Modern Version. The Amazon forces were about to charge. "Wait until you can see the powder on their noses," directed the lady mili tary genius who commanded the other feminine troops.—Kansas City Journal. The Macgregors. The Macgregors were forbidden to use their family name in 1003. The proscription was removed by Charl-s 11.. only to be inflicted again in the reign of William and Mary. It was not till 1822 that a royal license to us. the name was granted to Sir Charlc* Macgregor, up to then known as "Mur ray." In the early years of the seven teenth century every man s hand was raised against this persecuted rare, and they could be mutilated and siaiu with Impunity.—Londun Spectator. Ups and Downs. "Did she really fall in love with an aviator?" "No. She merely took him up for a lark." "Oh!" "Then he took her up." "I see—in his machine." "The man she had been going with" for two years dropped her." "Served her right." "Her spirits felk She stated the easo to the aviator. He went right up in the air, and she hasn't seen him since." —Exchange. 27 slender apprentice wanted to have the honor of having crawled through the sixteen inch naval gun. It wasn't an easy job to work himself along, and halfway through he got stuck and yelled for help. Some of the men want ed to pull him out backward, but one of the mechanics sympathized with the boy and pushed in a rope from the front. He managed to get it around his shoulders and eventually landed head foremost. NOVEL RECRUITING METHOD. Premier of Australia's Plea Given Dra matic Effect. London.—Dispatches from Australia describe a scene that occurred in Syd ney while Premier Hughes was ad dressing a crowd of 20,000 people and appealing for recruits. As he was speaking some troopers of the light horse led into the square fifty riderless horses carrying white cloths inscribed. "Who will fill an empty saddle?'' "You are living," Mr. IT'ighes plead ed. "You are Australians. Your coun try is in danger. God will be with you." Within twenty minutes every horse had a rider, and the jangling bits and the clattering hoofs had roused the crowd to a state of intense excitement. : It is expected that this dramatic inci dent will help in stimulating the re cruiting campaign. EVERYBODY KNOWS HIM. Lloyd George Now Discovers He Had Hundreds of Schoolmates. London.—Lloyd George told a friend the other day that he was beginning to think that he had had almost as many schoolmates as there were passengers 011 the "Mayflower, which carried the | pilgrim fathers to the American coast in the seventeenth century. y The premier made this observation after the amusing discovery that he had thousands of schoolmates when he was a schoolboy in Wales. He said the attendance never exceeded thirty, but that almost every day his mail in cludes a letter from somebody who be gins by saying, "I was once at school with you." Expecting Too Much. It was a cold, raw day, but the Never sweats and the Fearnaughts were play ing a game of ball on the prairie just the same. The pitcher for the Neversweats, his fingers half frozen, failed dismally in getting the balls over the plate. "Aw," said the captain, "I t'ought ye wuz one o' dese cold weather pitchers!" "1 am," said the slab artist, blowing on his benumbed digits to warm them, "but I aint a ice pitcher, blame yel"— j Chicago Tribune. Glycerin was once a byproduct of the soap making industry, the disposal 11 of which gave the manufacturers some ' concern. • Origin of "Mississippi." "The original spelling of Mississippi," 11 says the Magazine of American His- j | tory, "and the nearest approach to the Algonquin words 'the father of waters' is 'Meche Sepe,' a spelling still com monly used by the Louisiana Creoles. Tonto suggested Miche Sepe, which is somewhat nearer the present spelling. Father Laval still further modernized it into Michispi, which another father, Labatt, softened into Misisipi. The only changes since have been to over load the word with consonants. Mar quette added the first and some other explorer the second s, making it Mis sissipi, and so it remains in France to this day, with only one p. The man who added the other has never been discovered, but he must have been an American, for at the time of the Loui siana purchase the name was generally spelled in the colony with a single p." Taste and Temperature. The sense of taste resides in little flask shaped pockets imbedded in the spin of the surface of the tongue and In the of the throat Each Eat Apples and Bananas. Baked apples and baked or fried ba nanas make an excellent substitute for a vegetable and may be used with meat instead of the potato or onion and at a smaller cost. Both apples and bananas contain more food units per pound (of edible portions) than onions, and they give a pleasant flavor and agreeable odor to the meal. Hardly any man puts off until to- , morrow the foolish thing he wishes to do today.