The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 05, 1919, Image 5

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    lì BIT OF GREEN 1
S: ■ ii
(Cot'jight, 1918, Western Newapaper Uuioa.j
"Say, girls, I hear Rob Gordon Is
home, and they say he has enlisted and
texpects io be called away any time,"
said Betty.
Mrs. Dale, with he»- threr girls, Ann,
Betty and Kate, were seated et the
snpper table. Her husband died macy
years before, leaving a comfortable
farm, by which the Dales managed to
earn their living.
Robert Gordon, whose father owned
the next farm, half away, had
been a great chum with the girls In
their early school days, but when school
had ended he had gone West'to live
with an linde. It was rumored that a
lovers' quarrel hastened his departure.
"I should think he would have been
over to see us by thls time," remarked
llrs. Dale. "He always did enjoy
roaraing around our farm," with a
giunco at Ann.
"He'll be over, don't worry," Ann
said aloud, and to herself, "but 'lll
manuge not to be at home."
"Toh bet he will," declared Kate.
" 'Cause I'm going over to see him to
morr ow."
After the dlnner dishes were washed
and everything cleared away, the Dales
always setti ed down in their comforta
ble sitting room. The conversation
drifted to Robert Gordon and tovari
ons other topics of the day.
Finally Ann spoke up: "I'm going
blueberrying tomorrow morning. Any
body want to go with me?"
"I wish I could," answered Betty,
"but I've got some ironing to do."
"And I've gotto finish making that
blue dress of mine," answered Kate.
"Well, I guess you will have to go
alone, Ann," said Mrs. Dale. "You
know I never go."
The next morning Ann was up bright
and early, but not before her mother,
for Mrs. Dale was always up early.
With two good-sized palls Ann
started off.
"Look out for snakes," was her
mother's last warning.
It seemed to stay right in Ann's
mind, for she was always thinking
about them.
It began to get late. Ann was plck-
Ing a few berries to have the pails
brimful, when she spied something
moving. It was green.
"A snake !" screamed Ann. %
She turned and ran just as fast as
she could go, looking back every now
and then to see if the reptile was
pursuing her, when suddenly—bump!
What was that? Turning her head
Ann saw a fine-looking young man
looking down at her.
**Why—er—er, I beg your pardon,
Rob. , Er —I mean Mr. Gordon," she
"Oh, that's ali rigbt, Ann. Er—Miss
Dale. But why the sudden rush?
"Oh, I don't know; I'm so fright
ened ! I was picking blueberries back
there, when I saw a big green snake
coming right at me, and I —ran, that's
ali. Please don't cali me Miss Dale,
Rob. Ann, if you please. Oh. I was
so frightened !"
Ann swayed, but Rob caught her and
by fanning her with his hat he soon
brought her back to her senses again.
In her rush Ann had spilled most of
her berries nnd Rob helped her to fili
the pails again, and then accompanied
her home.
As he left her at the gate he whis
pered : "We're ali made up, aren't we,
"I 'spose so," laughed Ann, and she
tripped into the house.
"What makes you look so happy?"
questioned Betty as Ann entered.
"Oh, something," she answered.
"Well, keep it," Betty pouted. "Kate
went over to see Rob, but they said
he had gone blueberrying. You didn't
see him, did you?"
"Didn't I, though?" sang Ann as she
sallied into the next room.
A week later as Rob and Ann were
strolling along tlje country road, 'arm
in arm, and after the one word of ali
words, "yes," had been said, Rob ques
tioned Ann.
"Well, dear. what do you want for
your engagement gift?"
• "An eraerald ring," piped Ann.
"An emerald ! Don't you want a
"No, an emerald. You see, it was a
green snake."
"Oh !" laughed Rob. "So that's it?
Well, you shall have it."
"Well, you see, if it hadn't been for
that little green snake (Ann had fully
decided it was little) why our friend
ship would have been broken forever,
and now everything is mended. The
little green snake was responsible,
Rob agreed, and true to his promise
One night some days later the Dale
family was again seated at the supper
"What's that you've got on your
finger there?" asked Betty. At the
same time pointing to the ring on the
third finger of Ann's hand.
"Why, that's a ring," answered un
concerned Ann with a smile on her
"Come, now, teli us ali about it,"
piped Kate.
