Huntingdon globe. ([Huntingdon, Pa.]) 1843-1856, October 03, 1855, Image 4

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Great Circus Show is Coming !
TAA.N RICE respectfully announces -to the ci.
tizens of this vicinity, that his great
Equestrian Establishment and Trained
Animals combined,
as organized for 1555, will have the honor of
appearing - before them AT HUNTINGDON,
ON MONDAY OCTOBER S. Adniii,sion 25
cts. Performance to commence at 2 and 7p. m.
that distinguish DAN KIEL'S GREAT SHOW
from every other exhibition in the country, are
as follows:
Ist. The Brilliant vrray of Professional Talent,
!.2d. The Beautiful Stud of Horses, Ponies and
3d. The most Perfectly Trained Wild Animals
ever Exhibited.
Among the Equestrian Talent, the following
eminent artists will appear:
in her Groat ,iot, is a feature wincit ch.illenzes
the most enthusiastic admiration of all who
witness it. The rapid evolutions and fearful
leaping excite a deep and thrilling interest in
the scene.
The justly celebrated and beautiful equostri_
enne, Prank Vick, lcl'lle JONTA,
the Vocalist—illd'llc GEORGINA,
F. H. ROSTON, the Great Six and Eight
Flor-;e Rider and Mitre de Cireuc
ous of the Arena, Tight Rope Dancer, Scene
Rider, and best general Performer now living.
W. 0. DALE, the Champion Vaulter, being
the only one who has thrown 100 consecutive
CHARLES NO YES the Little Giaat.
JACOB SHOWLES, whose [tumorous Acro
batic Feats have placed him in the I; out rank
of his profossion.
WILLIAM WALKER the great Equlibrist
and Gymnast, on the Corde-Volant.
Psodigy, with 271).451.2g - Mt=oEll
and his counterpart, Little MIKE LIPMAN.
be found the stupendous and magnificent
Elephant, LALLA ROOXE,
who, among other feats and sagacious trick,
has been taught to Walk the Tight Rope !
DAN RICE will convince the public there
will be nothing done at the Exhibition but what
is .Novel, Wonderful, and Morally Instructive.
During each Exhibition, DAN RICE will in
troduce his Thorough-Bred Horse, EX
CELSIOR, and the fitmous pair of Educated
Mules, taught to perform seine of the most
laughable and incredible feat of sagacity .
Besides these, will be exhibited the most ex
traordinary performances of the Ingest and
most per feelly Trained Australian Bear,
ever captured. This ferocious and hitherto un
tameable beast is performed with in the most
perfect address by his keeper, the famous
LOVELL, by whom he was braught to this
country. The weight of this bear is near 2,000
pounds. Besides all the splendid achievements
of DAN'S Dancing Horses, Trick Ponies, and
Performing Mules.
A Brilliant Coronet Band, (silver instru
ments,) in their beautiful Band Carriage, drawn
by Highly Caparisoned Horses, unhesitatingly
pronounced the first and most accomplished in
America, and led by the mighiy Sig. ROSSINI,
will head the Grand Procession, and pass
through the principal streets at 10 o'clook A.
111., on the day of the exhibition.
C. H. CASTLE, Agent.
This Company will exhibit at Lewistown Sat
urday October WI. Tyrone. city Tuesday 9th.
Sept. :25, 1855.
Ni"]tate s l
r i r d e y b Y s ' u givene i b e t d h a t
o t „ 4 -1 1 rl person 4 i ec• r s e
c o h n o
of a Methodist Episcopal Church in the borough
of Huntingdon, that Mr. James Saxton has
been appointed treasurer of the building com
mittee and that he is authorised to receive pay
ments on those subscriptions.
