The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 28, 1917, The Patriot, Image 4
SI CERCANO ÌOO MINATORI Per lavorare a miniere vicino < INDIANA 1 mmmmmmrnmm ——» Per informazioni rivolgersi al nostro officio I? 1 1 15 Carpenter Avenue - I v I INDIANA . i I:* \ . 1 ' * é dal BYERS' CASH STORE diHomerCity PER GENERI DI Scarpe, Chincaglieria Carte da Parati, U tensili da Cucina e da Giardini, Tappeti, In cerate, Tendine, Pa raventi, Pitture, Ver nici e cento altre co se a prezzi bassissimi ma pronti contanti. ■ Chi e* il vostro sarto? Volete i vostri vestiti confezionati a New York dai miglioii sarti del mondo? .Volete un vestito di $25.00 persolo $1.00? Scriveteci e manderemo fino a casa vostra uno dei nostri esperti disegnatori. Sorteggiammo il vestito del Club N. I che andò a favore del membro Vincenzo Groldy Indiana, Pa. T.Goldy o Joe Pangallo-P.O. Box 522 Indiana, Pa. La macchina del ' business man Macchina unica a caratteri visibili 10 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATIS i La macchina Woodstock ha un valore di SIOO e si da per soli $59.50 a sola titolo di reclame. L'Unica Macchina da Scrivere Negli Stati Uniti Con Pagamento Facile di Soli 10 Soldi al Giorno. Agenzia Italiana j ,15 N. Carpenter Ave. I SEMENZA GOVERNATIVA t Mediante la gentilezza del Congressman North, abbiamo rice vuto della semenza governativa. Se i nostri abbonati verrano a farci visita in ufficio saremo lieti di favorirli gratuitamente. La semenza non si consegnerà' ai bambini. JOE J. CAMPBELL, Vice Presidente S. C. STEE LE. Cassiere GEO. L. DOULASS, Ass. Cassiere THE HOMER CITY NATIONAL DANK HOMER CITY. PENNSYLVANIA Capitale - - - $50,000.00 Risorse - - . $350,000.00 Ufficio di Cambio t 1 laiieNEW STRANI) 1 i; PROGRAMMA PER L'ENTRANTE SETTIMANA i| i; Lunedi - Sister agalnst Sister - Sorella contro Sorella ij i; Martedì - Forum Photo Play ij > Mercoledì - Pearl of tbe Army e 2 Reel di Commedia ij ij Giovedì - Maciste, Il gigante di Cabiria j: ij Produzione Melodrammatica il ij Venerdì - Metro Plctores ij jl Sabato -Il Gatto nero - American Girl - Commedia j! i: Fra breve sara' rappresentata una produzione speciale jj di FOX. Non mancate 1 LOCALE IGIENICO, COMODO, ARIOSO ij E PULITO, CON OTTIMA MUSICA I Burying the Hatohst. Tbls expression, meaning "Ist by genes be bygones," Is derived from s custom once in vogue among the North American Indians. According to a command of the "great spirit," they were obliged, when they smoked the pipe of peace, to bnry in the ground their tomahawks, scalping knives and war clubs in token that all enmity was at an end. "Dear Papa—l got all your letters, and you have put some munny In each one of them. Please write oftener. Xour loving son, William."—Exchange. It AM D*p«nd«. "But you must admit, sir," said the aggressive party, "that a man ought to be the bora in his own house." "T-yes, I suppose so," answered the meek and lowly man with the scanty hair, "but the house I live in happens to belong to my wife."—Exchange. Rsvsngs to the Point. She—Alas, Algernon, my father's re marks about you were very bitter. He —l'm glad of it, because I'm going to make Mm eat his words.—Baltimore American. Found Out. "There are a lot of girls who don't ever intend to marry." "How do you know?" "I have proposed to several."