SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. SEBASTOPOL. NOT TANEN I J'. 8c W. SAXTON, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the handsomest assortment of Goods ever offer ed to the citizens of this place, and at lower pri ces than can be got at any other house, consist ing as follows ; DRESS GOODS, such as Summer Silks, Challeys, Berages, Lawns, &c., &c , FOR THE LADIES, Callicos, Chimazetts, Under-sleeves, Laces ant) the greatest variety of dress Trimmings in town. BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety. such as fine Boots, Ladies' Gai tors, Misses' Gaiiors and Slipper=, Ladies' Bus kins, and a great variety of Children's Boots and Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, such as white Silk, black Silk. Kossuth Hats of every variety. Panama and Straw Hats, and a beautiful assortment of Bonnets, English, Straw, Brade, Silk and Crape Bonnets, Bloumer Hats and Flats for children. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, of every variety and at lower prices than evtr. Cloths, Cassimers and Summer Goods of every variety and color. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS. a magnificent assortment, and at exceedingly low prices. GEtOCERIES of every variety. and of good quality. We are determined to sell our old stock off at reduced prices. We have on hand every variety of Goods usually kept in a country store. April 3, 1855. The Cheap Corner Forever SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C. BENJAMIN JACOBS informs his old cus tomers and the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon generally, that he has just opened an extensive assortment of Goods of all kinds suitable for spring and summer, which will compare in quality and prices with any other brought to town the present season, His stock consists of every article of LADIES DRESS GOODS. in part, Ginghams, Lawns, Printed and Plain Bareges, Prints of all kinds. Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., &c., in fact all articles of dress to be found in any other store in town. Also, an extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, for men and boys, for spring and summer wear, all well made and of good materials. Also, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, of all sizes. Also, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE. equal to any in town; and many articles too numerous to mention . My old customers and the public in general, are invited to call and examine my new Goods. They will find them equal in quality , and as low in price, as any others in the county. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, Apl, 3,1855. SPRING & SUMMER, GOODS, AT THE OLD SIPAND. GEO. G1241N, HAS just received from Philadelphia and is now opening at the old stand in Market square, the largest and prettiest assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon. My stock consists in part ofCloths, Cassimers, black and fancy Satinctts. Tweeds, and a large variety of Goods of all kinds. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods, of the latest styles and best quality. A large assortment of Undersleeves, Collars and Spen cers, black and figured Silks, a great variety of Prints and Chinces, Lawns, Barze Delains, De lains figured, plain and barred, Edging Lace, Ribbons, fancy and black Gimp, Silk Lace, co lored Kid Gloves, Gents' black do.. Linen and Silk Hdkfs., black Italian Cravats, Hosiery. &c., HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a fine assortment of STRAW GOODS. A good supply of FRESH GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE AND CEDARWARE. My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that I can offer inducements to purcha sers not to be found elsewhere. Call and see my Goods and examine for your selves. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Huntingdon Apl.. 3d 1855, CLOT rING! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 peg• cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! - LT ROMAN respectfully informs his custom ers, and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store room in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready. made Clothing For Spring and Summer, consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and fancy Cassimere, Cassinet and Corduroy Pantaloons; a. large assortment of Vests, Hats and Caps, neck and pocket Hand kerchiefs, Shirts, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, &c., &c., all of which lie will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any other establishment in the country, Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Huntingdon. April 11,1855. IMPROVED LARD LAMP. rr EIE undersigned having purchased the full and exclusive right and privilege of con structing, using, and vending to others, the right to make and use, in the county of Huntingdon, STONESIFEit & SMITH'S improvement in the adjustable packing for a lamp for burning lard. Lamps for sale by the dozen or single, also township rights for sale at reasonable pri r ces. All orders promptly attended to by addressing the subscriber, Orbisonia, Huntingdon county, PenifsylVania. GEO. W. CORNE,MUS Sipesvilk, Nov. 21, 1.854.