t..., : , 7:1 o 7: 0 E l 8 0 E'—,_: .-cJcz 0) • ,-, rj ' - ' 0 ,'-' L _Cl 2 6-• cd a , r. , - .... c ,rn 0 - 4 -0 _c .>: &., ..... (-5 ALSO—AII the right, title. claim and interest of the defendant Peter - Haldeman, of; in and to the following described tracts and parcels of land to wtt: A tract a parcel of larid situatq, in Shirley Township Huntingdon County, contain ing about two hundred - and sixty acres be the same more or less (the same being composed of two or more tracts or parcels of lands) and be ing commonly known as the "Ferry Property" opposite Drakes Ferry on the south side of the Juniata River or Mount Union, bounded by the Juniata River, by lands of the heirs or devisees of Col. Wm. Postlethwait, lands of the heirs of Andrew Pollock dec'd., lands of Samuel Shaver and others, about 30 acres of which are cleared, with a two story frame dwelling house. a stone stable, a stone ware house, several other small buildings and a small orchard thereon. Also, part of a tract of land situate in Brady town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, originally surveyed in pursuance of a warrant granted to Francis Hamilton, dated 9th March, 1787, be ginning at a black oak on the branch of the Juni ata River, thence by land of.l. F, Cottrell, N. 4 0 W. 81 ps. to a post, N.B6° W. 20 ps., to a post, S, 17° W. 80 ps, to a post, N. 899 W. 68 ps., to a post. S. 71° W. 120 ps. to a post, N. 84 0 W. 9 ps., to a stone heap, thence by lands of \Vise and Buchanan, (part of the same survey 5..8 . ". E. 14 its., to the Juniata River, thence down the said River by the several courses and distances of the same to the place of beginning, containing 24 acres and thirty eight perches more or less, on which is erected a weather i boarded log dwelling house and known as the ' old Drakes Ferry House. Also a part of a tract of land of four or five acres lying adjoining Mifflin connty line, near and -above the north west end of the new bridge, the same being that part of a tract of land which J. F. Cottrell bought! of Samuel Drake, Jr., in 1838 or 40 which lies ' SHERIFF SALES TY virtue of writs of Vend. Exp., FI. Fa. and Le. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House in the borofigh of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 13th day of November, next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the following described Real Estate, to wit: • A Lot of Ground in Warriorsmark town ship, 11 untinadon county, containing two acres, in re or less; bounded on the north by lends of Hays Hamilton, on the South and west by Stein ers's land, and on which is erected a two story brick house and stable, and other outbuildings, with a never failing spring of water and a well. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John L. Cox. ALSO—AII his right and interest in and to a tract of land lying in Brady township, Hun tingdon county, containing 20 acres more or less, bounded on the south by the Juniata river, on the north by land of A. P. Wilson, csq., and on the cast by land of Peter Haldeman, with a stone still house and chopping mill thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Washington Buchanan. ALSO—AII that certain one story plank house or building with basement, containing in front twenty-four feet and in depth eighteen feet and the lot or piece of ground on which the same is CI ected, with the curtelage appurtenant there. to, situate on the south side of Schell street, and alley on the south west, in the town of Coalmont, in Huntingdon county aforesaid.— Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Reuben White. AL'- 1 0—All the right title and interei-t of the defendants Eben B• Pike and James Gardner, in and to a body of wood land extending from the .Raystown Branch on the west to Sidling Htll on the cast, and lying on both sides of Terrace Mountain arid in the head of Trough Creek Valley, in Walker and Union Townships, Hun tingdon County, adjoining lands of Thomas Read, Daniel Africa, Jacob Breneanan,and the Heister land on the east or Trough reek side. lands of David Blair on the north west, lands of David Corbin, Randolph Brenemsn and John Shaver on the west or Raystown Branch s id e , and extending from the Juniata River below the State Darn to Shavers Gap on Terrace Mountain aforesaid ; being composed of several survey:; rind parts of surveys in the narbes of Jelin Hen derson, George Fea, William Fea, David Fea and Robert Pea and containing in the whole be tween twelve and fifteen ho ndred acres, more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Eben B. Pike and James Gardner. in Huntingdon county. Seized, taken inexe cution and to be sold as the property of Peter Haldeman. ALSO—:AII the defendants right' and inter