Huntingdon globe. ([Huntingdon, Pa.]) 1843-1856, January 03, 1855, Image 3
1;t1171P- OF GOI Ss IN SAN I'' RANCIS LARGE4T gli.kl :WORLD . —We. coppy the following from .the Alta Californian i)fliecerriber An immense : lump' of quartz-gold ha'S ; been found in: -Calaveras_ eoutith, .tv,eighing _l6l pounds; or 2,576 ounces_ avoirdupois. Esti mating it to contain-20 pounds of . quartz rock, which- is, a large allowance io the. opinion of experienced persons who examined it,„the• actual, weight of the .g.•old in. sit, lA , ill be 'l4l ponrids,.or. 2;256. - -.durices,- avoirdupois, the valuelof -which, at $17.25 per ounce; would be - $38,9-16.- This is. the -largest nugget of pure gold ever - fOundiin - California , ' or -in the was'brought. down ' to' this' city yesterday:by Adains Sz. Co: 3 and will bp' ship ped•tti the Atlantic :states in the , steamer of te-tla.V. — "Tte proprietors.'of it were so exci ted ,by,their. good, luck that - they 'sat up beeide their 'treasure night and day on its way here. Mr: - Perkins, one ,of -the compan . T. to whom it belongs, states 'that 'lt _:k#as taken oirt in Calayeras,, county,. _son .Wednesday ,evning, No , voin!Der 22d,. just as the. company- were "abOut e t ititting work, for the day. He _would not' ( - rive .any particulars in - regard to where :the claim. is located, except that it is in ,the. county above named. • The, company- con. sists of four Americans and one Swiss. Mr. ,Perkins belongs to ,Lexington, :Kentuckey.;: and, for.the past ttvo zare, although he has , labored hard, ; was not,very,.saccessful,. never • having, more-than $200.. at ..any one time du- • cing that - period. the, lengtb of this immense ,m-ass,is about-fikeen- inches,., and its: width. -frorave and one-halite six inches:; Aso'ne: side is extremely- irregular and uneven in its, formation-it is, ditteult +o--arrive at the'exaet. tuick ness,. ; _but will -probably.. average: four inches, ...The other side is almost flat, and presents a 'solid• mass-..0f gold;- the only quartz perceivable is on the upper or ragged side, and some pieces are so loosely imb-ed ded in the precious metal that with the aid of 4%-pointed instffimen t;- they - might 'be easily removed. The whole ma's's, at some period ; has apparently been in.a, 'fused-state. .C7*A..Pht,adelphta paper States that. there are fiye.hundied lawyers in that city who do no:blHinesS and who have no other-office but their hats: - Poor devils. hundred and 'twenty-sis: Revo 7 Intionar_y The died during the past S'ea'r.The number no w,on the pension roll is one:thousand : and sixty. 1. 1:7 - The - Philaitelphia Bullitiil gives a re caphii!ation oflt;16 fries that have _ ackturred in this country during the year rOF. ? 4, uni.l the teportej loSses—total $15,288,000. THESUEFERING AMONG THE POOR. IN PHiL ADELPHIA.;--2the' Suffering among the Poor in Philadelphia is very .great at present, and •it is feared many will (lie of starvation before spring. - At a meeting of the,Board,pf Man agers of- the Union - Benevolent Assoeiation held on Wednesday evening last, a report vas ad,,from 'which.we make the folloWing ex.. Tract : "'The demands upon the society at this time are unprecedented: • Three hundred and :u. , enty-seven tons of Coal w•eic distributed duriug the_ past month; which is:eqiial to one third of the, whole distribution of last year; and this earlier• in theseason than it is custo :Mary for the soCiety to commence giving out 'f del ! The suffering - , too, is mostly among the industrial and better classes of the poer, who have been thrown, out of employment by fhe preiSpreof the tunes,.many of whom would rather starve• than beg: Visitors say they find whole families of little childrenett tirely_without fire or -beds to sleep upon ; and -sometimes without shoes or stockings to pro tect-Ahem from the : pinching cold. One lady reports finding-a family of this kind during the- coldest weather of last• wqok, who might have perished butfor her timely aid., • COUNTING 401:75E 11.LMIANAC-1855, " - L:4 :5 • ke.' JANUARY, 7. ..8 9 14 15 1 . 6 21 ", 22 -23 28 29 30 FEBRUARY, 4 6 11 12 13 18- 19 20 25 .26 27 MARc.},r, 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 1 2 APRIL 8 9 25 16 22 2.3 29 30 MAi i 6 7 13 14 20 r2l 27 28 JUNE, 4 25 2 3 10 17 24 .1 Jrar, 8= =9 ' 15 16 22 23 29 30 •AuGus:r ? 