The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 20, 1918, Image 7

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To You Who Have
Come to America!
Many of you people who are Americans today and who are
enjoying ail the privileges and opportunities of America were not
bom in this country.
America has freely placed at your disposal, on an equal foot- .
ing with her own people, the opportunity to avail yourselves of
everything she has to offer.
Are these opportunities worth anything to you? Are they
worth doing anything to uphold?
If you feel that YOU have derived any benefit from coming to
America, if you feel that you want to continue to live here, then
surely the least you can do is to co-operate with the United States
Government in protecting and making permanent American liberty
and American institutions.
The way you can do this is to lend your money to the
Government by buying LIBERTY BONDS.
You are not asked to GIVE anything. You are simply asked
to INVEST your money in LIBERTY BONDS which pay liberal
interest and afford absolute safety because they are guaranteed by
the richest nation in the world.
NOW is your opportunity to do something for the country
that has done so much for you.
' . has been contributed by I
Farmers Bank of Indiana
\ as a patriotic contribution / « '
\towards winning the j
Impenitent Camouflage
The notorious Louis N. Ham-!
merling, the self, appointed Presi
dent of an Advertising Agency!
labeled pretentiously and inge
niously. for political effect and
vast commercial opportunities
"The American Association of Fo
reign - Language Newspapers"
sent a telegram to the Soviets of
Russia in the name of the 7->4
publications edited in 33 different
foreign languages and with a cir
culation of 10 millions of copies!
As reported in its official paper.
The American ( ?) Leader' pub
lished semi-monthly in the inter
est of the foreign-born popula
tion, the telegram had the approv- {
. 1
al of Secretary Lansing.
A more brazen, arrogant and I
deceitful patriotic camouflage io
arouse 1 he sympathv of the Gov-1
eminent toward his personality—!
not toward the 734 foreign news
papers which are never consulted j
in his dealings—could not easily •
be devised. lie did the same thing;
with his $5,000 contribution to the!
Liberty Loan Committee of the \
National Advertising Board and
which he afterwards shamefully
It is an usual boastful and false
claim of Mr. Hammerling, in or
der to obtain the moral support
and good will of the authorities
and the patronage of political, in
dustrial and commercial bodies,
to make believe that he controls
the foreign language newspapers
in this country and all their read
ers and that lte is the teacher of
patriotism to them all!
What Italian language newspa
pers have authoried you 31 r. Ham
merling, to say or do anything in
their name withuot first consult-'
ing them ?. . .
And how about the enemy and
neutral language newspapers
which form the bulk of the foreign
language newspapers edited in
this country';. . .
When will you stop fooling the 1
public, the advertisers and the
government of the United States?)
. . . For the honor of the independ
ent foreign press we resent the
meddlings of Mr. Hammerling and
sustain most emphatically that the
man who was responsible for the
publication of "An Appeal" to ob
tain from the American Govern
ment. the embargo on munitions
and arms to the Allies should not
be trusted in his present hysteric
patriotic utterances.
A publication edited in New
York and Pittsburg, the "Naro
dni List ', Croatian daily, March
10th inst. printed a long list of
queries directed to Mr. I rammer
ling and among them the follow
ing three:
Mr. Hammerling, "An Appeal
to the American People," not to
manufacture, sell or ship muni
tions of war, appeared in the press
i of the United States on April st!i.
! 1915, in full-page advertisements;
how much did you receive from
the German*goA f ernment, or its a
j gents, to pay- for this advertise
! ment?
How much altogether have you
j received from the German govern-
I ment or from the Austrian govern-
I ment through Ambassador von
von Paper. Boy-Ed or other Can
, tral Powera gents to carry on
WILL Remain At Old STAND 1
When we announced our quitting
business, we thought we could not re
lease the building we are now occupy
ing, but we have just made a satisfac
tory lease, hence will remain at the old
stand where I will be pleased to have
all my old customers and new ones.
730 Phlla. St. opp. Me HOldl Indiana, Pa.
'D —*
their propaganda in the 1 uitei
W1 len Count von liernstorff
called at your office in the Wool
worth Building was it just a
friendly call, or a business calif
Hie publisher of "The Kuryer
Polski" of Milwaukee has styled
him to be "one of the shrewdest
takirs and that he is so shrewd
and lavish with his money in cer
tain places and certain editorial
rooms that he is still enabled to
keep above water and hobnob
with influential politicians."
Several times these same accu
sations were thrown publicly at
Hammerling s face, together
with the fact that in getting his
American citizenship papers, gave
a fictitious name, declared to be
born in Hawaii instead of Galieia
(Austria-Hungary) and became la
ter a Gentile.
W hat powerful political infiu
ense lies behind him tha* makes
the !department of Justice ignore
his notorious past activities of a
dubious character?. . .
We are quite at sea about this
and protesting against his contin
uous claim as the recognized lead
er of the foreign language news
papers, wo again ask the proper
authorities, to- watch him closely,
tor, having handled the "Bern
storff's and Dumba's money", as
known to the Department of Jus
tice, his ostracism from every di
rect, or indirect connection with
government officials should take
place at once.
\\ e have always contended that
foreign-born citizens hailing from
countries at war with the United
Slates should not be trusted. At
their best protestations of Ameri
canism they would never bo
pro-British. pro-German or pro-
Italian, so that their connection
with American officials may be
come at any time very dangerous
to the cause of the Allies.
The precedents of Mr. ITam
merling should make every Ameri
can afraid to have anything to do
with him.—(From 'll Cittadino/) ATTENZIONE
Tutto quello «-Ile voi coltivate
nel vostro giardino, lo gustate con
piacere e pare più dolce. Abbia
mo piante di Cappucci, resistenti
ai rigori della rugiada, nonché al
tre qualità di piante pronte per es
sere coltivate. Si vendono pressoi
il nostro ''Store' od alla 'Green
house. ' '
Prezzi speciali ai coltivatori che
ne compreranno grande quantità.
Riduzioni ai rivenditori. (2-v.)
Locato in un punto centrale, si
vende per ragioni di malattia.
Buonissima opportunità. Rivolger
si al nostro ufficio.
Nuova, visibile ed a due colori.
Rivolgersi al nostro uiìieio.
T'n automobile Ford, modello
1918, in ottime condizioni. E' sta
ta usata solamente un paio di me
! si. Prezzo convenientissimo. Ri
volgersi al nostro ufficio.