est in and to a lot of ground in the borough of Casi.ville, which lot defendant purchased at the sale of ibe Trustees of Robert Spber, dec'd , and marked on diagram letter E., beginning at the street on the east, and bounded on siiitth by a lot of Elias B. Wilson, Esq., on the west by H. L. Brown, on the - north by Lemuel Green, and supposed to contain one and a half acre, be the same more or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Richardson Read. ALSO—A lot of ground situate on the north side of Hill street in the borough of Huntingdon, being 22 feet in front on said street and "exten ding in depth two hundred feet to Vt ashington street, and being a part of lot No. 91 in the plan of said town, having thereon erected a two story log house weather boarded, a kitchen, a stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of Jacob Sny der. . B 1 ALSO—A certain lot of ground adjoining the borough of Birmingham, containing about one acre more or less. adjoining a lot of John Owens, Esq.. on the west, the public road leading from Birmingham to Water Street on the south, lands of Shoenberger's heirs on the north and east, on which a brick building is erected seventy feet in length and thirty five in depth, two stories high with a stone basement, known as the "Mountain Female Seminary." Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the "Mountain Female Seminary-." 1 ALSO—The interest and estate of Samuel flooher the defendant (being the undivided half thereof,) in the following described real estate. consisting of two parcels, one thereof situate in the township of Shirley and county of Hunting don, adjoining lands of Andrew Spanogle on the east and lands of John Lutz on the north, south and west, containing six acres and one half more or less, having thereon a woolen factory called ":-inking Spring Woollen Factory," being a two story frame building with carding machine, looms, dye kettles, spindles and other machinery attached.—Also, a SaW Mill, four dwelling hous es, (one stone, one frame and two log,) stables and other buildings. On the land is an orchard, a never failing spring and a water power, and the factory is in running order. The other thereof being timber land and in connection with said factory, situate on the western base of Black Log Mountain, adjoining lands of Andrew Spanogle and others, containing 38 acres more or less.— Se;zed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Booher. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of de fendant David Woods, dec'd , ot, and to a small parcel of land situate about two miles east of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands formerly owned by Jacob Foelder, containing about one acre, through which the turnpike and Railroad pass, having the remains of a log house and garden thereon. Also, all the undi vided interest of the defendant David Woods, dec'd,, of, in and to a lot of ground in the bor ough of Huntingdon, situate on the western side of Allegheny street, fronting fifty feet on said street and extending back at right angles thereto two hundred feet into the margin of Ju niata river, adjoining Bath street on the north west, and lot formerly owned by Mrs. Foster on the south east, and numbered two hundred and sixteen in the plan of said borough. upon which is erected a log dwelling house. with garden attached. &c. Seized, taken in execu• tion and to be sold as the profiery of David Woods, deed- ALSO—AII the right, title, intcrestand claim of the defendant Thomas Wallace, of, in and to, a piece and parcel of meadow land situate on the margin of Standing Stone creek, in the ho., rough of Huntingdon, adjoining a lot of George Jackson on the north, a lot of Wm. Dorris, sr., on the south, another lot of said defendant, in the same inclosure, on the west, and said creek on the east, containing seven acres and sixty four perches, be the same more or less. Also, a lot of ground situate at the 4.:outlneastern corner of Church and St. Clair streets in said borough, fronting about sixty-four feet on St. Clair street and extending back from tiresome two hundred feet to the old line of the said borough and wes tern boundary of the above mentioned and de scribed lot,—bounded on the north by Church street and on the south by a lot owned by the widow Hawn, including the whole of lot No. 173 and part of lot N 0.372, in the recorded plan , of said borough. Also, four contiguous lots of ground situate in said borough, bounded on the north and west by the Renner Farm, on the east by the Warm Spring road, and on the south by a lot of Hon. James - Gwin,—Nos. 1,2, and 3, as represented on a map of said lots divided-, on the 16th clay of' October, 1855, for the defen dant by J. Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, containing each four acres, and No. 4 contain- ! ing about three acres, be the same more or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the t property of Thomas Wallace. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Shit: Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1855. co -4. ,-: co - c • ~.. , = 0 I '.° 7 : Imo c: *in c Q°6, 0., 1 : I -s U c 7) ~ 1 c4c' le.l C:7 , C> U.) X 0 ,* r-. 1 . ,—. ° 1 cs:: , = ci p L , .-= r l-1 ,- - , 4 S E. 4 0 E cu HA ooks ? c, Books 7 0 80.00 n, VOLUMES far below their retail t) prices. The subscriber is happy to inform his numerous friends and customers that he has added very largely to his; already extensive and varied stock of new and popular books, and can now boast as great a variety and at the same low prices as the City book stores. His stationary is of great variety and well se lected, viz : Fancy and plain, note letter and cap paper and envelopes, gold pens and holders, from $1 upward, Pen and Pocket Knives Fan cy and Plain Portmonies and Pocket Books, Ink and Inkstands, Razers, Straps, Brushes, &c. School Books in quantities to country mer chants and teachers at city wholesale prices. IVrapping paper constantly on hand. 1,000 pieces of wall paper of every kind; window pa per and painted shades with Putnam's patent self adjusting curtain 'fixtures. All the above at Philadelphia retail prices. Call and exam ine, will endeavor to please". Store on Rail Road street. WM. COLON. kluntingdon, Oct. 17,1855 To the Htinorable Judges of the Court of Quartei Sessions of Huntingdon County, rrinE petition of William Stewart of the bo k rough of Huntingdon, respectfully repre sents, that he is desirmis of obtaining a license to sell vinous, spirituous, malt and _brewed li. quors in pursuance of the provisions of the act of Assembly passed on the fourteenth day of April, A. D. 1 855. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a license to sell liquors as aforesaid at his store room in the said borough for the ensuing year, and he will ever pray. Oct. 16. WILLIAM STEWART. A HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. ILIThe subscriber offers for sale the house he now occupies and three lots of ground, situate in the north cast corner of the borou g h of Huntin g don. The house is a two story frame. The lots .will be sold separately or. together,al to suit purchasers. For further particulars call on the subscriber. October 16. • A. J. WHITE. A FARM OF 220 ACRES FOR SALE. • THE subscriber offers at Private Sale his farm in Henderson township, Huntingdon coun ty, about 31 miles from the borough of Hun tingdon. It contains about 220 acres, about 100 cleared and in cultivation, about 12 of which are meadow.. The improvements arc a good ! 1 ,,7.--; two story log and frame house, 'good 'jg rya bank barn, saw mill, smoke house, wood -- house and other out buildings. The uncleared part is well timbered. There is an excellent well of water at the door, and several springs and a variety of cxdcllent fruit trees on the property Possession will be given on the first of April next. A bargain will be offered, and any per. son wishing to purchase a home will do well by calling and examining the property soon. JOHN COLSTOCIC. Oct.lo, 1855. REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons interest ed, that the following persons have settled their accounts in the Register's office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for conformation and allowance at an Orphan's Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for said County of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 14th day of November, 1855 ; 1. John Neil; acting Executor of the last will and testament of George Mong, late of War rioismark township, dec'd.. 2. John Snyder, Administrator de bonis non, &c., and Trustee to make sale of Real Estate of Philip Shultz, late of the borough of Hunting- don, dec'd. .3. Thomas Weston, Esq. administrator corn testamento annexo of Jahn Nevling late of the borough of Birmingham,dec'd. 4. James Coy, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Coy, late of 13arree township, dec'd. 5, John Scott and George W. Scott, Execu tors of the last will and testament of John fzieutt, late of the borough of Alexandria, dec'd. 6, William Christy, Esq., and Thos M6Loy, Administrators of Alexander Westbrook, late of Porter township, dec'd. 7. John P. Stewart, acting Administrator of the Estate of Jo..seph Crownovei., late of Barree township, dec,d. 8. Levi Evans, Esq.. Administrator of the Estate of David E.Brocle, late of Tod township, dec'd. • 9. Levi Evans, Esq.. Executor of the last will and testament of Ann Barbra Erode, late of Tod township, dec'd 