Ann did. She told about the green
snake and ali. Mrs. Dale wasn't a
bit surprised, for she had been let into
the secret long ago.
r The girls laughed and Betty sang
out : "Oh, you little green snake !"
When Rob left to do his bit for Uncle
Sam, Ann sent him away with a smile
although it seemed as though her heart
would break. But perliaps she thought
of the little bit of green that sent her
the good luck to bave a soldier boy
to send away with a smile.
Eamed His Meal.
Governor Stephens was commenting
on the misuse of the uniform by per
eons who have no right to use it.
"They ought to be in jail," he de
dared, "but once in a while you can't
help but forgive the culprit. I have
in mind the case of a tramp in uniform
who asked a housewife for a meal.
" 'So you were in the battle of the
" Tes, ma'am,' replied the tramp.
" *What can you teli about that great
"'Not a word, ma'am. I'm on my
honor not to reveal a thing I saw or
did. That's a very strict military
rule.* "
Volete vendere la vostra casa?
Avete terreni da vendere?
Volete affittare la vostra casa?
Volete Comprarne una?
Stanza 34 Farmers Bank Bldg.
Indiana, Pa.
Si vendono conigli di razza In
glese—Rivolgersi a quest'ufficio.
Avvocato Italiano
Cor. Mahoning & Jefferson St.
Punxsutawney, Pa.
Avvocati in cause civile e cri
Marshall Bldg., Indiana, Pa.
Dott. TRUITT, Dentista
Ufficio opposto alla Banca
Ore d'ufficio: Dalle 8 a. m. ali 5 p.
m., 7 p. m. 8 p. m.
***■ I ■ MI. -a—j
Dinsmore Bros.
Vestiti di Qualità'
iporirty ÌBnutà (Clnthrc
Settimana di Moda
Aprile 5 e 13
Martedì scorso, 2 Aprile, al
l'Empire Theatre di Homer City
alla presenza di un pubblico scel
' to e numeroso fu svolto un genia
le programma musicale diretto
' ' ' '
dal Prof. James Colonna:
Star Spangled Banner
La Banliera della Vittoria, Cappa
Poutpouree Berry
Milano Patriottica Paron
Rivoletto (La donna e mobile)
L'lnno dei Lavoratori N. H.
Rigoletto (Quartetto) Verdi
Italia Bella Deboris
Vocal Solo
Mandolin (Duet)
Marcia Reale Italiana ...Gabetti
Trovatore (Miserere)
Vocal with Band
Smiles, Vocal with mandolin and
American Melodies
* * *
La selezione del programma ol
tre ché ad essere una delle mi
gliori date in questo territorio, ha
rappresentato l'eccesso musicale
interpretando le produzioni del
genio dei nostri grandi composito
ri, in una forma geniale e incom
Il Direttore del Concerto Prof.
•James Colonna giovane intelligen
tissimo che nel suo assieme inerita
tutte la caratteristiche dei gran
di maestri ha saputo con la sua
costanza formare un corpo musi
! cale destinato ai successi più lu
singhieri; l'ordine e l'organizza
zione sono la base fondamentale
del corpo direttivo ed ogni mem
bro ne é conscio e doveroso dando
prova di determinazione onde
raggiungere quei successi dovuti
solo ad una istituzione basata su
simili principii.
A tutti i componenti della mu
sica indistintamente e al Prof. J.
Colonna in particolare si rivolga
l'amiM-azione nostra e dell'intie
ra colonia Italiana per avere ag
giunto ai tanti corpi musicali co
loniali Italiani una istituzione che
per la sua iniziativa non é secon
da a nessuna.
I 1917 Oakland Six
191 < Maxwell
1917 Studebaker
1917 Brisco
-1917 Mitchell Six Chummy Roadster
1917 Kord Roadster
1917 Overland
1917 Ford 5-passeuger
191 n Jeffrey
1917 Alien
1918 Ford
3 » 916 Fords
10 per cento di riduzione su gomme e
camere d'aria marca Firestone.
Raggi per Fords da $3.50 ora $2.75
Springs " 44 4. hO * 4 3.50
Spark Plugs 14 75c ' 4 45c
Radi tori per Fords 44 30.00 4 * $25.00
, Parafanghi 44 22.00 44 16. 00
, Si riparono aratri della marca Wiard.
