The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 27, 1918, Image 6
"Keep the Home Fires Burning Tonight there will be American boys in lonely listening posts far out in the desolation of No Man's Land, American boys in the darkness and the mud and cold of the trenches under the ceaseless thunder of guns and the scream of shells, American boys tramping along the pitch-black, shell-torn roads. They Are Fighting to Keep Those Home Fires Burning You, back here in the peace and safety of the homes they love, can help in the bitter struggle that our boys must face tonight, and tomorrow night, and every day, and every night, until the final VICTORY is won. You, too, must work to keep the home fires burning—for our sons in France. They need guns and more guns, shells and more shells, For these lads that are fighting and dying for you—do your share to send them to VICTORY. Invest today in Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan—ALL the bonds you can. Keep the home fires burning. This Space Paid for and Contributed by lIDAMAR COAL COMP. Through the long, dreary hours, as they wait and watch in the dark, while dangers lurk on every hand, their thoughts turn to the homes they have left behind, homes on distant farms, in scattered villages, in great cities, and they see in imagination the plea sant home lights shining out into the night. they need tanks and transports and airplanes, good food and warm clothes and medicines and hospital supplies — an ever increasing abundance of all the vital materials of war, if they are to drive the ruthless German invaders back within their own borders, and establish for all time the sacredness of American liberty and the safety of Amer ica's homes their homes, our homes.