The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, September 27, 1919, Image 3

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    La Vostra Automobile ha
bisogno di cura!
' 1 9
Lasciatelo da noi e ve lo puliremo come nuovo,
ingrassando gl'ingranaggi e rapportarvi se o no vi oc
corrono riparazioni.
(Vicino l'ufficio del Patriota)
| Tipografia de II Patriota stampano:
5 15 Carpenter A venne, - Indiana, Pa. ('ATALOGrHI
\ Specialità'in lavori a colori per Società' RI VIST PI
Loggie, Clubs, ecc.
Notaio Pubblico
Spedizione di moneta in qualunque parte d'Europa
General Merchandise
Creekside, Pa.
Ufficio di fronte la "Sala Caneva"
Farmers & Miners National Bank
of Jacksonville, Pa.
i t
Risorse oltre SIOO,OOO
Noi paghiamo il 4 per cento
sui depositi.
Spedizione di danaro in Italia.
Noi diamo il miglior oambio della giornata.
| Prof. Giovanni Pico !
ARMONICA, con Metodo accelerato q
S Stanza No. 2 —2ndo Piano.
a Hetrick Building, = Indiana, Pa. [ì
_ • : : 1
I H 69*
Is Written the Name of Frank Luke,
One of the Best of American
Air Fighters.
What Lieutenant LHke, famous
American aviator, would, and often
did, attenjpt was illustrated by his last
fight. Starting out alone to attack
three "drachens," or observation bal
. loons, he had seen behind the German
lines in front of Verdun, he was inte/-
cepted by ten enemy machines. He
engaged them ali, got two of them, and
| escaped the others by seeming him
i self to be disabled. His "fall" was
from directly over the balloons, and be
fore they could be lowered or protec-t
--ed he shot ali three of them in flames.
But then Luke disappeared, and what
beeame of him was not known until
| after the arnwstice.
When the allies entered the village
1 of Murvaux the rest of the story was
learned from the peasants. The Amer
ican had been forced by wounds or the
! disablement of hi.s machine to descend,
but he did not land until he had used
his machine gun to the extent of kill
ing eleven of the many German sol
diers station M there. Then he alight
ed safely in a nearby field and was
seen to quit his machine and start for
a little stream as if to get water. Ger
man soldiers ran up, and either by
them or b!y a shot from further away
he was killed. The German officer in
command kicked the body and ordered
that no one touch it. There lt lay tlll
the next morning, when the villagers
were allowed to take it, uncovered, in
a cart, to their cemetery and bury it.
So ended Frank Luke at the age of
20. He had lived much, if not long,
and down in Phoenix, Ariz., where he
was born, they are justly proud of
him. He does not lack appreciation
elsewhere, for Captain Rickenbacker
says : "Had he lived he would have put
me out of business long ago as Amerl
ca's leading ace. I wouldn't have had
a show against him."
Bruges of Today.
Mrs. B. O. Tufnell, writing In ref
erenoe to Bruges, says: "I thìnk it
ma.v he of interest to you to know that
Bruges is extraordinarily little chang
ed since the war. We were most agree
ably surprised to find our things left
behind intaet and only one case had
been The hotel was stili well
run and comfortable, and the food was
good, only the pre-war prlces had
changed for the worse ! The beautiful
old city looked much the same as be
fore. The carillon ls stili pealing in
the belfry, and few of the public build
ings have suffered. The port has been
greatly altered, and there the signs of
war are very evldent, not only in the
huge works started by the eneray, but
in the efjectual destroctlon of them by
our airnien. The shops are open, and
the life of Bruges goes on as it dici.
Only the welcome appearance of khaki
clad men or businesslike W. A. A. C.'s
strikes a strange note in the cobbled I
spaces of the Grande Place."
Memorial to Great Naval Deed.