Riduzione sugli attrezzi di agricoltura.
11 luogo più' a buon mercato per fornimenti di cavallo.
successore di Wilmer Stewart
Dietro la corte INDIANA, PA.
Le reputazione di questo
negozio non è mai stata
\ messa in dubio. Noi vi
X/' ) diamo tutto ciò che danaro
può comperare a prezzi
Z*~ /Mi P* ll di altri negozi
anti. Coloro che comprano
ss^s^ sSSSSi- da noi rimarranno soddis
Favoriteci di una vostra visita
* *.
quando vi occorrono scarpe.
v 's. . v?
Indiana, Pa. V
distributori delle famose Automobili L,ifc>erty
Six e Maxwell per questo territorio. Se
desiderate fare acquisto di un Automobile, rivolgetevi
a noi e volenterosi ci presteremo iti qualsiasi soddis.
facente dimostrazione,
le domande di compera supereranno di certo il numero
delle automobile ora in deposito.
noi veudiamo anche gomme Miclielin e A jax le migliori
sul mercato per qualità' e prezzi. Se siete in bisogno
ai gomme non dimenticate questa grande opportunità 1 .
Sempre a vostra disposizione per servizio pronto ed onesto.
J. Wettling & Son
Libri scolastici, Scientifici e Romanzi di
rinomati autori. Grande assortimento di
Calendari e Cartoli ne Illustrate importate
15 CARPENTER AVENTE, - - INDIANA, PA. Voter's Catechism
D. Have you read the Consti
tution of the United States?
R. Yes.
D. What form of Govern
ment is this?
R. Republic.
D. What is the Constitution
of the United States?
R. It is the fundamental law
of this country.
D. Who makes the laws of
the United States?
R. The Congress.
D. What does Congress con
sist of?
R. Senate and House of Rep
D. Who is our State Senator?
R. Wilbur P. Graff.
D. Who is the chief executive
of the United States?
R. President.
D. For how long is the Presi
dent of the United States elect
R. Four years.
D. Who takes the place of
the President in case he dies?
R. The Vice President.
D. What is his name?
R. Thomas R. Marshall.
D. By whom is the President
of the United States elected?
R. By the electors.
D. By whom are the electors
chosen ?
R. By the people.
D. Who makes the laws for
the State of Pennsylvania.
R. The Legislature.
D. What does the Legislature
consist of?
R. Senate and Assembly.
D. Who is our Assembly
R. Wilmer H. Wood.
D. How many States in the
R. Forty-eight.
D. When was the Declaration
of Independence signed ?
R. July 4, 1776.
D. Which is the capital of the
United States?
D. By whom was it written?
R. Thomas Jefferson.
D. Which is the capital of the
state of Pennsylvania.
R. Harrisburg.
D. How many Senators has
each state in the United States?
R. Two.
D. Who are our U. S. Sena
R. Boise Penrose and George
T. Oliver.
D. By whom are they elect
R. By the people.
D. For how long?
R. Six years.
D. How many representa
tives are there?
R. 435. According to the
population one to every 211,000,
(the ratio fixed by Congress af
ter each decennial census.)
D. For how long are they
R. Two years.
D. Who is our Congressman ?
R. Nathan L. Strong.
D, How many electoral votes
has the state of Pennsylvania?
R. Thirty-eight.
D. Who is the chief execu
tive of the state of Pennsyl
R. The Governor.
D. For how long is he elect
R. 4 years.
D. Who is the Governor?
R. Martin G. Brumbaugh.
D. Do you believe in organ
ized government?
R. Yes.
D. Are you opposed to or
ganized government?
R. No,
D. Do you belong to any se
cret society who teaches to dis
believe in organized govern
R. No.
D. What is a bigamist or po
lygsmist ?
R One who believes in hav
ing more than one wife.
Et Are you an anarchist?
R Nc.
II What is an anarchist?
R A person who does not be
lieve in organized government.
B Are you a bigamist or
R No.
D Have you ever violated
any laws of the United States?
R No.
D Who makes the ordinance
for the City?
R The board of aldermen.
D Do you intend to remain
pemanently in the U. S.?
R Yes.