The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 19, 1919, Image 5

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    Make Most of What Ycu Have.
Shakespeare says, "You can't turn
the wheel with the water that is past,"'
he modern age says, "You can't excel
in fitness when you spend the hours
in idleness." Dreams of the glory that
is to be are largely dreams still long
after the days are past that should
have witnessed the crowning. But life
is more than dreams. Most folks have
learned to their sorrow that it is a
rather stern reality. It promises much,
but it's always conditional. It teaches
men that in the using of what they
have they become the heroes of the
days that are to be. It's the filling of
present hours that brings the full hours
of the future. It's folly to mourn the
past. It's all made in the present and
today passes so swiftly into tomorrow
that we scarcely realize how swiftly
go the speeding hours.
Important Rivers.
Just as Egypt has been made by
the Nile, so Mesopotamia has been
made by the Tigris and the Euphrates.
The view put forward with some au
thority that the rivers should he kept
exclusively for irrigation .and not be
depended upon for transport is chal
lenged on many grounds, one of which
is that irrigation and navigation can
b<» effectively combined, and indeed
made mutually advantageous for
many years to come.
Great Alexanders.
Alexander Bell was the great Amer
can who invented the telephone,
which is still called the Bell tele
phone; and Alexander Humboldt was
a German traveler, statesman and the
most distinguished naturalist of all
times. One of his most important dls-
eoveries was the decrease in intensity 1
of the earth's magnetic force from the i
pole to the equator. His most impor
tant book, "Kosmos," was written in
his seventy-fifth year. He did much in
his long life to further the science of
the world.
Not Much of a Pusher.
It was the elevated station at 8:30
on a weekday morning. The advice of i
the Irish guard who helps close the ;
gates of the rear cars was an educa
tion In itself. But he had a competi
tor In a girl who was doing her valiant
best to get on. "Push, push," she
urged of a weak little masculine beside
her. In a wish-washy voice he replied
that he was pushing. Back came the
swift retort: "You make me tired?
Tou push like a jellyfish 1" — New York
•juauidiqs jo; pajjOßd uaq}
pas puuod-jiuii apaui sj }j
no jeiv] *saiaf ojui ind £aqj qopi*
*»*SBd spn »<> »dV<K>S put* UIBiiB spiag
qSnaiq) 08 uara am acrpuom
-9*Blld Xnops 'UMOjq b o;u] sei-ip
'tazoo aojnf iCsniui b sjno asaq} jo jno
•peaq Iddod em uj tqno etWll aipim P aß
aootuauß eq} uj spiag aq} qSnoum oS
uaoi am jjo uaußj OABq saaAvoy
eq* jajj« sjCbp A\aj y 'hjsv J° stand
iUßtn uj smojS juqj ja.woy u '.fddod
aqj ;i> ajinf pajjp aqt »l uiuido
The Lee Family.
The Lee family of which Gen. Robert
E. Lee. commander of the Confederate
army during the Civil war, was a mem
ber, was of English origin. One of his
ancestors emigrated to Virginia in the
reign of Charles I. and the fßmllv wrs
prominent then, during and after the
Revolutionary war.—Columbus Dia
Strongly for Education.
We have always believed in the high
possibilities of the movies and more
particularly since a charming girl told
us she had found you could hold
hands just as well at an educational
film as any other. —Grand Rapids.
Liberty's Demands.
We honor liberty in name and form.
We set up her statues, and sound her
praises. But we have not yet fairly
trusted her. And with our growth, so
grow her demands. She will have no
half-service. —Macaulay.
Canning in India.
Missionaries to India have started
a canning movement among the na
tives. The products are put up ac
cording to the directions put out by
the United States department of agri
Just a Little One, Maybe.
While to be sure we believe George
Washington never told a lie we al»
ways will wonder how he got around
it if Mrs. Washington ever asked him
If he didn't think her new way of
aerving parsnips made them perfectly
delicious—Macon Telegraph.
How Could Hel
"I'm terribly worried. I wrote Jack
in my last letter to forget that I had
told him I didn't mean to reconsider
my decision not to change my mind,
and he seems to have misuuderstood
me."— Life.
Fortunate Is Our Country.
It is stated that the United States
has 5 per cent of the world's popula
tion and 33 per cent of its wealth. In
other words, one-twentieth of the peo
ple and one-third of the money of the
whole world.
Beef Suet Not Indispensable.
Norway has discovered that beei
suet is not absolutely necessary to the
manufacture of margarine. Cod liver
oil. herring oil and other fish oils are
said to te excellent substitutes.
Free Pc? r d.
A restaurant f:- Yuma, Ariz., dif*-
i plavs n si en th;» r rends: "Free board
every day the sun doesn't shine." At
first sight the offer of free board every
day the sun doesn't shine might seem
a reckless one. but. as a matter of
fadt, a day without sunshine in that
j desert country Is far rarer than black
berries in May. If it rains at ail, it is
only for a very short time, leaving
most of the day for sunshine, so that
the sign would only catch a tender
| foot.
Test of Woolens.
One test ?s to cut off a bit of the
selvedge and touch a match to it. If
At shrivels up, but does not burn, it is
i wool, but if the fabric burns with a
fflame it is cotton. Another way is to
put a bit of the cloth in a test tube
or other glass receptacle with a solu
tion of caustic soda. The soda will
eat up the wool, leaving that which
Is not wool.
Hired Man's Life Saved.
