(THE PATRIOT) Pablishcd Weekly By ■ijp'r the Patriot Publishing HKI.L TELEPHONE 35-J *HBee: No. 15 ('arpenter Ave, Marshall Building INDIANA, PRtf N A *l. iIAMONIE Publisher • —— /«vered sa secoort-cla** mailer Sept mW 2t, 1914, at the poatofllce at indiana, Penney!vmia, under the Act ìi€ Maroh 3, IB7y. SUBSCRITION toc Year $2.00 - Sii Montili $l.lO DA PRESIDENTE SENATORIA LE A GOVERNATORE ' ' J'' *1 Ì - T W'-' K1 . . V . T. Percival Boxter A causa della morte improvvisa del Governatore Parkhurst dallo stato Main, avvenuta in questi ul timi giorni fu sostituito dall'on. Boxter, che sino ad ieri era Presi edente del Senato. ■ Dure, ma sante verità' Da uno scritto dell'lllustre Com menda tor Paolo da Vecchi ci pia ce- di riprodurre quanto segue, per ! che vi si tocca, con sincerità a sen. /.a pantofole, d r una questione ve ramente "palpitante d'attualità" e su cui i Governanti di Roma do vrebbero fermare la loro attenzio ne 11 De Vecchi—che usa la penna, come da chirurgo illustre, usava il "bisturi" cioè coii sapienza o con coraggio—cosi si esprime : "-.Una buona e filantropica Si gnora Americana, accompagnata dal marito, si é rivolta ai più ab bienti della Colonia Italiani di New York, facendo appello al lo ro buon cuore e alla loro generosi tà per soccorrere i figli d'ltalia che muoiono di fame. E produsse lettere di una *iota Principessa Romana, di Deputati, di Ministri, di Presidenti di alcuni Istituti che troppo spesso si danno senza mi surare il grave danno che recano al buon nome d'ltalia: ma più che lettere private essa produsse un vero album di ritagli di giornali d'ltalia, nei quali pareva a bella i apposta raccolta-tutta la miseria del nostro popolo; tanto da sco-i raggiare qualunque ottimista. "Por fortuna le ni potè contrap porre le # statistiche de] consumo idei tabacco, raddoppiato daii'à'n- 1 te k i :l um ' oti ' v'ho file malgra do il prezzo alti-Mi' o » ora consu mato quasi tutto in Italia • e i rap porti dei "c p 1 i Aìiì >ricani delle varie città d'ltalia, specialmente di Roma, che segnano un aumento ... dei depòsiti nelle casse di rispar- ; mio. i quali depositi hanno rag giunto i diciassette miliardi; e, in fine, le fu fatto capire che degli I taliani da soccorrere ve ne erano * pure in New York, dove una Isti tuzione filantropica, l"'ltalian, * Laggiunto di no nuovo dipartimento di stoffe Avvisiamo la nostra grande clientela Ita- I liana di questi dintorni, che nel nostro ma gazzino vi e' stato aggiunto un nuovo dipar timento di stoffe—tela di lino, tela di coto ne, cambricco, satin, mussolina, lino per len zuela, tela damascata per servzio da tavola, satin e raso per fodere, Cheviot Crepe di I Chine, Ponge, ecc. I ABBIAMO ESPOSTO NELLE NO- . STRE VETRINE ABITI PER SIGNORE E SIGNORINE ALL'ULTIMA MODA. NOI SIAMO I PRIMI A MOSTRARE LA NUOVA MODA PRIMAVERILE. Venite nel nostro magazzino a vedere per credere. Noi vendiamo a prezzi da non te mere concorrenza. MAGAZINO ESCLUSIVAMENTE PER SIGNORE E SIGNORINE Welfare Lea glie, ' cerca di lenire j questi bisogni cou il concorso ge neroso della Colonia. "(ili Italiani, che vivono in A meriea, hanno fatto molto per la loro Madre Patria, durante la guerra, hanno dato generosamente per le vittime del teremoto, hanno largamente contribuito dopo la guerra a soccorrere le urgenti ne cessità dei mutilati, dei ciechi, de gli orfani, dei tubercolottiei. dei, bambini lattanti, delle vedove, con ' centinaia di migliaia di dollari rac colti personalmente," in concerti e in feste patriottiche, organizzate con dignità, entusiasmo ed onore del nome d'ltalia; ma ora appun to nel nome e per l'onore della Patria, in questo paese, essi Itali ani devono pensare un poco a sol- ì levare le miserie, i bisogni di quei ! compatrioti ai quali la fortuna non arrise qui, perché non gravino con ; vergogna sul bilancio di questa (popolazione generosa, che li ospi ta. ma che non deve mantenerli con nostra vergogna e con nostro , discredito. E' tempo che in Italia si cessi di dare il passaporto a tutti i que- I stilanti ufficiali, ufficiosi, racco mandati. perché essi fanno torto al nostro paese, esponendo una mise : ria. clic spesso non «jsiste e che. se veramente esiste, deve essere sol levata da un popolo, che spreca il enaro nel tabacco, nel vino ed in tante altre cose su po'fine, conte ora in I-tal': da mi popolo, che si d:t il ' 'C-Vìi "scioperi q noti dia -1 ni. e : .e. ha caputo le j lunghe beghe socialistiche, rovi nando l'industria Italiana, che ap punto ora dovrebbe asserire i suoi diritti in un paese fatto ricco e j prospero appunto dalle masse ope. l aie, che lo vogliono ridurre alla ì , miseria..