13 20 27 12 19 '26 - StvTr.mtEß, 10 17 24 16 23 30 Ocroa JR, II M Nair,rwszn, 12 19 Za II DteZldl3Elt, . -10 17 24 31 23 _3O ;;:i 1 2 M 12 19 26 10 17 24 31 11 15 22 29 16 23 30 14 21 28 'l3 20 27 12 19 26 13 20 27 10 17 24 B 10 17 24 31 II 16 23 30 I 14 21 28 15 22 29 13 20 27 19 ;26 13 20 27 I 'lO 17 24 31' 10 17 24 31, .16 23 30 15 22 29 M • 14 - 21 28 13 20 27 12 19 26 II 12 19 26 11 18 26 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 16 23 30 15 22 29 14 21 28 El • 1. 7 8 14:: 315 21 -22 28 29 `fp 13 20 -27 4 . 11 12 - I+3 19 25 ;-28• F-! : ,..171.12.r9:021122, of .2, .Day. 7 "Six thonsand :Dollars Lost in a Gambling Boom."—About a month,ago it was announ ced, that a poor 'mechanic residing in Cin cinnati, - Williarn't,:Walker-,-haareceiVed in telligence .of 'the - death;of .an-unat'd in Balti _ trio - re, by Which:he - CM - no into: the possessi of nine thousand -dollars, all irr cash. He immediately, went. to ; Baltimore, it is,said, and finding-that' he - could - :net get possession of the rrioney - ker-'six -months sold his claim: for _sBooo .cash; thus losing $lOOO.. -The Cincinnati Gazette sa'ys: Overjoyed at the Sticces.s which had,atten ded him, he hastened to his home'. Five hundred dollars was - expended the next day, after his return'in purchasing new furniture, &c., for his house. The, old,. furniture.was sent to Woodrpff's,'.and disposed of at ape , _ tion, the whole being sold for $47, such was its inferior character-. -Walker, with his lit tle-family, rented a hobse on Longworth street at three hundred- dollars a year, rand expen- • ded quite a sutra of- money in having it're painted and whitewashed. _ Walker feeling himself independent.enough to play the gentleman, commenced frequent ing the saloons and restaurants' on Third street - in•the day time, and theaties at night. He made acquaintance's -Speedily, and very liberally treated .there To ,oysters - iaml other refreshments, and in-return his. new _friends invited hitt - vie, '017 .. .ky cards' and expense.'.The n',ew. sphete, in.whieli he was enjoying himself so' eclipsed - his better' judgement,: that' he was 'soon pursuaded-to visit the ga.mpling rooms.- :At first he won at nearly every g ante, and accurnulated near ly $3OO. Night after . night he ;continued visiting the_se - sinks of iniquity. one.of Which is. focated .on. Third street, until- he had lost over six:thousand . dollars of the - fortune-he had received but a few. weeks-since: Wal- - ker. say,.that when he lost four thousand dol lars of the Money he' ‘vould have stopped, had he not ekpected to get-the sum back again - by - continuing the game. He has now, however, stopped, and has sought redress in one of our courts 'of justice. Besides, the fine furniture, Clothing,: &c,, he purchased; he has only $1,700 of the 58000 left, but promises hereafter to is - at home, and not squander. -what is left,, but - resume his daily labor.ancl attend closely to theinterest and welfare' "ofhis family. 1 PEILADL:TipHIA MARKETS. The Atlantic's advices are rather favorable for 13readstuffs, but:, they have had little or .no effect upon prices— The Flour market is quiet —a sale of 250 barrels Baltimore was made at a price not made public, and 150 barrels good brands of Pennsylvania at $9,50 per barrel—ex tra ranges from $9,75a10,25, according "to -qual ity. Ink Rye Flour and Corn Meal no change— the former is held at $6,50a6,75, and the latter at $445 per barrel. • •i! GFAlN—There is very little Wheat offering, and the demand is limited. Sales of 500 bush els prime red Ed $2,10 per bushel, and 200 bush els inferior white at $1,90, both in store. Rye is wanted at 81,25. Corn is scarce, and wan. ted—Sales of 5 . 00 bushels new yellow at 92 cents in store,:and some at- a higher rate. Oats are unchanged. On the 521st ult.; by the Rev. N. S. Bucking ham, M - r., GE6RGE, MOUNTS of Centre county, and Miss ELIZABETH CROI,IIVELL of Alexandria, • • rennSylvania. On the 25th,ult., by the same Mr. JOHN GAGIIA GEN THIiSS AMANDA Woons all or Alex andria, Htintingdon county, Benn Sylvania. On the 28th ult., by the Rcv. P. M. Right- Myer, Mr. Jon CARL - of Hollidaysburg, and Miss ELIZA FLEC' E. of Sinking Valley, Blair county, Pa. On the, same day, by the same, - Mr: JonN KINCH, and Miss ANGELINE GINTIIER, both-of Huntingdon Furnace, Huntingdon county, Pa," Of consumption", in the city of Philadelphia, on 2d Dec., 1854, Mrs,' " Eaimy _BuickEni aged 30 years, wife of the Rev: T.Thinker. rrTIE stockholders of the Juniata Bridge earn:. pany;'are . herehy notified, that an election will be held 'at the house of Christian Couts, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 9th day January; between the- hOuis-of 2 and 4 I'. M., for the purpose of electing one Presi dent, six.,:%:anagers and one Secretary and .Trea. surer to manage the affairs of said company for the ensuing year. JAMES GWIN, Secretary. January 2,1855. 