10. David Robison, surviving Executor of the last will and testament of Andrew Robison, late of Warriorsmark township, dec'd• 11• Trust account of Benjamin F. Patton, Trustee appointed to sell the Real Estate of John Spittler, late of Warriorsmark township, dec'd. HENRY GLAZIER, Register's Office, Hunt., Oct. 13, 1855,5 ra T i: Tv MASONIC HALL, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county in the United States, to sell the beautiful picture of the Grand Lodge 'Room, In the new Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. This plate is selling very rapidly,and elicits the ad miration of all, for the correctness and fidelity with which the Statuary, Fresco Paintings and Furniture arc represented, and the artistic beauty and harmony of the colors. Size of plate, 2.2 X 28. Price, $3OO. Booksellers and Picture dealers wishing to take agencies for it, will please address for further information, L, N. ROSENTHAL, Lithographer, Philadelphia. Oct. 16, 1855 FANCY GOODS, NEWEST STYLES. jN endless variety now opening and offered in lots to suit and at lowest prices. NVork Boxes and Baskets, China and 13isc Goods, Al. a baster arti cles,l3oliemian Glass, Toilet Bottles, Mirrors, Inkstands, Tea Setts, Rich Paper Box. es, i\lechanicil Toy Puppetts, &c., &c. W. TILLER, Inf porter, No. 1, Commerce St. Philada. • October 10, 1855. Toys I Toys ! Toys ! W. TILLER, IMPORTER, TTAS received his fall assortment of Toys and Fancy Goods, forming a greater va -4_l_ rtety than ever before offered and at lower rates . than even the low prices of last season. Fancy Baskets ,200 Patterns plain and em broidered Crying Doils,China Dolls, Kid Dolls, Wax Dolls, Accordeons, Violins, Harmonicas, Trumpets &c.; Toys of Wood, China, Glass, Tin, &c. Over 1000 Patterns by the dozen or gross in lots to suit. Also, Cases of Toys, at $5, $lO and $2O per Case, with an endless variety of Newest' Styles of Fancy Goods imported per latest Packets, wild for sale at the lowest rates in the city. W. TILLER, Importer, • No. 1, Commerce St. Philada. October 10, 1855. F, .LL WINTER GOODS, AT THE BROAD-TOP DE DT® CUNNINGHAM & DUNN, EIAVE just returned from Philadelphia, an 3 arc now opening_ at the head of the Broad Top Basin a large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods consisting of DRY-GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE, • WILLOWWARE, RATS,, & CAPS, ;BOOTS •si . SHOES, Also—. BACON, SALT, FISH (5 . PLASTER. And in slfort, every thing usually kept in a country store. Call and examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere, and see whether we cannot make it your interest to patronize us. • All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods atthe highest market prices. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of grain. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward ing all kinds of nTerchandisc, produce &e. Huntingdon ; Oct.lo, 1855. r IHE best assortment of Carpet and Oil Cloth j_. just received and for sale by J. & "W. SAXTON. TH E handsomest assortment of De lanes, Per sian Cloth, Larilla Cloth, Berage de Lanes, Paramettc Cloth, and all wool- Illerinocs, all wool de lanes, ofthe best styles and selected with the greatest care, for sale by _ _ A GREAT variety of Belts; Head Dresses, 11,_ Bracelets, Trionnrigs, &e., by . . 50C) `..'n'dn'f'osr assorted j r,in t; just sAx 1: 10 c T. d Register. J. & W. SAXTON J. &. W. SAXTON Valuable Farm for gale. !rim subscriber offers at private sale until Monday the 26th November, 1855, that val uable tract of limestone land upon which he heretofore resided, situate in Franklin towil ship, Huntingdon county ; adjoining lands of Alexander Stewart, Hugh Seeds, Joseph Dy sart and others, containing about 190 ACRES, about 160 of which are. cleared and cultivated. The improvements are a good bank barn, a double two story stone dwelling house, wagon shed, corn crib and other out buildings. There is a good orchard on it ; well of water at the house and one at the barn. It is situate within one mile of the station on the' ennsylvania Railroad at Spruce Creek, and is one of the best wheat films in the county. If not sold at private sale before the 26th No vember next, it will on that day be exposed to public sale on the premises. The property will be shown, and terms made known at any time on application to David Her.. derson of Franklin township. October, 9th, 1855.* Toys, Fancy Goods, &c , t ta,. TUST received, a splendid assortment of New j Toys, Fancy Articles, Canes, China Babies, Dominoes Games, Musical Boxes; Birds, Organs, Cigar Cases, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Pipes of every description, Fancy Boxes, Porte Monies, Puzzles and Tricks, Slates and Pencils, Toys of all kinds with an endless variety of other goods. Wholesale and Retail. N. B. Canes mounted with gold silver, ivory, and neatly repaired. GEORGE DOLL. No. 102, North Sixth St. (above Al.irket,) Philitria October 10, 18.55. 