Voter's Catechism D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Govern ment is this? R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress con gist of? R. Senate and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who our State Senator? R. Wilbur P. Graff. D. Who is the chief executive of the United States? R. President. D. For how long is the Presi dent of the United States elect ed? R. Four years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. * By the electors. D. By whom are the electors chosen ? R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for the State of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. Who is our Assembly man? R. J. T. Davis. D. How many States in the union ? R. Forty-eight. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4, 1776. D. Which is the capital of the United States? D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each state in the United States? R. Two. D. Who are our U. S. Sena tors? R. Boise Penrose and George T. Oliver. D. By whom are they elect ed? R. By the people. D. For how long? R. Six years. D. How many representa tives are there? R. 435. According to the population one to every 211,000, (the ratio fixed by Congress af ter each decennial census.) D. For how long are they elected ? R. Two years. D. Who is our Congressman ? R. Nathan L. Strong. D. How many electoral votes has the state of Pennsylvania? R. Thirty-eight. D. Who is the chief execu tive of the state of Pennsyl vania ? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elect ed? R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. W. C. Sproull. D. Do you believe in organ ized government? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to or ganized government? R. No. D. Do you belong to any se cret society who teaches to dis believe in organized govern ment? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or po lygamist? R. One who believes in hav ing more than one wife. D. Are you an anarchist? R. Ne. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not be lieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poligamist? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any laws of the United States? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinaries for the City? R. The board of aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain permanently in the U. S.? R. Yes. NEW FIGHTING FORCE FRENCH ARMY OFFICERS EXPERI MENTING WITH EAGLES. Send Big Birds Against Aeroplanes Which They Fiercely Attack and Turn Upside Down—Must Seek Protection. An interesting experiment, in view of the fact that the world's armies are now facing the problem of how to cope with the new force in warfare — the aeroplane, is being conducted by a number of French officers at Nice. The idea, it seems, was suggested by the fate of the famous aviator, Rogers,, who met death because a sea gull flew against him and disturbed his control of his machine. The offi cers argued amongst themselves that if a modest-sized bird such as the sea i gull could wreck an aviator, the pow erful eagle could surely become a j terrific fighting and wrecking force in the air. So, as Nice is but a few miles j from the Alpine home of the Swiss eagle, six birds were immediately put j into training. Machines resembling aeroplanes in shape, but supported by balloons, to which were attached pieces of meat, I were sent up, and the eagles let loose. ■ With fierce cries and flapping of their : wings they attacked the aeroplanes and tore the meat from them. In their eagerness they fight one another, and the aeroplane is sometimes turned up side down in their struggles. It is inconceivable that any men in an aero plane, even if there were three or four of them, could retain control of their machine in face of such an attack. One after another the eagles attack all the aeroplane balloons until they are wrecked, and their trainers feel certain that they will now attack real aeroplanes with men in them with the same ferocity. How will the blrdmen parry these attacks? Suppose they carry revolv ers or short repeating rifles; to shoot a bird in the air is notoriously diffi cult, but to shoot half-a-dozen swoop ing down and clawing at you all at once, seated in a trembling aeroplane, would be well-nigh an impossibility. The suggestion Is made that fight ing machines shall have round them electric wires that will give the eagles a powerful shock as they touch them. To do this it will be necessary to car ry a dry battery, and this will add to the weight of the machine. The wires, moreover, will increase the danger and difficulty of guiding the aeroplane. The aviator is likely to touch one of the wires and lose control of his car, with fatal result. But the bird-men will certainly have to find ways of protecting themselves against the war eagles. We may well ask: "What next?" Noise Killing Mankind. Man's nerves and hearing apparatus were evolved in comparatively quiet surroundings, to detect faint sounds warning him of danger or of the pres ence of game. Sudden loud sounds shock the system greatly—ln child hood they may cause convulsions. In time we might evolve a race im mune to noise, but It can only be done by killing off those who are most in-, jured by it, and these nervous people are often the very ones who are do ing the most to advance civilization. So the only thing to do is to make the environment fit for them and not kill them as unfit for the environment. The first step is to abolish unneces sary bells, whistles and street cries, lonstruct less noisy pavements and give children playgrounds where they can blow off steam to their dear hearts' content and not annoy anyone, not even long-suffering, head-achy mamma. A gentus who can still the noise of our dreadful streets and tube railways will be dubbed "blessed" by the world. Cleaning An Ocean Liner. Not many people are aware that during the few hours a great ocean liner remains in dock she is cleaned thoroughly inside and out. The hull is repainted, the funnels