20 27 10 17 24 10 17 24 31 FOundry for Sale or Rent rpHE Steam 'Foundry, belonging to the under -1 dersig,ned Petersburg, will be sold or ren ted on reasonable terms, including a large'vari ety of Patterns, for Cooking Stoves, Parlor, Ten plate Wood and Coal' Stoves, Water Pipe, Rol.. ling Mill, Forge, Grist, Saw Mill and Threshing Machine Castings, also a full assortnimt.of Plow Patterns for all the various Plows used in the country. II The Foundry is favourable located for busi. ness, with all the maChin - ary, - Patterns and Fix. tures in gocid Order. 1 - POs6eSsiOn given on or be fore April Ist next - ensuing. • .1 • 12 19 26 , MccuLLOCH 4-O.O,LADY. Petersburg Jan.. 1, 1855. 16 '23 30 The ,Chambeisburo' and Mount Union Line, Ret:,iyedl rpH tatidersigned.aware •'r • ' - - that a suspension of ss the hne"of 'Stages evertlie' „ • read. bet Ween •" -- 7 • burg and Mt. Union cannot but be disadvanta geous to a large section pf., country, has, at con siderable eipenses and troube; made arrange ments to riina Line of Stages Tri:weeltly be tween the two points: 'Good • "'urges . and corn. fortable, Stages have been . placed , on the route, ande'Eserie'peed apipl . rusty shper.." intend the rain_ ring_ ofTtlic, Coaches. The Trek. prietor - of'the' line ii.‘ciesTroits 'that" tained,and..he thereforeTdarneetly Calls upon the public generally to -patronise; if, „Confident that it will be TOY their. ni Uttar-- v-atititge: - -Every •at.i. toution ifeceSsakiWill be , given; and-the:mint:ling of- the... Stage s -will be regular... ••-• -• ...Stagesicave Union. &Airy Monday; Wednesday and Friday .morniligs,': arriving, at• Chambersburg the same evenings: 'Returning, leave ChambersbUg the same „nigh ts ati 0 o'niookc• arriving. at early the following morn ing„ rt ; Omet for, ,the Cars... Stag,csr, stop .at •Shir..• leysburi;Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins,, Fannotsburg,-,,i Horse , , Strasburg, .ttnd Keefor'S Store. lf..r_fare through $5,,0.9; to gntermed a.te poitt in proportion ; 'nary §,'18.55:---tf. li 11l 29 13 20 27 10 17 24 013 Fish, Macheral;'llerrin`r 4t,e'.;' , ittst.reeei ! U red and for sale sArroly. MONDAY, M MARRIED, DMA NOTICE ". LIST OF LETTERS ED EriIAININP:in the Post Office at lE4intin'',..T. lb don, January Ist, 1855, which if not lifted on or before the 31st day of March next, will be sent to . I,llc General post 'Office Departrnent as dead letters . B—=B-.. Bowers n; • Mary - L; Barber, Valentine Braun. Geo. Miler. ' C—J, Carroll, Eq . ,.,. - Robt. S. Craig, John G. Corbin, Patrick Carroll,. Benjamin .Corbin, Ithme Carroll. D—Patrick, Dugg in, George Dylin, Wm. Dow. , - land, Jane Daugherty, George Decker. - .P.fieliry A. rricy;, Mrs. Phebe 'Ann Fritz, Daniel W;Fink.. , - ' ' ' '• , d•—..T. W. Grizzard, Geo. Green, Owen Goligley. a—Ged. 'Hite; hobt. Huey, Hall & Brothers 2,' Wm. 'W. .Hight. - ' . 'l—Stephen Jewett, Wni. .1 - limison, - .-;•Eljen, , Kelly. L-,-Wrn: Lane 2,, Miss Eliza. tong,'David Luiz, Esq., M. G. Lewis. - ' . _ M—John - McCracken, Jas. McAdams, 0 IvirCD. Martin , ...Tosepll McCoy. . . . N—Cha ries Nolan. : , - •. - - • . . o—Geo. W. Outman, Mary Oswalt. R.—Benjamin Ilusier.' -._ , ...__ - - S—Edward Swain.,-Esq„ Henry Shultz, C. A. Speice. IrVdodward, Wm. H. Wharton. WM. LEWIS, P . . M Huntingdon, Jan. 1,1855. LIST OF-LtTTERS D ENEAININd in the Post' Gfa ce at Alexan -I_l dria'Pennsylvania, on-Alio 30th day of De. cernlier A. D.. 1854. which if not lifted an of he fore the Ist'day Of April next.,Will then be sent to,the General Post Oltee 'flopartrnent as dead letters. , One cent due on each letter in addition to the. regular postage, the cost of advertising. ' C—Patrick Cooly. . ' E—M. R. Ewing 2. G---W. P. thinsalus., a—Francis E. Hopkins, John Hay, John 'Tax veil. _. . _ .. ',T—Thomas,Joice. ;• • , - - L—Mathias Lay.. M—William Moore 2, John Miller, Miss Mary A. Miller. • N:---Thomas Nex. P- Dauiel Piper, - Miss Nancy C. Porter.. R—Lizzie Kay. S—Messrs.iewart. W---Benjamin Walton, Benj..3. Williams 2. HENRY C.. WALKER, P. M. Alexandria, Jan. 1, 185,5.,,, Jo WEICIISELBAUM, Optician and Oculist from PHILADELPHIA. ESPECRFULLY: informs the citizens of I ti Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has open a Store - at Gouts.' Hotel, Where he offers for sale SPECTACLES.of evcrY -variety, size and qua . lity. A new-invention of Spectacics f for distant or close reading, with gold, silver, steel and tor