COURT AFFAIRS. 34.1817AW1F 'TERM, ISitl4.; ":,‘"TtLeLi i FIRST WEER'. S'pe Or's adriers., vs. Buchannan's , adm'rs. Liikenlii - a.dna'rs., vs. Madden.. Jolla Saiap, vs. Adam Houck. , same vs. John Fisher. Biekerstaff, vs. Patterson. D. Wa.lker,vs., J. W .:Myton's adm'rs. Samuel Bolinger, vs. Wm. Johnston. Comth. fol'Shoenberger, vs. Crownover, et. al Hirst Clark , & Co., vs. -rilyton & Cunningham - SECOND WEEK. A. P. Wilson, Esq., vs. M. Buoy. CoMth. for-Kyle,-vs. Hoofer. Dysarts Ex.'rs., vs. Cryder's adm'rs. Comth. at suggestion of Bratton, vs. Crownover S.F. Prince, vs. George Bell. NV. P. 14IcCreary & Co., vs. Robert Woods. Scott & Wife, vs. Johnston. Samuel McWilliams, vs. John Jamison. F-Platt & Co., vs. R. F Haslet. Dr. David Ahl, Indorses, vs. Jos. Spangler. Grand Jurors. Wm. B. Addlemart farmer, Warriormark tp John Bumbaugh, gentleman, Henderson. John Beaver, farmer, Hopewell. • James Barr, farmer, Jackson. Jacob Bellman, tinner; Porter. Benjamin Beers, Esq., farmer, Cromwell. Nicholas Cresswell, gentleman, Porter. John M. Clark, blacksmith, Shirley. Martin Fleming, farmer, Brady. John Hastings, carpenter, Walker. John Hoover, farmer, Walker. Lud wick Hoover, farmer, Penn. John Hight, farmer, Henderson. John rove, farmer, Barree. Peter Livingston, farmer, Barree. Nathaniel atle, saddler, Morris. John K. MeCahan, Warriormark. John Myerly, farmer, Springfield. John Owens, just. peace, Warriormark. Abraham Piper, blacksmith, Porter. Daniel Price, farmer. Clay. William States, blacksmith, Walker. William Vandevender, clerk, West. Snmes Lane, sr. farmer, Brady: Traverse _Jurors FIRST WEEK David Anrandt, just. peace, Tod township. John Appleby, farmer,`Dublin. - Charles Ash, farther;Barree. Thomas Armstrong, farmer, West. Robert Bower, farmer, Jackson. John C. Bolinger, farmer, Cromwell. Edward Beigre, mason, Morris. John Branstetler, farmer, Warriormark. William Clymans, constable, Dublin. Joseph Curfmaii, farmer,Lass. Jaines-Carothers, jr., carpenter, Cromwell. Williarn A. Cole, carpenter, Jackson. Robert - W. Cunningham, farmer, Barree. Curnmings, merchant, Jackson. James 'Clark, dierchant,Warriormark. John H. EaStiin, taylor, Henderson. John _Fock _b.rewer, Henderson. Adam. Fouse, tanner, Hopewell. Jacob Fink, farmer, Penn.. - Samuel Goodman, machinest, Henderson. Kenzie L. Green, farmer, Clay. George Guyer, merchant, Wart iormark. John Hildebrand gentlemanilend.erson. Dickson Hall, farmer, Brady. Williani B. Leas, merchant, Shirley. John XI: Leech, Mill-right, Jackson. Isaac Lininger, cabinet maker; Henderson. Samuel Marlin, farmer, Clay. _ Samuel IVlePherren, mason, Porter. Thomas Morrison, miller, Brady. Lloyd Meredith, shoemaker, Brady. Thomas W. Neely, farmer, Dublin. Joshua Price, farmer, Tell. Robert H. Pot ter, cabinet maker, Jackson. James-Reed, farmer, West. William Riley, mill-right, Franklin. William Ritler, cabinet maker, Cromwell. Sarmiel F. Stewart, carpenter, Jackson. John Snyder, farmer, Tell. James Steuart, (Manor) farmer, Bartee. Jacob Stther, farmer, Warriormark. John N. Swoope, merchant, Porter. Moses SWoope, fanner, Union. Jacob Taylor; farmer, Tod: . , Robert. Tussey, farmer, Morris. George Wilson, farmer, Tell. Nathaniel:Williams, laborer ' Henderson. Jacob . Ketterman, farmer, Clay. SECOND WEER John Q. Adams, manager, Franklin. Benjamin Briggs, farmer, Tell. David Barkstresser7 fariner, Tod.. Hugh 1,7 Cook, farmer; Cromwell. Isaac Cook, just. peace, Tod. James Colegate, farmer, Cromwell. John B. ponaldsprt, farmer,•Hopewell. Joseph Dysart, farmer, Franklin. Martin Flenner, wagon maker, Walker. Robert Fleming, farmer, Dublin.. John Gemmill, farmer, Porter. Wesley P. Green, inn keeper, Warriormark Daniel Grove, farmer, Penn. Joseph Hudson, farmer; Dublin. George Keith, farmer, Tod. David Lane Jr:, farmer,•SPringfield. Abraham 14 . yerly,,farmer, Cass. CharleS Magill, farmer, Penn. - • Peter N. Marks, carpenter,.Hendersdh. David B. Mattern, blacksmith, Franklin. James", Miller, farmer, Brady. William ,McClure, farmer, West. Alexander C. Myton, farmer, West. Thomas Osborn, farmer, Jackson. Alexander Port, just. peace, Henderson. • George Rouse, Dublin. John Spangler, farmer, Cass. _ Thomas &apleton, farmer, Tod: John Smith, farmer, Barree. Jesse Smith, farmer, Tod. George Smith, farmer, Cass. Nicholas Shaver, farmer, Shirley. George A. Steel, gentleman, Henderson._ Joseph Shore, farmer, Clay. Philip Stever, carpenter, Cass. James Wilson, farmer, Henderson. Dec. 19 1854. HATS AND CAPS, and BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds for men, women,.misses and boys. QUEENSWARE, and all other articles usu ally kept in a country store. Every body, and the rest of man and woman kind, Are invited to call and examine for them selves. I GREAT ARRIVAL Huntingdon, Sept. 26th, 1854. Confectionary, Fruit and Toys, AT MCEBUS' • .