—Puck. Invitations, Reception and Visiting Cards CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY PRINTED Send to This Office For Samples and Prices ENRICO CARUSO ELUSIVE WHEN "MOVIE" MEN APPEAR Gr«at Tenor, Who Sings In Pittsburgh May 5, Refuse* Enormous Fee*. Caruso, who sings in Pittsburgh with the Cincinnati Orchestra on Saturday evening, May sth, at Shriners' Mosque, is a constant target for the camera man. Probably no operatic artist in tLj world has been so sought after by the professional news photographers. And he must be in a very bad humor, something which seldom occurs, not to /dm JKj§H Caruso as Rudoifo In "La Bohama." i accede graciously when requested to pose for a "snapshot." Nor is it surprising that the moving picture men also should be after him. Proposition after proposition has been made to him. Personal friends have ] been approached and begged to bring i pressure in behalf of one "film" con- I cern or another. Enormous fees have been hinted at, running into the hun dreds of thousands. "How about this movie business?" asked a personal friend of Caruso. "Are yon going to accept any of their wonderful propositions to act for tke screen Y r "Perhaps," he replied. "When?" "When I can't slag amy longer!" Cow's Fondness for Roseau Because E. R. Patterson's milch cow walked Into Walter G. Hyman's rose garden and consumed a sundry assort ment of blossoms, Hay ward Park, a fashionable residence district of SOA Mateo, is In the throes of a Civil war, avers a San Mateo (Cal.) telegram to the New York World. The law has beeen invoked and threats and coun ter threats are breathed. Hyman filed a written complaint with the San Mateo city trustees, who referred it to Poundmaster George Maggi. Recently Patterson made public the following letter to Hyman: "I hand you herewith my check for $3.25 to cover the full amount of dam ages, as claimed by you, done by my cow when she recently broke loose and got into your yard. In view of the very childish 4 tell-the-teacher' at titude you took in taking this small accident up with sundry city officials and others, I think I might have feit that I was justly absolved from any financial obligation to you. However, I guess your action carries with It Its own punishment, as I know that I should hate to carry the brand real men put on one who assumes the at titude you did on this occasion." Uaad ta It. "1 beg your pardon. I didn't mean to step on your foot." "That's all right I walk on 'em my self—Ohio Sundial. Ha Want. Ha (11 p. m. at the piano)— What shall I sing next? She—"Home, Sweat Home," without any variations. —Puck. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.—Burke. ' t George's Cash Store i —— Farina Marvel & Un-Gro-Co. 11 Zucchero Raffinato da 25 lb. il pacco • 4 pacchi da 10c Ainido. . .. . . 25c i i 6 44 5c Polvere da lavare 25c ! ( 16 4 4 5c Amido Argo... 25c J 6 44 5c Sapone P. & G. 25c 6 " 5c Sapone Un-Gro. 26c 16 " 5c Sapone Lava... 25c I 6 " 5c Sapon da toilette 25c I 3 k< 10c Maccheroni.... 25c ! 3 <k 10c Spaghetti 25c > I 3 44 10c Tagliatelle.. .. 25e 1 44 15c Uva passa 25c 1 44 35c lb. Caffe'Crowuß 17c, 5 lb. Caffe' non macinato $l.OO RICORDATE IL POSTO GEORGE'S CASH STORE Uicino (o Store di 5-10 di Simon Über Homer City, Penn'a. PIANTE DA VENDERE i —————- i i BISOGNA combattere l'alto costo < dei viveri seminando per ogni j piede di terreno. Una delle tre se guenti cose puo' fare oggi il consu. matore: o pagare prezzi atraordinari, o coltivarsi il terreno o fare a meno dei vegetali. Noi abbiamo un grande J assortimento di piante di verze, po- \ modoro, peperoni, cavolflori, sedani, ecc., che vendiamo ncl nostro nego zio, il quale e' fornito di tutt'e due i telefoni. INDIANA FLORAL COMPANY Best stores advertise in The Patriot. !