—Chicago Herald. I Birds and Orientation. Professor K. S. Lashley has com pleted an investigation of the sense of direction in birds. This is called the problem of "orientation." Dr. Lashley used the wild birds of the Florida keys known as noddy and sooty terns in ex periments. In their recognition of their nests it was found that their eyes as well as their muscles are concerned. The birds showed no evidence of any special sense of locality, such as a "magnetic sense" or a "second sight." Birds are no more mind readers than men are. Nor do they have any ability to retrace their paths of flight by memory. They recognize their nests and their own young by muscle habits and eyesight. Passing Counterfeits. Johnny—Say, papa, passing counter feit money is unlawful, isn't it? Papa —Yes. Johnny—Well, papa, if a man was walking along the street and saw a ten dollar counterfeit bill upon the sidewalk and did not pick it up wouldn't he be guilty of passing coun terfeit money, and couldn't he be ar rested and put in jail? Papa—More likely the lunatic asylum. Now you may go to bed, my son.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Got His Dose Later. Mr. Courtney (flatteringly)—l had the blues awfully when I came here to night, Miss Fisher, but they are all gone now. You are as good as medi cine. Miss Fisher's Little Brother— Tes; father himself says she'll be a drug on the market if she doesn't catch on to some fellow soon. Quick Work. "That editor is terribly slow at read ing manuscript" "Think BO? Why, I know the time he went through twelve stories in less than a minute." "Gracious! When was that?" "When the elevator broke."—Phila delphia Press. An Individual Preference. "What's your favorite animal?" M A goldfish," replied Mr. Meekton. "It doesn't sing or have to be put out of the house at night."—Washington Star. Enduranoe. The pilgrim fathers were undoubted ly tieroic men, facing, as they did, with dauntless courage, fire, frost, famine and the red menace of Indian ruthless ness. But the pilgrim mothers were more heroic still, for they endured also all these things and had in addition to stand the pilgrim fathers as welL— Life. New Zealand is said to possess alka line thermal waters double the strength of the famous waters of Vichy and iodine waters stronger than any met with in the old world. ' NON MANCATE . , DI REGISTRARVI ! ..." • Ricordiamo a tutti i connazionali di non mancare a registrarsi il giorno 5 giugno, se non vogliono incorrere nella pena del carcere. Le norme per la registrazione sono le seguenti : Un sol giorno é stato stabilito per la registrazione e questo é il 5 giugno, dalle ore 7 a. m. alle 7 p. m. Ogni uomo residente negli Stati Uniti che ha raggiunto i 21 anni e non ha oltrepassato i3l dovrà' registrarsi. Nessuna scusa sara' ammessa per coloro che non si registreranno, neanche per ragioni di malattie. Gl'inabili a registrarsi in persona per causa di gravi infermità' dovranno mandare a prendere una copia della formula di registrazione presso il City Clerk o il County Clerk, riempirla, secondo le istruzioni che verranno date a chi va a prenderla, e spedirla per posta o farla consegnare, a mano al Regi strar della sua sezione elettorale (voting precinct) accompagnata da una busta con l'indirizzo dell'ammalato, che servirà' per spe dirgli certificato di registrazione. Gli assenti dovono presentarsi al County Clerk od al City Clerk del luogo in cui si trovano, riempire la formula di registra zione e spedirla al Registrar della -sezione elettorale del luogo di loro residenza in modo che giunga almeno pel giorno della regi strazione, accompagnata da busta col proprio indirizzo che servirà' per spedir loro il certificato di registrazione. Coloro che non adempiranno strettamente a queste disposi zioni saranno puniti col carcere non v'e nessuna multa. Da questa registrazione vanno esenti solo quelli che già' si trovano a prestar servizio attivo nell'esercito, nella marina, nella guardia nazionale, nella milizia navale e nelle riserve. La registrazione non significa arrolamento. Qualsiasi motivo possiate affacciare per essere esentati dal servizio militare, non vi può' esentare dalla registrazione. Vale a dire che bisogna prima registrarsi e poi far valere i motivi di esenzione se se ne hanno. Gli stranieri non naturalizzati che si trovano nei limiti dell'età' richiesta dovranno anche registrarsi e la loro esenzione dal servizio militare verrà' dopo. Chi non conosce la lingua inglese potrà' servirsi dell'interprete. I proprietari dei posti per la registra zione dovranna concederli gratis. QUELLI CHE DEBBONO REGISTRARSI Gli uomini soggetti alla registrazione sono quelli che con tano 21 anni di età'. Quelli di cui il 21.m0 anniversario ricorre prima del giorno 5 giugno. QUELLI CHE SONO ESENTATI DALLA REGISTRAZIONE Quelli di cui il 21.m0 anniversario ricorre il giorno 5 giugno. Gli esentati dalla registrazione sono : Gli uomini che adesso contano 31 anni di età'. Gli uomini il di cui 31.m0 anniversario ricorre il 5 giugno. Gli uomini il di cui 31.m0 anniversario ricorre prima del 5 giiigno. I I XHW STRAXIT| ij PROGRAMMA PER L'ENTRANTE SETTIMANA j \ Lunedi - THE DERELICT - Prodazione di »)X Martedì - SPETTACOLO IN 5 REEL Mercoledì - 7 Episodio—PEAßL OF THE ARMY-e una com \ media di FOX In due reel. Giovedì • SPETACOLO IN 5 REEL THE BURGLAR AND LADY \ Il migliore Spettacolo del giorno \ Venerdi - A FORTUNE PHOTOPLAY e Una Commedia j i| Sabato - PRODUZIONE SPECIALE DI METRO \ 1 OGNI SERA SPETTACOLI CINEMATOGRAFICI | ITERESSANTI E DILETTEVOLI LOCALE IGIENICO, COMODO, ARIOSO j