- . In Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. r I IHE public generally, and the little Ames in particular,, are requested to call at Maibust Establishment, Whereat' kinds of SWEETMEATS,_ CANDISS cad , jints,. and a, large assortment of Tins' Can beliad. — Please call and examine for yourselves. „ 0ct.10th,4;04. At .11 - Itetnan's. Clothing Store, JUST RECbitiLrD:- Overcoats for $4: 50 Lined 2 Q 0 Vests • - (.!` • - 75 Coll : and examine for yourseles. - REMOVAL Clothing F Clothing I. Clothing ! The largest and best selected stock of Ready made Pall and Winter Clothing, Ever offered to the citizens of Huntingdon, IF you wish to get, a cheap and fashionable suit of clothing at 30 per cent. less than you, elsewhere can procure them, then ,g 9 to the cheap Clothing Panporium of HENRY ROMAN, opposite Cents' Hotel, in Market Square, Hunt ingdon, Pa., where you will find Ready made Clnthing in any quality, made of sound rnaterk als, and the most ,fashionable style and . at rates immeasurably below -any other establish. ! ment in this vicinity, where it is considered that the "nimble six-pence is far preferable to the slow shilling," and where, for good fits, fine ma.. terials, fashionable style and finish, cant be beat." The subscriber respectfully invites the atten tion of his numerous friends and customers and the public in general to his immense and well assorted stock of Mens' and Boys' Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting partly of-Fine cloth, Beaver, Pilot, Petersham,' Whitney, Felt and Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, Dress, Sack and Business coats of all qualities, styles and colours. Monkey Jackets, Roundabouts of different sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., fancy Cassimer, Sati. net, Tweed, as well as a variety of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality and workman ship equal any custom work, that can be obtained in any other place. Besides a. large assortment of Boys' clothing, the eubccriber also keeps on hand a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Fur. nishing Goods, such as handkerchiefs, cravats, collars, gloves, sacks, shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts, 3lrawers, knit Jackets, Suspenders, Travelling Bags, Hats and Caps, and a great many other articles too numerous to specify. Encouraged by past favors, the subscriber has far exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stock, and he now assures. the. public that no person wishing to purchase need leave his store without being suited, he is enabled to sell at'the very lowest prices and whoever wishes to make a wise outlay of his money is respectfully invi. ted to call and examine for himself. HENRY ROMAN. October 10th, 1854. IF YOU WANT TO BIT?' CHEAP GOODS, CALL AT THE STORE'OF G EO. G WIN. GEO. GWIN has just returned. from Phila. delphia and New York, and is now opening at his well known stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest assortment of FALL AND WIN PER GOODS ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and is now selling at unusually low prices. My stock consists in part, of Cloths, Cassuneres, Black and Fancy, Sattinette, and a large variety, of .Satin and. Silk Vestings, Ken tucky Jeans Tweeds, brown and bleached IVius lins, Drill Crash, Bags and Bagging, Linen and Cotton table Drapers, and a great variety of goods to tedious too mention. LADIES DRESS AND FRENCH GOODS —a large assortment of Undersleaves,Collars and Spencers. BL lIKA.ND FIGURED SILKS; PRINTS in abundance, Muslin de Lanes, Muslin de Bage, Alpacas, Lustres, Cashmeres, Florence and Marceline and Gro de Nap Silk for bonnet linings, Edging Lace s Ribbons, fancy, and black Gimp, black silk lace, colored Kid Gloves, Gents' black ditto, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Black Itallian Cravats, .I.lwery &c. BOOT AND SHOES, HARD-WARE, QUEENS-WARE, GLASS-WARE . AND CEDAR-WARE, A good supply of FRESH GROCERIES. HATS AND CAPS. A great vanity of STRAW GOODS. My stock has been ,selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and prices, and I flat ter myst3lf, that I can offer inducements to pur chasers not to be found elsewhere. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends and the public generally. I respect fully solect a . continuance of the same. • • GEO. GWIN. Hunting,d6n, Oct. 10th,' 1854. • Now's the time for New. Goods, ,ST D. P. GIVIN'S STORE. P. GW!N has just opened a new stock of 1 - 1 jJ. Goods, consisting of the most fashionable DresS Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such a- Silks, fancy and black, Bereges, Bens& Delains, Lawns, Morenocs, Ginghams, and Prints of all Oloth.s, Cassimers, CasAnetts, woolen Goods,' yestings, &c., &c. Also. Ribbons, Gloves, Miits, tiosery, Dresi-Imittens,'Veils, Col lars. Laces, Fringes, &d. Also, Flannels, Cotton Flannels, white and colored; Muslines bleached and unbleached, and a large variety of other Goods too numerous to mention. Also. Groceries of all kinds, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hard ware, Glassware and Queensware. My old customers and as many new ones as can crowd in, are earnestly requested to call and examine my goods. . All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Sept. 26th,.1854. Dry-Goods, Clothing, Groceries, &c. &a. At the Cheap Corner. ,BEND. JACOBS respectfully informs his old customers, Democrats, Whigs, and Know. ' Nothings and the public in general, that he has just opened a large assortment of New Goods for fall and winter, consisting in past of every vari. ety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and best qualities ; and Dry-Coods in gen. eral too numerous to mention. LADIES' SILK BONNETTS, twenty.five per cent. cheaper than ever. READY.MADE CLOTHING—a large as sortment for men,and boys. GROCERIES —fresh and of all kinds. J. SIMPSON AFRICA. J. F. RAMEF.. AFRICA ec PR SACTIECALI, SURVEYORS; O FFICE with Daniel Africa, Esq., Hill street, j between Montgomery and Smith streets, Huntingdon, Pa. [Sept 13, '54. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS. T.. K. Simonton Ag't., iluntinadon. ir t ONEY, Packages, and Goods of all kinds, received and forwarded at the risk of • the Company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United States. ueensware-.•a fines assoFtinentjast reaqiv. at ttie store of January 3d, 1854. county. LONG & DECKER, • SAXTON , ITAVE just received:from Philadelphia the handsomest assortment of Fall. and Winter Goods ever offered in - this place, consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings. FOR THE LADIES, we have Plaid Silks, worsted Plaids, and every variety of Plaid Goods, to please the taste of the Ladies; alio, Shawls, Sachery, Flannels, Bonnet Silks, Bonnets, and the finest assortment of Collars, Understeaves, Shimazetts, &c , &e., ever offered to the Ladies of this place. BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety, for Boys and Men, Ladies Shoes of every variety, &c., Ste._ HATS AND CAPS, a beautiful assortment, of every grade and size.. HARD WARE of whieli.we have the best as sortment in town. - 'QUEENS WARE AND GROCERIES, of which there is no better for the price. Our stock of Oil Cloths. Carpets, &c., is good. Tubs, Buckets; Wi I lowware, and everything usually kept in a country store. In fact we have everything to suit the taste of all, and at lower prices than can be - got•at any other house in town. If you don't be satisfied of the fact after calling, then we give up. We have also Fish,'Salt, Plaster, and also re ceive and store Grain as usual. :Sept. 26th, 1854 The Huntingdon and Broad Top Moun tain Railroad and Coal Company re spectfully call. the attention of Capi talists and those having money to in vest, to their Bonds now. being issued. THE entire length of their- road and branch es. now under contract is thirty five miles, the grading and masonry of more than two thirds of which is finished, and the balance rap idly progressing toward completion. A mort, gage of the entire road and its equipments, and on two thouand acts of coal land owned by the Company, clear of incumlirance, has been executed to Jesse Godley of Philadelphia, Thomas E. Franklin, Esq., of Lane aster, and H. Easton, of Franklin County, as Trustees for the security of the bond holders. This is the first and we expect it to be the only issue of bonds by the Company ; and the Stockholders will have, upon the completion of the road which the negotiation of the bonds will secure, property as security to the amount of a million and a quarter or a million and a half of dollars, say three times - the amount of the issue. We expect after the road is in operation one year to pass down three hundred thousand tons of coal, per annum, and within five years near double that amount. 