toise-Shell frames, and a neiv and improved as sortment of perifocal ground flint Glasses of his own manufacture. lie would particularly call the attention of the public to his SPECTACLES for - near sighted persons, and•for" persons who have bean operated upon for the cataract of, the eye, and to his new kind of glasses and Con servers of the sight made of the best Pint and azure Glasses.. Good Glasses may be known by their - shape, exact entre, shape and highly poi- - islied surface. The qualities arc to be found in a high degree in his glasses. • Also Microscopes, Spy and Quizzing Glasses Of every size and quality ; Telescopes, Magni fying and Opera Glasses, with different powers; together with every variety of articles in the OPTICAL line not mentioned.• OPTICAL and other Instruments and Glasses carefully repaired at short notice. He can always select Glasses to suit the vision of the person, as he sees them, upon the - first trial. He will remain in this place. during January Court, and those in want.of the above articles will please give him a, cull, - 1i He will, if required, go to any respectable house where' his services may be wanted. LT' The very best 'Eye-Water 'always for sale. • December 26, 1854.' To the Honorabk • the Judges of the Court of Quarter, Sessions of the . Peace, in:and for the county of Huntingdon. THE petition of James A. Bell of Wepttown 1. ship in, the county aforesaid ,'humbly shevv eth that your petitioner has provided himself witimaterials for the accommodation of .travel. lers, at that well known tavern stand, (formerly kept by . James McMurtrie. as the Green Tree Hotel) in the township and county aforesaid; and prays that your :Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment, and. ,your petitioner will ever pray. JAMES A.. BELL. We the subsdribcrs, citizens of West town_ ship, do certify , that the above, petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance; and also having a, knowledge of the house for which the license is prayed, do certify that such a house is necessary for the accommodation and entertainment of the public, and strangers, tra vellers, &c. We therefore beg leave to.recom mend him to_your Horiors for a license agreea bly to his-petition. . , David Ramsey, John Henderson, S. T. Hill, John H. Oaks, Thos. -Newell, John T. Moore, James Myton, Jr., John Henry,-Jr., John Hen ry;John Neff, John .Eberle, JohnHowit; Robert' McCracken,- A. C. Myton. • . Dece*mber 19,1.'854Y- :• : . - . ' : MILITARY NOTICE. ' I .- '`'lN eoriiPlitinee - with special Orders from Brigadier General 21.:'C.-lileGill, :-. ali:Cominissioned 'Officers of 'the 4th ' Brigade, 14th Division P. M., (Flt.m. tingon'Oerinty) arc 'ordered to meet at Huntingdon, on -Salurdiy. 6th Janu ary- 1855,in full uniform, when busi. - .ness relative to the•Brigatic- will be . ' brought before the meeting , . Tunetn. - m, al attendance is requested. • , . • ' .• ' *Qt.✓Ci. • i•'O..'GAILRETTSON - ,, ~ 19th 1:8,54: ;; '; : f 2. ; -,. Ilajoi. . Dec NOTICE. A .LTA persons kuovvuk thorns:Ores to haye un. 11_ ,Setaccl . tiecezntS with the underaiguecl; will pleaSe call aml2:mako:settlernerit ihY the first of January. Sfter ihat'ilate the books ivillbeleft for settlement as I have quit the busi,riess/ - " JOS. H. THOMPSEY.Sr. HuntingdOn„pee. 19th, ' . I' Ma=t= , . • .• „, • ViE l '§toctcholders - in the Titintitig ff-A-.4=-;.' cton''.iiid tripod Top';Motintain Rail ' • •' - ' l "".''.llOa'd and Coareorapany, are, hereby :notified ihatin_44ciion 'will be held at the Of' fiedof the'Coinpariy,.*e. the - bondogh.of Htint, ingdon,"an'the' second Monday 'p.tid Bth day'or Salutary. tid*t, to Cidet' one President and fwel;Te',Difecters',' to serge for the ensuing year.: ": ' Runtingdoit,‘Dee'.l2;lBs4; •. • 4 • ' t'ure•Hotieg, •-• S 'bottles,'lii: tit I Shoe store of' LEVY WEST/MO(3'K. •• • I•• :IJUST received, frsh ' supply of fall - an.d.winter Gpods,.an4 for sale.yery low by ;.- J. 4 W. 'SAXTON.. Tho Farro. Joan,' for 1855. EDITED BY J. L. DARLINGTON, A SSISTEIS by a corps of the" best practical _E_ farmers in Pensylvania., The .Fifth Vol ume of the FARM JOURNAL will corm - nen - cc Jan - nary 1, .1855. Each number will - contain Thirty-two or more Kuper Royal Octavo pages, printed on supetior paper, with noW type, and will be filled with the best. A.GRICULTURA READING, original and selected, that can be produced•— The Editor and his'assiAants are determined-to render this.the most Practical Agricultural Work Extant, and will utterly discard all theories not attested by . PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. , They - have obtained th'e aid of many of the 'best farmers in Penh sylvania,New Jersey, Delaware'and Maryland, who Will-give their experience through its pa ges. . . ' - ILLUSTRATIONS Ea ,11 number will contain several cng;ravings of. Improved Stock, New Agrictitural Imple ments, Choice 'Fruits, &c:, TERMS.