X €• IJoin Our Christmas Savings Club Saving is Easy if You Follow Our Pian. § i': IO DIFFERENT CLASSES. YOU SHOULD FIND ONE TO SUIT YOU | lst CLASS—you deposit 1 cent first week. 2 cents second week, 3 cents 4th CLASS—you deposit SI the first week, 98c the second week. 96 ® third week, and increase the amount by 1 cent each week. cents the third week, and reduce the amount 2 cents each week, and in ® both of these classes on December 14th, 1916. you will receive a check for 2nd CLASS—you deposit 50 cents the first week, 49 cents the second $-5.50 and in tei est. week, 48 cents the third, and reduce the amount 1 cent each week, and in . Al „ A . , . , ® u 4-u -P 4-u i r% i a*u mia n • i t rd CLASS —you f.eposit - cents the first week, 4 cents the second first week and reduce it 5 cents each week and receive $63.75 and interest week, 6 cents the third week. and increase the amount 2 cents each week. on December 14th, 1916. & 7th Class you deposit 25 cents each week. 9th Class you deposit SI.OO each week. ® Bth Class you deposit 50c each week. • lOth Class you deposit $2.00 each week. || I Accounts Cari Be Opened From December 18th % © I MERRY CHRISTMAS §} I BUY YOUR I XMAS RECORDS NOW Columbia records give you the only L|S rue, full, actually living reproductions f some of the greatest voices in the Hs| You hear Garden, Nielsen, !onstantino, Slezak, Zenatelb, Seagle, j; ; iraveure a score of other great ingers themselves in their Columbia I Double-Disc. •> Re cords Listen to some of these rocords 011 a Columbia Grafonola in our store or else let s send a set to your home on approvai. STEVING & STREAMS tói INDIANA, PA. B SHOES AND SLIPPERS FOB CHRISIBIAS GIFTS Thekk was a tiaie when the suggestivi of Slices 1 as Christina* gifts miglit liàve met vitli scurii, but that is long past. A nice pair c. Shoes or ; Slippers is one that will meet witli unusual Joy l and approvai. In these days ilice slioes mean so mudi, when tliey are riglit. So, for tliis Christina*, don't forget to give Slioes or Slippers. By so doing you will bring joy to some one. STORE OPE\ EVENINGS Hartsock Shoe Store 662 PHILADELFrIIA ST. INDIANA | THE BOSTON'S FINE CANDIES Means pleasure and grati fica tion to wlio are regaleci wit.li ti 1 e choice ilavors and sniootli, creamy, delidouscon ff i sistency of our chocolatey, | bon-bons, creanis, caramels, } silted almonds and Mexican l kisses. Suoli perfectcandies ] 1 as we manufacture are a rev j alation to old peopie who re -1 joiced in barber poles and I cindy balls when they were I children. I ì INDIANA DYE WORKS WISHKS YOU ! 4 Vierry Xmas AND ! Happy New Year WECLEAN ABSOLUTEL» ! 1 * Ask about our PiessClub 1 * and Cleaning Club. J Auto Delivery Both Phones ; J 1 | I ESTABLISHED 1870 ' THOMPSON INSURANCE CO. J. R. CLEMENTS, Manager The Oldest and Largest ' Insurance Agency in Indiana County Combined Company Assets: $211,205,748 THOMPSON INSURANCE AGENCY DEPOSIT BANK BUILDING ' Both Phones INDIANA, PA. ì ] I Miller's Drug Store Exclusive Agency for 1 Norris Chocolates and full line of Reymer's Boti) line» fresh from the factory. Cigars, Tobies, Cigarettes hi fact, everytliing carried in | an up-to-date Drug Store. I THE CLARK STUDIO IS THE UP-TO-DATE STUDIO Whcrc You Will Find Everything PIIOTOGRAPHIC j i , Pictnres, Framed and Un franied, at reasonable prices. 4 'Come and See" FARMERS BANK BUILDING INDIANA, PA. GIFTSWITHINTHEMEANS OFALLI ===== ® Electric Radiant Toaster - - $3.00 § Three-lb. Boudoir Set - - 5.00 1> Six-lb. .... 4.00 @ Curling Iron - - - 3.75 | Toaster Stove and Grill - 6.00 £; Percolator, nickel, 5 cups - 7.00 " 7 " - 9.00 i Heating Pad - - - 5.00 © § @ LIGHTCAP ELECTRIC CO. I PHILADELPHIA SIREEI O "ALL IN ELECTRICAL LINES" 1 @ Blankets for ■F^ ==g