'Our bonds are issued in sums of five hundred dollars each, bearing seven per cent interest, with coupons attached, and form a very desirable investment for Guardians, Executors, &c., as by detaching a coupon, the half yearly interest can be collected .through the nearest bank. The bonds will be ready for delivery at the office of the. Treasurer, on or after the first day of October next. Below is a statement of the sources. from which the Company expect to de rive revenue._ • L T. WATTSON, President, Transportation of 300,000 tons of coal at a nett profit of 25 its. per ton, • $75,000 Profit on transportation of iron, fire. _ _ clay, lumbar, merchandise, ore,4c. Rent of mines of company—say 50,- 000 tons per annum at 25 cts. 12,500 Miscellaneous, '2,500 $105,000 Deduct interest on $500,0013 of bonds at 7 per cent. per annum, 35,000 $70,000 . . . Leaving a large amount to be divided among the Stockholders. Sept. 12, 1854. 1-10SFORD & MILLER, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., lowa, ARE prepared to transact any business per taining to the purchase and sale of land, or Town Lots; investigation of titles, transfers and conveyances generally. We have located ourselves in the interior for that purpose and will personally survey and carefully examine any tract of land within our reach, give correct and prompt information con cernino. Congress Lands• in - the Dubuque,.ami De's Moines Land Districts, in any of the, Bur-, rounding counties, especially on the 'imposed lines of Railroads from Dubuque west and, the Cedar Rivet Valley Railroad. .Persons wishing to make safe investments by having careful se lections made would do well to address or . • give us a call. Lands located on time for, settlers. Payment of taxes punctually attended to. Township plots .of latest date always on hand. 36,900 Acres of choice Farming Land, for sale from $2 toss per acre. Also several small lots of timber of good quality. Likewise 2 0r.3 improved Farms near the county seat. A. P. HOSFORD, EDMUND MILLER. REFERENCES.—Gov. Matteson, Springfield, Ill.; Hon. Jas. Gavin, Huntingdon, Pa.; R. C. Goodell, Cash. Mcrch. and Drovers' Bank, Jo bet, 111. ; George S. Fisher, Cast. Bank of Ot tawa, 111. ; H. F. Eames, Banker, Ottawa, Ill.; E. B. Stiles, Esq., Dixon, Ill.; Gov. Hemstead, .1. C. Parlay & Co.,and H. S. Hetherington, Du buque, lowa ; Thos. Jackson, Esq., , Hon. Sam'l. Calvin, and Hon. R. A. McMurtrie, Hollidays. burg, Pa. July 19, 's4.—ly. JAPAN CONQUERED ! ! : - - NEW GOODS. PETER SWOOPE, hereby makes known to the 'citizens of Huntingdon 'County, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and has opened in frame store room lately 'occupied by Marx . Israel, near the corner of Hill & Mont. gomery Streets, Huntingdon, Pa.:, a large, new, f ti. a s n H d o w E e s ll.assor T te s d stoc D k of c B A O P O S T e S AND bra cing fine and coarse Boots, Shoes, Gai. ter s, Monroes, Ties, &c., for Gentlemen; and also: fine Gaiter Boots, Buskins, Jenny Linds, and Ties for Ladies. Children's Boots and Shoes of every variety and fashion. Gentlemen, and Boys can be accomodated with hats of the latest and most approved style. He has also a good stock of hosiery, of ladies, gentlemen and children's wear. . . He has a good assortment of fresh Mahogany Veneers. . k4SMalq4:o-0; The "Nimble Sixpence is- better than the Slow Shilling." Call and be served. Don't forget the place, near the Corner of Hill and Montgom. cry Streets., Huntingdon July 18th, 1854.—tf. For' Sale or Rent. Asmall Ridge Farm in West township, about. 7 miles from Huntingdon, late the property of Abraham Evans, containing 110 Acres.