The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, July 20, 1918, Image 6

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    "A great net of mercy drawn through
an ocean of unspeakable pain"
Your Red Cross Fighting Dollars
Your Army and Navy fights to make the "World
safe for Democracy."
Your Red Cross fights to make it for Democracy.
Fights for your soldiers—yours and your allies—in
trench, canteen and hospital.
Fights for the little children, to save them for the
nations' upbuildings of tomorrow.
Fights for the swarms of homeless, dazed refugees
and "repatriates" thrown out from the weir's black whirl
Fights the white plague, tuberculosis, that takes a
greater toll than lead and steel.
Fights in every war stricken country to uphold a
wrecked and suffering humanity in its struggle for a free
One hundred million dollars to "carry on."
No power of taxation, no interest rate to urge
Each one a volunteer, sent willingly and by the heart
The noblest fund of all the billions of this war's vast
budgets—because the freest given.
What share is yours? What sacrifice to mobilize
those Fighting Red Cross Dollars ?
Every cent of every dollar received for the Red Cross War Fund goes for War Relief.
The American Red Cross is the largest and most It feeds and clothes entire populations in times of
efficient organization for the relief of suffering that the great calamity.
World has ever seen. It is there to help your soldier boy in his time ot
It is made up almost entirely of volunteer workers, need,
the higher executives being without exception men ac- With its thousands of workers, its tremendous
customed to large affairs, who are in almost all cases stores and smooth running transportation facilities,
giving their services without pay. it is serving as America's advance guard—and thus
It la supported entirely by Its membership fees and "''"ooTißresT authoiSs', it.
by voluntary contributions. President Wilson heads It.
It is today bringing relief to suffering humanity, Tue War Department audits its accounts.
Doth military and civil, in every War torn all;ed country. Your Army, your Navy and your Allies entfcucl*
It plans tomorrow to help in the work of restora- astically endorse it.
tion throughout the world. Twenty-two million Americans have joined U.
An Old-Time Plow.
An old-time plow, probably used by
the early Spaniards around San An
tonio, Tex., was upturned by workmen
of c construction company. The plow
has a three-foot turning blade capable
of making a three-foot furrow, and al
though the wooden handles have rot
ted away the size of the iron supports
indicates the plow must have been
about twelve feet in length. It is be
lieved the old instrument was used by
the early Spaniards with several yoke
of oxen.
Gourd Family Is Important.
The gourd family furnishes the hu
man families with many edible fruits,
and it is believed that pumpkins and
aquashes are of American origin,
though in nowise certain. On the oth
er hand, it is known that watermelons,
muskmelons, cucumbers and all that
branch of the family are of Asiatic ori
gin. Yet all countries have native spe
cies of this great family.
No attempt should be made to teach
naturally children to use
their right hands, according to P. B.
Ballard, inspector of schools of Lon
don, as it is likely to make them stam
merers. Mr. Ballard supplies the fol
lowing statistics: Out of one group of
545 left-handed children 1 per cent of
pure left-handers stammered, against
-4.8 per cent of 399 being taught to use
the right hand. In another group of
207 the figures was 4.2 per cent and
21.8 per cent, respectively.
A Mutual Pleasure.
Mother —"Were you glad to get back
to school and see your dear teacher?"
Little Son—"Well, I—l was just about
as glad as dear teacher was to get
back and see me I"
Make Gems of Them.
Nearly all artificial gems—that Is to
say, stones that are really made by ar
tificial means —are compounds of alum
crystallized under special conditions. !
The metallic salts that are added dur
ing fusion determine whether the
stones produced shall be sapphires, ru
bies or Oriental topazes, amethysts or
There is nothing but what's bearable,
as long as a man can work. The nature
of things don't change, though It seems
as if one's life was nothing but change.