scraped and cleaned, and every piece of exposed metal polished. Meanwhile, all carpets are taken ' up and beaten, the floors scrubbed ! and repainted, and tables repolished, ohairs regilded and stained, in every part of the ship. On the great boats | there are more than 30,000 pieces of ! linen to be counted, sorted, prepared, and laundered. Then there are 15,000 I pieces of silverware, 25,000 pieces of glassware, some 60,000 dishes, plates, ; cups, saucers, etc. As soon as a piece shows signs of wear it is discarded , and replaced, and all this work has ! to be done in a few hours. Master and Bosses. "Why do you give so much attention i to pictures?" "Well," replied Mr. Cassius Chex, "in accumulating my fortune I have 1 come more or less into contact with legislation. I like to spend some time among the old masters in art to get my mind ofT the fres? bosses in politics." How He Settles. ' "I understand your husband is a man of great abilities." "He certainly is. He beat up four bill collectors yesterday so they can't come back for six months."—Fliegende Blatter. Why Not? Knickers-Think the stock exchange should be regulated? Bocker —Yes, It should be arranged for stocks to go up when you buy and , go down when you sell. Grandmother's Economy. Another reason why your dear old grandmother ,«lidn't think she could afford silk stockings was because she thought she ought to wear six or seven petticoats. —Dallas News. Salute to the Flag. The salute to the flag is given bj raising the right hand, palm outward until the index finger is even with th« lower edge of the forehead, and stand ing at attention. Failure. When a man lacks principal he nat urally falls from lack of interest. Psychologically Tested. Psychological tests are being used by the United States employment serv ice In New York to aid in determining the work for which applicants are best fitted. Use Reason. I You've got to leaven your work with some planning and thought. A tire less cooker doesn't do the business un til heat is applied. Production Wins. Wealth does not come by the most diligent saving, but by the most dili gent producing. Men and nations who pinch the pennies hardest are never the richest How Could He! "I'm terribly worried I wrote Jack In my last letter to forger that I had told him I didn't mean to reconsider my decision not to change my mind, and he heems to have misunderstood me." —Life. ■ Daily Thought. V7is.!oiii is «•!"■ T : ;;e» nearer when we stoop than w!><;i a*- soar.—Words worth. t Appropriate Look. Robert had lost his little pet dog and felt had about It. His father told him poor little Fido must be dead or he ' would return home. His mother sent i him on an errand, when he met a wom an friend of his mother's who asked him if he was ill, as he had little to say. "Oh. no." he said, "but my little dog is dead and I am wearing a black | look." Few Free From Errors. Why not try to look over the other fellow's mistakes? We have been making them over since Grandfather Adam lost his place in the Garden ol Eden. Size of the Foot. The foot should be as long as the ulna, or chief hone of the forearm — that is. from the small head of the bone to be seen at the wrist to the point of the elbow should be the length of the foot. Libreria del Patriota Per tutti coloro che amano la lettura e che desiderano comprare dei libri pubblichiamo la lista di alcuni romanzi della nostra libreria. A. Dumas, I TRE MOSCHETTIERI ORGIE E DELITTI DI NERONE G. Verne, L'ISOLA MISTERIOSA VENTIMILA LAG HE SOTTO I MARI C. Invernizio, LA SEPOLTA VIVA VENDETTA DI OPERAIO I DRAMMI DELL'ADULTERIO BACIO INFAME CUORE D'OPERAIO IL DELITTO DI UNA MADRE De Amicis, VITA MILITARE LETTURE SCELTE E. Zola, NANA' L'ASSOMOIR • • * LIBRI Di diversi autori: I PIOMBI DI VENEZIA I BEATI PAOLI VITA DI BEUVENUTO CELLINI LA COLPA DI UNA MADRE CARMINE CROCCO j AMORE INFERNALE GIULIO CESARE e Tarquino cuorj di Leone LA PROSTITUTA DI VIENNA QUO VADIS ETTORE FIORAMOSCA LE MILLE E UNA NOTTE UN ITALIANO IN AMERICA L'ASSASSINIO DEL DETECTIVE PETROSINO L'TOPIA MARCO VISCONTI STORIA DI UNA CAPINERA VITA DI GIUSEPPE VERIH LA SPIA DI GUERRA Carmen Giovanni Toló La Mano Nera Paolo e Virginia Il Linguaggio dei Fiori Canzoni Amorose La guida del Minatore Carte Giograflche Letture Elementari DIZIONARII Italiano — Inglese Galateo Segretario per tutti Discorsi e Brindisi Le colonne del Patriota so no a disposizione dei nostri abbonati e lettori, special mente desrli operai per la cui difesa esso é sorto. Ci sarà grato se vorranno te nerci informati di tutto quanto tra essi avviene. In feste, in dolori, in lotte ci troveranno pronti ad as sisterli, a guidarli, a consi gliarli. ©@©©©©©©©©@©@@©©©@©©©©©©©©©©©©@©©©©©@©©©©©©©©s£..3 f Italian Star Line Inc. j « ? ® Navigation Company Mercantile Transportation © | 418-419 PARK BLDG. PITTSBURG. PA. I ® © ® $ S Z | Situazione Mensile di Luglio | © § § DAL 14 LUGLIO AL 31 LUGLIO *919: © © . ® XI S § Azioni Sottoscritte . . . No: 826 • • © Capitale Sottoscritto . . . $8260 | ® Capitale Versato . . . $5415 ls Ss? H Depositato in Banca i ® t © | Ogni mese verrà' pubblicato la presente tabella inserendovi | | la situazione del mese precedente. g Ó ®®©®®®®®@®®®®®®@®®©®®®@©®&@©@®®®®®®®©®®®®@®©©®©© La vostra casa dovrebbe essere provvista di MUSICA }MGive Your Young ■ tFolks Music I E'un conforto, un piacere ed una educazione; ci inspira e ci incoraggia, la musica ha una forza vitale che è necessaria per la contentezza umana. Ogni sorte di melodia concepibile è vostra: musica patriottica per ballo, opera e pezzi difficili: qualsiasi selezione da voi desiderata ad ogni tempo ed in ogni circonstanza. Sappiate approfittare delle nostre condizioni di pagamento: Presentatevi al nostro negozio e comperate; prezzi e termini di pagamento a soddisfazione di tutti. Pianoforti. Piani automatici; FonografiSonoras e Victrolas Edison, e di altre buonissime marche di macchine parlanti: pezzi di musica Italiani prodotti da celebri artisti mondiali. S. R. POLLOCK Di fronte alle corte House . . INDIANA, PA.