— The irnprevemt are a, good • Log House ;a- a E and a small Barn—about SO youug apple trees now bearing fruit bounded by lands of Samuel Peightali Benjamin Corbin and .Tudge =twin. This property will be sold or -rented•on the most reasonable terms, by J. & W. SAXTON. . . Huntingdon; August 22nd,: - 1854. - aft_ J. & W. SAXTON. 15,000 OF BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On North-West corner of Hill and Montgomery Streets in the borough of EC 17 IST T NGDO Br At which a generul Banking busines is contem plated to be done. • nRAFTS on Philadelphia , Pittsburg, &c., &c:, always for sale. "Collections made at the principal points in the United States. Money received on deposit, payable on de mand without interest; also 3,6, 9 and 12 months payable with reasonable rates ofinterest there on. MEMBERS OP FUME: J. M. BELL, R. B. 501INSTONS, WM. JACK; WM. M. LLOYD, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; A. P. Wir.tioN, J GEO. MILES, WM. DORIS, Jr., THOS. FISHER, WM. P. ORBISON, JOHN SCOTT, JAMES GWIN, GEO. W. GARRETTSON, Huntingdon Pa. Huntingdon Pa. July 11,1854.-3 m. Valuable Farm of Limestone Land FOR SALE. PHE undersigned desirous of removing to the western country, offers his very valuable farm of limestone land for sale—being the same tract of land on which he now lives, situate in the best part of Shaver's' _Creek Valley, in Bar ree township, Huntingdon . county—about nine miles from Petersburg on the _Canal and Rail Road—containing 126 acres acidance—all of good land and in fine cnltiVation; hav ing about Ioo.acres cleared, with toler _; ably good buildings, and fine fruit and good, meadow on it. Enquire of the under Sig ned on the premises. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Shaver's Creek, July 11th, 1854. ARMITAGE'S Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods AFTER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, th'e Pattentee sakes pleasure in informing the public that, he has arrived at the true principles of protecting families, dwellings and property from the de. structive influence of Lightning. The cal. amities that every City, Town s Village and Country falls victim to annually, through the gross - negligence of its inhabitants,- is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain—this id--found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been . examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world— Professors M'Muttrie, Johnson, Wallor and many others that have examined them, recom mend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other coun 7 try, for the protection of Lives and Property.— One advantage is to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; -in time of a stroke this enables the rod to con duet that portion of fluid that belongs to - the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other ad vantages over the old one. Tho only place of:, manufacturing is' in Vine St., 3 doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Wholesale and Retail by ' THOS. ARMITAGE. Satisfactory rscommendations can be Seen by calling on the subscriber. All rods war ranted. SAMUEL HOOVER, Hartleton, Union Co., Pa., Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining coun ties, and will furnish the Itods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desir ing to be supplied with the Rods can leave their orders with the Editor of the Globe, or 'with Gralaus'Miller, of - the Rail Road Hotel. April 26, 1854. Grocery and Confectionary Store. LONG & DECKER,,, RESPECTFULLY informs their friends and the public in general, that ,they stillcontin ue the G-foccry and Confectionary business, un der the Sons of Temperance , Hall, on Main street, Huntingdon, where they have now on hand a full and general assortment of Groceries and Confectionaries, which they will sell - wholesale and retail. They have alsO'on hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &c., &c., &c.,a1l of which they will sell cheap. • Country prouce taken in el. change for Goods—the cash paid when we have no Goods to suit customers. As we are determined to accommodate all who may call at our store, we invite an exami. naticai and trial of our stock. .' - LONG-& DECKER. Huntingdon, AO. 19, 1854. UP TOWN IN THE FIELD. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS HENRY CORNPROPST, HAS just returned from Philadelphia, and is 'now opening in the store room formerly occupied by L. Got to, a few doors east of the "Huntingdon Mill," on Hill street, A Large and Entire New Stock of handsome and well selected DRY-GOODS, ' consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Cotton Goods, Silks, Lawns, Berege de Lanes. Ginghams, Linens, Muslins, bleached and unbleached, and Prints of every colour and style. Hosery, Gloves, Silk Mitts, Veils, Uuders I eeves, Collars fancy and dress Shawls, and ; a great variety of dress goods too' numerous to, mention. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets-Of the-,latest, and most faShionable styles, ;" such as Gossamer, Coburg. Belgrade, French Lace,Zig Zag, and a number of other kinds. FtAlso, a large assortment of Boots and V Shoes of•every size, kind Ind description. Also, a large assortment of Groceries, Queens ware and Hard-ware, Fish and Salt. Also, Drill Steel, Cassteel, Blister Steel and Ame's Shovels The public are respectfully invited to ball and examine my - Goods, as I am determined to sell them cheap for Cash. All kinds of Coun try produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. April . i p , 1854. $2OO REWARD, TIHE public generally, and the rascals who 1 some time since entered my store and 'rem. ved valuables to the amount of about_ $llOO without 'my permission, ,are informed that haVe just opened a more general and • better as_ sortment of articles in my line of busineis than was ever brought to Huntingdon, con . sisting of Watches, Jewelry, .44. M. Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols, • Perfumery, Port Monnaies, Si). ver Ware and Fancy 'Articles, &c. ate. My old friends and custorpers,,and the public in general throughout the county are requested to calland examine assortment. EDM. SNARE. Huntingdon; March 22,1854. OD Fish, Macheral, Herring &c.just recei. C -4.-ed and fir sale by S. &W. SAXTON, PHIL ADELPHIA.ADVERTISEMENTS Teii Nights in a. Bar Room, AND WHAT I SAW THISRA 23T T. S. .A RTEEUR. Ten Thousand Copies Sold in a Month. rpHIS powerful - work, acknowledged by all who have read it to be the best ever written by Mr. Arthur, depicts the evils of Intemperance in a series of thrilling sketches,illustrating the effects of Tavern keeping ,and Rum drinking, not only on individuals themselves, but on corn munitieS at large. The story of little Mary Morgan and her father who is reformed by her devotion and death, is alone worth the price of the book. Temperance men and othors can do more for the cause by its circulation than by any other means. Agents are wanted in every town and county of United States, to sell an edition gotten up specially for them, beautifully illustrated with a fine mezzotint engraving by , Sartain. A Specimen Copy will be sent (post-paid) on receipt of the price, 75 cents. The largest commission will be paid. Ad. dress J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. October 3rd, 1854. REMOVAL. LIGHT ! LIGHT! ! LIGHT ! ! ! M. B. nITOTT er..XMITT TTAVE removed to their New Store and Fac tory, No. 74 South Second Street Philadel phia, (Fii , c doors below their old stand;) hav ing increased facilities, we offer to Merchants and others, GAS FIXTURES and LAMPS of every description, and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsiirpassed in quality or ap. pearance by any in" the Country. Our Stock embraces Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps, (the best in the World.) Burning Fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chandeliers, • for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanthorns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks; Pine Oil and Fluid wholesale and retail. Merchants and otherswill find it to their ad vantage to call and examine our stock and pri- nes. ll7* Particular attention given . to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. October 3rd, 1854. TEM ICATOIXT—NOtEENGS. COMPLETE EXPOSURE. TUST PUBLISHED, a complete exposure of 0 all the Mysteries, Oaths, Principles and Operations of theKnow-Nothings, embracing all the late changes and present plans of the Order. By an Expelled Member. This is the only thorough and reliable exposure ever given to the public. For sale by F. M. WOOD, 76 South Third Street, above Walnut, Philadelphia. ONE DOLLAR enclosed in a letter ad. dressed as above, will secure TEN COPIES, sent to one-address. Octoder 3rd, 1854. MACKEREL, ' 1 CODFISH, SAL MOND, Constantly on hand and . for sale by HERRING, PORK, J. PALMER & CO., HAM AND SIDES, Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. SH.OULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, October 3, '54.