-- , (lnvariably in A4vauce.) Single Copy, $1 00 '2O Copies, ' $l4l 00 Five do . .4 . 00 60 do ' 40 00 Ten' do - 7 . 50 '5OO do . 250 00 The Journal will hereafter, in every case; be diseontinuud, at Alio end - of, the , period paid for unless .the sUbscription be previously renewed...-: P}tlylrtTMs. The success attendant upon our offer of prc. miums last year induces :us to offer thefollow ing premiums for, Volume 5 : 1. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will .be" paid to the person who will procure Us the hr. gestnumber of subscribers in any county in the' United States, before the first of April next. 2. SEVENTY-FIVE DOU t ARS to the per son who will procure us the ,second . largest list as above'. ; , 3.. FIFTY - DOLLARS to the person who will procure us the third largest list as above. 4. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the per sons who will procure us the fourth largest list as above. 5. TEN DQLLARS to the person who will procure the, fifth largest list as above. Any person sending us Ten subscribers, at our Club rates, will be entitled to receive one copy gratis of either of the following work's, viz•: —Buist on the Rose, Guenon's Treatise on Milch Cows. Neinin's Treatise on Milch Cows, War ing's Elements of Agriculture, Youatt on the Pig. Any person sending us Twenty subscribers, at our Club rates, will be ,entitled to receive two copies of the Farm Journal, or one copy of any of the following works, viz :—Tiorticulturist for 1855, Johnson's_Agricultural Chemistry, John son's Elements of Agricultural Cheinistry and Geology, Dr. Dadd's , Modern Horse Doctor, Youatt on the Horse, Youatt on Cattle, Youatt's Shepherds' Owen Book, Thomas' American Fruit Culturist, Downing's Fruits of America, 'Elliott's Fruit Growers' Guide, Fessenden's Complete Farmer and Gardener. We have just made arrangements with JAMES VMS, Ja., Publisher of the Horticulturist, which enables us to furnish one copy of that elegant Work arid one copy of the Farm Journal for Two Dollars and Fifty cents, and two copies of the Horticulturist and two of the Farm Journal for Four Dollars, and larger numbers at the latter rates. Specimen numbers sent to all post-paid appli. cations: Money on all solvent Banks, mailed in the presence of a postmaster, at our risk. , All orders addressed to the subscribers will be promptly attended to. .1. M. MEREDITH & CO., West Chester, Pa. REGISTER'S NOTICE. _NOTICE is beret y given to all persons inter ested, that the followinm named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Of. flee at Huntingdori, and that, the said accounts will be presented for 'confirmation and allow ance, at an Orphan's- Court to be held at Hun. tingdon in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of January next, I 855; to wit : 'l:' James Cree, Guardian of Caroline Walker; minor child of James Walker, deed, 2. Samuel' MqVitty, Esq., Executor of the last will and• testa.nient cf-Jiimes B. Pergriu, late - of the borough of Shirleysburg, dec'd. 3. George W. Speer and James Mend utT, ministrb.tore ! of Robert Speer, late of the bo rough of Cassvitie, deed.- 4. Samuel Campbell and It. P. McClure, Esqrs., Administrators of J. H. W."-TilleGinnes; late of Dublin township, dec'd. 5. Jciseph Law; Guardian of Harriet Crain, one of the mincn: children of Evan Crain, late of Morris township,,dee'd. 6. J. Sewell Ste Wart, Guardian of the minor children of Joseph Wall, late of West tdwnship, dec'd: • - 7. Joseph Rhodes - and Benjamin Rhodes, Ad ministrators of the Estate •of Henry Rhodes, late of Cromwell township, dec'd. ' HENRY GLAZIER, • Register's Mee,- • .? Register. • Huntingdon, Dec.