That the square of four is sixteen, and
you must lengthen your lever in pro
portion to your weight, is as true
when a man's miserable as when he's
happy; and the best of working is, it
gives you a good grip-hold of things j
outside your own lot. —George Eliot
More hate would be mellowed to
love by intimate knowledge than j
would regard to disfavor. A smatter-!
ing Information is a treacherous pos- j
session. All it requires to effect
better relations between nations as
well as individuals is knowledge, and
more knowledge.
Ground Squirrels.
More than 50 species and races of
ground squirrels inhabit the United
States and Canada.
Watch Winding Machine.
In a New York watch repairing es
tablishment, where more than 700
watches have to be wound every day,
an electrical apparatus has been in
stalled to do the winding. It does the
work more efficiently than human
hands can, and takes the place of sev
eral men formerly required for this
The Largest Diamond.
The largest diamond that has yet
been found is the Cullinan, which was
discovered in the Premier mine in the
Transvaal in 1907 and weighed 3,025%
carats, or one and one-third pounds,
in the rough, and at that it was ap
parently only a fragment of a larger
stone. In cutting this immense gem
it was divided into nine large stones
and a number of brilliants, the largest
finished stone being only carats.
Handy Scrapbook.
Have you a little blank book which
you keep full of household sugges
tions, in alphabetical form? Much can
be gained when reading the papers and
magazines if you clip out some of the
suggestions which are worth while.
Paste them in the proper place in your
little book. It is more than worth the
trouble. —Exchange.
No Time for Debate.
"Jibbes is the kind of fellow who
never makes a move without first ask
ing himself whether or not it will be
good for his health." "I saw him Jump
six feet in the air yesterday to dodge
an automobile. Instinct probably told
him what was good for his health,
without his stopping to debate the mat
Production of Leghorns.
The average production of eggs by
hens of all kinds and ages in the
United States is S5. Unselected White
Leghorns, however, produce an aver
age of 130 eggs for the first year, 120
for the second, 110 for the third, 85
for the fourth, and fall off about ten
a year up to the eighth. These fig
ures are from a bulletin of the Utah
experiment station. If the first year
production be low, the second will be
high and vice versa, the total produc
tion for three years being about the
Domenica 18 Agosto, avra luogo m Mclntyre l'annuale festa di
Maria S. S. dell'Assunta.
Quest'anno il comitato direttivo composto di solerti minatori
lavora a tutt uomo a finche' la festa del loro cuore riesca sotto
ogni rapporto magnifica.
L'alba del mattino sara' salutata dallo sparo di mortaretti.
Alle ore 8 A. M. avra' luogo un 'imponente parata preceduta da uno scelto corpo
musicale la quale dopo di avere attraversato le strade principale del paese, fara' sosta alla
chiesa Cattolica dove, il Parroco locale celebrerà' la inessa cantata.
« *
All'una P M. si incominciera 1 il Ballo che durerà sino alle sei: rinfreschi ed altro
saranno serviti abbondantemente.
Dalle Ore 7:30 alle 9:00 II corpo musicale svolgerà* un scelto programma.
Alle ore 10:00 Saranno incendiati varii pezzi di fuochi pirotecnici dell'artista
Damiano Bruno di Anita, Pa. Tante altre cose che oggi non possiamo svelare il segreto
concorreranno alla celebrazione della festa.
Il Comitato della Festa.
"" " I
A prezzi fatti prima della guerra, I prezzi dei Pianoforti,
e delle Pianole sono stati aumentati durante gli ultimi 6
mesi, e fra altri 6 mesi vi sara' un nuovo aumento su questi .
La ragione che noi possiamo vendere
a prezzo più basso degli altri, e' che ci
I troviamo negli affari da piu : tempo, e
compriamo a prezzi bassi Fra non 1
£ molto saremo costretti aumentare i I
I prezzi anche noi. I
Se volete comprare un pianoforte vi conviene far presto e non aspettare.
Pianole da $4-50 a S7OO
Grande varietà' di Pianoforti da SIOO a $750
di qualsiasi stile o legno.