August 7, 1855
azasT--$143 REW IR ID.
oat, on the 9th inst., at a Picnic Party, near
g d the Rail Road about 21 miles above McCon.
nellstown, a large Port Alonie, containing $159,
viz: two fifty dollar, two twenty dollar and one
ten dollar note, all on the Bank of Reading, and
a five dollar note and two dollars in gold and
two doll,irs in silver. The finder, by leaving it
at the office of the Huntingdon Globe, will re.
ccivc the above reward and no questions asked.
Aug. 14, 1835:
VTILL sell off his Summer stock of dress
goods at reduced prices
August 14, 1855.
lalsgolattion of raraterslap.
rp-HE firm trading and doing business under
J the name of Steiner, Pike & Co. have this
day by mutual agreement dissolved. The busi.
ness after this date will be conducted in the
name of G. 11. Steiner & Co., and the books of
the late firm will be kept for settlement in the
hands of Geo. H. Steiner.
Philipsburg, Aug. 15, 1855.
A LL persons concerned will take notice that
1 - 1. the books of R. C. McGill, are in the hands
of A. S. Harrison for settlement and collection,
and that suits will be brought in every case with
out exception, if settlement and payment is not
made by the. 18th, day of August next. At
tend and save cost.
July 25, 1855.
If You Want to feel Comfortable,
nAIL at H. ROMAN'S Clothing Store, where
you can get a new suit for less money than
you can get the same for at any house in
Philadelphia. April 24.
Can be found at E. SNARE'S Jewelry Stare.
All work warranted. nth 13, '55.
gi Pants,
Vests, at 87/ and upwards
AT H. ROMAN'S Clothing Store.
The cheapest and best lot of Chal
ley, Berag,e, and Berage de Lains, also,
Lawns just received and for sale by
J. & W. SAXTON. 7,3
Notice of General Election.
-DursuANT to an act of the General Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvnia,
entitled "An act relating to the election of this
Commonwealth," approved the seconA day of
July, 1839,1, JOSHUA GREENLAND, High
She ill of the county of Huntingdon, in the State
of Pennsylvania, do hereby mike known and give
notice to the electors of the county aforesaid,
that a
will be held in the said county of Huntingdon on
tie SECOND TUESDAY, (and 9th day) of
October, 18E:5. at which time, state and County
officers. ns follows will be elected to cx :
One person to fill the office of Canal Commis
sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Two pers ms in connexion with the county of
Blair to fill the °nice of Members of the House
of Representatives
One person to fill toe office of Treasurer for
E-Inntingfinn county,
One person to fill the office of County Corn
missioncr for Huntingdon county.
One person to fill the office of Director of the
Poor for Huntingdon county.
One person to fill the office of Auditor for
Huntingdon county.
One person to fill the office of Corener for
Huntingdon county.
In pursuance of said act, I also hereby make
kn-.... and ive notice, that the places of holding,
the aforesTid general election in the several elec
tion districts within the said county of Hunting
don, are as follows to wit
Ist district, composed of the township of Hen
derson, except the borough of Huntingdon,
and also a part of Porter township, and a 1 that
part of Walker township, not in the 15th district,
at the Court House in the borough of Hunting
2d district, composed of Dublin township, at
Pleasant Hill School 1-louse near Joseph Nel.
son's, in said township.
3d district, composed of so much of Warriors
mark township, as is not included in the 19th
district, at the school house adjoining the town of
4th district, composed of the township of Hope
well, at the school house at Rough and Ready
sth district, composed of the township of Bar
ree, at the house of .James Livingston, in the
town of Saulsbury, in said township.
6th district, composed of the Borough of Shir
leysburg, and all that part of the town-hip of
Shirley not included within the limits of District
No. 24, as herein-after mentioned and descri
bed, at the House of David Frak:'r dec'd.. in
7th district composed of Porter and part of
Walker totvn-hips. and so much of \Vest town
ship as is included in the following boundaries. to
wit Beginning at the south west corner of To
bias Gonfalon's Farm on the bank of the Little
Juniata river, to the lower end of Jackson's Har
rows , thence in a northwesterly direction to the
most southerly part of the farm owned by Mi
chael Ai agoire, thence, north 40 degrees west to
the top of Tussey's mountain to intersect the line
of Franklin township, thence along the said line
to Little Ju , ,i,lta river, thence down the same to
the place of beginning. at the public school
house, opposite the German Reformed Church,
in the borough of Alexandria.
