Educational Department. BY A. M'DIVITT. Monthly Decisions, 'E xpl an ations and Instructions by the State Superin tendent. 1. Directors: not to be contractors : It is a violation of the school law and sound policy, for a Board of.:Directors to enter into a con tract with one of their own number' for the erection •of school houses. Such contracts are wrong, upon principle, and the Superin tendent cannot hold them as otherwise than illegal and void. 2. Directors not to be teachers : No person can serve as Directors and Teacher at the same time. One office or the other must be surrendered. 3. Houses built by adjoining- districts : Under the 23d section, division IX of the School law, it is the duty of the directors of adjoining districts to provide school houses, as well as tuition, for pupils who cannot be otherwise properly provided for in their own district. But if it becomes necessary to erect houses at the joint expense and to be jointly owned by such adjoining districts, great care should be taken to have the title proper ly secured, so as to prevent future trouble and litigation. 4. A person paying tax in two districts can only send his children to the schools of that in wh ich he resides; A person residing in one district, and paying school tax on property in another, does not thereby 'acquire the right to send his children to the schools of any district, except that in which he resides. 5. Power of teachers over pupils out of school: The authority of teachers over pupils out of the school house, is a question over which the Department has, under the law, only advisory, and not absolute, power: and deference to former decisions on the subject, has delayed instructions thus far on thispoint. But numerous and increasing complaints from single schools and entire districts, of bad conduct and acts of insubordination, at the school house and under the eye of the di rectors and teacher, have been received.— These cases, so demoralizing in their charac ter and subversive of the discipline of the schools, yet neglected by parents, and not properly cognizable by the Courts, require the statement, here, that in the opinion of the present Superintendent, the jurisdiction and authority of the Teacher over pupils is neither limited by the school house walls, nor to the time the school is actually in session ; but that, as a general rule, in all matters le gitimately connected with the schools and the manners and morals of the scholars, the teacher's jurisdiction commences at the mo ment when pupils leave the parental roof and control to go to school, and continues until their return from school. - 6. County Commissioners to furnish infor mation as to taxable property : When Direc tors are at a losss to know what are proper subjects of taxation for school purposes, they should, under the 29th section of the school Law, call on the County Commissioners for the desired information. 7. Maximum of Assessment : The highest assessment that can be made upon taxable property for school purposes ; is thn teen mills on the dollar. 8. Amount of tax on, persons, trades and occupations : If the assessed value oT person's trade or occupation be less than $2OO, it is not taxable at all for school purposes. If it. be valued at from $2OO to $250, the tax should be 50 cents. If it be valued at more than $250, the tax should be 50 cents, and then in addition to the 50 cents, one per cent, on every dollar of the valuation above $250; and this is the highest I'mit which the law authorizes in this particular. 9. Farmers arc exempted front an "occupa tion," tax, by the 32 section of the Act of 29th April, 1844, (pamphlet laws, 1844, page 497,) and the Superintendent has no control over the subject. 10. What single freemen are taxable : It will he seen by the 111. Act of 15th April, 1834, (pamphlet laws 1834, page 512,) that the poll tax on "single freemen" is only ap plicable to such single freemen, above the age of 21 years. es "shall not follow any oc cupation or calling," and not to unmarried men generally. From the Phila. Daily News. The Anti-License Law. The singular and ridiculous character of the Act recently passed by the Legislature, for the purpose of restraining the sale of spir itous liquors, is attracting marked attention throughout the State, and vve notice in a Reading cotemporary ; the following opinion in reference to the Constitutionality of the law from the Hon. Jacob Hoffman, of that city. The inconsistencies of the law are well developed by the letter of Mr. H.: Legal Opinion on its Constitutionality READING April, 19th. 1455. GENTLEMEN :—ln reply to your inquiry of yesterday, as to the constitutionality of the late act of