The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, September 11, 1920, Image 3

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    Mendoza Is Old City.
Mendoza is the metropolis of west
ern Argentina. It is a city of some
size carefully planned and able to
stand comparison with any town in the
new world or the old one the point of
municipal beauty. It looks distinctly
new, but as a matter of fact it is one
of the oldest towns in the western hem
isphere. It was founded fifty years be
fore the well-known settlement of
Jamestown in Virginia, while the fa
thers and mothers of the Pilgrims were
still living peacefully in England.
Daiiy Titoujfct.
Mar, i® aee wore, -tad hath ac.otfcc)
*0 him. H'-r! <-.*£.
Free Board.
A restaurant in Yuma, Ariz., dis
plays a sign that reads: "Free board
every day the sun doesn't shine." At
first sitrht the offer of free board every
day the sun doesn't shine might seem
a reckless one, but, as a matter of
fact, a day without sunshine in that
desert country Is far rarer than black
berries in May. If it rains at all, it is
only for a very short time, leaving
most of the day for sunshine, so that
the sign would only catch a tender
Oio'time rsiews Service.
In 1832 James Watson Webb, of th.
New York Courier and Enquirer, es
tabllshed an express-rider service be
tween New York and Washington
which gave his paper valuable pres
tige. In the following year the Jour
nal of Commerce started a rival sen
ice, which enabled it to print Wash- j
Ington news in New York within 4S
hours of its occurrence. The most
notable express-mail service of all
was the "pony express," which carried
messages by relays of riders across j
LOoulitains and deserts and through i
hostile Indian territory from St. Louis I
to San Francisco, covering 1,966 miles
In 10 days.
Strongly for Education.
We have always believed in the high
possibilities of the movies and more
particularly siiu-eii oh;«rming g rl told'
us she had found you could hold
hands just as well at an educational
film as ,'inv other. —Grand Itapids.
.r Is C.'n'us?
Genia-" ; i I ;vn<isome name fre
quent:;* j.:'-. 1) hard-working men ,
after they uave li .is-hed a tough job.— ;
The American Magazine.
The Candle In History.
The cult of the candle plays a large
role in Koman, Jewish and Eastern
ecclesiastical history: and many are
the customs that have their birth In
some magical or ritualistic use to
which thf» candle has been put. In
some parts of Ireland, for instance, it
, was usual on Christmas eve to burn
a large candle which no one was per
mitted to snuff except those who bore
the name of Mary.
"Do you think your wife -would ex
| eel in statesmanship if she had an op
portunity?" "Yes," replied Mr. Meek
ton. "Henrietta is not only a power
ful hand in a regular argument, but j
she has gifts for prolonged discourse
that would make her a wonder at fili
j bustering."
Rusty Steel.
To clean rusty steel, well oil the
rusty parts and set aside In this state i
| for two or three days. Then wipe dry
with clean rags and polish with emery
or pumice stone. When very rusty and
a high polish is desired rub the article
with a little slack lime.
Hpw to nemovs Cinders.
.V medicine dropper f.u v be used j
with guoi effect in tvmoviug cinders j
liMjn Ihe eyelids by drawing them out
y suction !'!i the fluids that j
!;avo formed. A little pointed roll of
oft paper also may prove useful.
Hadn't Got to That.
Philanthropic Person—"Have von
never striven my friend, to attain a
higher life?" Mundane Marmaduke—
"Well, mister, we ain't got past corned
beef an' beer yet, but whether we'll
ever reach champagne and chicken 1
can't bloomin' well say."—Sydney Bul
Invisible Airplane Wings.
Wings of cellulose acetate, helnc
transparent, make an airplane invisi
ble at the height of a few thousand
feet, also increasing the operator's
field of vision. Sheets one one-hun- )
dredth-inch thick are about as strong
as the ordinary wing cover, and the
weight of nine ounces to the square I
yard is but slightly greater. The rap
id spread of a tear when started is a ■
disadvantage that may be overcome
with a re-enforcing of loosely woven
Not Always Happy.
It is customary but I think it is a
mistake, to speak of "happy" child
hood. Children are often overanxious
and acutely sensitive.) Man ought to
be man and master of his fate; but
children are at the mercy of those
around them. Mr. Rarey, the great
hprse-tamer, has told us that he has
known an angry word to raise the
pulse of a horse ten beats in a minute.
Think then how it must affect a child!
—Lord Avebury.
Time Is Money.
In Korea, both among prosperous
1 Christians and among those to whom
money Is a hasty and infrequent vis
itor, a favorite subscription blank is
one which says: "I promise to give
days to church work this year."
The days thus given are devoted to
evangelistic services or to the building
of churches and schools.—World Out
Conception of Cultivation.