Bth district composed of the township of
Franklin. at the house of Geo. W. Mattern, in
said township.
9th district, composed of Tell township, at
the Union school house. near the Uni n Meet
ing hou-;r in said tol.vnship.,
10th district, composed of Springfield town
ship, at the school house near Ilugh Madden's
in sr:id township.
11th district, composed of Union township, at
the school house near Ezekiel Co. bin's in said
12th di:;trit t, composed of Brady township, al
the Centre School llo:6r, in said township.
13th district, composed of Morris township, at
the public house lately occupied by Peter Hein
selman. in the villale of ~ Vaterstreet, in slid
14ib district. composed of that part of West
township, riot included in 7th district, at the pub
lic school bou•e on ihe farm now owned by Miles
Lewi,, (formerly owned by James Ennis ) in
said township
15th di •trict, composed of that part of Walker
township lying south west of a line commencing
oppo•ite David C,,rhin's house, the Union town
ship line, thence in a straight line. includini2 said
Corbin's house, to the corner of Porter township,
on the Hunt , ngdon and Woodcock valley road,
at the house of Benjamin Magahy, in said town
IGth dis , rict, composed of the township of
Tod, at the Green school house in said township.
17th district, composed of that part of West
township_on the south side of Warrior ridge. be
ginning at the line of West and Henderson
townships, at the foot of said ridge, to the line of
Barree township, thence by the division line of
Barree and Wt-st townships to the sum:nit of
Stone mountain, to intersect the line of Hender
son and West townships, thence by sad line to
the place of beginning, at the house now occupi
ed by Benjamin Corbin, on Murray's Run.
IStb. dist ict, compose I of Crom well township,
at the house now occupied by David Et
nire,in Orbisonia.
10th district, composed of the borough of Bir
mingham, with the several tracts of land near to
and attached to the same, now owned and occu
pied by Thomas K. Owens. John IC. M'Cahan,
Andrew 'Robeson, John Gensimer and Win."r, and the tract of land now owned by
George and John :-.ltoenberger, known as the
Porter tract, situate in thetownship of W arriors
mark, at the public school house in said b)rough.
20th district, composed of the township of
Cass, at the public school house in Cassville, in
said township.
21st district, composed of the township of
Jackson at the house of Robert Barr, now occu
pied by Henry Selfridge at McAleavy's Fort, in
said towns.2ip.
2241 district, composed of the township of Clay,
at the liou•ie of Joshua Shore, at the Three
Springs in said township.
23rd &strict, composed of the township of
Penn, at the Public School Huuse in Afarkleshurg
in said township.
21th district. composed and created as follows
to wit: That all that pait of Shirley toWnship,
Huntingdon county, lying and being within the
following described boundaries, namely : begin
ning at the inter , ection of Union and Shirley
township lines with the Juniata rivet, on the
south side thereof; thence along said Union
township line for the distance of three miles from
said river; thence e , istwardly by a straight line
to the point where the main from Eby's mill to
Germany valley, crosses the summit of Sandy
ridge ; thence northwardly along the summit of
Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and then c e l id
said river to the place of beginning, shall here
after form a seperate electicti district. That the
qualified voters of said election district shall here
after hold their general and township elections
in the public School House in Mount Union, in
said district, that Samuel Eby is hereby appoint
ed judge. and Doctor A 1 f red B Lee and Samuel
Miller. esquire, are hereby appointed inspectors
of said election, to perform the duties of their
several offices until a judge and inspectors are
duly elected, in accordance with the election laws
of this Commonwealth.