Were it possible for the British peo- ,
pie to forget that greatly daring naval
deed of the war known by the unin
splring title of the Zeebrugge raid, the
present movement on foot to commem
orate it will assure for it perpetuai
fame. Happily thir't'ntive has been
taken by the city of V.ruges, so there
is not the slightest element of vain
glory in th:> Ì«K*ÌÌ of a memorial to be
erected on a suìtnble site within a few
yards of the spot where the blockships j
Intrepid and Iphiirenia were success
fully SUD'.;. The actual sinking of J
these for tlio purpose of pre- !
ventine thp German submarines using
the canal to Bruges, was rendered pos
sible only by the gallantry of the at-,
tack made by the old cruiser Vindic-
Jlve, whlch was afterward sunk across
the fairway at Ostend. Standing on
an elevation, the monument will b«
visible far out to sea.—Christian Sci
enee Monitor.
Suspense Worse Than Attack.
There are sailors who will teli yon
that the actual torpedoing of a vessel
was not very much worse than the sus
pense and the many false alarms—any
of which might have proved to be an
eneniy submarine. A merchant cap- 1
tain was looking out to sea one day,
when in the distance he thought he
saw something dark and round. He
watched to see whether it would move.
Tt did move, and then suddenly it dlved.
There was no time to do anything,,
since he did not know from what direc
tion the torpedo might come. He watt
ed. To his horror the dark, round ob
ject rose from the waves only 30 yards
awav from the boat. He 9aid it was
the worst moment in his life until he
realized on further inspection that the /
"perlscope" was in actual fact a large
seal with a dirty yellow neck and a
full crop of whiskers.
War and Roller Skates.
Tt is a far cry from the wortd war
to a child's roller skates. but accord
ine to the fashion expert of Popular
Meehanics Magazine, roller skntes of
the latest approved model arf- after
the style of British fighting tanks.
Novelty always being uppermost in the
juvenile heart, it matters not that the
new skates are a bit snowshoelike in
size. The new skates are like ali oth
ers except that they are surrounded
by tanklike bodies made of light sheet
The Source of Most Good Luck.
"How do you happen to have such
good luck with roses?" asked the neieh
"Don't know," replifed the amateur
gardener. "unless it is because 1 hoe
the ground a lot and spray them a
lot, and work with them a lot."
Nothing Germans at Coblenz Would
Not Do for That Artide—
Pepper Carne Next.
German supplies were getting rather
short when the American army of oc
cupation rnoved across the Rhine at
Coblenz. The population was eating
a tough blaek bread which was nothing
more than a bran mash, wearing paper
clothes, and going virtually unwashed,
as thev had no soap.
There is alinost nothing the Ger
mans won't do for a piece of Ameri
can soap. The washwomen will darn
impossible holes in the doughboy's
socks, mend his trousers, scrnb his
leggins, and would si and guard in his
place if assured they will be rewarded
with a portion of this delicaey. Soap
takes the preference over cigarettes,
chocclates or chewing ginn.
The Germans have an imitation soap
they provide for the populace. It looks
like soap and makes a rich-appearing
lather, but it isn't soap. It doesn't do
the work. You might as~well try to
shave with the foam froin their bad
tasting beer as that soap. Having no
oils or fats in it. it is plain camou
Another thing the Germans are shy
on is pepper. A person who has al
ways had pepper might give it little
thought and it probably would be the
last thing included in an "iron ratlon,"
but go without pepper three years and
you'll begin to think that it is the staff
of life.
Soap and pepper are to the Germans
what pie and ice cream and going
home are to the American doughboys.
—The Spiker of Aprii, published in
France by the United States Army
Railway Engineers.
Movie Actress Tells Why She Long
Has Had Grudge Against
Robert Hilliard.
Robert Hilliard, actor, and best
dressed man in New York theatrical
circles, was introduced to Mary Plck
ford recently. As they shook hands he
smiled and sald:
"My dear Miss Pickford, I have
wanted to meet you for a long tlme.
This is a pleasure, I assure you.".
"Thank you, Mr. Hilliard," replied
the movie actress, "but I must say
your memory for faces isn't very
"Why?" he asked.