-12,1854. .c • MATCHES! MATCHES ! ! _ 3QIIN ..DONNELY;-- 14AMIPAciT11ift2i . z.s.N6 intrEsfot SAFETY' PATENT SQTJARE' UPRIGHT WOOD IiOX MATCHES No. 106 Norl.h . . .17E;1,11-1?Tir Stivet ,(abo;)e: S - .:, ' .PHILADELP.II,II. - . : . i ATCflES.r ingbec on ea nndise habie llv , artieiein : Usekeeping-' the indispensable af ter. a great sacrifice of •time- •and I money,liS 'ena.: bled to offer to the -Public 'ari'artiel -at once coati,' bining• Utility' and - Cheapness, The inventq Iknowing the danger`appreherided on -ace6iint of • the iaimsey manner in which .Matches are ken.' I erally.ftelced , in.paperi --has - -by the aid-of New j Steam Machinery of his-own invention, suet:cc-- I ded in getting up a, safety patent square upright wood hoz ; this boi is far preferable,hiasinuch'i that it occupiesno more room than the old round 1 wood bcd., and contains =at least, Two HUndred per Cent more Matches, which. to Shippers is con: I siderable ladiantage ; it. is- entirely n0".34 - and se.' cure against moisture and spontaneous coinbus... - tion, and dispels all :dal on transportation by _means of Railroad, • -Steamboat or- any Other mode of Conveyance. -.- m : : • - . These Matches are.packed se that one gross or i . more may be Shipped to any part of the 'Wollxl . • with perfect safety.' :They are the mo'st tieSira-: ' ble article for Hotne.Consumpti_on, _and the Sou thern and Westerd - Mariets that alte ever been invented:, ' ' • r' . --- -, ..:. ::. „.: DEALERS' and SHIPPPRS, will do: well tar caH afid e`simihe•-for themselves. , • :'-'. :: s . -.-:- . I3.7'''The.s-ltratches, are WARRANTED to be: ,superior . ..,tti - anything • heretofore Ore-red . :To:at Public .: '..r! ,- •,'. ' .' JOHN - DONNELLY.-!,' • .• :106 Noitti Fourth Street, Philaifelphirt. Erecttribtr 12, 11354. • .1- • Abeautiful assortment of Blinkets,liiiie and nai` a , II 4c,.A„ V, SAXTON., CLUBS R O Fl. A I`+ L''O Psi . WitEnrAs by a precepi to me directed. dated , atlluntixtgdon,, gsth. day of Nov., A. D. 1854, under the hands acrid seals of the Hon. Georgb, Taylor,'Prestdent of the Court 'of .C.ona mon.Pleas,- Oyer and-Ter, mine r„ and general jail' delivery; of the_24th judicial district. of PennsS4- vania. composed of Huntingdon, Blair and -Cam bria, and the Hon. J writhe!) c Williams, Thos. F. Stewart, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed to hear, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning nil crimes, which by the laws of the State are made' capital or felon ies of death and other offences. crime. - and misde meanors, which have been or shall hereafter'be committed or perpetrated for crimes' aforesaid—l am comtnanded to make' Vublic proclamation throughout my whole ball wick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and -Quarter Sessions, will be held atthe Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the seceptl Monday (and Bth day) of Jan. next, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners he then and there to prOsecute them - as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner- and Constables within sitid county be then and there theirproper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said-day, Nith their'records, inquisitions, exami-, nations' abd. remembrances, to do those things which to their Offices respectfully appertained. _ Dated at guntirigdon the 25th of Nov. in the year of our Lord 1854, and the - . 78th• year of American Independence. - • JOSHUA -GREENLAND. Sheriff. PRZOCILAriI Zer'ff. Wur;sk as, by a ,precept to me directed ,hy the Judges of the Common Please of the coun ty of .H untingdon, -bearing, test the 25th of Nov., 1851. iam commanded to make Puitlic Procla mation. throughout ray whole baliwick, that a court of Common Pleas will be heldut the Court House in the borough=.of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday (and 15th day) of Jan A. D., 1855, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which, re mains undetermined beforethe said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon the.' 26th of Nov,'_ in the year of our Lord 18'54: and-the -781 h year of American Independence. JOSHUA. GREENLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff s -Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 12, 1854. STRAY PIG. nAIVIE to the premises 'of - the subscriber in IL) Henderson township, about the Ist of De cember inst., a black boar pig supposed to be about eight montbs old,—the owner is requested to prove, property, pay charges and take him away; otherwise he will be disposed of Accord to law. • . December 12, 1854 SOAP AND CANDLE Maniufactory, _ • , . Main. Street one door west of the " Globe" Office, ~ , ' HUNTINGDO'N, PA. - • TIREDERICK LIST informs the• - eitizens of Huntingdon, and of the county, that he has commenced the manufacture of mould-and dip Candles and Rosin Soap, one door west of the "Globe" office; on Main Street, Huntingdon, where he will always be prepared to fill orders at city prices. TALLOW WANTED, and the highest cash price paid. Hurtingdon, Dce. 5, 1854. - RURAL PUBLICATIONS WEEKLY AND MONTHLY. rptiE