assembly, entitled "an act to re strain the sale of intoxicating liquors," and what remedy, if any, the people have against its epforcement, I can only say that I do not think its provisions are in conflict with the Constitution of the United States, or that of Pennsylvania. It respects and protects all persons having paid for and received a license during the time for which it is to continue. And if even the act had gone into effect immediately af ter its passage, and had annulled all existing license, it could not have been declared void under any constitutional provision, as the power to repeal and annul grants of that na ture by general laws, is inherent and must of necessity exist in the Legislature. It comes under the head of sovereign power and police regnlation. But, its absence of a direct. arid positive conflict with the letter of the constitution, does not therefore, render it less odious, harsh and unjust in its operation, and effect upon that portion of our citizens who are the owners and keepers of Hotels and Taverns, and who, upon the faith of laws in existence ever since the first settlement of the Prov ince of Pennsylvania, have invested proba bly over twenty millions of dollars. Invest ments, which, by the passage of this law, are in a great measure, rendered valueless, with out even attempting tosuppress or prohibit the sale of and traffic in intoxicating liquors.— This law prohibits, on the one hand, one class from selling, while, on the other, it in vites and protects another portion of The community to do the same thing on a larger scale. So long as the States sells for money the privilege of making and selling intoxicating liquors as a beverage, there can be no good reason for denying the privilege to proprie tors of well-regulated hotels and taverns, es pecially when such legislation involves the destruction of their property, without pro tecting or improving the morals of the com munity, or increasing the revenues of the State. This act, (unlike the Main law, which pro hibits the making, selling, or drinking of in toxicating liquors,) neither involves nor pro mulgates a principle, because it allows the, same evil to be practised by one set of _men which it professes to suppress in another'por tion of the community. Hence, there is no justification in the sacrifice and eestruction of so large an amount of individual property as is contemplated by the enactment of this law. No portion of the community petitioned or asked for the passage of this or any similar law. Judging by the result of the last election, the - people of Pennsylvania are very nearly equally divided upon the suject of the sale of intoxicating liquors. One portion is for and the other against prohibition. This law is in accordance with the views and feelings of neither party. And, yet ; strange and incon sistent as it may appear, it actually prohibits the save of intoxicating liquors by one section, and by another legalizes it. lts provisions are thus at once rendered anamalous as well as absurd. It is neither. "flesh. nor fish." It is difficult to determine whether its gen eral scope or its details are the most objec tionable. It prohibits Tavern keepers from selling or suffering liquor to be drank in their houses, and confers upon the Courts the pow er to grant or withhold. license from the li quor dealers. Thus, enabling the Conrts to create a monopoly for the benefit of favorites, and those perhaps, the most unworthy among the great number of applicants. Its tenden cy is to encourage rather than to diminish intemperance, by closing the spigot and opening the bung. It denies the weary and ' exhausted traveller, who is compelled to stop at public houses, the right of buying it from the landlord, or of drinking it upon the prem ises, while it affords every facility to the resi dent population to obtain and drink it at pleasure. It tends to increase the rate of charges against those who are compelled to stop at Hotels, by depriving the keepers of the profits arising from the sale—while, at the same time, it transfers it to the liquor dealers, who neither entertain nor contribute to the comfort of the travelling and business community. Its title, which should indicate and explain the context of the act, is a cheat and deception upon the public. It purports to be "an act to restrain the sale of intoxica ting liquors." This, is true, as far as it goes, but it does not imbrace the whale of the act. To give the whole contents of the act by its title it should read thus—"an act to restrain the sale of intoxicating liquors, by less mea sure than a quart,"and to encourage and pro mote intemperance by wholesale." For these and other .easons, this act should not have been passed by the Legislature, es pecially after the decision of the poeple against it at the last election; and should therefore, be repealed by the next legislature. And that, in my opinion, is the proper and only remedy left for the people against its force and operation. Very respectfully, your obedient servent, J• HovineAN. To William Deßorbon, Conrad Beidler, Dan iel Housum and others.. War With Spain The repeated insults that our citizens re ceive daily from the minions of the Spanish Government, and the searching and firing into of our mercantile marine, by Spanish misers, has caused a sensation of hatred to beat in the breasts of the American public, against that nation, that a war to chastise their insolence, outrageous and un-christian like proceedings, would not meet with much opposition. We are oppused to war, and de plore it as a great curse antf evil—but we have an honor to maintain; and it must be maintained at all hazards. The Washington Union of last Saturday has a long article on the state of our affairs with Spain• It states that the President regards the recent bring ing to and examination of American vessels as violations of international law; indigni ties to our flag, and aggressions upon our right which will not be tolerated. Commodore McCauley is not to argue with the Spanish cruisers as to the right of search or visitation, but say to them: "You can claim no righ of search, visitation, or eflam ination, of any vessel rightfully bearing our flag upon the bight seas, under any guise or pretext, in my presence or with in my reach. If you attempt it, the act will be done at your peril." The Union further says, the Spanish Government have the issue of peace or war in their own hands. If they persist in their aggressions war is inevita ble.—Phila. Saturday Mail. From the Dover (Delaware) State• Reporter. Our Difficulties With Spain---Who Con stitute the American Party now. In common with the democratic press of the United_States, we have frequently por trayed the blessings of peace, and recommen ded a pacific adjudication of 'lnternational questions when the honor of our country could be thus preserved. A crisis, however, in our relations with Spain, has at last beer. reached; and the government of the United States is now imperatively called upon to put a stop to insults and injuries her coasting trade has lately bean subjected to by the im pudence and arrogance of Spanish officers upon the coast of Cuba, if not avenge the ag gressions they have already made. The history of no nation, either of ancient or modern times., slows as many acts of for bearance towards a nominally friendly pow er as does the course of the present national administration towards Spain. The Presi dent has labored, but labored in vain, to in duce her "ancient friend" to change her line of policy. The most conciliatory diploma tic notes have either passed unheeded by the ministers of the court at Madrid, or been responded to by promises which were scarce ly received before they were disregarded ,or broken. The Black Warrior case, fresh in the memory of our readers, was one which would have justified retaliatory measures on the part of the United States; but another and pacific course was adopted by the Presi dent, for the express purpose, as we believe, of bolding it as a kind of pledge for the fu ture, and maintaining friendly relations with all the maritime powers of the world. In this respect he was mistaken. But a few months roll around before the large steamer El Dorado, while off Cape •St. Antonio, and two hundred miles from Havana, is fired at by a Spanist man-of-war, and one ball passed within a few feet of the top of her wheel house. Again, and but last week, we re ceive intelligence of the American brig P: R. Hickman being "brought to," while on her regular course,. by the Spaniards firing shot around her. ,Such proceedings are un warranted, and oonnot be justified byby any nation which will continue to command re spect. The causes of our late war with Great Britain were nothing in comparison with them. In 1812 England wanted sailors, and claimed a right on her own citizens. For this, and other reasons, our commerce was somewhat interfered with,. and Congress, after but little delay, openly declared war.