Cultivation a generation ago meant
acquaintance with letters and the fine
arts, and some knowledge of at least
! two languages and literatures, and of
history. The term "cultivation" is now
much more inclusive. It inpludes <ele
mentary knowledge of the
and it ranks high the subjects of his
tory, government and economics.—
Charles W. Eliot, in Atlantic.
Appropriate Look.
Robert had lost his little pet dog an "
I felt bad about it. His father told him
poor little Fldo must be tlead or he
i would return home. His mother sent
him on an errand, when he met a wom
an friend of his mother's who asked ;
him if he was ill, as he had little to
say "Oh. no," he said, "but my little
dog Is dead and I am wearing a black
Use rteason.
You've got to leaven your work with
some planning and thought. A tire
less cooker doesn't do the business un
til heat is applied.
Size of the Foot
The foot should be as long as the
ulna, or chief bone of the forearm —
that is, from the small head of the bone
to be seen at the wrist to the point of
the elbow should be the length of the
V'"-"' Pactcria.
Tests ma>i" by Irish scientists have i
shown that ti. 1 ind will carry disease ;
bacteria 200 loot and as high as 60
feet into the air.
Should Use Judgment.
Teacher —"When little George Wash
ington told the truth about cutting
down the cherry tree his father for
i gave him. Now. Henry, what lesson
does this teach us?" Henry—"lt
teaches us that we should learn when
to tell the truth."
Be Slow to Condemn.
Why condemn an individual or in
stitution before you hear both sides!
Does a jury convict or a judge sen
tence a prisoner before the evidence
!s heard?
Make Most of What You Have.
i>t are .says, "lou can't tura
the wheel with the water that is past," |
The modern age says. "You can't excel
in fitness when you the hours
in idleness." Drea.i.s oi the e lory that
! is to be are largely dreams still long
after the days art past that should
have witnessed the cr 'wning. Hut life
is more than dreams. Most folk* have
learned to their sorrow that it is a
rather stern reality. It promises much,
I but it's always conditional. It teaches
| men that in the using of what they
| have they become the heroes of the
days that are to be. It's the tilling of
present hours that brings the full hours
of the future. It's folly to mourn the
past. It's all mad * in the present and j
today passes so swiftly into tomorrow
| that we scarcely realize how swiftly j
the speeding hours.
Tea Testing.
To ascertain whether artificial color
ing matter has been added to tea. place
A quantity oa white paper and rub with
! knife to a fine powder. Now brush the
with a brush, and If any Prussian
blue has been used there will be little
streaks on the paper.
Fateful Days.
Certain days have been marked ones
| In some -persons* lives. Nearly all the
chief events of Thomas a Beckers
career, including his murder and the
j translation of his body —occurred on a
Tuesday. lienry VITI and his three
children —Edward. Mary and Klt/.a
beth —expired upon the «ame day of
the week —Thursday.
Important Rivers.
Just as Egypt has been made by j
the Nile, so Mesopotamia has been
made by the Tigris and the Euphrates,
j The view put forward with some au
thority that the rivers should be kept
j exclusively for irrigation and not be
depended upon for transport is chal
lenged on many grounds, one of which
is that irrigation and navigation can
be effectively combined, and Indeed
j made mutually advantageous for
many years to c<»n»e. WAYNE RIGG&CO.
Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand
Il Migliore luogo in Indiana per comprare
orologi e gioielli Anelli e regali per
Si eseguiscono riparazioni di orologi,
sveglie e gioielli prontamente.
Wayne Rigg & Co.
Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand
JOE K. CAMPELL, Presidente S. C. STEEL E, Cassiere
, GEO. L. DOUGLASS, Ass. Cassiere
.. - \ t
Homer City, Pennsylvania
-«p t
\ i
\ < \ - 1
■ 'i- :
Direttore di Pompe Funebri
Mercanzia musicale Fon orati FATUE'
630 Phila. St. Dischi Indiana, Pa.
Avvocato Italiano
Cor. Mahoning & Jefferson St.
Punxsutawney, Pa.
Noi carichiamo le vostre
batterie pel vostro automo*
Elettricisti d'Automobile
Grande assortmento di acces
sori elettrici.
Stazione autorizzata dei
servizio "Willard"
Avvocati in cause civile e cri
Marshall Bldg., Indiana, Pa.
Avvocato in Legge
Farmers Bank Building
Indiana. Pa.
Dott. TRUITT, Dentista
Ufficio opposto alla Banca
Ore d'ufficio : Dalle 8 a. m. ali 5 p
m., 7 p. m. 8 p. m.
Giudice di Pace
573 Phila St., dirimpetto
l'ißdiana House
Citisam National Bank
ladiAaa, Pa.
Avvocato Italiano.
La dolce figura di Raffaello ir
radiata di gloria, quel suo amore
per una donna di condizione infe
riore, contrastato dai suoi mecena
ti e fonte di guai per essere egli
già fidanzato con la nipote del car
dinale Bibbiena, infine la sua mor
te precoce offrivano tali elementi
di contrasto sentimentale da invo
gliare drammaturghi e musicisti.