25th district composed of the borough of
Huntingdon, at the Court Hout'e in said bor
al , o make known and give notice, as in and
by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am di
rected, "that ever , person, excepting justices of
the peace who shall hold any office or appoint
ment of profit or trust under the government of
the United states, or of this State. or of any city
or corporated district, whether a commissioned
officer or agent, who, is or shall be employed'un
der the legislative, executive or judiciary depart
ment of this estate, or of the United States, or of
any city or incort orated district, and also, that
every member of Cong-tess, and of the State Leg
islature, and of the select or common council of
any city, commissioners of any incorporated dis
trict, i s by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time, the office or aapoi lament or
judge. inspector or clerk of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge,
or other officer of any such election shall be eli
gible to any office to be then voted for."
Also, that in the 4th section of the act of as
sembly, entitled "an act relating to executions
and for other purposes," approved April 16th,
1840. it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section
'• not be so construed as to prevent any militia of
facer orborough officer from serving asjudge, of
inspector or clerk, of any general or special elec.
tion in this Commonwealth.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the
67th section of the act aforesaid thejudges of the
aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge
of the certificate or return of the election of their
respective distri, ts, and produce them at a meet
ing of one of the judges from each district at the
Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on
the third day after the day of the election, being
for the present year on Friday the 13th of Octo
ber nest, then and there to do and perform the
duties required by law of said judges. Also, that
where a judge by sickness or unavoidable aced.
dent, is unable to attend said meeting of judges,
then the certificate of return aforesaid shall be
taken in charge by one of the inspectors or clerks
of the elecdon of said district, and shall do and
perform the duties required of said judge unable
to attend.
Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is
enacted that "every general and special election
shall be opened between the hours of eight and
ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without
interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock
in the evening, when the polls shall be closed•"
Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the I Ith
day of September. 1854, and of the Indepen
dence of the United States the seventy-eighth.
Sheriff's Oflice.
Huntingdon, Sept. 11, 1855.
ETT - 74" ,
=&P47t:77.M. - L E
" „._ trirt4s2 s
From Mount Union to Chambersburg.
?THE undersigned still continues to run a tri
weekly line of stages over the road between
Mount Union and Chambersburg. Good horses
and comfortable stages have been placed on the
route, and experienced and trusty drivers will
superintend the running of the Coaches, The
proprietor of the line is desirous that it be main
taincd,and he therefore earnestly calls upon the
public generally % to patronise it, confident that it
will be fortheir mutual advantage. Every at
tention necessary will be given, and the running
of the stages will be regular.
1173' Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, P.
M., ever;Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—
teturning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days; arriving at Mount Union in time for the
cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia,
Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, Horse
Valley, Strasburg, and Keefee-s Store.
Fare through $3,00 ; to inter mediate points
in proportion.
Aug! 2.2, 1855.-tf.
Books !Hooks
2) "00 OLUNI ES of new
U 0 and popular books ..._. ,1 4 4 :VW7
—embracing every variety to bey -
had in tiost,m, New York and Philadelphia—
the subscrilir his just received and offers for
sale extremely low his stock of STATION
ARY is of great variety and superior quality, as
follows ;—Foolscap, Letter, Note and Wrap•
ping Paper Envelopes of every kind, Gold
and Steel Pens also, l'ortmonies, Pocket Books
Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. School Books
of every kind used in the country, at wholesale
and retail prices.
1000 PIECES WALL PA PER of the la
test and prettiest styles, just received
and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices.
All the above stock the public will Sind it to
be to their icteryst to call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere, as be is determined to give
satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite
Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street.
Huntingdon, April 3, 1855
S,7fi A T C 11 Es,
The subscriber, thankful to
his friends and patrons, and to
the public generally, for their
patronage, still continues to carry on
at the same stand, one door east of Mr.