— In 1855 time has become the greatest:consid eratio►► in commercial affairs ; and the fact that the Captain General .of Cuba is in con stant fear of a revolution. on the island, which may possibly cost him his head, is no ground to . justify him for del eying-. our steamers while on their usual route to the South. We are not disposed to take advantage of the weakness of Spain in order to possess Cu ba. This beautiful gem of the sea naturally be longs to the - United States, and must inevita bly form another star in our noble galaxy of independent States. But we wish to possess her honorably, hold her fairly, and ,protect her boldly. This we know to be the policy of President Pierce. If any other had been adopted by him, the American flag would-now be waving over the Moro Castle, and the de crees of the Real Audiencia (Royal Court) would be superseded by the verdicts of twelve honest men. Cuba would belong to the United States if our government possesed any of that rapa city which has induced Great Brittain and France to add to their territories and com mand the entrance to most of the seas of the world. Look at Gibraltar, Malta, &c., and say_ what is the object of "the allies," in their defence of Turkey, except it be the division of the principalities, and the control of the Bosphorus. It is true, we have enlarged our territory, hut we have done it honorably, and to the satisfaction of all the parties involved. England . and France cannot boast of this; and Spain should be careful lest, by provoking the aid of these two powers, she, as Turkey will, should the Russians unfortunately be conquered, see her richest possession pass away. We know there are may politicians in this country, as well as editors, who would willingly see foreign powers interfere to sustain Spanish rule in Cuba, but such men are only "Americans" by name, not in feeling. The Secretary of State under President-i Taylor evinced his love for protectorates, and we have no doubt he is ready again to throw the weight of his political influence in favor of a joint protectorate over Cuba. The course of England and France in 1852, and subsequently, when the United States refused to enter into a convention tripartite for guarantying Spanish dominion aver Cuba, was very acceprionable, and shall be noticed by us again when upon this subject. Our object in this article has been merely to-show the precise condition our country occupies, I and the necessity for preparing the navy for early duty- With the cruelty and inhu man butchery of Pinto and Estrampes - We have nothing to do, unless it be proven that j the latter, by leaving Cuba for a short period and residing in the United States, lost the quality of 'a Spanish subject. In this event ! without denying to Spain the power to pun ish all who violate her laws within her juris diction, we should insist that under the treaty of 1795 Estrampes was entitled to a trial according to the ordinary course of proceed-' -ing in law, and not be garoted upon the de cision of a dinm-head court-martial. such we know to be the views of the democratic press, and considered the principles of all TRUE AMERICANS. The opposite course is taken by the know-nothing papers and "American" (!) speakers, but that party in Delaware will soon appear as ridiculous in its new clothes as did the majority when -they wore the ludicrous garment of "dodo craticwhigs." IMPORTANT WAR NEWS The Latest Foreign News, NEW YORK, May 4•—The steamer Atlan tic arrived to-day. Her news is highly im portant. The Vienna Conference is broken off. Russia rejects the demands of the Allies. Sebastopol has been bombarded since the 9th. The result is doubtful. The Emperor Napoleon, accompanied by the Empress, has been for a week in Eng land; and they have been immensely glorifi ed. The British Loan of £16;000,000 had been taken by the Rothsehilds. The faxes are to be increased on incomes, tea. coffee, sugar, &c. England assents to Louis Napoleon taking the command of the Army at the Crimea. The Vienna Conference has been broken off, after the 12th session. There are strong indications that Austria will refuse to act against Russia. The bombardment of Sebastopol, of 500 guns, commenced on the 7th and continued incessantly to the 15th. An assault is not practicable. It is the intention to storm if possible. Wheat and flour lower and quiet. Corn slightly advanced. All hopes of Austria taking the field against Russia are at an end for the pres ent. .From the seat of war we learn that during the first two days of the bombardment of the besiegers it was superior to that of the city, and much damage had been done to the Russion works. During the night of the 13th the left attack of the Allies obtained consid erable advantage over the Russians, - who were twice dislodged from a strongly fortifi ed position, which remained in the hands of the French. The possession of this position enabled them to fortify the summit of the ra vine, which is of great importance. Since the siege began, five of the seven Admirals of the Russian fleet have died or been killed. Gortschakoff has published an address to the garrison, which states that matters look more encouragbig to the besieged. Serious trouble had been created at Krojo va, by the brutal conduct of the Autrian officers. The people attacked the Austrians and drove them from the c.ity. The official statements return 249 killed on both sides.