An official photograph of the club with * ' ? which the German armies finish off"''' wounded soldiers. 32,000 of these '*•. were recently captured by the Italians. . The Destruction of Civilization This is in grim reality what we are fighting this war to prevent. The ciub pictured above—from an actual official photograph—might be the weapon of a savage cave man of five thousand years ago. It is in fact the weapon with which Ger man soldiers finish off the enemy s ,■ ' I wounded who have fallen on the / battlefield —on the battlefield on Y©u Cam Have Your Slhare in America's Answer to German Savagery * The Third Liberty Loan is your opportunity. It is the most direct blow that can be struck at German military supremacy. It is the most powerful aid that crn Be our soldiers in France. It means rifles and helmets and gas masks—the best Save Civilization, Save America, Your Own Family and Yornr Own Home . • This Space Paid For THE TRIO which American boys are fighting. *4 There is only one answer to make to such methods the defeat of the German Armies. America has % taken up the sword to S lve i answer. Our Army is in France to help win this war on the battlefield that civilization may be safe, that America may be safe. * * protection for our men from German ; brutality. It means big guns and shells and airplanes-and VICTORY. I 1 Invest TODAY in bonds of the Third Liberty Loan, and save the lives of American soldiers.