C. Cout's Hotel, Market street Hunting. ; 4.Le
don, where he will attend to all who
will Laver him v ith their custom ; sod also
keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, &c., &c., all of which he is
determined to sell at low prices. Clocks,
Watches and Jewelry of all kinds, will be re
paired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workman, all repairs
will be done in a neat and durable manner•, and
any person having articles for repairing, s h a ll
have them done at the promised time. .f7y pay_
ing, strict attention to businees, and selling at
low prices, he hopes to receive a share of pub
lic patronage
And Commissioner for Pennsylvania,
17,ENP Olt X01; 7 ,741.,
A TTENDS to buying, selling and locating
Li Land and Land Warrants, pays taxes
loans money on real estate security on commis,
sion, PX:linines and makes abstracts of tit le &c.
Any business intrusted will be attended to
promptly and with fidelity.
Refer to lion. George Taylor, and members
of the Bar at Huntingdon.
May 16, 1855. Gm.
V lank s e,
OF all kinds for sale at the office of the Hun
tingdon Globe.
Ham, Shoulders and Flitch just recciv
ed and for sale by
Fruits and Confectionery.
EMOVAL.—The subscriber has removed to
u No. 26 MARKET STREET, above Front,
(Three doors above the old stand.)
Where he keeps constantly on hand, a general
stock of all articles in his line; consisting of
Oranges, Lemons, and all kinds of fruit in sea
son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground
Nuts, plain and roasted; Pickles and Preserves
of all kinds; to which he .nvites the attention of
Dealers and others visiting the City. Goods
packed at this cstablishent warranted to carry
safe. S. L. HERRING,
No. 26 Market Street,
sept IS] Above Front, South side, Phila
0 6
rfil " r e STOVES
E respectfully solicit the attention of the
\IV public to our arsortmcnt of
for Stores, Halls, Churches, Parlors &c.,—war_
ranted to give more heat with one third the fuel,
than any other Heating Stove in use. The large
number which have been sold in this and other
cities and the constant and increasing demand
for them, is sufficient guarantee of their supe
riority over all other Heating Stoves, and we
- cheerfully invite the strictest investigation of
our claims to tile most perfect article (lithe
kind in use.
We also have a superior CAULDRON, for
farming and chemical purposes, made on the
same principle, lbr which we claim only a trial
to be appreciated.
We keep constantly on hand an assortment
of the leading Cook and Parlor Stoves; and are
sole Agents in this State for Queen's Portable
Forges, Buck's Patent Cooking Stoves, and
Barstow's unrivalled Cook and Parlor Stoves.
Wholesale Dealers will be supplied at the low
est foundry prices.
Wholesale and Retail Stove Dealers,
N. E. Cor. of Second and Race Sts., Philada.
Er For sale by Geo. (win of this placa.
Aug. 28, 1855.
To Iron Masters and Dealers.
Arch Street, Above Front, PHILADELPHIA,
Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all
meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and
fancy wire work. Paper makers's wire, all
kinds, Cylinder and Dandy ,Rolls covered in
the best inanner in or out of the city. A very
superior article of Heavy Founder's Sieves.—
All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, \Vire and Sieves
for Seed, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, Brickdust,
August 2,1855-41 n,
r rnE subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers
I that he has greatly improved the quality of
Super Phosphale of Lime,
And now confidently recommends the article
manufactured by him, as SUPERIOR to any in the
market. You are invited to call, examine and
try it. Also,
Oils, Candles, Soap &c.
At the lowest market rates.
Successor to Thos. W. Morgan,
No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
.0". Farmers can ioad on two private alloys,
and avoid the crowded wharf. July 17-3 m.
No. 29 North Third St., Philadelphia.
vanocco manufacturers, CC. rriers and
la Importers of FRENCH CALF-SHINS,
and dealers in REn and OAK SOLE L EATEIER
and KIPP. [Feb '20,1855-1y
1 1 , 1 1:` +-7 "vir,l,fa.7i i ,,,,„ ; ,1 No. 26 South Fourth trect,
„r0.0„„y„,,,.„,„: ,hilatlelphia,
.. il i ye, ...` - :4 i ': s .7. rr::dp:,4
~'):ii : l ii v ,,,: i 11::1":(' ; it 4 GR , ENT FIRE. "I'l' ii E B .r.