-" < SEMPRE in armonia al Cente nario Dantesco: —Oh! Signora Anua. come sta dia. oggi, vostro figlio! —Kh ! sicuro. Perché il Maestro si lamenta che il mio ragazzo ha una pessima calligrafia, cosi, per penitenza e, insieme, per esercizio gli faccio copiare la "Divina Com media" ehe dicono sia scritta mol to bene. «« * | !» Abbiamo un gran numero di case da ven <[ Jere in INDIANA, PA. :]! Molte di queste coi bagno, luce elettrica, |!| bea ter, acqua calda e fredda, cement celiar e tutte le comodità' moderne. Rivolgersi ALL'AGENZIA BIAMONTE '! • ! P ![ 15 Carpenter Ave., || Tndiana, Pa. | PROF. GIOVANNI FICO ! PIANO STUDIO '22 Marshall Bldg. Indiaua, Pa. "AH b l'h n efu*s oi Study f<>r - . i J vallee.Vauu Artistf fcrudérits/' < ]; Banca Savings & Trust Co. D'INDIANA, PA. i _____ ;I J % RISERVE OLTRE UNA RANCA SICURA I HUMANA DAKING CO. -1 ¥ INDIANA, PENNA. Setter anct more pleasingr th&n anu mild Havari a cigar. /r your efea/er cen t Titppìy yom vrvAc ut ttmm, ' L L£V!5 CIGAD MF&. CO Hi y^^s7 yottr dealer Aor ymzr /avortée * m i LEGGETE IL PATRIOTA TREASURE IN NORTH AFRICA French Writer Daalnree Land ta a ttarahanae of Hiatariaal and Aroheat epical Beau tie*. „ Rpctt 3 Africa — oamprlata. accardlng to Loul* Bart jam*, writing in L'nißttmtfM Jfarta). atarahouaa of btatnrlcal and arch (Mioficat triM|aurna anauapactad by tha praat majority of Frenchman. France'a jricalor foata over these atarled landa by tha Mediterranean. V ; B«rt|and ennviudas that faaat af «mtrymen vlalt .the coleaifl pa»- mmAmk much as they would vlaft A jjMctacnlar review or something of /he aort, as a hiaarre expwienca af grange sound* and cater* and muscle jAancera ; whereas, if they would but their eyas, they might behold .-dead cities raising up their .head* and almost hear the echoing footsteps of the Roman legions. He points, in fact, to North Africa as the richest j museum of Latin antiquity In the world, where the ruins of the Imperial ■ occupation are thickly strewn for leagues, crying out for the pick and spade of the excavator. "From Volu bllls in Morocco to Gigthl In Tunis," declares the writer, "on a line 2.000 kilometers long, the Roman ruins are landmarks in Africa. With their tri umphal arches, colonnades, pagan tem ples, basilicask and Christian burial places, they outline a shattered royal road without a peer." Challenge to Thought. When you can't do what you want to it's a challenge to think. If you can't do it, why can't you? The chances are you will find it is not right that It should be done at all. Or it may be that you are not the one to do it. You may want to swim the Niagara just below the falls so you can boast of doing what has not been done. You may want to fly to the moon so you can write of experiences never yet ! felt by man. You may even want to play the Jonah game so you can give your experiences of a few days in the deep. But you can't do it. The why | lies In the fact that you are not made for such exploits. To attempt any ' one of them would be to tempt self- j destruction. The crowd might stand j by and watch you make the effort and when you failed they would call you a fool. When you can't do what you want to —think. —Grit. of Strrnuous Days. Barber (carried away by his reml siseences) —"And wh. n he'd looped tha loon ho did n nose dive that fairly «.•„ v " ' :'h ••way."—Boston Eve ning Transcript. I Wedding Days In Mollani. Tn orderly Holland, where every thing happen-, by rule, the different classes of society choose different days of the week on which to !>•> married, l or some unknown reason Monday is i.M day and marriao* fee> for rt-a» day amount to a sum approxi mate On Saturdays the charge $2. or nothing at all if the coipl<- lo not wish a separate core ■ rr;o;:;. f and are willing to join a gl'osip '•! '_<> vouplcs. At ihese irroup mur ri:-:tie clerk reads the service once, nl! t!»e couples making the responses In t horns. How Many Colors for a Section? Not Ion? ago a train started out of Grand Central In two sections. After • running H few miles the first section , lost time, and the second, running ahead, was ordered to put up green j signals «nd run as first section. As this ti-it in approached the next tower the dispatcher asked the signalman if lfhe emrineman had put up. signals, 'fye signalman replied, by telephone. "Yes. he just put up the green and blew."