3m ADMINISTRATOR' S NOTICE. VOTIOE is hereby given that letters of Ad- IN ministration on the estate of Jacob Numcr, dee'd, late of the borough of Huntingdon, Hun tingdon county, have been granted to the under signed. All persens indebted to said estate will make payment immediately, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. The books &c., of the dec'd will be found at the Boot and Shoe store of Peter ,-woope. AUGUSTUS L. GRIM, Administrator Oct. 10, 1855 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Call and Look before you Purchase. MCI>. Ca-W".ZiNti - 5 , HAS just returned from Philadelphia and is now opening one of the pictticst and best selected stock of gocds ever brought to the bo rough of Huntingdon. It would be useless to mention all of the goods we have on hand— LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles. A large stock of Hoscry, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Velvet, Bonnets, Undersleves, Collars, Spencers, Cassimers, Cloths, Vestinp:s, Laces, Silk Mitts, Delanes, De Berge, Rid Gloves, and all kinds of goods generally kept in a country store. Also—a fine kassebtaient of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Glassware, Queensware and Cedarware. large and good supply of Fresh Groceries. Call and see my goods and examine for your selves. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends, and the public generally, I rapectlblly solicit a continuance of the same, All kinds of country produce taken in gx_ change for goods at highest market price. Oct. 52, 1855 o E_EL.MU" Has just opened a good assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING ) CONSISTING of all kinds of Coats, Pants, Vests, and other articles of gentlemen's wear. Oct. 2. If you want to buy Good. and Cheap CALL AT Ii P. MIN'S. P. GWIN has just received Irma phia a large and beautiful Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of the most fitsh ionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as French Merinoes, Alapacas, Pa rametta, Cloth, Persian Cloth, Plain all Wool De Lain, Fancy Dc Lain, Dcbaize, Coburgs, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, and Prints oi all description. Also, Cloths Cassimers, Plain and Fancy Cl's sincts, Vestings, also a large lot of dress Trim mings, Dress Buttons, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, .Laces, Veils, Col ars, Undersleeves, Rigulets, Silk Bonnets and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to men iton. Flannels of all kinds, Tussey's Woolen Ta ble Cowers, Shawls, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Tickcns, Checks, Gingham, &c. Also, Groceries of all kinds, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Hardware, Queens ware, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets and all Goods usually kept in a country store. My old customers and as many new on( s as can crowd in arc respectfully requested to call and examine my g,oode. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods at the highest market prices. Oct. 2, 1855. C.) - V - Car'CD ), Dartia9 ALL KINDS, cheaper than elsewhere, at H. ROMAN' S Clothing Store. • COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING at wholesale, as cheap as in the City, at ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE AntIiIIErIgIISTRALTOIR'S NOW ELL' TETTERSof administration on the estate of j Cornelius Decker, dec'd., late of the bor ough of Iluntingdon, in the county of Hunting ' don have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of said county. All persons in debted to said estate will make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN - W. MAT ri..,RN; - Ad in' r. Oct. 1855. rpHE best lot of Shawls, such as Brosha, Cas k sitner, Bay State and square shawls, just reeeved and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. T & W. SAXTON will take all kinds of coun t) try produce in exchange for goods at their cheap store, south-west corner of Public Square. FOR SALE. A Second handed one horse carriage. In quire of Win. H. King, Huntingdon, Pa. Sept. 4, 18.55. L'IES' Collars, Under blecves, Chimazetts, and Gloves, Trimmings, at J. Si W. SAXTON'S. BEAUTIFUL lot of Hats and Caps, also _LI Silk and Straw Bonnets, by J. & W. SAXTON'. JAMES I)YSART EXECUTORS' NOTICE. voTicE is hereby given that letters testa rnentary on the Ivill of Eleazer Lloyd late of Walker township, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebtcu to the estate orsaid deceased are requested to make payment and those having claims to present them :for settlement. AIMAIIAIII §TATE'S', I%IARTIN ORLADY, August 5.1.i1, 1855.