41!;6 1 iNaJT & FIFTII :Streets,
0:4 -LA Friday morning, December
!'.-- . . - =,..... ,- ----.sth 1854. Evans & Wat
son's salamander SAFES triutnphat,t, as they
always are when put to the test,
ELPIII A , Dec. 15, 1854,
Messrs. EVANS & WATsoN, No. 29 South
FOLRTH St, Philadelphia.
GUNTLIMEN :--We take much pleasure in
recommending your zalamander Safes to mer
chants and others in want of a secure means of
preserving their books, papers, &c . from fire, as
the one we, purchased from you about seven
months since has preserved our books, papers and
cash in as good a condition as they were when
put into it. before ibe great fire of this Horning,
which dPstroyed the entire block. of buildings cor
ner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The arove
safe was in use in our office, on the second floor
of our building, from which placo it fetl into the
cellar, and remained there unit the fire was out.
The safe was then removed and opened in the
presence of at least one thousand persons, who
witnessed the goo ; condition of the contents
Will you please have the safe and Locks repttir
ed, as we intend to put it in use again, having
perfect confidence in its fire proof qualities.
Yours, Resi testfu ly,
Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to
ihe followit g among the many hundreds who
have their Safe:, in use : IL S. Mint, Philada;
Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. Philada; Samuel
Esq , High sheriff. Philada; John N.
Henderson. City Controller: Caleb Cope & Co.,
No 183 Market St. ; Richard Norris & son,
Locomo'ive builders. Philada • Bancroft & Sel
lers, Machinists, corner 16th and James Sts, ;
Franklin Fire Insurance Co , Phila.,; Pennsyl
vania Railrood Co., Philada.; Lacey & Phillips,
corner sth and Minor Sts.; sharpless Bro , No.
32 South Second St; James, Kent & Santee,
No. 147 North Third Street ; IN. H. Ho rstmln
& Sons, No 51 North Third St.; So•ith, Wil
liams & Co., No. 87 Market St.; J. & B. Orne.
No. S 5 Chestnut St.
A large assortment of the above Safes always
on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent
more fire than any Herring's safe now in use.)
EVANS & WATSON. also manufacture and
keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron
Sash, for making fire-proof Vault , , for Banks,
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses ; Patent slate lined Re
frigerators. &c. Please give us a call, at No 26
South FOURTH St., Philadelphia.
April 3, 1855.
Mre White Lead, just received and for
The best assortment-of Carpet ever
offered, and at lower prices than can be gut
at any other establishment, just received and
for sale by J .& W. SAXTON.
1 Ei-...A2L.vav,m3L- 9
Chopping Mill, and Saw Mill,
rimiE undersigned will sell his property at pri.
rate sale, consisting of a farm of
107 ACRE,
forty acres of which are cleared and in a good
state of chltivation, the balance in timber, and
capable of being cleared and cultivated; situa
ted four miles from Mill Creek in Kishacoquil.
las Valley, Huntingdon county, upon
which are erected one dwelling house,
one new frame bank barn, one saw mill, ilk`'
one chopping mill, with a good water power to
drive the sa mc. The chopping mill is geared
so that burs may be attached for grinding wheat.
The property is in the midst of a good settle
ment. There is also a good running distillery
connected with said chopping mill, which will
be sold along with said property, either with
or without the distillery machinery and vessels
as the purchaser may desire. The above prop
erty will be sold on terms to suit purchasers
and possession given at any time.
Brady township, May 1, 1855.
i n n„, : rnp,) Dr poT
Ps E
E T AMtn" AiL OF
RAVE just returned from Philadelphia, anil
ri are now opening at the ald stand of Josi::si
Cunningham —
C & :Son at the head of the .13r,.: , d
Top basin, a splendid assortment of new Gui,ds,
consisting of
And in short everything that is usually kept in
a country store.