-3m. STAUFFER and ISIARLEY. Cheap- Watches and Jewelry, _a WHOLESALE and RETAIL at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96- North SECOND STREET 7 COrDer Of Quarry ,Phila. Gold Lever Watches, full jewel] 18 carat cases, - . - 828 00 Gold Lepines, 24 00 Silver Lever Watches,fulljewellcd, 12 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 900 Superior Quarticrs, - - 7 00 Gold Spectacles, . - 700 Fine Sliver do. . - . 1 50 Gold Bracelets, - - 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils, - . 1 00 Silver Tea SpoonS, set, '— 5 00 Gold Pens,.with Penciland . Silver Holder,' 00 Gold Finger Rings, 371 cents to $80; Watch Glasses;plain, 12:1 cents; Patent; 184; Lunet, 25, other articles in proportion.- All goods warran ted to be what they are sold for. . STAUFFER & HARLEY, On hand, SQITIC Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower thanthe above prices. Sept. 27, 1854-Iy. L. G. PeIIYTINGER, & CO., FLOUR FACTOR S AND Produce Commission Merchants, IL R. Depot, No, 448 Market Street, Philadelphia DARTICULAR. attention paid to the sale of Flour, Grain and Seeds. - Nov. 15 ,'53. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE AND WAGON ff ,.. g t. ,L.... 4„:„ MANUFACTORY. (AWEN BOAT, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs' the public in general that he has removed to his new shop on Wash ington street, on the property lately and for many years occupied by Alex. Carmoti, where he is prepared to manufacture ill kindsl-of Carriages, Buggies, Rookaways, Wagons and in short every kind of vehicle desired.— Bocka.ways and Buggies of a superior manufac ture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the' most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 16, 1854. NEW FIRM. IN PORTSTOWN, Grocery, Provision and Feea Store. F. & C. SCHNEIDER - $ WESPECTFULLY informs., the citizens of funtingdon, boatmen, and the public in general far and near, thet thoy have—opened a Grocery, Provision sud Feed Store, in Portstown, in -the old stand of Cunningham 4- Cornpropst, where they are prepared to accommodate all who may give them acall. with choice Guocsittas, Puovisiorts and FEED of all kinds at prices cheaper than can be had at any other place for CASE L. All kinds of Conntry Produce taken in ex change for goods. Tho public generally are 'requested to give us a call, examine ,our stock and hear our prices. Having a gond warehouse, they will receive from and ship goods of all kinds for any point on the Penna. Canal, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and other places. , Pottstown, April 5, 1854. Vir A T ia.111,14_,;$ - CLOCKS AND' lEWEL:trie; - _The tibiscritiqi, thankful to .3e0 . 1 0 his friends and patrons; and to ~._ the public . generally; for their patronage, stall-continues to carry ,0 3 at the same stand one door east of Air: or C. Cout's Hotel, Market Street,Hunting. don, where he will attend to all Who favor him with their custom ; and alsO keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches;, Clocks; Jewelry, &c., &c., all of whith he is ileterinined to sell At low prices.. Clocks, Watches a.nd Jew elry of all kinds, will be repaired at shaft notice; and having made arrangements with :. a good n workman, all repairs will be done in a eat and durable manner, and any person having artieled for repairing, shall have them done at the pro. raised time. By paying strict attention, to busi_ ness, and selling at low prices, s he holies to rb. ceive a share of public patrcnage. JOSEPH RIEGGEIi: HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. - R. C. McGILL returns, his i tsii,.„ thanks to his friends and the pub-q,GERI lie for their very lib era 1 patronage 1411016 k and hopes by strict attention • business to merit a continuance of the same,in all kinds of Castings, Cooking StOves, Air-Tighto, Parlor, Ten• Plate Wood an d' Coal Stoves of vel i f v l s rious sizes; and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lizincoiiiird, ter and the Plank Barshear patterns, and `l ere stone N 0.4 Self-sharpening and Hillside Plot:: hat and Shears to suit all kinds of 'Ploughs irfile ort, country;-Rolling-mill and - Folge basting ; *L - inti - all and • Saw=mill Castings, LewistoWn Machine Patterns, and the four horse andlf,' , P .