I na ventina di costoro si inspiro
ai pietosi casi del grande pittore,
ma con esito cosi infelice che que
sta forma di postuma glorifica
zione si potrebbe senz'altro chia
mare —dice Osare Levi nel ''Mar
zocco'*—la "sfortuna teatrale" di
Raffaeli). "
Sorvoliamo sui 5 atti di Antonio
Tavoni. sellaio mantovano, e sul)
dramma di Gaetano Marini, che,!
nell'ultima scena, fa scrivere da
Raffaello morente alla Fornarina :
'"Ti ritorno i tuoi capelli. . . me li
mostrerai un giorno in Pardiso!"
Fn certo Marucchi ha avuto la
sciagurata idea di scrivere un \
"Raffaello'' per educandati. . . .
(tutti uomini la Fornarina é la-;
sciata fuori delle quinte, nei quale
1 Turbinate e Michelangelo si az
suffano come facchini e sono divi-;
si da Bramante, che li prega di
restar fratelli. . in nome dell'ar
Meno male che. nel quadro fina
le. Michelangelo viene a chiedere
scusa a Raffaello in fin di vita. . .éj
dalla volgarità si son salvati au
tori di una eerta fama, eoine Leo
poldo Mareneo e Paolo Heyse; nel
dramma di quest'ultimo: "La
Fornarina, Raffaello é descritto
come "uomo un pó vano, che non
conosce altra legge che il suo ca
priccio." Ma la profanazione non
s'arresta qui: un coreografo oso
eomporre sull'argomento un ballo,
in 8 quadri, per la ballerina Ama
lia Ferraris, rappresentato alla
Pergola nel 1853; e sarà stato cer
tamente un patetico spettacolo il j
vedere una diva della danza, sotto
le spoglie del divino pittore, espri
mere a un'altra diva "di mezzo
carattere'* il proprio amore con i
piedi !....
11 reverendo Magpie inviato al :
Congo a sostituire un missionario!
defunto, ai accorse che quei negri,
la maggior parte cristiani, trascu- j
ravano la lettura della Bibbia. E
pensò di porvi rimedio facendone
stampare un'edizione ricca di fre
gi edi figure a vivaci colori. Fin
qui meno male ; il male si é che eb
be una trovata geniale, come la
Savings & Trust Co.
d'lndiana, Pa.
•% ■ '
Riserve oltre $3,500,000
\ < r
una Banca Sicura
U ì s
< 1
fi ' ] ►*-
Opportunità' Rara
j a prezzo di vero sacrifizio e per poco contante si vende :
j : Farma
detta proprietà' e' composta di 102 acri di terreno j|
< fertilissimo e coltivato, vi sono 500 alberi di "Maple sugar !;
) tree" da dove viene estratta una grande quantità' di scirop
> po di zucchero; vi e' tutto l'occorrente per l'estrazzione e ]!
j manifattura dello zucchero; oltre acio' vi e' una splendida jt
) casa di 9 stanze con tutte le comodità' moderne ed una !|
j stalla, per gli animali grande ed in ottime condizioni.
!; Il tutto e' situato a sole 12 miglia da s
Windber, Pa.
!| una moderna ed industriosa cittadina centro di moltis- s
]| simi e nuovi campi di mina.
|i Chi volesse, con piccolo investimento, crearsi in poco
j! tempo una buona ed indipendente posizione per lui ela sua <>
!| famiglia con le certezza di far fortuna, non deve perdere !;
!; l'occasione che oggi le vien data.
Per maggiori schiarimenti scrivere o presentarsi all'uf- C
ficio del ;
;! 15 Carpenter Ave.*, ' Indiana, Pa.
; chiamava lui, ohe si converti in un
: fiasco.
Siccome nelle illustrazioni dei
jsacri testi gli angioli appariscono
sempre ili pelle bianca e di capelli
j biondi, il reverendo penso che
quella cosa avrebbe potuto umi
liare quei poveri negri, che avreb-.
hero in tal modo veduto esclusa
la loro razza dalle sfere celesti;
e fece inserire nella nuova bibbia
1111 disegno colorato del paradise
in cui, accanto al Signore, i mi
gliori posti erano per angiol neri
come il carbone!
<on grande compiacimento dei
nostro missionario gli indigeni
accolesro a prima vista, eou e
spressioni di giubilo, la elegante
, edizione, ma tale compiacimento
I fu di breve durata. Poiché la mat
tini! appresso egli trovo, ammon
ticchiate alla porta della sua abi
i J
tazione, le bibbie distribuite in
! gran numero.
< he cosa era successo? Questo:
Quei negri, sulla fede dei mis
sionari che avevano preceduto il
reverendo Magpie, speravano fer
mamente che nell'altro mondo sa
rebbero tutti diventati bianchi!