subscriber continues the publication of 1 . his weekly and monthly Agricultural Jour-, nals, viz COUNTRY GENTLEMAN—a week. ly Journal for the Farm, the Garden and the Fireside—forming tiro large and beautifUl quar to volumes of 416 pages yearly. This journal, which has now been published nearly two years, combines in one large sheet, an AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL and FAMILY JOURNAL, furnish ing, besides its large amount of practical mat ter _at Rural Affairs, in its . k . ntstur.:l).EpAitst. MENT, a choisc collection of articles peculiarly adapted to interest-and exalt the:views'and aims Of the FAMILY 'CIRCLE, together with a careful digest of the News OF'THE WEEK., and a full re port of the PRODUCE and CATTLE. Mmitcsrs; and it will be the constant .aim of the publisher to make it indispensable to the Farmer,. and de sirable to.every one who has a rod of ground to cultivate, or home to beaufifY=and by devoting its columns to IMPROVEMENT IN AGRICULTURE, ELEVATION IN CIIARACTER, and REFINEMENT IN . TASTE, to render:Tllg COUNTRY GENTLEMAN the standard in'its sphere._ TErtms--:5,2,00 a year—Three copies for $5,00. THE CULTIVATOR.--This -- Work; which has - now, been published for twenty years, is too well known in every part of- the Union, to peed commendation. It is believed that it is not - too match to say that it has always - enjoyed the rep utation of ranking as the first of our monthly -iural journals. It is now published at FrFrir bEIVI"' a year. • - ll—v" All letters to be addressed to LUTHER TUCKER, Ed. Co. Gent. and - Cultivator, Al— hany, N. Y. December 5; 1854. • AUDITOR' NOTICE rpilE iinclersign'ed Auditor,•. appointed by - the: Orphans' Conit - of Huntingdon county, to', distribute the balance on the-account of Samuel. Thompson and David Porter, surviving execu: tors of Jane _Porter, late .of 13arrec to‘Viiship, :deedi.;.te and'arnohgst: those-legally en titled to =the same, give notice -that he- will attend for 1 that purpose at his .office, , in the- borough of Euntingdon,on Friday the sth dayof January" A. D. 1854, when and .where all interested- are ' notified to attend. •1 - • . „. THOS. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor. December. 5, 1854. • •.- NOTICE • , NOTICE'is-hereby given that an afiplication lias been made to the Court - of Ceihninn Pleas Of 'Hinitirtgdsn county by the Enenibbrs sof the Presbyterian Congregation of Alexandria and' vicinity, to grant a, charter of Incorporation, and to constitute them and -their successer4 a body _politic and eorpbrate in law, by the caper_ atename of the "Alexandria:Presbyterian Coil.. gregation," and itno ,sti..Tacient. f6a.' Son he shown to the contrary, the said Court will at its next cession (linuari,) . . decree and declar . 6.them a corporation ok body politic; accerding, to the ar; ticles.:and . cOnditions in 'their , petition set forth and contained:: THEO. H. CREIVIER, Nov. 2E, I,Bria, Pr,othanatary. SVAtT 'Fur; - alsOtpierit f - Cutlery_'of - /3,-Ath'erica.n • Witnufiietire,just x:teeived aud, for iale. J. & Vir;, SAXTON. ILK' DRESS PATERNS---s ue h a s Brocade • fignred , plain alid - OrosSbarred,instrpteived ;and for sale by • J. &• W: SAXTON. n ,rtRAY BROTHERS'-Patent VT Sprjogs,j9st,reciypd,and fat sidle by J.-& W SAXTON. JOHIS WARFEL TN THE 'MATTER of•the Order to view aud vacate part of the old' Petersburg read•and Warm "Spring - rodd trough the new town of West Huntingdon, November 20th• lasd, on motion Dorris, the . COurl . gr'cint . a . rninto skew cause why the said .roUds -or highwaysJuld not be closed up tiriCia:Cafed;"4.ild direct said rule to be inserted in tAVO newspapers published in the county for four successive weeks agreeable to the Act of Assembly of Bth May, 1854, en; titled " An Act to enable the Courts to vacate lanes, roads" &c., &C. By the ConA. • ' THECr. H. CREAIER, Clerk. Nov. 28, 1854-4 t. _ • IMPROVED LARD LAM-P. r TIE undersigned having purchased the full and exclusive right and privilege of con structing-, using, and vending to others, the right. to make and use, the county of Huntingdon, :=TONESWER & SMITH'S hoprovement in the adjustable packing for a lamp for burning lard. Lamps for sale by the dozen or single, also township rights for sale at reasonable pri ces, All orders promptly attelided to by addressing the ,-“tbscriber; , ,Orbisonia, fluntingdon county. Permsylrallia GEO. W. CORNELIUS Si pesi,-111c, Nov. 21, 1854.-6:n. BOOTS AND SHOES, The Best ASsortment. ever brought to Iranthigetou:,. &public ale iilforrned that LEVI WEST BROOK has ..ja4.:.Operied at his store, the best selected assortinctxt of ..• LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to Huntingdon—in part as follows: Men's Double-soled Calf Boots, Men's Water-proof Bawling Boots, . Men's Heavy- .Double-soled Water-proof Boots, Boys' Fine-and - Coarse Boots, .. • Ladies' Congress Grczitors, Ladies' Fre-nelt Morocco Gaitors, Ladies' Goat and Morocco Boots, Gum Shoes of all Kinds,. - - together with a general assortment of Ladies' Sl)oes and Slippers. Also, Misses' tlrod dren's best quality of Boots and Shoes-Canvas Valises, Hats,,&e., &c. . My old customers. and the public generally, are requested to - 0 . 311: and examine my new EMI LEVI WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 1854. , • Come and 13e: Clothed, At Rosures Store opposite Couto' Hotel Over Coats; Frock Coats, Press Coats, Sack Coats, Business Coats, Pants and Vglits. Shirts and Drawers; Handlierchiefg and ,Cravats, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Hats and Caps, &c., &c. All of the beat materials and most fashions-. ble style and finish'—CHEAPER. SHAH ELSEWEEERE. Call' and ez.amine for youtselves. Huntingdon; Nov. 1.4; 1854. New and Cheap Toys, Dons, &c. _ Preach: acrd Gerrama Fanoy Goods. Articles for Confectioners, Druggists . and Tobacconists, lower than ever and in • Beater variety. FANCY BASKETS plain, embroidered and painted. Toys of Wood, China, Lead, Tin &c.,. over. 100 patterns. Kid, Wax, Jointed, China, Crying and Dressed' Dolls, toll Head's with teeth, moving Eyes, etc. armonicas, Accordeons ' Violins, Jewsharps, Trumpets Fan cy Boxes, Cornets, Bonbon Papers &c.,'for Con fectioners, Alabaster Jewelry Boxes, Inkstands, Watchstands &c..,. Biscuit Figures, InitS, Jew elry Boxes, Cologne &c., Toilet llottlevand Vases of China, Bohemian Glass,• Druggistk .Fancy Articles,Perfumery, Teeth -Brushes,'Tobaceo and Snuf Boxes,&gar Cases, .Tinfoil,-Gcrmari Pipes of China. &e., over laa Pattern's, Marbles, Percussion Caps,,Slates and,Peneils, , also cases of Toys Well assorted at $5 - ,. $ ; 10, $2O and $4O per case., with an endleSs variety of newest styles of fancy goods; imported in the latest Packets and for sale at lowest rates by W. TILLEft, Importer, 1 Commerce Pkiladelplzice: October 1.0th,1854. - _ Books ! Books !'!' an Paper !! ! 01000 VOLUMES of new and popu lar books—the subscriber has just received from Boston, New York and Phil• adelphia, cornprisin - g.the greatest 'variety and most extensive stock - , • ever brought to the interior oftlie!MMlL'iMi. State. His STATIONER Yis also •of great variety and superior ouality . ; in' part a.s follows: - Letter, Cap arid* Nate -' Paper,. Gold and Steel Pens,. Inkstandis, Btauk and• Titne Books, -Dia'. ries for 1855, &c. Alsb,.}tarpor's,.Putnatn's, G-odey's• and Grahain's. Magazines, received every month as soon as out. 2000• copies of the hooks recommended by the Teachers' Institute and Board - of Directors of the county:. Green lief's Arithmetics and• Algebra ; Town's Spellers, • and Swan's Readers. 3660 Payson& Dunton's Boston Copy Books, being the best system as well'as the best executed books , ever offered to the public, ftir sale. at lowest-wholesale prices. 1000' pieces Wall PitiCi,frOM: 6' to 13c for Om._ rnim, 18, 23, 27c far. gra7,6 - 4:and . 1,25. to Si.l for gold. All.of the above stock•cs Offered extreme. ly low for easlithe public Will please call and examine. Store oppoiite Whitaker's Hotel; Itailroad street.. • - WM: COLON. -- • Huntingdon, Oct. I`B, 1854`.- Juniata Academy and.remale Serninary, At Shirleysburg, .Fluntingdonoanty, Pa. Seminary--RCV.A= M., Prin. cipal. etaf • A M A. Academy—l:luau _ . . ► IO3I,LL, —• C. FENDALL, FIHE winter session' of these ichoolS opens on Wednesday , .No. - .7th, and • eeritinnes five months.- ' TER DIS••:•--E111124:ARY Board, and tuitinn—persessinia'S6,oo Music witlfuse ofirstrurnent, per quarter,: 8400 TER.7iIS-ACADEAT.Y. Board, room:fent; fuel. arid tuition ; per ses.: 52,00 Modern languages—per session . 5,00 Paintin„,Wa;nd drawing 7 -per qtrarrier,.3,oot6s,,oo incidental expenses 25 For circulars or 41R:innslion, address the - Oct. 17, 1854-3 - • MIMI BLANKS I BLANKS!! BLANKS full assortment for salt cat: the."qlobe" DEEDS, SOMMOI.sze, Ex's. AND 'FRCS. D.EEDS ; ExEctiTroNSy - - MORTGAGES, [ - T , wi3FCENAS, - "" - RONDS, wiih and without waiver, . _', WARRANTS,. LEASES., ATTACHMENTS, CoMMITTIiENTS, Aorar.ENENTs frit . the sale-of Rest Estate, NOTES relinquishing a n boofiya - ?f Emmy. tion laws. ~..........,..........,=------,,....r.