James was bowlegged and felt it
his duty to whip every boy that re
minded him of <he fact. When he vis
ited in the country the hired man
laughed and told him be couldn't stop
a pig if he tried. James told his moth
er what the man had said then add
ed: "He's pretty big, and I'm mighty
glad he didn't say I was bowlegged."
Maybe You're Rich.
Some men are rich and don't know
ft—rich in health, rich in a large and
happy family, rich in friends, rich in
I Influence and standing in their com
munities, rich in the spirit of charity
and brotherly love. These same men
j may be poor in this world's goods,
j but they're rich, just the same.—
j Crosman.
If folks had to pay taxes or
grouches this would be a smilier work
than it iJ>.
Tea Testing.
To ascertain whether artificial color
i Ing matter has been added to *ea. place
a quantity on white paper and rub with
knife to a fine powder. Now brush the
paper with a brush, and If any prussian
blue has been used there will be little
streaks on the paper.
Burning Truth.
Said the facetious feller: "The«e
golf fanatics get a lot of satisfaction
out of reducln' their strokes from last
season, hut the real joy of life cornea
from bein' able to reduce the number
of tons of coal from the winter be
fore." Dinsmore Bros.
Vestiti di Oualita'
borirli} Urani! (Ulntijrfi
Se siete in cerca di
moda venite da noi
Tipografia k "il Patriota" Si sti . mpano;
15 Carpenter Avenue, - Indiana, Fa. CATALOGHI
Specialità' in lavori a colori per Società' j RIVISTE.
Loggie, Clubs, ecc. ' —-————I
Voter's Catechism
D. Have you read the Consti
cution of the United States?
R. Yes.
D. What forai of Govern
ment is this?
R. Republic.
D. What is the Constitution
of the United States?
R. It is the fundamental law
of this country.
D. Who makes the laws of
the United States?
R. The Congress.
D. What does Congress con
sist of?
R. Senate and House of Rep
D. Who is our State Senator?
R. Wilbur P. Graff.
D. Who is the chief' executive
of the United States?
R. President.
D. For how long is the Presi
dent of the United States elect
R. Four years.
D. Who takes the place of
the President in case he dies?
R. The Vice President.
D. What is his name?
R. Thomas R. Marshall.
D. By whom is the President
of the United States elected?
R. By the electors.
D. By whom are the electors
R. By the people.
D. Who makes the laws for
the State of Pennsylvania.
R. The Legislature.
D. What does the Legislature
consist of?
R. Senate and Assembly.
D. Who is our Assembly
R. Wilmer H. Wood.
D. How many States in the
R. Forty-eight
D. When was the Declaration
of Independence signed?
R. July 4, 1776.
D. Which is the capital of the
United States?
D. By whom was it written ?
i R. Thomas Jefferson.
D. Which is the capital of the
i state of Pennsylvania.
R. Harrisburg.
D. How many Senators has
each state in the United States?
R. Two.
D. Who are our U. S. Sena
-1 tors?
R. Boise Penrose and George
T. Oliver.
D. By whom are they elect
R. By the people.
D. For how long?
R. Six years.
D. How many representa
tives are there?
R. 435. Accordine to the
population one to every 211,000,
(the ratio fixed by Congress af
ter each decennial census.)
D. For how long are they
R. Two years.
D. Who is our Congressman?
R. Nathan L. Strong.
D. How many eiectoral votes
has the state of Pennsylvania?
R. Thirty-eight
D. Who is the chief execu
tive of the state of Pennsyl
R. The Governor.
D. For how long is he elect
R. 4 years.
D. Who is the Governor?
R. Martin G. Brumbaugh.
D. Do you believe in organ
ized government?
R. Yes.
D. Are you opposed to or
ganized government?
R. No.
D. Do you belong to any se
cret society who teaches to dis
believe in organized govern
R. No.
D. What is a bigamist or po
R. One who believes in hav
ing more than one wife.
D. Are you an anarchist ?
R. Ne.
D. What is an anarchist?
R. A person who does not be
lieve in organized government.
D. Are you a bigamist or
R. No.
D. Have you ever violated
any laws of the United States?
R. No.
D. Who makes the ordinane
for the City?
R. The board of aldermen.
D. Do you intend to remale
permanently in the U. S.?
R. Yes.
1917 OaklandSix !
191 « Maxwell
1917 Studebaker
1917 Bristo
1917 Mitcbell Six Chummy Koadster
i 1917 Kord Roadster
1917 Overland
1917 Ford 5-passenger
191 p Jeffrey
1917 Alien
, 1918 Ford
3 <916 Fords
10 per cento di riduzione su gomivu c
camere d'aria marca Firestone.
, Raggi per Fords da #3.50 ora $2.75
i Springs 4 ' 44 4.,H0 " 3.50
Bpark Plugs 4 - 75r - 4 45c
Kaditori per Fords •• 30. 00 44 $25.00
1 Parafanghi •• -J2.00 44 1 6.00
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11 luogo più* a buon mercato per fornimenti di cavallo.
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Le reputazione di questo
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\ messa in dubio. 'Noi vi
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jr può comperare a prezzi
Imi P* ll a ltri negozi
anti. Coloro che comprano
da noi rimarranno soddis
Favoriteci di una vostra visita
quando vi occorrono scarpe.
) U \
Indiana, Pa. *"*
distributori delle famose {Automobili L,ifc>©rty
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