"Some twenty years ago, when you
were playing in 'The Littleat Girl,' In
Toronto, you needed a chlld to be the
girl. My mother offered my servlces.
I was little Gladys Smith then. You
looked me over and told me to go home
and wash my hands."
"No, no!" repliéd the horrifled Hil
liard. "I couldn't have said that."
"But you did," perslsted Miss Pick
ford ; "but I told you my hands weren't
dirty—they were chapped. You flnally
gave me the Job, but I took a dlsllke
to you Just the same."
"You did! Why?"
"Because," concluded Miss Pickford,
"you made me go home and wash my
hands, anyway, and I detested soap
and water in those days."
"Well, I declare !" sald Mr. Hilliard,
as he arranged his boutonnaire. —Re-
hoboth Herald.
She was weeping bitter tears lnto
her afternoon tea. "Oh, my d«ar!"
she said to her only friend, "I don't
know what I shall do. Ted and I have
only been married six months, yet he
spends every evening at his club."
"Well, don't worry, darling," sald
the other. "Percy's just the saoie.
But I shall never scold him again for
spending so much time at his club."
"Why not?"
"Well, last night a burglar got lnto
the house and my husband knocked
him senseless with a poker. I'ye
heard several men speak of htm as a
poker expert. He has evidently been
practicing at the club for just such an
Rescue Cage.
Less thrilling fhan being rescued
and carried down on a swaying ladder.
but much more practical, is a new res
cue cage. When the Are ladder la
thrown against a burning building it
carries with it a wire cable attached
to a steel cage. Llke an elevator wlth
out a shaft the cage hangs from its
pulley at the top of the ladder, within
easy reach of the Windows. It ls low
ered by turning the cable dram on the
Are truck below, and wlll carry four
passengers safely.—Popular Mechan
ics Magazlne.
Bright Rupert.
The lesson was on the rabblt.
"The rabblt has long ears, fur on
its body, and a tali, nothing to speak
of, though," the master informed the
The next day he wanted to see what
they knew about it.
"Now, then, Rupert," he barked to
a particirt&rly bright youth. "teli me
something about the rabbit."
"The rabbit has a tali," sald Ru
pert. eyeing his silent fellows trlum
phantly, "but it mustn't talk about It."
Just So.
She was teaching the word "ele
ment" to a sixth grade. She had told
them its meaning—the substances of
which a thing is composed—and then
had illustrated her definition by saylng
that the elements of the earth were
water and soil.
Then she asked them to wrlte
tences containing the word. And this
is the one Henry wrote:
"Water is one of the elements oX
Libri scolastici. Scientifici e Romanzi di
rinomati autori. Grande assortimento di
C alendari Illustrate importate
Savings & Trust Co.
d'lndiana, Fa.
Riserve oltre $3,500,000
una Banca Sicura
Non andate in giro con il vostro vestito sudicio
quando noi lo possiamo pulire per bene e farlo com
parire come nuovo; e meglio per la vostra salute, aiuta
il vostro aspetto e suscita maggior rispetto.
Noi facciamo inoltre nuovi vestiti, che vengono
fatti su misura, con buon materiale e costano tanto
come quelli che si comperano già manufatturati.
Venite a consultai ci.
Indiana Dye Works,
y %
720 Phila. Street, . Indiana, Pa.
Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand
' Il Migliore luogo in Indiana per comprare
orologi e gioielli Anelli e regali per
Si eseguiscono riparazioni di orologi,
sveglie e gioielli prontamente.
Wayne Rigg & Co. ;
Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand
1 -
Cambio Massimo della Giornata
Servizio Speciale per Vaglia
Se voi volete il completo valore della vostra
moneta eun servizio solleòito, spedite il vostro da
naro per mezzo dell'
Agenzia Biamonte
Tutti i vaglia sono spediti a destinazione il me
desimo giorno in cui sono emessi, e si consegna la
ricevuta del destinatario.
Garanzia assoluta
15 Carpenter Avenue, - - Indiana, Pa.