-1 THE PATRIOT Published Weekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA Local Phone 250-Z FRANCESCO .BIAMONTE, Publisher Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914, at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS . $l.OO / _____ / OUR FLAG The]Alm of the foreign langoage Papers ol America HTO THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OP CIVIC DL^TY; IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. / 0 BOARD FOR WAR METALS. J Msmbsrs to Dssl With Supply of Brass { and Aluminum. Washington.—To deal with problem! of brass and aluminum supply for the army and navy the Council of National Defense created two committees to act In conjunction with the raw materials committee of the Civilian Advisory Commission. The two new committees are expected to bring highly valuable technical information to the army and navy. Committees to deal with othei raw materials vital to the conduct of the war are being formed and will b€ announced later. The two committees announced fol low: Brass—Charles F. Brooker and C. D. Goss, Waterbury, Conn.; Lewis H. Jones, Detroit; Barton Hazelton, Rome, N. Y., and P. J. Kingsbury, Bridgeport, Conn. Aluminum—Arthur F. Davis, New York; E. E. Allyne, Cleveland, and Jo seph A. Janney, Philadelphia. JAIL DE LUXE, BUT EMPTY. Westchester Offers Marble Baths, Etc., but Can't Get Convicts. New York.—V. Everit Macy, multi millionaire commissioner of correction of Westchester county, has taken over the new penitentiary de luxe at East View, but he cannot get any prisoners to fill it There are plenty of Westchester men serving sentences —200, in fa"t—but they were committed to Blackweli's is land for their full terms, and there seems no legal way to transfer them. New York would like to let go of them, but can't Mr. Macy needs at least forty at once or there will be no gar den truck in the summer, there being no one to plant the garden. The prison has marble shower baths, writing desks, real linen for the tables and pretty much all the comforts of home except freedom. A Low Down Swindle* "My wife," said Mr. Clark, "sent $2 in answer to an advertisement of a simple method of getting rid of super fluous fat" "Was the information what she wanted?" asked Mr. Simmons. "Well, she got a reply telling her tc sell it to the soap man."—Pittsburgh Chronicle. Not Too Blind. Passerby—l thought 70a were blind. Mendicant—Well, sir, times is so hard and competition Is so great that oven s blind man has to keep his 070s open nowadays If ho wants to do any busi ness at aIL i77€> 1917 Lr * Buying Liberty Bonds is not making a DONA TION to Uncle Sam. It is making A Patriotic Investment i It is not GIVING your money to the Govern ment of the United States of America for war use. It is LOANING it with safety and oio interest. Buy Liberty Bonds and have a part in the great victory for THE FREDOOM OF MANKIND which our Army and Navy will nobly gain It Is Your Duty to Subscribe Today Any Bank, any Trust Company, any Department Store will willingly -accept your subscription. il W « » • e » <■» « » wf> e » ; ' MI 1 il ' Mfr ii ,y X R "\ * ' X « I» *l» .. ( 1 «i --« » li» L 0110 MARCA V e' Garantito di essere di | "1-5 Ciciliana Buona oualita ' e contiene | La OlUmalia,, un Gallone preciso a Misu- | ;» J ra Esatta. | ìl La suddetta marca e* sul mercato « « • H da un lungo tempo ed e' ricono ;; E sciuto di essere qualità'eccellente . • » nÉ i Acquistatelo alla vostra grosseria oppure " y I scrivete alla DITTA * PASQUALE GIUNTA SONS il U Iffl l) Ih Grande Grosseria all'lngrosso . « I A I H V 1 1030 so - 9th STREET . j :: 0 O D PHILADELPHIA, PA. | : * * « ' * » * * a *** ' 4 '' M lltm|llll ffMM T M T lllf-tftt' ' " ■"««■«■iimminiiiiimillllHimilllllH 111 II » I II» I»