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Terms o€ Advekiising; Six. lines or less, 1 square, 16 lines, brevier, 50 75 • 100 2 ." 44 00 1 1 50 200 3 1 50 2 25 - 3 00 3 m. 6 m. 12. m. $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 I. squarti, 2 3 44 4 " 5 itl 10 " " 5 00 8 00 12 00 " 7 50 10 00 15 00 " 9'oo 14 00 23 00 " 15 00 25 00 38 00 " 25 00 40 00 60 00 Professional and Business Cards notexceed. ing 6 lines, one year, 00 Agents for the Globe The following gentlemen are authorized to receive the names of all who may desire to be come subscribers to the GLOBE, and to receive .g.dvance payments and receipt for the Qapae. HENRY ZIMMERMAN, Esq., Coffee fun. OrAt..CAMPUELL, M'Connellstown. BENS. F. PATTON, _Esq., Warriorsmark. JOHN OMENS, Esq., Birmingham. It. F. IList.kri, Spruce Creek. li. B. IVIVTINGER, Water Street. SILAS A. CRESSWEIA., Manor Hill. DAVID BARRACK, West Barret. • TIFC, • Qzsoitv, Ennisyille. GtigiErt'r Esq . ; , East Barre°. Dr. M. Mrtt,ta, Jackson tp. SAMUET. M'VITTY, Shirleysburg. S. B, YOUNG, Three Springs. M. F. CAI4I'IIEI4., Esq., Maplotop, J. It. etersln J. S, HuNT, Shade Gap. D. H. CAMPBELL, M.arklesburg- H. C. WALKER, Alexandria. J. S. GEHRETV, CaSSVille. LITTLE BY LITTLE BY RICBARD COB PLittle by little," a child did say, As it passed its time in quiet play ; And straightway in my mini! :vas wrought The germ of many a simple thought. . -Little by little the grass doth ,Covering all the earth below ; Little by little the root we sec Climbing up to the full-grown tree 1 ; Little by little the cloudleta *am The thunder-clod of the mighty ; Little by little the feathery snow pilpth up mountain-heigh!.s below ; Little by little the drops of ra.i,a Fall on mountain, vale and Main, Till the madd'aing torrents „onward rush Like a strong warhorse wi,etory flush. bittle by little the patient ant Layeth up food for her future I.•.•rmt, ; Little by little the busy bee Sippeth up sweets from tree to tree, Till the tables of the rjch man groan With Pie luscious fruit of the honcy.comb. Little : by little in God's great plan "The child is father of the man ;'.' Little by little the daritne,ss From the curtained folds of the Eastern skies, At the slow approach of the burning sun ; Little by little freedom's won, And the night of error giyeth way To the full glad _light of the perfect day; Little by little the heart is warmed ; Little by little friendship's 'formed ; Little by little the seeds of grace .cw i t n ,the 'human heart apace, • . :Till the angels sing with joy aboie O'er a soul made free ,hy re,deem,ing love ; ."Little- by little" is my t theme ; Little by little ends ,the ,d,r,ea,m Which arose in..my.mind on, a,summer's 7 day From the carclesi Words al,clrild at play , HAIINTEb H EARTH STONE "All houses wherein then -have lived and died Are haunted houses." -,"Do I believe in haunted. houses 2-" said ,the aged woman, - speaking rather 'to herself than to the . fair sweet grand-phild, who nes- Aled at her feet and looked up so earnestly in to the wrinkled face. "Yes, indeed do.— • There's not a house in this whole village, nor for miles around, but that to Ape Is ( haunted, —none, though, so much as • "Haunt ed," continued she speaking •so slowly that a solernn emphasis seemed ,to xest .on each letter, yes, yes, there are such things as haun ted Spotti." then ehe dropped her knit ting, 'took ,off her glasses, wiped her eyes, and legtlttg.back' in ber - arm chair, seemed l i m a t in . 0, sad yet holy ;communion with : the :moiler ; passage .of ' : • It was a dark, stormy, winter's night. - The wind howled fiercely around the old farm house, dOfting-the snow high the window fastening ,it4oAe rough I panels the doors; sifting it through the ,creyices,of the mossy roof, and heaping ; it ; up ,ii l ,s4e giants, graves•all along tha pathway :throughout the garden. Bat in-doorsall was !bright, and of . a summer warmth. _ The huge hack-log had been dragged in ere twilight, .and was now slowly dropping wh i pping into coals : ; the flames , from Abe I lighter wood, which every few min utes was cast on with so free a hand, blazed high and ruddy, and cast a geniallight and glare in the darkest corner, and scintillated ins. 2 ins. 3 ins. - 25 37A 50 on the time darkened eelling like polar es on the midnight sky., • It *as one of those bitter nights that make the hearth -stone the bonniest spot on all the earth,—a 'night' 'when the sheltered lift pp their hearts, in thanksgiving, when the home less bowl in supplication ; a night when the children kneel before the fire and read bright prophecies in the living coals ; when the aged draw their chairs yet nearer to the blaze and , warm their shivering. memories ; a night when all turn their. backs to the' darkness, their faces to the light. It was a night to make ghost stories relish well—'do grandmother tell one.? The head of the young girl rested on the knees of the old lady, and, as the latter lost the thread of her dream and looked down, she ponld gee an enthusiastic eagerness pic tured in the bright hlye eyes, a longing for some tale of romance, that dropping into her heart, should vivify its .dormant passipns.