— The excitement continues, and a deputation has been sent to the ,Sultan to demand jus tice. Operations for strengthening the Russian forts in the Baltic are going forward with great activity, and 120,000 troops will con centrate in the Baltic provinces. LATEST LONDON, 23d, past 1 o'clock.—Conrabert telegraphs to the 17th that the fire contin ues unabated., chiefly by the artillery, but the engineers are operating and have estab lished us much nearer to the place. Anoth er report says the loss of life on both sides will be very great. A council of war was held and it is decided that the fire will be continued one week longer; then the assault. JobPrintino (lF all kinds neatly and expeditiously execu. Utedat the Globe Office. The Nest Govenor. The Pittsburg Daily Union publishes a letter from its Harrisburg correspondent, which does no move than justice to the high 'minded, but unassuming gentleman, who represents the faithful "Tenth Legion" in the next-Congress. He will stand, on the floor of the douse with a larger majority than any other democrat elected— Judge Packer's antecedents will compare with any democrat in the State. His history illustrates the gloriOns advantages of our system of gov ernment, inasmuch as some twenty years acro he entered Mauch Chunk from Susque hanna county, with his plane and saw upon his back, having walked that day over forty miles without a shilling in his pocket. He is now one of the most honored democrats in this State, and has also acquired a wealthy position by his own industry. If the eastern portion of the Commonwealth is to have the next Govenernor, Judge Packer, if he con sents to be a candidate, will make a very formidable one. Among the many visitors of the State cap ital, at present, I notice the Hon. Asa Pack er of the thirteenth congressional district, than whom there is not a truer democrat, or more thorough gentleman in the Common wealth. Judge Packer is one of the four (rood and true democrats who were elected to the next Congress, against the combined cohorts of old blue-light federalism, and cut throat know-nothingism, and his district is the only one in the State that was not swung from its moorings by the dark simoan of Hin clooism. He represents the counties of North ampton, Carbon, Pike, Monroe and Wayne —a district that held its awn amidst the tor nado of last autumn. I like to refer to the antecedents of such men as Judge Packer, because they are in themselves the best illustrations of a pure re publican government. But a few years ago Judge Packer was boating on the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania canal; but in consequence of his superior intelligence, and fine business qualifications 2 he has in a few years made for himself a competence. As a man he is universally beloved and esteemed by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. I know not whether it ever entered into the head of the Judge himself, that he might be the future Govenor of Pennsylvania, but, I can say this—that it is strongly bruited about here that he is the very man the democ racy would delight to honor. Ido not know a more worthy or deserving map in the Corn monwealth, nor one who would come up to the standard of Jefferson more fully than Judge Packer. He is both "honest and ca pable." if it meets the views of the democ racy in other quarters, let the watchword be Packer and - the democracy, against all oppo sition, and against the entire legion of isms." The above notice does but simple justice to a prominent and worthy member of the democratic party. Other distinguished dem- i ocrats have also been named in the same connection. As the misrule of fanaticism must of necessity be short in an intelligent Commonwealth, the staid democracy should canvass in season the merits of deserving members of the -party in order that a candi date may be selected, at the- proper-time, competent to discharge faithfully the highly responsible duties of governor. Among the names already suggested we have observed those of _Hon. J. Glancy Jones, Hon. Win. Strong, Gen. John M. Bickel, Gen. Wrn. F. Packer, Gen. Henry D. Foster, Hon. John L. Dawson, Hon. James Thompson, Gen. J. K. Moorhead, Col., Samuel W. Black, all good men, experienced in affairs of state and justly enjoying the confidence of the _people. In urging the respective claims of the many excellent and well tried men of the party, harmony should prevail to secure united support after the nomination. In union ;and with a strong:. candidate, at the next election, these will not only be strength, but certain success.—Harrisburg Keystone. Terrible Tragedy in Beloit, Wis From a private letter at Beloit, we learn the following particulars of a dreadful tra gedy which occurred ir, that place on the morning of the 23d inst. The wife of a citizen of that town was awakened from her sleep on the morning of the 23d, by a noise which she heard in an adjoining apartment. In a moment more she saw a gleam from a dark lantern, held by a man in that room, and screaming with affright awoke her husband, who was sleep ing at her side. As he sprang from the bed the intruder fired at. him with a pistol, the ball just missing his head and burying itself in the pillow. Snatching a double barrelled, gun from the wall he discharged both barrels at the intruder. The contents of one barrel entered the man's head and the other his body, killing him instantly. Leaving the body where it fell, the gentleman and his wife proceeded to the nearest neighbor, told him what had happened, and induced him to return with them to his house. But imma gine the feelings of the neighbor, himself a man universally esteemed and respected, to recognize in the mangled body of the dead robber. his own, son Upon returning to his house, the father found his son's room unoccupied, the win dow opened, and a rope ladder extending from the window to the ground. The gentleman who shot the robber had suffered the loss of two gold watches some time before, in a mysterious manner, and now attributes their theft to this person.— Chicago Tribune of Friday. YOUR COUNTY PAPER.—The following ex tract from Fowler l& Wells' "Life Illustra ted," is so good and to the point, that we re commend it to our friends without further comment : We occasionally receive letters in which the writers express an intention to stop their county or village papee, and take one of our publications instead. We always regret to receive such intimations. We think a man ought to support his own paper FIRST, and then if he can afford to take a paper from a distance, let him do so, and we shall be hap py to furnish him with "Life Illustrated."-- The country pres - s, in our opinion, is the most important in its effect on the enlightenment of the nation. It conveys iu ten thousand rills, intelligence to nearly every home in the country. The country press ought to receive 'a cordial support. Every place should try to have its paper of such a char acter that the people could be justly proud of it. To this end let them pay promptly, advertise liberally, recommend warmly, and in every way stand by the editor as long as they conscientiously cart." From the Pennsylvanian 311E0-632..3862.1 11, 1 1 r, Chopping Mill, and Saw Mill, FOR SALE. rrHE undersigned will sell his property at pri. vate sale, consisting of a farm of 107 ACRES, forty acres of which arc cleared and in a good . state of cultivation, the balance in timber, and capable of being cleared and cultivated; situa ted four miles from Mill Creek in Kishacoquil. LI las Valley, flunting,don county, upon which are erected one dwelling house, one new frame bank barn, one saw.mill,; one chopping mill, with a good water power to drive the same. The chopping mill is geared so that burs may be attached for grinding wheat. The property is in the midst of a good settle. ment. There is also. a good running distillery connected with said chopping mill, which will be sold along with said property, either with or without the distillery machinery and vessels, as the purchaser may desire. The above prop erty will be sold on terms to suit purchasers and possession given at any time. JAMES McDONALD, Jr. Brady township, May 1, 1855. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. T EWERS of administration having been Li this day granted to the undersigned, by the Register &e., of Huntingdon county on the estate of Ezekiel Corbin, late of Union town ship, deed, All persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present the same, and those indebted will make payment to M. F. CAMPBELL, Union tp., May 1, 1855.. Adm'r. BROAD-TOP DEPOT. LAST ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. CUNNINGHAIVI el DUNK, ET AVE just returned from Philadelphia, and are now opening at the old stand of Josiah Cunningham & Son at the head of the Broad Top basin, a splendid assortment alum Goods, consisting of DRY-GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE, HATS, BOOTS 6. SHOES, Also— BACON, SALT, FISH &j PLASTER. And in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, as we are determined not to by undersold by any house in town. All kinds of country produce teken in ex change for goods at the highest. market prices. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward ing all kinds of merchandise, produce &e., Huntingdon, April 2.5, 18.55. SALE OF TOWN LOTS. THE undersigned will offer at public sale on Thursday the 31st day of May next, 100 LOTS OF GROUND, in the Village of COFFEE RUN in Hope well township, Huntingdon county. This Village will be directly on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, north of the Bridge over Coffee Run, and the lots offered fin- sale will lie on both sides of the Railroad, where the public road from Entrikens to the Woodcock Valley road by John Beavers, crosses the Railroad at grade. All the trade and travel leading to the Broad Top Railroad from the rich valleys of Trough Creek and Plank Cabin, through Sat man's gap, will arrive at •the Railroad, at this point; and on the other side, the trade and tray. el from Morrison's Cove, by the public road from Martinsburg - li to Plumniers, will reach the Railroad at this same point. A limestone guar, ry of excellent building stone and a good saw mill are within half a mile of the place, and plenty of timber in the neighborhood. A plan of the town will be exhibited, and the terms of sale made known on the day of sale.- Sale to commence at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, on the premises. April 18, 1855. LIME LIME! LIME !I 9111 E subscriber informs the public generally 1 that he has now on hand and for sale, at bis kiln at Petersburg, superior burned Lime for building-, plastering., &c„ &c., which he will sell by the-bushel or larger quantity. A good supply will always be kept on hand. B, ATHERTON. Petersburg, April 17,1855 MILL OWNERS TAKE NOTICE HAT the subscriber has made every impor tant improvement in Direct Action Water Wheels, and has several of them in successful sne in Centre arid Mifflin counties to drive Grist and Saw Mills, and have given general satisfac tion in every instance. They ate recommendable for their simplicity, cheapness and durability, being made of iron and casting at from ten to fif teen dollars, and for power and speed their econo my of water cannot be excelled by any other wheel of the kind, and can be put to saw mills and grist mills without much cost for• timber cize. Being coniitantly engaged in the mill Wright bu siness with a force of hands always at hand I can put in one most any time. or do any other work in that line in the most modern improved style at very reasonable rates. Price for putting in wheels at saw or grist mills. $75, and board, timber and ca-zing found All other jobs of millwrighting, done to order at short notice,—having had eighteen years prac tice and the best of reference given if required. JOHN TODD. Potter's Mills, Centre co•, Pa. Apl. 3,1855-31 e WAR AT HARRISBURG 91HOSE knowing themselves to have unsettled j accounts in the books of the subscriber, are respectfully requested to call and settle. Mon ey or no money call and settle and have your accounts standing for four years closed, and ac cording to the old saying one stitch in time will save nine. Face those old accounts they must and shall be settled. R. C. McGILL Huntingdon Foundry, Feb. 20, 1855. FILOVEL AND WIREAT. t FLOUR and WHEAT on hand and . 49?- - -!..rglfor sale at the store of 6] D. P. GWIN. JOHN PRISCH, jir;„'!. WATCH MAKER, .s c.)l, Can be found at E. SNARE'S Jewelry Store. All work warranted. mh 13, '55. If You Want to feel Comfortable, CALL at H. ROMAN'S Clothing Store, where you .can get a new suit for less money than you can get the same for at any house in Philadelphia. April 24. am, Shoulders and Flitch just recciv -11 cd and Ica sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN DAVID BLAIR GRAPE VINES FOR SALE.. MESSRS. TAYLOR & CREM.ER,. will dis pose of some of their gennineCATAWBA and ISABELLA vines at the usual Nursery prices... The vines are vigorous, have good roots; and will bear in one or two years. Being the hardiest and most productive native varie ties, they will require no othgr attention than plantingand pruning. One or two dollars worth of vines will supply any or•dinaary. family with the most agreeable and healthy fruit, which, with a little-care, can be kept from September till March. Huntingdon, April IL 1855... - -Y1M77: 2 For the People SOMETHING NEW IN HUNTINGDON. Mineral Water & Sarsaparilla Juniata Bottling Establishment, 1111115NTINGDON, -PA. L I REDERICK LIST respectfully informs the j 2 citizens of Huntingdon and adjoining coun ties, thilt he has commenced the business of bot tling MINERAL WATER and SARSAPA RILLA, and is proyared to supply all who may wish to deal in the articles, at reasonable whole sale prices. His establishment is on Railroad street, one door east of Jackson's Hotel, where orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended. to. Orders by mail will receive his early at, tention. Huntingdon April 11,1855. 1000 Book Agents Wanted. AGENTS wanted in every County of the United States, to sell one of the most salea ble books ever published, entitled, "THRIL LING ADVENTURES AMONG THE IN. DIAN'S," comprising the most remarkable per sonal narratives of events in the early Indian Wars, as well as of incidents in the recent In dian hostilities in Mexico and Texas. By John Frost, L. L. D., author of "Pictorial History of the United States," "Pictorial History of the World," &c, &c. Illustrated with numerous engravings, from designs by W. Crome, and other distinguished artists. This boa contains over 502 octavo pages, bound in embossed morocco, full gilt Back, and, is sold at the low price of $1,75 per copy. Over 30,000 copies have been sold within a short time, and the sale is still increasing. We pay the largest commission to agents, who can be supplied with a specimen copy, sent by mail, post paid, on sending us the price, $1,75 with full particulars of the agency, Address, J. W. BRADLEY, FqbEsher, 48 North FOURTH St., N. B.—On receipt of two dollars, we send. (post paid,) a. copy of the above book and a copy, of the "Fireside Angel," by T. S. Arthur. BALTIMORE CARD. i ;a ~i Qom _ !~ f~SJ ~' er~ :~. ! ' CARR, GIESE & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE: OF rziouß, GRAIN A.ND Luivnanzt, SPEARS' WHARF, BALTIMORE. Agents for Newark and Rosendale Co Cement and Plaster. Fine and G, A. Salt, constantly on Ith-Fid. beral CASH advances made on con.. signments on receipt. Baltimore, 3an. 31,1855. TRACT OP LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. rrqlE subseribers,Executors of the last will and testament of John Wakefield, dee'd,., will offer at private sale, all that certain tract of LAND, situate in Germany Valley, Hunting, don county, Pa., late the residence of the said John Wakefield dee'd.,sontaining 330 ACRES more or less, 190 acres of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation ; the balance is well timbered—sufficient Locust and Chest., nut thereon to fence the whole farm, with an abundance of Rock oak, Poplar &c., There is a good water power and a site for aGrist or Saw Mill. There is erected on the premises a good two story frame house and bank .• • abarn—also another farm house r and log barn—also, two tenant !o l a kouses, four apple orchards, two ofgrafted fruit; beginning to bear, ten never failing springs, sg that every field can be supplied with water.— From 40 to 50 acres suitable for meadow. • The above property situated in the heart of one of the best wheat growing vallies in cen, tral Pennsylvania, is of the best quality of lime stone and red.shale land, It is comenient to market, being but five miles from the Penn'a. Railroad and Canal, and three miles froth leysbur,g-, and is a desirable sitation for those wishing to purchase. For a wheat or stock farm it is not surpassed in this part of the State. N. 13.-1 f not sold before the 15th of August next, it will be ofibred on that day at public out, cry, on the premises. For particulars address George P. Wakefield on the premises, or John R. Hunter, Petersburg. Huntingdon county, Pa. GEO. P. WAKEFIELD, Executors. JNO. R. HUNTER, April 11, 1855.—ts SPECIAL NOTICE. HOSE indebted the undersigned for Ad vertising and Job Work done during the time he was editor of the Iluntingdon Journal, are hereby notified to pay up immediately, and save costs, The Advertising of course, is sub ject to the division between the undersigned and the presentJourne editor, which was, "All advertisements published more than half the tints for which they were to be inserted, (at the time Brewster got possession) fall to me—those published less than half the said time, fall to Brewster, and those published just half their time are to be equally divided." S. L. GLASGOW Shirleysburg, March 13,1855. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLANKS !! ! A full assortment for sale at the "Globe" Of DEEDS. SUMMONS' EX'S. AND TRUS. DEEDS, EXECUTIONS, MORTGAGES, SUBPCENAS, BONDS, with and without waiver, WARRANTS, LEASES, ATTACHMENTS, COMMITTMENTS, AGREEMENTS for the sale of Real Estate, NOTES relinquishing all benefits of exemp tion laws. PLASTER AND CLOVERSEED. ( - AROUND Plaster now ready and for sale.— Also cloverseed. March 13, 1855., Philadelphia, Pa Ul2 KESSLER & BRO., Mill Creek