The public are respectfully invited to call
and examine our stock, as we are determined
not to be undersold by any house in town.
All kinds of country produce teken in ex
change for goods at the highest market prices.
Prompt attention paid to storing and forward
ing all kinds of merchandise, produce &c.
flunting,don, April 25, 1835.
Grocery and Confectionary Store,
DESPECTFULLY informs their fricndsand
It the public in general, that they stilleontin
no. the Grocery and 6 Confectionary business, nn
der the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main
street, Huntingdon, where they have now on
hand a full and general assortment of
Groceries and Confectionaries,
which they w illsell wholesale and retail: They
have also on hand Buckets, Suit, Carpet Bags,
Fancy Articles, &c.,&c., &c.,a1l of which they
will sell cheap. Country produce taken in ex
change for Goods—the cash paid when we have
no Goods to suit customers.
As we are determined to accommodate al
who may call at our store, we invite an exami
nation and trial of ourstock.
Huntingdon, Apl. 19,1855.
alv A a
-I . l_ op Viand
rfl subscriber will sell at private sale a
tract of coal land on Broad Top, well tim
bered and plenty of coal, adjoining the Hun
tingdon and Broad Top Rail road and Coal Coin_
navy's land, and within ' , sulfa mile of Me'..7an
les' tract, when, lie has laid out a town at a
place known as the Watering Trough.
Also, a tract of Woodland well timbered ;
with a Steam Saw Mill thereon, within a few
litmdred yards of the Raystown Branch and
within SIX miles of the borough of Hunting
don. I will sell the land with or without, the
saw mill, or 'the engine, which is eighteen
horse power, alone, us there is water power to
the mill. Indisputable titles will be given.
May 8, 1855—tf. Huntingdon, Pa
r 7, r
ti p I
VaVgg.. a 6.enYP-„L, e
rriLIE subscriber informs the public generally
1_ that he has now on hand and for sale, at
his kiln at Petersburg, superior burned Lime for
building, plastering, &e., &c., which he will
sell by the bushel or larger quantity. A good
supply will always be kept on hand.
All orders by mail or otherwise will recite
early attention.
Petersburg, Aug 22, 1955,
A full assortment for sale at the "Globe" Of
BONDS, with and without waiver,
AGREEMENTS for the sale of Real Estate,
NoTEs relinquishing all benefits of exemp
tion laws.
$ . 200 REWARD,
MHE public generally, and the rascals who
J. some tiMesince entered my store and remo:
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, arc informed that I
have just opened a more general and better as.
sortinent of articles in my line of business than
was ever brought to Huntingdon, con.
sisting, of Watches, Jewelry, •
1 i 1 : - /-;, Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols,
o't._,o r ti. Perfumery, Port Monnaies,
ver Ware and Fancy Articles, &c., &c. My
old friends and customers, and the public in
general throughout the county are requested to
call and examine my assortment.
Huntingd on, Marcli 22,1854.
FLOUR and WHEAT on hand and
-- -, JP for sale at the stcre of
[inh 6 D. I'. GWIN.
Wheat by the Bushel and Flour by
NA' the Barrel, for sale at the cheap new
Haul, Shoulders and Flitch, just re
ceived and for sale by
A choice lot of dried Beef, just re-
ceived and for sale at the new store of
Crocks ! Crocks ! !---A well selected lot
of Earthen Ware just received and for sale
pETER SWOOPE, hereby makes known to
the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he
has just returned from Philadelphia and has
opened in frame store room lately occupied by
Marx Israel, near the corner of Hill & Mont
gomery Streets, Iluntmgdon, Pa-, a large, new,
and well-assorted stock of BOOTS AND
cing, fine and coarse Boots, Shoes, Gai
ters, Monroes, Tics, &c., for Gentlemen ; and
also fine Gaiter Boots, Buskins, Jenny Linds,
and Ties for Ladies. Children's Boots and
Shoes of every variety and fashion.