* Executors EXEC'UTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa. mentary on the will of John Barr, late of Jackson township, dee'd., have been granted to the under,igned. MI persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to -make payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. Sept. 4, 1855.* EXECUTOWS NOVICE. NOTICE is hereby. given that letters testa mentary on, the will of John Hastings, late of Walker township, deceased, have been gran ted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are requested to make payment and those having claims to pre sent them settlement. AL GRAN DER PORT, Execu tot Sep. 10. 1855 TAKE NOTICE. riIHAT on the' 6th of August, 1855, I pur -1 chased of George. Wolf six acres of Corn, o.os and Potatoes, on laud of William and An drew Couehls heirs in I3arree township, Hun_ tingdon county, Pa. All persons are cautioned not to disturb said property. t_4I:ORGP. COUCH. August 13, 1855. LIST OP LETTERS, D EMAINING in the Post Office at Alexan. dria Pa., October 1, 1355, which if not lifted on or bc(brc the Ist _January next, will then be sent to the General Post Office Depart ment as Dead Letters. John Arnold, Miss Liziie Ray, Miss Sarah A. Allen,Danicl Smith, Timothy Brown, Matthci.v Stane, John P. Bcycrs, William F. Stitzer, George W. Detwiler, Miss Maria Martin, John Elmore, Dorris Newell, Sr., Ohnney Iluors, John Perry, William Kennedy, John G. AleGlaug - hlin, Miss Nancy Madson, Miss Sarah Walls, Daniel Weal's, Byers Gates, Jos. S. Watts. C. WALKER, P. AI Alexandria, Oct. 1,1855. LAST ILL'I"VERS, D EMAINING in the Post office at Hunting it don, Pa., on the Ist October, 1855, which if not lifted on or before the Ist of January next, will lie sent to the Post Office Department as dead letters. Joseph Adams, A. P. Kinney, Daniel Buekwalder, Samuel Lewis, Mrs. Mary A. Bell, Rachael Lloyd, Elizabeth' Brady, Albert G. Lovell, illicha.el Courtney, Mrs. Rebecca Lucus, john Coy, John S. Lytle, Jacob Cain, Joseph Minim, A. Crotzly, Mary McMahan, Wm. E. Corbin, John MeCoart, 2, , Win. Colton, John H. Moore, 3. David T. Couch, Mary Marlin, 2, Patrick Greiner, Sarah T. Martin, Junes Cavency, Elizabeth Mitchell, Catharine Clark, Daniel McCabe, Joseph Ebeling, Alex. D. Moore, Mr. Eringer, John Mahan, Barletz Ealy, John rMcMullen, Miss Rad]. Fridenburg,Elizabcth Meredith, Cathaiine Grove, F,liz. Rutledge, Lorenz Gols, Wm. Ross, David Hazzard, Dr Jas. H. Stewart 2 Mrs. F. B. Harris, Pctcr Smith, Samuel Hart, 2, Georg e Smith, Nancy Houck, John Smith, Nancy Huffman, Elizabeth Smith, Laban Hall, Eliza Smith, Win. Hobbison, Rachel Slack,, R. J. Hoffman, G. F. Shchnire, Sarah A. Humphrey, A. M. Savory, Moses Hamer, Mr. Shcridans, ls Lac Heffner, David R. Shinn, - Charles Hcifner, Harriet Dunlap Taylor, John Hicks, Christopher Wigton, Wm. J. Hiifford, John L. Walker, Geo. Irvin 2; Abram Westbrook, Jacob Huffman, 'Rebecca Wood, Will. LEWIS. P. M Huntiongion, - Oct. 2,1855. MEDICAL NOTICE 1)R. D. HOUTZ and Dr. WM. GRAFIUS, having formed a medical partnership un der the title of lkoTz & Games, offer their professional services to the citizens of Alexan dria and the surrounding country. Office, that heretofore occupied by Dr. Houtz. June 26, 1555.-3 m. D j 4) LEV IStricOULLOCH, R FFERS his professional serNiecs to the zens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office Mr. Hildebrand's, between the - Exchange and Jackson's Hotel. [Aug. 28, '55. 1700 Bushels Bituminous Coal, just received and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. FOR SALE A Nevi and Complete One-horse Wagon, IT 1-1 Oil Cloth Top, and Tongue for two I'V horses. Enquire at the Post Office. Huntingdon, Pa., May 16,1855. JOECIATW.IV.F.ATTMRIIT. Attorney at Law, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE on Hill street, formerly occupied by Thos. P. Campbell, Esq. [Aug. 2'z-, '55. HENRI( 113. FUSSELL, MANUFACTURER or UMBRELLAS" AND PARASOLS, IN EVERY VBRIEY, AT TEE OLD STAND, No. 2, North Fourth Street, PIII,LADELPHIA• Cr Constantly on hand a large assortment, to which the attention of Dealers is requested. KS o SALT i n Store a nd G fo s ale 100 a S : A tli C e store rGoGWIN. am, Shoulders and Flitch just receiv -11 ed and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. ABEAUTIFUL assortment of velvet, silk and worsted vesting,s, by . J. & W. SAXTON. 1 4 -1 4 SIIER'S Aguc powdces, just received and ' for sale by J. W. SAXTON. TILE Inandsornestassortment of Dress - Silks, just received and for sale by J. W. SAXTON. A SPLENDID assortment of Gum Belts just II received and for sale by J.& N.SAXTON. SAMUEL ST E WERT, Executor