— She hesitated a few moments, and then ten derly carressing the'one lone pet of her bo som, she said : "I will tell you a story about a haunted hearth-stone; and Lizzie, it will be no tale of fiction. The plot is drawn from the living memories, the scene is laid— here; here." But her tremulous voice now quivered with added notes, and after a mo ment's stern, but useless effort at self-control, it bursi into sobs so loud and wild that they rivalled the cries of the winter wind. . The young girl seemed not much frighten. ed, and spake no soothing words, but only clasped the hand she had taken as she asked the story, with a tighter grasp. The paro;- yam did not continue long ; but as it passed away, she rose, and turning her tremblipg steps toward the dark, cold bedroom, 4nd go ing in, closed the door, and Was absent a long while. The tears streamed. Jlown Lizzie's cheeks when left alone, and it was evident that the aged relative had some secret sorrow, oVer'which she mourned intensely. When she returned and again seated 4erpplf in her usual chair, only drawing it a little closer to the fire, there was such a calm, beautiful, spiritual look, expressed .upon her counte nance that you could not but fancy she had conversed with angels. Without any allu sion to the past, without any preface she be gan, after a silence of perhaps half an hoar, the prornisad story.- Handed down to me, it reads like this : It was a night much like this; forty or more winters have passed since its winds blew and its sposv drifted, since j,ts ceid pal sied and its ,darkness frightened. Beside the same hearth etone,—the same pniy that it was not worn so smopth, for the house then had tested but thirty instead of as now seventy and odd winters,—an aged man and his wire sat before the blazing fireAtFiving to while away the long evening hours. There was not then, as now, daily ,mails coming into our little village, freighted with news in every shape. The press did p,ot teem, as now, with magazines and hooks; it was rare to see a newspaper in this old kitchen, and rarer any violtime save •T : HE ONE. The old man had studied that some time, and careful ly replaced it,—the Bible did not then as now, grow dusty .while other books were •thumbed to pieces. ikle had eaten his apples, drunk his .eider,, and ,crac,ked some walnuts for .his wife, ,whose teeth were sounder than his own; and now sat close as he could draw himsel t f to the flames without scorphin t g his homespun garments, nodding good-bye ,to the sky-bound sparks. The pld daily had rolled up her knitting, and, .w,ith her broken furk,— in those days .they Ami not beard of ruit-picks; —with her two tined fork which had lost one of its, members, sat digging out, with a pa tience worthy of the gold miners of these times, the rich sweet kernels. suddertly, she ,dropped toth Sock and n,ut, and in another instant _EAarted : to her feet, her pae•falling from her dap and threatening .41Payagtease spot on the well scoured,floor. .Hastening to ter husband, she shook his shoulders, saying, 'Wake ,up quick, and .ten.' Half-frightened, he jumped, and came near setting his stockinged ,feet upon living coals; but his watchful wife, drawing ,him off the .hearth,, whispered, a little wildly, &Listen, now I 'don't you hear it SHear what l'-saidhe, still half asleep. Why, the soundhke a childcrying. ;here, ,there, now : it goes again. Do,&ro to the door.' The old man, now fully roused, stood with his heed to his ear, the right one,—the left ,had been deaf for many a year. It's ,;he wind, *Wei' don't you know it .1 ,It'A a ,fashion ,it ha t s when it is Co-Id.' .qt wasn't the wind; paid she, .solemnly, with a little nery.qus,agitation yet : visible in her face. c,f ; know'thecry. of ;be . w,ind; it never maires.a.Nund like that. 'There, and she clung to him, ,quivering, like a dead leaf; gdon' i t yqu ;bear ,it ge,cettainly did hear _something that sounded like the cry of a child ; and now it did not die away, as it had when his wife had noticed it, with a single sob, but lengthened into screams. But. how HENTINO-DQN, MAY 'l6, '1855. it could •E)1,411(1 so near, or whence camel was q mysteor; fOr the, house stood then far away from any oti;er hpuse; it was a Child's,' pry, that was, cartain. , , {l'll go and see,' said he, summoning Our age"to his somewhat faint healt, and he 'turn ed to the door. His wife followed closg, and fast on his steps. As he withdrew the little slip of wood that fastened the latch—there "wasn't then a bolt or lock in the town;—:-and opened the door, a I:l4indle so it. t leeiri94thopgh of what it.was.hard to guess, ,fell into the room with a. heavy, lifeless sound. The wind New a white sheet over it ere they could again fasten the latch. Half. horror, half wondestruck, they dragged the parse blanket to the hearth, and prirolling it, dis covered a woman and obild • the latter strug gling to free itself from . its many wrappers, and soreammg with all its might ; the for mer`raotionless as a corpse with lips as ashy and cheelcs as spoken. 