— New York Central Magazine. Mixup Was Too Much for Him. Chester could not understand why Lloyd was called his half-brother. It was explained to him —his father had married twice. He couldn't seem to grasp the Idea, however. Lloyd soon married and was later divorced, all of which mystified Chester arreatl.v. Hut j when Lloyd married again his bewil derment was complete. "Dad," he im plored, "what relationship is Lloyd to us now?" Fake and Truth About the Aspen. The aspen leaf is said to quiver !.e -cattse the cross of the crucifixion was made of this wood. The fact is that the leaf Is broad, and placed on a lone leaf-stock so flexible as scarcely to ■ e j able to support it in an upvight posi ] tion. The upper part of the stalk is I flattened, and. 1 eiri r at .ri-.hr angles with the A»af. i> peculiarly liable to 'he moved by h > ihu>-t breath of air. Influence f 4 Toys. ' The toy ugly in.for s. dc>. color should not He Ifveti to •hit '.:' n for 't i may offend n inhe: !' 1 acti • - land misdin?ct/a hu ?-II: r .ins mum '.'or ! those things which are.bran i/ul. | catmol expect n child to ievc'op jood taste if he is suri otinded by articb s and playthings which violate all the canons of symmetry and color. One Friend Didn't Bother Her. Peggy used exceedingly bad English and was continually being corrected by her teacher, also her mother and aunt. One_da.v after the usual "set- ■ to" she heaved a sigh and, putting her j arms around her pet dog, said: "Oh j Spots, ain't I glad you don't know grammar!" But She Didn't Enjoy It. With reference to the recent divorce ■nit In which the wife told the judge she married her husband so that she could enjoy his bathtub, a correspond ent waggishly remarks that the hop band seems to have kept her In hot water all right.—Boston Transcript. Moor*a Holy City. Hheshuan, in Morocco la one of th« few cities left lr the world wheat streets have never been trodden by n white map. It i* the holy city af tha Moot*, and la so jtfttoufly guarded that no Kuropean explorer has ever beO able to enter It. Origin af Boetan'a Tramamt tV'aa*. The origin of BcMstop's i'temont at rant ia aatd to ha a corrupUon of Trt mountain, by which ua«\e tha town af Boston was flrft knnwo owlug ftp the presence of three high hllb» serv ing as a background to the peninsula. Original "Limerick.'* The word is said to have been adopted as a name for a certain kind of nonsense rhyme because an old 1 song current In Ireland, which had the an me verse construction, contained the place name "Limerick." Day Is What One Makea It Every day that is horn into the world comes like a burst of music and rings iiself ull the day through; and thou shalt make of IP a dance, a dirge, or a life march as thou wilt. —Thomas Carlyle. He Should Worry. He was u wis.? man that sali that 'he hadn't t'rc.e to worry. In the day time he was too busy and at night he was too sleepy.—The Black and Ma genta (New Concord. Ohio). Explaining His Name .Tack, whose maternal grandmother had been married three times, on be ' ing asked for whom he was named, said '"Why. I was named after moth er's first father." Cannibals Widely Scattered Cannibals have been found In h*s i toric times in both North and South America, Africa, Indi«. Australia. New 1 Zealand, and the Polynesian islands. . ' Must Surprise Their Stomachs. Toads in India are so used to ! snatching at objects that they have been known to snap up and eat red hot charcoal. Question of Etiquette. No. in bowing to the inevi tablr it is not necessary for one to lift one's hat. —Boston Transcript. Excavate 30-Mile Chasrr waters o f the grand falls of >:• have ox caw red a chasm 30 mile*- onsr , Invisible Airplane Wings. Wings of cellulose acetate, belnr transparent, make an airplane lnvis» b!e «t the height of a few thf*ne i-» \*h >m money is a hasty an ) :• '-enucnt v.* !*«*:. i favor '»• : on 'ank • otic which "l nrcnise to ? v* davs to chur« !i wor* ii»is year The days thn« c'v»»n are devoted '<» evmisctistic servircs oi to the bu: ; "4 of churches Mini •» !c»»is. —World Out look. Hadn't Get to That. PltMai hr ( "H«vt» mn NEVEI iy." Sydney Bul letin