- • horse power of Chambersberg patterns;and'r lp li other kinds of castings too numerous to altof which will be sold chetipeillban: elter , for ' cash and allkinds ofcountry prOduce.' 'Also, old mettle taken in exchange for casting's. R.' C. McGILL, Huntingdon, May 28,1853 . A Valuable Business Stand in Hun tingdon, At Private Sale. rpirE subscriber offers for sale his well known 1 . property on Railroad street, near the Depot. The dwelling is large and well finished aMI for convenience and comfort,with a con. 31 venicnt store room under the same roof. There is a well of good water near the door.— Also a good warehouse and other improvements. Persons wishing to purchase can examine Oh property by calling upon the subscriber. TERMS.--One half in hand and the balance to suit purchaser. W.M. STEW ART. Huntingdon, Feb. 14, 1854. IitUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD. MIE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, in Huntingdon and adjoining counties that he has established himself in Huntingdon, having just received from Philadelphia a select. 'ed stock of choice marble grave stones of every discription, which he will furnish at very re. duced prices. All orders through mail address .• ed to the undersigned will be attended to wit promptness. Shop 3 doors West of. A. Wilson's Attorney Office. WM. WILLIAMS. May 17, 1863. A Tavern House, Two Lots AND 130 ACRES OP TIMBER-LAND. AT PRIVATE SALE. pHE subscriber having determined to move west in the spring, offers_for sale the tavern stand now_ occupied by him, in .Marklesburg, about 12 miles from Huntingdon, 15 'from Sto. nerstown, and one-fourth •mile from the Hun. tindon and Broad Top Rail Road. The House is two stories and a basement ♦ and the best in the town for the'business. There is also good stabling and other necessary improvements on the lot. This being the only public house in the town, a good opportunity. now offers to any perion wishing to engage in the business. ALSO—A vacant _lot at the west ,end of Marklesburg. • ALSO-130 aeres of TIMBERLAND about three-fourths of a mileff•om Al : arklesburg. - I will sell all together or separate to snit pur. chasers. . For further information,callon the subscriber JACKSON ENYEART. Marklesbrag, Jan. 10,1854. R. - A. MILLER, -D. D. S. .A•RTIFICIAL TEETH, from one to a full set, mounted in the most improved modern style. . : - Filling, .Filing and Cleaning done with care and neatness. • Teeth Extracted with all the ease and -des. pitch that modern science can furnish. Huntingdon, March 8; 1.854.. JOHN' SCOTT. SCOTT & itnowtv, ATTORNEYS AT HUNTINGDON, PA. (AFFICE same as that formerly occupied by U Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1853. SOEN N. ,Y2,0-VirMLL 9 , . ATTORNEY , AM LAW, Wilrittend faithfully to alllegal busineEtt:in trusted to his care. IHuntingdon,July 26,'53 T. P CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT'LAW, OFFICE rentevedtO the brick row near the ( . 4 kJ Court House. Under Temperance Hall No. 17. -1 k TACKEREI, Trout, - Hams and Shoulders, VI Dried Fruit, Canapliene, Corn by the bush el, &c., &c., now on-hand and for sale at LONG & DECKER'S Cheap Groeery. HATS.- .Moleskin No. 1. and 2, of the latest styles: Kossuth Hats .oT various styles and qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of , GEO. GWIN. A beautiful assortment of fancy cassimeres, IA cloths, summer ware,'for men and boys.— Also, carpet-bags &c„ &c., just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTO.N. SILK dress patterns, berege de lanes, lierege lawns, of every variety and color, just re. ceived,by .. J., & W.. SAXTON. 6 PIECES of Wall paper, Glazed and un . .. 00 glazed, a choice variety of patterns, for sale at GEO. GWIN'S Store. • E best Isasoriment of Fancy Cassirnere sr.. ; or offered, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. CARPET BAGS of every Variety, just re., ceived 'and for sale by 7. & W. SAXTON.. TUST received a beautiful assortment of:SUIr. ,J Dress Paterns, at exceedingly low prices, and for sale by . J. & W. SAXTON. HE hondsomest lot of carpetand 41 T just reciiived and for sale by J. lit W. SAXTON: -; ~;-~ • SAMUEL T. IMOWN•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers