BOHEMIAN DOG HAS HISTORY I ' VM/.y >. .'■ ~.■ ■■*.■■..■"■/' ■■ - §r, "' i \V- 't-rn N>w»ii.itxsr Lni»>:J^ . '3 "Czechoslovak," little Bohemim dog j rescn:' '1 to General Cardonn. who then commanded the Italian amy. by an Austrian deserter. General Car dona gave him to 11. L. Booth of St. Paul. Minn., n "Y" worker, who has been in Italy ovofr a year. He and the dog arrived in America recently. American Triumph. Reforo th»» war, exports in dyestuffs from the United States were $500,000 a year. In 1918 the figures ran to $17,- 000,000. American textile* manufac turers. when the war broke out, were panic-stricken, because they believed that Germany was the only country that eouHl produce fine dyes. Ameri can chemists, however, came to the rescue and are now producing dyes better than the German. No, but They Think It Is. "I fear these two citizens are hav ing a warm argument about the war." "You are mistaken. Each is trying to convince the other he has the bet ter furnace." "Ts that anything to quarrel about?" "It would be iffethey had the same make, but they haven't, and since