Gentlemen and Boys can be accomodate('
with hats of the latest and most approved style.
He has also a good stock of hosiery, of ladies,
gentlemen and: children's wear.
He has a good assortment oi fresh Mahogany
Na seisso-so2pri
The" Nimble Sixpence is better than the slow
Shilling." Call and be served. Don't forget
the place, near the Corner o f Milan d Montg,oin.
cry Streets.
Huntingdon July 18th, 1854.—tf.
Come and Be Clothed,
At ROMAN'S Store opposite Gouts' Rotel
Frock Coats,
Dress Coats,
Sack Coats,
1 /u netts r'oats,
Pants and Vests,
Shirts and Drawers,
Handkerchiefs and Cravats,
Collars,C loves, Suspenders
Hats and Caps, &c., &e
All of the best materials and most fashionn_
ble style and finish—CHEAPER rHAN ELSEWHERE.
IL,'" Call and examine for yourselves.
\I T ILL'Am WILLIAMS, would respcct-
V V fully call the attention of the citizens of
Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the
stock of
now on hand. Be is prepared to furnish at the
shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Ta
bles and Stones, of every desired size and ibrin
highly finished, and carved with appropriOe
devices, or plain, as may suit.
Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c.,
will be furnished to order.
W. W. pledges himself to furnish materiel
and workmanship equal to any in the country,
at a fair price. Call and sec, before you pur
chase elsewhere. Shop on Hill street, Hun.
tingdon, Pa.
Huntingdon, May 16,1855.
R.• C. McGILL returns his
thanks to his friends and the pub. l
lie for their very liberal patronage ' ,
and hopes by strict attention tc.:4 l
business to merit a continuaucc of the same, in
all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-
Tight Porlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves
of various sizes ; and'all kinds of Ploughs : the
Lancaster and the Plank Barshcar patterns, and
Keystone No. 4 Self-sharping and hillside
Ploughs and Shears to suit all kind of Ploughs
in die country ; Rolling-mill and Forge Cas
ting, Grist and Saw-mill Castings, Lewis.
town Threshing Machine Patterns, and the
four horse and two horse power of Chambers
burg patterns, and all other kinds of castings
too numerous to mention, all of which will bu
sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of
country produce. Alec, old mettle taken in ex
change for casiings.
_ _
r~~J~ ;
r), WEN BOAT, thankful for past faveirm, re
spectfully informs the public in genera!
that he has removed to his new shop on Wash
ington street, on the property lately and for
many years occupied by Alex. Cartoon, where
he is prepared to manufltcture all kinds of
Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons
and in short every hind of vehicle desired.—
Rockaways and Buggies of a superior nianuiiic.
Lure and finish always on hand and for sale at
fair prices.
Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Ilunting - don, May 16,1854.
T. K. Simonton Ag't., Huntingdon.
ONEY, Packages, and Goods of all kin.3s.
VI received and forwarded at the risk of the
Company, to all the cities and principal tort
in the United States.
to a full set, mounted in the most
improved modern style.
Filling, Filing an d Cleaning done with etl ie
and iicatncss.
Teeth Extracted with all the ease and dos
patch that modern science can furnish.
Huntingdon, March 8, 1854.
SCOTT & onowN,
OFFICE same as that formerly occupie.l by
Mr. Scott.
Will Attend faidifully to all lega I bu:ineFsir
trusted to his care. (.ti untingdoll.Jul) 2(,25
T• P C .4.111 PBEILL,
n IFFICE removed to the_brick row near the
k_f Court "louse.
c .,
vueensware;---a fine a ssortmentjust rect yd.
I at the store of
CIARPET BAGS of every variety, just re
ceived and for sale by
POD Fish, Macheral, Herring' &c.,just reeei
kj ved and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Horse Shoe and Nail rod Iron just re
ceived and for sale by -•
20 barrels No. 1 Herring, just re
ceived and for sale at the store of