4 half hour's charity to the babe, who seemed to have seen at welye month, completely revived it ; and it lay - on its pillow with its little white feet stretched to the fire, as happy as love could hayerliade it, cooing as sweetly as though nestling on a mother's warm bosom: But it --took longer to bring back a phlse to its pale prote4or ; and many times did the good. Samarit;Ms turn from her, leaving the sheet drawn over her as we cover a corpse. But a . sigh,'scifaint that it seemed a dying breath, at length en eburutge4 them ; 4114 they applies} re t st9ratlyes until soisfieci, she would yet liye, put it was many a weaty day err she could leaye her bed i when at last she stole front l i t, an 4 - 6:4t. up in the old lady's rocker, and lulled her baby with old Bongs, she peem pd to her watchers more like a spirit. than a sick, sad stranger, put gradually, through their tender nursing, she recovered strength and not only tended her child,, but ass4ted the old lady in may of her domestic dtif f ies. But she said very little—less than tliei could have wished for in their hearts they lodged to know her story. They knew she was a sinner,—knew it by the meek penitent way in which she hung her head when they read the Bible, at morn and night; knew it by the stained face she raised to . them after . each prayer. pat they loved her all the•more, or rather w.e,rp all the kinder to her. And, though she Teyiyed memories that it was ag ony to bear, they folded her to affec : - tions ps they would their own lost lamb*, had she no,t gone ere they could reach her. The winter passed, and still the _stranger pngered, filling with her little onea small place in the house but a large one in each aged heart.— One bright golden spring Trip, .after.assist ing in the morning as had become her habit, she went into the bedroom with her babe, and soon reappeared wrapped in the same coarse garment's they had Worn on that frosty night Pf their arriyal. "Give her one kiss, grandma, and you, -grandpa," said she, holding the child first:to one, and then 1 , 9 t i he other's wrinkled kces.; 'and now, 'father, mother,—do let * . krt,e,call you .so this cncel give the,nnw,cdcAed mother one, and we will go, and wherever go! Will pray for you, and she shall be' taug*t to ;" and she rushed wildly to the, door.-7 They stopped her, caughther child, and plea ded witli her to stay. ',Be to us still What yonha,ve been g,3 Fong, our daughter, and . do not take from us . our ,darling baby; we shott . l4 die without 4-real drops gathered on the still pale brow., while t&tzrs rushed down her cheeks, and'hei lips quivered with a fearful agony . She wrung her hands,. she beat - her tleart, siae lashed her I,imbs--..ahe seemed Like one who is half mad—'qiye me tlie,child one moment/ she exclaimed, and clasping it wildly to her bosom . , she bathed its smiling face, Iv . ith ,drops wrung from its keenest woe, she .14.s§- e4t passionately, and ,held ,it ,out,to them. i lisoth stretched their hands, and the little one, with an equal love, gaye to the one its right" and to the other its left hand, and,uphelcl between. them, crowed and creamed ,in . tiaby glee. 'She is the child ,of s k ill,' said the Anther, with a solemnity tat awed, for a moment, the carol of her baby ; 'the child of sin, but herself pure and holy as the offspring rtfr.ra wedded tie. Will yqu keekher so if I her here If she goes with rhe, she will ,not Jong be ,an angGl a trnless, indeed, God takes ber; would he had taken her mo ther when she was as youngl . she stays with yhu she ,may ever i be pile. Will yqu keep ,her 3 And she screamed the ,words Into their ,cares, as thonßh .4e ,wgild A l Ve,l:ll4cie their inmost nerses awaken. 'We will, we said they.; .'and ,ato,re,; we will keep you, too. Stay with .us—stay, yqu .to us a daughter--replace the ,one ;we thaye lost, we will .be your parents. It shall be home to us four. 'I cannot,' said she, wildly. 'Your daughter was a stainless girl. lam dyed in sin !' and she shook with agony. And so did those she spoke to l and tears as 'hot as those that had scalded her face, now 11.Ooded theirs. A while_theyyvept cill:ll4gh their hearts would break; then gathered cqini 7 ness, and, while the old: lady cloyed the two hands of the 'Magdalen', the' old man placed his hand upon her head and spalse,: 'Our daughter fled from . us while in the beauty of her girlhood—fled with a stranger, who wooed her by false words to a fearful sin. The child of cur Told age, it almost broke our hearts . , and we came here, far away from the haunts of early years, to spend the remainder of our days in a struggle to forget. We cannot forget, but we long since forgive; aye, before we heard she was dead. We have learned to be happy, even with the mernory of trial ever before us. But we miss the hopes that were born with her, and we Would cherish you and your babe as we should her and here, bad she come back ere she repented, as, they told us, and died.' The, old man's voice was hushed, There was no sounds but that of sobs, save when the babe cooed its.little love son. A cry of agony burst from the white lips of the stranger,' as loosening the hands that held her, she fell at the feet of those who had been so true,—:a cry, and then words. 'Father f mother ! she did not die,—she lives ! Tarr} she—your Lizzie—your lost, found child!' Let the curtain drop. it is a scene too holy for any but the light of God arid 402! 'Yes,' said the old grandmother. 'it was their long-lost ; and as they thought, dead She herself 4a4 forged the story Qf 1 her ;death, to secure herself in the sin she had learned IQ love. And, when, after years of wretchedness and pilule, she became herself, she felt upon her breast the to:uchpf pure and she beCame.herself again, and felt how much, how deeply she had sinned; and she longed to have her babe nurtured as she had been. It was long ere she could.escape from her sinful associates ; but she at /ength succeeded and reached, as I have told you, her father's house. She meant to conoeal herself till they were asleep and then leave the babe and go away ; for she had no hope they would cherish her again—foE ; g, she was very vile. But the cold was so intense she are not leave the child, but was forced to keep it totter breast; ,and wpFp. ,aild wearied with her long and te dious; fit i rpgee with the drifts, at length be came benumbed, and could no longer still the cries of her little one; and thus was ,brought back to love, to home, to Christ, by the voice of the angel on her heart.' The old lady, ceased her story, and there was no word spoken for along while. Then the young maiden. broke it, saying, 'And I,vbat became of them all. The two aged parents lived near a score of years, happy in the love of their restored child, and in the caresses and tender care of her little one. - They lie buried in the old church yard. The grandchild lived to be a blessing to her mother for five-and-twenty years; then passed-away, leaving a little one to make good her place. IV,lotherlesS 'ere it had seen the face of her whogaye ,it birth, it was fatherless ere the year was out.' Ano :ther long-pause. 'Yes ; it is a haunted hearthstone, this.- 4ged /Christians, that beautiful young ruother, that noble father--they haunted it ; Ao‘t as did gh.usts of olden times, making it a ,Nveired spot for ; the heart, but with such 491 , y memories that the hour spent in communion with them seems like a visit in the better '& earth are ever ,haunted, :oat few like this, have angels for their guests. The aniversary of that bleak winter's night, came round. The fire burned as brightly as before, the room was as warm and rosy ; but the young girl kneeled now before the fire. There was -no lap for her to rest her head upon—the old arm chair was empty. The hearthstone was haunted : by another spirit—a snit that had sinned , su f fered, and been forgiven. An Experimen,t in. Deep Digging. Last sprieg we took a corner had an old garden spot, which, though it had always been liberally manured and plowed as well as such a piece of ground could be, and to put it in a condition for fruit trees, we gave a good dressing of ,manure, and a thorough _spading .to .the Lull depth of an unworn spade, the longest we could find in the market- :In this spading operation, we often came in ,contact with . a subsoil so stiff that it offered ,resistance to the spade ; stiAl ,the .spade was put in at the coat ,of roach cal e,zertion. -The ,old And parße were laid in the botto,m,rif the.trench, and the het erogenous and apparently sterile materia,l,on which it had reposed, were placed upon the surface. This new earth, upon much of which the sun had never shone, and the dew had never-fertilized, was, in due time, plan ted with garden vegetables—not, however, in expectation of much crop, for the very surface gave almost positive assurance that such things would never grow there. They were sol,yp and planted to furnish a motive for a Foitinped. tillage through the season, and in adlition, the ground was planted out with dwarf Pear trees. The season in our region, as in many other f!eptipnt; of the country wac; one of distressing drouth—but very little rain from May to October—and, in conseqilence, the ground on this patch was probably- oftener and more thorokhly hoed than it would have been, had the dews and rains fulfilled their labors as usual. We now speak of the result. Our Pear trees (some twenty) on this patch, not only lived but made a desireable growth; and as for the vegetables—Melons, Cucumbers, To matoes, 4c., to the end of the catalogue --they gave us a crop supeTior to any we had raised for years. From this operation we infer, in the first place, that deep and thorough tillage, and frequent stiring of the earth, are good pre ven'tives of the effect of &with. The deep er and better pulverized the soil, the greater its power of absorption ; consequently when ever there is much moisture in the atmos pime, such lands are certain to attract their full share Of it is'so', also, wi t th the, veg etable-nourishing gaSses which the air from time to time contains, Such lands also suf fer less in rainy seasons from ecessive mois ture, for the same R9alit t ps which enable them to absorb when * therP . P a scarcity, ena 'hle.them to tlit'ow ofi when there is a super abundance. In the second place, deep and thorough tiliage proves, 'to us, conclusively that the prodiiefive ppWerp of earth are not always as nearly exhausted as many strive to-ima gine, bnt that the vile skinning, skimming system—the plowing three, four and five in ches deep—is what induces the sterility which so many lament. Any clayey soil— and they are among the best for many purpo ses--- may be made as barren as the desert of Sahara by such a system. Plow shallow and the earth under the furrow will lose the influence of the two essentials of fertility, sunshine and air ? and will, of course, become cold, compact, and ,harrep. 4opta tyill avoid such earth; or, if they rrigre an effort to penetrate it, it will be like attempting to ex tend themselves into a rock 1.9 meat the in vigorating influence of an iceberg. In tree-culture—especially in growing fruit trees—even a tolerable degree of suc cess cannot be realized unless shallow stiring of the earth is given up and the earth stirred deep. Trees may, as we have seen, some times live in such shallow soils, but they will be stinted, sickly, and produce but ordi nary fruit; but it is more often the case they die in the egort .to live, and then coMes the bitter denunciations on the nurserymanwho F . earect ti em, ,the adverse climate, and some times the i lo,c4lity, and even the soil v"vhich, under fa,vorable culture, would be just the thing for them, is blamed for the lack of those qualities which man in his indolence, or grasping after 'present gain, has taken from BACON.—Horticulturist. ,The Spirit of 7,ove, "Charity (or love) never faileth,"—l Cor-, xiii. 8. Beyond all question, it is the unalterable constitution of nature that there is efficacy, I divine, unspeakable efficacy, in love. The exhibition of kindness has the polypi to bring Oren the irrational animal jrito subsection. 1 .B:how kindness to a dov, and'ke will remem- ; ber it; he will be grateful; he wall infallibly return love fol. love. Show kindness to a li on, and you can lead him by the ,inane ; you can thrust your head into his mouth; you :can melt the untamed ferocity of his ; heart into an affection stronger than death. :no lo klou s vast, unbounded creation, there • : 4 e is not a living and sentient being, from the least to the largest, not one, not even the out cast and degraded serpent, that is insensible to acts ; of kindness. If love, such as our blessed Saviour manifested, could be intro? duced into the world, and exert its appropri ate dominion, it would restore a slate of things far more cheering ; far ; brighter than the fabulous age of gold ; it would annihilate every sting; it would pluck every poisonous tooth ; it would hush every discordant voice. Even the inanimate creation is not insensi ble to this _divine influence. The bud and sower and fruit put forth most abundantly and beautifully, where the hand of kindness is extended for their culture. And if this ; blessed influence should extend itself over the ; earth, a moral Parden pf E Eden : would ex jst in Ayer . ). land ; instead of the thorn arid brier ; would spring ,up the fir-tree and the myrtle.; the desert would : blossom, and the solitary place be made glad .—[Upham Oa" The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to your opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a ,father, deference; to your mother,•conduct that will make her proud of h3r son ; to yourself, respect ; and to all men, charity. VOL. 10, NO, 48. The Wifes Influence. A woman, in many instances, has her husband's fortune in her power; because she may or she may not conform to his circum stances. This is her first duty, and it ought to be her pride. No passion for luinry or display ought to tempt. Iter for fa' moment to deviate in - the least degree frem. this line of conduct. She will find her' respectob,ility in it. Any other course is wretchedness iqpil e t and inevitably 'l'ads to ruin. Nothing can be more miserable than the struggle to keep up appearances. If it could Tspoceed, it would cost more than it is worth; as it never can, its failure involves the deepest mortiff cation. Some of the sublirnest exhibitions of human virtue have been made by woman, who have been precipitated suddenly' froni wealth and splendor to absolute want. Then a man's fortunes are in a manner in the hoods of his wife, inasmuch as his own power' of exertion depends, en her. His moral strength is inconceivably' increased by her sympathy, her council, her aid. , She can aid him immensly by relieving him of every care which, she is capable of taking up on herself. His own employments are usu ally such as to require his whole mind,— ' A good wife will never suffer her husbandis attention to be distracted - by details to which her own time and talents are adequate. If she be prompted by true affection and good sense, she Will perceive when' his spirits are borne down and overwhelmed, she, of all hu man beingS, 'pan best minister _ . to its needs.— For the sick soul Mier nursing is quite as sov ereign as it is for corporeal ills. if it be her weary, in aasu pity it fin d s repose and refreshment.' if it be harrassed and worn to a morbid irritability, per 'gentle tones steal over it with a soothing more potent than the most exquisite music. ,if every enterprise be dead, her patience and fortitude have the power to rekindle'them in the heart, and he again goes forth to renew the encounter with the toils and troubles of life. Black Joke. The appended negro story, gopied from a southern correspondent of the .goston four. nal is not bad. • General me his black man Sew • - ney, funds and permission to ge,t a quarter's worth of Zoology at a menagerie, at the same time hinting to him the striking affinity be tween the ,Sima and negro races. Our sable friend soon found himself under the canvass, and brought to, in front of a sedate looking baboon, Arid gyeipg'the biboquadrnped close ly, soliloquised thus : "Folks—sure's yer born, feet, hands, Kerr, bUd-looking cowl tenance, just like a nigger gettin' old, I reckon." The, as if seized with a bright, idea, be e* . tended his hand with a genuine southern "How dye do uncle I" The ape clasped the negro's hand and shook it long and cordially. Sawriey then plied liis new acquaintance with interrogations as to his name, age nativ ity, and former occupation, but eliciting no replies beyond a knowing shake of the head, or a merry twinkling of the eye, (the ape was probably meditating the best 'way of twe4ing tkedarkey'A nose,) he concluded the ape was bound to keep non -committal, and ; looking cautiously around, chuckled, "Ije,'he, ye too sharp for dem, old feller.— Keep, dark—if ye' d fist spsak, one word of English, white man would have a hoe in yer hand in less than two minutes.)). Prosperity and Adversity. The virtue of prosperityis temperance ; the virtue of adyersity is fortitudg. Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament ; adver sity is the blessing of the New, which carri eth the greater benediction and the clearer revelation of God's favor. Yet, even' in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you sballiear as many hearse-like airs as carols; and the pencil of the Holy Ghost bath labored more in describing the afflictions of Job than . t)ie felicities of Solomon. Prosper ity is not without many fears and distastes ; and adversity is not without comforts and hoped. We see in needleworks and embroid eries it is more pleasing to have a lively work upon a sad and solemn ground, than to have a dark and melancholy work upon a light some ground; judge therefore of the pleasure of the heart by the pleasure of the eye.— Certainly, virtue is Like prenjous odors, most fragrant where they are incensed or crushed; for prosperity doth best discover vice, bat adversity doth best discover virtue.—[Lord Bacon. 11:7- Say what you ill of old maids, their love is generally more strong and sincere than that of the young milk-and-water crea tures, whose hearts vibrate pe4ween the joys of wedlock and the dissipations of the ball room. Until the young heart of women is capable of settling firmly and exclusively on one object, her love is like a May shower, which makes rainbows, but fills no cisterns. (►J These two lines looking ISO solenin , lust exactly fills out this column.