-61 n. If you want to get the worth of your money, CALL AT D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE. I have opened the largest and prettiest assort ment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS ever brought to this place, consisting of Cloths, Cas. simers, Vesting, K. Jeans, Cotton Stripes,.Lin. ens, Velvet Cords, Muslins, &c., &e., LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and Fancy Silks, plain and figured Chai n, Spring Dclains, Berege Dclains, Plain Ber. azc of all colors, Debaize, Dress and Domestic Ginghams, a large lot of Lawns, and a great variety of Prints, Sz.c., HOSIERY. Hosiery of all kinds. Gloves, kid and silk finish ; Lisle Thread, Mitts, long and short Veils, Collars, Underslecves,Chima zets, Stamped Collars and Undersleeves, Em. broidered Handkerchiefs, Head Dresses, Ladies' Caps, Ribbons, Colored Crapes„ Florrencc Silks, Gents' Fancy lickfs, plain black Dress Trim. mings, French Working Cotton, Linen Floss, and a variety of Goods too numerous to men tion. Also a large assortment of Bonnets, Flats, Hats, and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Cedar Ware, Tubs, Buckets, Water Cans, &c., &c., Also, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAR.E. HARDWARE AND SALT. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods, as I can and will sell cheap er than the cheapest. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Good at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, Apl. 3, 1855 Books! Books!! V 25,®00 a nd ij p U o M p u E I a S r ° b f o n o e k l - L- 7 —embracing every variety to be t4 " 114 - had in Boston, New York and Philadelphia-- the subscriber Ins just received and offers for sale extremely low. His stock of STATION ARY is of great variety and superior quality, as follows :—Foolscap, Letter, Note and Wrap pinv, Paper. Envelopes of every kind, Gold and a St eel Pens also, Portmonies, Pocket Books Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. School Books of every kind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the la test and prettiest styles. just received and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the public will find it.to be to their iuterest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street. Huntingdon, April 3, 1855. MILNWOOD ACADEMY, Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa. r 11.11; next session of this well known Institu tiont. will open the Ist Wednesday of May. it! is located at Shade Gap, 18 miles from the Mount Union station on the Pennsylvania Rail road, from which place there is a daily line of stages. Being situated in the country it is re. moved from all the vices and temptations of town. The buildings are large, airy and ac commodating—capable of accommodating some fifty boarders. Those who cannot be accom. modated in the Institution, can obtain good boarding in the neighborhood at about 81,50 per week. Terms $5O per session of five months, payable quarterly in advance. Washing 30 ets. a doz. Light and fuel an extra charge. For further particulars address W. H. WOODS, PRINCIPAL- The Principal's address will be Easton, Pa., until the first of April, after that time, Shade Gap, Hunt. co., Pa. Feb. 14, '55. S. HIGGENS & SON, MOST respectfully make known to their friends and the public generally that they are carrying on the Cabinet making business in all its various branches, IN HUNTINGDON, where they have constantly on hand, and make to or der, all kinds of furniture, such as Bureaus, Tables, Wash and Sewing Stands, Cupboards, Book Cases, ' Wardrobes Cottage, French and High Post Bedsteads, Spring Seat Sofas and Sofa Rocking Chairs, Winsor Chairs and Settees, and every other article of furniture which may be called for—all of which are made of the very best material and in the most fashionable style, and will be sold at low rates. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine their furniture before purchasing else where. Wareroom on Hill street, South side, five doors East of J. G. Miles' dwelling. Huntingdon, Jan. 23, 1855. The Chambersburg and Mount union tage Line Revived. t riliE undersigned aware that a suspension of !zkll t tg, the line of Stages over the Ce road between Chambers.' burg and Mt. Union cannot but be disadvanta geous to a large section of country, has, at con. siderable expenses and trouble, made arrange ments to run a Line of Stages Tri.weekly be tween the two points. Good Horses and com fortable Stages have been placed on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will super intend the running of the Coaches. The pro. prietor of the line is desirous that it be main tained,and he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every at tention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will be regular. IEI Stages leave Mt. Union every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, arriving at Chambcrsburg the same evenings. Returning, leave Chambersbug the same nights at 10 o'clock arriving at Mt. Union early the following morn ing in time for the Cars. Stages stop at Shir. leysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg, and Reefer's Store. Oa" Faro through $3,00; to intermediate points in proportion. January 2, 1855.—tf. Grocery and Confectionary Store, LONG & DECKER, RESPECTFULLY informs their friendsand the public in general, that they still contin ue the Grocery and Confectionary business, un der the Sons of Temperance Hall, on ain street, Huntingdon, where they have now on hand a full and general assortment of Groceries and Confectionaries, which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have also on hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &c.,&c., &c., all of which they will sell cheap. Country prouce taken in ex change for Goods—the cash paid when we have no Goods to suit customers. As we are determined to accommodate al who may call at our store, we invite an cxaini nation and trial of our stock. LONG & DECKER Huntingdon, Apl. 19,1854. WM. COLON JOHN JAMISON. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS TWO PREMIUMS AWARDED AT THE LATE CRYSTAL PALACE EXHIBI. TION IN NEW YORE TO THE Oldest Type Foundry in the U. S. ESTABLISHED by Binney & Ronaldson in 1796, on the base of Sowers' Germantown Foundry of 1739. The long experience of the several proprie tors of the "PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUN. DRY" enables L. JOHNSON & CO., to offer the largest variety of Printing Types, and all the appurtenances of a Printing Qitice, to be found in any establishment in the United States ; and of a quality, too, which is deemed unrivaled. The composition of the metal used is calculated to afford the greatest durability ; while the scrupulous care exercised in the fit ting up of the type is such as 'to insure accura cy and squareness of body, &c. Our facilities are so extensive as to enable us to fill orders of any amount. Estimates given in detail (with the cost) of all the materials required for a Newspaper office. Plain and Fancy Types, and Music of unparalleled beauty, cast in this Foundry only,—Scrips, Flowers, Borders, Cuts, Brass, or Metal Rules,Labor-saving Rules Brass Braces, Brass Circles and Ovals, &c. PRESSES of all descriptions, and all sorts of Printing Materials, (most of which are made by us,) will be furnished at Manufacturers pri. ces. PRINTING INK, of all Varieties and Col. ors ; Varnishes, Bronzes, &c., of the most cel ebrated American and English Manufactures, which we sell at the lowest terms. STEREOTYPING or Electrotyping of books, Music, Wood Cuts, Jobs, &c. Type used in Stereotyping for sale at reduced prices. Wood Cuts designed and engraved in the finest style of art. Our "MINOR SPECIMEN ROOK" (the first of its class in the country, and original in its conception and getting up,) will be sent to all printers who have not received it, who will direct how it may be transmitted to them. Newspaper printers who publish this ad vertisement entire, (including this notice,) three times before September Ist, 1855, and send us a copy of the paper containing it, will be al. lowed their bill on purchasing articles of our manufacture to four times its amount. L. JOHNSON & CO., CC' No. 6, Sansom St., near the Hall of In dependence, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 25, '55-3t. 1000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. IGENTSwanted to canvass every county in , the United States, for a new book, entitled "PERILS AND PLEASURES OF A HUN. TER'S LIFE." This work is full of thrilling incidents, and hair breadth escapes, in various parts of the world. Annexed are a few extracts from the table of contents : Baiting - an Alligator. Morning among the Rocky Mountains. A Grizzly Bear. Fight, and terrible result. A journey and hunt through New Mexico. Hunting in the forests of Brazil. Chase of Bhinoceros ' • chase of an Elephant. A Boa Constrictor, aTiger, a Lion. Terrible Conflict. Hunting the Tiger with Elephants. A Wild Hog Hunt in Texas, &c-, &c. The above will give some idea of the contents ofthis book, which is a large 12mo. of over 300 pages, illustrated with finely colored plates, and handsomely bound, and is sold at the low price of 81 for which a specimen copy will be sent by mail, postpaid to any part. of the country. Agents will be paid the largest commission. Apply to J. W. BRADLEY, Public 48 North Fourth her. Philadel Street, April 11, 1852 phia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED, To Sell the Best Work of T. S. Arthur, "TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOl l 4l, AND WHAT I SAW THERE." THIS is a large 12m0., of 240 pages, illustra ted with a beautiful Mezzotint Engraving, by Sartain, bound in the best mannor ; full gilt back. Specimen copies sent to any part of the Uni ted States, on receipt of the price, 75 cts. Some agents now selling this book, are mak ing $5O per month. Apply to J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 North Fourth Street, April 11, 1855. Philadelphia. SALAMANDER SAFES, EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, GRE NT FIRE. CHEST NUT & FIFTH Streets, Friday morning, December 16th, 1854. Evans & Wat son's salamander SAFES triumphant, as they always are when put to the test. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, No. 29 South FOURTH St, Philadelphia. GENTLEMEN :—We take much pleasure in recommending your Salamander Safes to met• chants and others in want of a secure means of preserving their books, papers, &c.. from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this -horning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings cor ner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. The safe was then removed and opened in the presence of at least one thousand persons, who witnessed the goo I condition of the contents.— Will you please have the Safe and Locks repair ed, as we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in its fireproof qualities. Yours, Reepestfully, LACY & PHILLIPS. :, • • i .... •:. : 6fl , • r 3 1 •'.9' . 1 ~•-; • : /- Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the following among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use : U. S. Mint, Philada ; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Philada; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff, Philada ; John N. Henderson. City Controller; Caleb Cope & No. 1 - 83 Market St. ; Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive builders. Philada • Bancroft & Sel lers, MachiniAs, corner 16th and James Sts, ; Franklin Fire insurance Co , Phila. ; Pennsyl vania Railroad Co., Philada.; Lacey & Phillips, corner sth and Minor Sts.; Sharpless Bro No. 32 South Second St; James, Kent & Santee, No, 147 North Third Street; W. H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Third St.; Smith, Wil liams & Co., No. 87 Market :St.; J. & B. Orne. No. 85 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent more fire than any Herring's Safe now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Sash, for making fire-proof Vaults for Banks, stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent elate lined. Re frigerators, &c. Please give us a call, at No 26 South FOURTH St., Philadelphia. April 3, 1855. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. BLINDS AND SHADES ! Selling off at ?Reduced Prices. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12, North Sixth St., I) a few doors above Market St., Philadelphia. Originator of all New Styles ! Buys the best materials cheap for cash, which enables him to sell superior WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES as low as others sell inferior articles. Gold borders and painted Shades, of beautiful designs. Buff Holland Shades, trimmings, Fix tures, &c., wholesale and retail. Store Shades painted and lettered to order. Repairing in general attended to. Purchasers please call. 0::7- We study to please. April 3, 185.5. STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES ! ! WHOLESALE TES AND Ism.. •t•- RETAIL. rrHE undersigned would respectfully call the I attention of Stove dealers, and those in want of a Stove for Parlor, Dining.roorn and Kitchen to our extensive assortment of every description of STOVES to viz : Bay State Six holes on top, Globe Cook, Buck's Cook for wood, Modern Troy, Complete Cook, Sweet Home, Lilly Dale, Yocum Cook, Hagar Cook and Par lor STOVES of different kinds, too numerous to mention : also, to our celebrated MACGREGOR Heating Stove for parlor, hotels, halls, and large stoves warranted to give more heat with one quarter the fuel, than any other stove now made. We are agents for BARSTOW &. Co's cele brated stoves. which for fineness of casting, du. rability and utility, not to be excelled. Also, Queen's Patent Portable FORGES, the best now in use. References in regard to the above stoves arc always to be seen at our store. NEMAN & WARNICK, N. E. Corner SECOND & RACE Sts., March 20, 1855. 3m PHILADELPHIA. JULIUS STERN, No. 145, North THIRD Street, (3 doors above Eagle Hotel, P.HILA DELPHI A. Wholesale Dealer In Fancy Dress Trimmings, and Millinery Goods ; awl Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets, KEEPS constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Em broideries, Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Gimps, Frin ges. besides a great variety of other Fancy Goods. He solicits a call from country Merchants visiting the City, and assures them that they will he sure to find any article above mentioned, at the lowest prices. March 13. 1855-2 m NEW STOCK OF DRY-GOODS, FOR THE SPRING OF 1855. EYRE & LANDELL, S. W. corner of Forth and Arch Sts., PHILADELPHIA, are fully pre. pared to suit buyers, wholesale and retail, with goods adapted to their wants at the lowest nett cash prices. BLACK SILKS, BRITISH PRINTS, FANCY do. PLAID GINGHAMS, NEW DRESS GOODS, GOOD LINENS, NEW Spring Shawls; TABLE LINENS, Novelties in Lawns, SHEETINGS, IS-c., N. 8., Bargains daily received from the Auc tions of Ncw York and Philadelphia. P. S.— Oil Boiled Black Silks warranted not to cut hi wearing. Store keepers supplied with those goods regularly. Feb- .28, 1855-3 m. SPRING GOODS, 1855. T D. GREENE has now in his store a large • and choice Stock of Spring Dress Goods, to which he particularly asks the at. tention of the ladies of Huntingdon— Beautiful Spring Silks, from 623 e to $2,50. Barege and Grenadine Robes. French Lawns and Jaeonets. Plain Cambricks and Percals. British and French Prints. Barege de Laines, Summmer Mouselins, &c. Bischoff's Super Black Silks, unequaled in color and quality. Shawls and Mantillas in great variety, and at the lowest prices. J. W. Greene has but ONE PRICE, and that the LOWEST FOR CASH. Corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, March 3,'55. PHILADELPHIA. Front Street Wire Manufactory WATSON & COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, No. 46 NORTH FRONT ST., corner of Comb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets, Philadelphia, continue to manufacture of su perior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Cov ers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. Fancy Wire Work of every description. [Feb. 20, 3m LEATHER. FRITZ, HENRY & CO., No. 29 North Third St., Philadelphia. TOROCCO Manufacturers, Courriers and Importers of FRENCH CALF—SKINS, and dealers in RED and OAK SOLE LEATHER and KIPP. [Feb 20, 1855—1 y WALL PAPERS. BURTON & LAYING, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, No. 124 ARCH Street, second door above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE §. RETAIL. _TIVERY article in their line of business at the i U very lowest market CASH PRICES, and solicit th I patronage of dealers and others. Feb. 20, 1855-3 m STAUFFER. and HARLEY. Cheap Watches and Jewelry, WHOLESALE and RETAIL at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North SECOND STREET,corner of Quarry ,Phila delphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewell 18 carat cases, - . - - $2B 00 Gold Lepines, . - . 24 00 Silver Lever Watches,fulljewelled, 12 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, - - - 900 Superior Quartiers, - . 7 00 Gold Spectacles, - - - 700 Fine Silver do. - - - 1 50 Gold Bracelets, - - - - 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils, - 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, set, - .5 00 Gold Pens, with Penciland SilverHolder,l 00 Gold Finger Rings, 37i cents to $80; Watch Glasses,pla.in,l2l i cents; Patent, 18.1-; Lunet,2s, other article§ in proportion. All goods warran ted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Si!ver Levers and Lopines, still lower thanthe above prices. Sept. 27, 1854-Iy. HOSFORD & MILLER, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., lowa, ARE prepared to transact any business per taining to the purchase, and sale of land, or Town Lots, investigation of titles, transfers and conveyances generally. We have located ourselves in the interior for that purpose and will personally survey and carefully examine any tract of land within our reach, give correct and prompt information con cerning Congress Lands in the Dubuque and Des Moines Land Districts, in any of the sur. rounding counties, especially on the proposed lines of Railroads from Dubuque west and the Cedar River Valley Railroad. Persons wishing to make safe investments by having careful se lections made would do well to address or give us a call. • Lands located on time for settlers. Payment of taxes punctually attended to. Township plots of latest date always on hand. 36,900 Acres of choice Farming Land, for sale from $2 to $5 per acre. Also several small lots of timber of good quality. Likewise 2 or-3 improved Farms near the county seat. _ _ _ _ _ REFERENCSS.—Gov. Matteson, Springfield, Ill.; Hon. Jas. Gwin, Huntingdon, Pa.; R. C. Goodell, Cash. Merch. and Drovers' Bank, Jo liet, Ill.; George S. Fisher, Cash. Bank of Ot tawa, 111. ; H. F. Eames, Banker, Ottawa, Ill.; E. B. Stiles, Esq., Dixon, Ill.; Gov. Hemstead, .1. C. Parlay & Co., and H. S. Hetherington, Du buque, lowa ; Thos. Jackson, Esq., Hon. Saml. Calvin, and Hon. R. A. MclVlurtrie, Hollidays burg, Pa. July 19,'54.-Iy. HUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, in Huntingdon and adjoining counties that he has established himself in Huntingdon, having just received from Philadelphia a select ed stock of choice marble grave stones of every Jescription, which he will furnish at very re duced prices. All orders through mail address ed to the undersigned will be attended to with prom ptness. Shop 3 doors West of A. Wilson's Attorney Office. WM. WILLIAMS. May 17, 1853.. BOOTS AND SLOES, The Best Assortment ever brought to Huntingdon. rIUE public arc informed that LEVI WEST BROOK-has just opened at his store, the best selected assortment of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to Huntingdon—in part as follows: Men's Double-soled Calf Boots, Men's Water-roof Hunting Boots, Men's Heavy Double-soled Water-proof Boots, Boys' Fine and Coarse Boots, Ladies' Congress Gaaito►s, Ladies' French Morocco Gaitors, Ladies' Goat and Morocco Boots, Gum Shoes of all Kinds, together with a general assortment of Ladies' Shoes and Slippers. Also, Misses' and Chil dren's best quality of Boots and Shoes—Canvas Valises, Hats, &e., &c. My old customers and the public generally, are requested to call and examine my new stock. LEVI WESTBROOK Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 1854. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY The s 't u subiber, thail to i f ft' ' f•" ends scr and patrons, nkft and to :}the public generally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door east of Mr. t. C. C. Con' s Hotel, Market street Hunting- e r r . don, where he will attend to all who.: will faver him v ith their custom ; and also keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., &c., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds, will be re paired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and any person having articles for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. By pay ing strict attention to businees. and selling at low prices, he hopes to receive a share of pub lic patronage. JOSEPH REIGGER. $2OO REWARD. TE H public generally, and the rascals who _I some timesince entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, arc informed that I have just opened a. more generat.and better as sortment of articles in my line of business than was ever brought to Huntingdon, con sisting of Watches, Jewelry, Knives,7 , ( EA, Clocks, Fine Pistols, ;b•-7: o Perfumery, Port Monnaies,Sil. `-s-F- - ver Ware and Fancy Articles, &c., &c. My old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the county are requested to calland examine my assortment. _ _ EDM. SNARE Huntingdon, March 22,1854. JAPAN CONQUERED ! ! NEW GOODS. DETER SWOOPE, hereby makes known to the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and has opened in frame store room lately occupied by Marx Israel, near the corner of Hill & Mont gomery Streets, Huntingdon, Pa-, a large, new, FeT 3 and well-assorted stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS embra cing fine and coarse Boots, Shoes, Gai ters, Monroes, Ties, &c., for Gentlemen ; and also fine Gaiter Boots, Buskins, Jenny Linds, and Ties for Ladies. Children's Boots and Shoes of every variety and fashion. Gentlemen and Boys can be accomodated with hats of the latest and most approved style. He has also a good stock of hosiery, of ladies, gentlemen and children's wear. He has a good assortment of fresh Mahogany Veneers. 02 - rdiali7d4t:Pzit; The "Nimble Sixpence is better than the slow Shilling." Call and be served. Don't forget the place, near the Corner of HiNand Montgom ery Streets. Huntingdon July 18th, 1854.—tf. Come and Be Clothed, At ROMAN'S Store opposite Conte' Hotel. Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Sack Coats, Business Coats, Pants and Vests, Shirts and Drwvers, Handkerchiefs and Cravats, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Hats and Caps, &c., &e_ All of the best materials and most fashiona ble style and finish—CHEAPER. THAN ELSEWHERE. (U . Call and examine for yourselves. COD Fish, Macheral, Herring &c., just recei ved and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. A. P. HOSFORD, EDMUND MILLER. BANKING HOUSE OF BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On North-West corner of Hill and Montgomery Streets in the borough of BUNTINGDON2- At which a genera:a Banking busines is contem plated to be done. f TARAFTS on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &e., &c., always for sale. Collections; nade at the principal points in the United States. Money received on deposit; payable on de mand without interest; also 3,6, 9 and 12 months payable with reason able rates of in terest thereon. MEMBERS OF FIRM: J. M. BELL, R. B. JOHNSTONS, WA.T. JACK, V IV. M. LLOYD, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; A. P. WILSON, J. GEO. MILES, NV AI. Dorm, Jr., THOS. FISHER, P. ORBISON, JOHN . SCOTT, JAMES GWIN, GEO. W. GARRETTSON, Huntingdon Pa. Huntingdon Pa. July 11,1854.-3 m. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. McGILL returns his it thanks to his friendsand the pub.gi t-. lie for their very liberal patronage and hopes by strict attention to ... business to merit a continuance of the same, in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air. Tight Parlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stores of varions sizes ; and all kinds of Ploughs : the Lancaster and the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharping and Hillside Ploughs and Shears to suit all kind of Ploughs in the country ; and - Forge Cas ting, (rist and Saw-mill Castings; Lewis. town Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse and two horse power of Chambers burg patterns, and all other kinds of castings too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of country produce. Alsc, old mettle taken in ex. change for casiings HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTORY. n WEN BOAT, thankful for past t favors, re. spectfully informs the public in general that he has removed to his new shop on Wash ington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Carmen, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons and in short every kind of vehicle desired.— Rockaways and Buggies of a superiormanufac. Lure and finish always on hand and 'for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Hunti ngdon, May 16, 1854. ARMITAGE'S Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods A FTER many years' close investigation II and numerous experiments, the •Pattentee sakes pleasure in informing the public that he has arrived at the true principles of protecting flimilies, dwellings and property from the de structive influence of Lightning. The cal. amities that every City, Town, Village and Country falls victim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain--this is found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world— Professors M'Murtrie, Johnson, Waller and many others that have examined them, recom mend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other coun try, for the protection of Lives and Property.-- One advantage is to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to con duct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other ad vantages over the old one. The only place of manufacturing is in Vine St., 3 doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons ate respectfully invited to call and examine fi'r themselves. For sale Wholesale and Retail by THOS. ARMITAGE. Satisfactory rscommendations can be seen by calling on the subscriber. All rods wax. ranted. SAMUEL HOOVER, Ha racton _Union Co., Pa., Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining coun ties, and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desit ing to be supplied with the Rods can leave filch orders with the Editor of the Globe, or with GrafFms Miller, of the Rail Road Hotel. April 26, 1854. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS. T. K. Simonton Agl, Huntingdon. IffONEY, Packages, and Goods of all kin3s, J.VI received and forwarded at the risk of the Company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United States. J. SIMPSON AFRICA. J. F. RAMEY. AFRICA & RAMEY, PRACTICAL SURVEYORS; OFFICE with Daniel Africa, Esq., Hill street, between Montgomery and Smith strectf., Huntingdon, Pa. [Sept 13, '54. R. A. MILLER, D. D. s A RTIFICIAL TEETH, from one to a full set, mounted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with ea ee and neatness. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and dos. patch that modern science can furnish. Huntingdon, March 8, 1854. JOHN SCOTT. SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. i.. .,. FFICE same as that formerly occupie.l by rA V) Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1853. (MEM Er. PD,OVYMIL ATTORNEY AT LAIXT, Will attend faithfully to all legal business in trusted to his care. (Hunting don, July 2( 1 $2 T. P CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE removed to the brick row near the U Court House. Queensware—a. fine assortment just Tree vd at the store of January 3d, 1854 - - CARPET BAGS of every variety, just re ceived and for sale by R. C McGILL. SAMUEL T. BRi/Ilisi LONG & DECKER. J. & W. SAXTON Ei!