1 THE PATRIOT Published Weekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA Local Phone 250-Z FRANCESCO BIAMONTE, Publisher Entered as second-class matter Septeml>er 26, 1914, at thepostoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS . $l.OO The Aim of the Foreign ! anpa e Papers oS America TO HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY TIIEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY; IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. Too Sore to Shake. "Did you take the mixture I gave you?" "To tell you the truth, I did not, doc tor." "Why not?" "Well, I fancy you made a little mis take. You gave me ague mixture. It says, 'Shake before taking,' and my complaint is rheumatism."—Pall Mall Gazette. Modern Version. The Amazon forces were about to charge. "Wait until you can see the powder on their noses," directed the lady mili tary genius who commanded the other feminine troops.—Kansas City Journal. Endurance. The pilgrim fathers were undoubted ly heroic men, facing, as they did, with dauntless courage, fire, frost, famine and the red menace of Indian ruthless ness. But the pilgrim mothers were more heroic still, for they endured also all these things and had in addition to stand the pilgrim fathers as welL— Life. Napoleon's First Love. The little French town or Auxonne is not associated in the popular mind with Napoleon; but, as Miss Betham- Edwards reminds us in "Unfrequented j France," he spent some- years of his I cadetship there. "In the Saone he | twice narrowly escaped drowning, and ! here, too. us narrowly, so the story ! runs, marriage with a bourgeoise maid | en called Manesca. Two ivory counters I bearing this romuntie nane in Napo leon's handwriting enrich the little mu seuin." Even the smallest pieces of finely broken glass can be easily picked up with a little wad of wet absorbent cotton, which can then be destroyed by burning. 8 8 RECIPROCITY. :? H There is one word which may I* serve as a rule of practice for nil <5 one's life —that word is reciproc- 13 ! ity. What you do not wish done to ywurself do not do to others.— || I •S Confucius. ' i i Men Are Living Longer P 11f Than In the Old Days! vl To PWlKfbitionists in general and to Richard Hobson in parties I fl\ lar, who, in a speech favoring Prohibition said that alcohol killed | w two thousand persons a day (a statement as untrue as it was MQV jfoolish) the following extract should prove interesting reading MW It is taken from a representative journal published in PhiladeN » tip phia, the date October 21, 1916. We quote as follows: "The death rate in the United States last year was the lowest ever re* ported—thirteen and a half for each thousand inhabitants. Fift* W teen years ago it was seventeen and a half ; so we may say that about four hundred thousand more people would have died in this fjl country last year but for the better care we take of our healtlr |* j» —mainly by public sanitation. 1 * In the last fifteen years the con- V/ gumption of alcoholic beverages has materially increased until j 1916, when every distiller, brewer, wine dealer and wholes - a liquor dealer in the country showed marked increased sales t<* dealers and consumers. Does it not show the FALLACY of ME» Eobson's argument that alcohol is such a killing force when /L FACTS prove that the death rate in the United States last year M ft was much lower than formerly—and more liquor was consumed Mr than ever before? —.PEMNSYLVAHIA STATE BREWERS' AS- |P SOCIATION. M no y/Hj Some Resemblance. "Lightning rods in one respect am like waiters." "What's that?" "They won't give good service unless they are well tipped." Baltimore American. I Puzzling. Millions—Do you think you will learn to like your titled son-in-law? Billions —I don't know. I can't tell where to place him in my expense account He is neither a recreation nor an invest ment Don't Wrrte Poetry. "Don't write poetry unless you can't help it," says the St Louis Globe-Dem ocrat. And often when you think you can't i help it 'tis well to consult a doctor.— Toledo Blade. SIMPLE WAY TO TEST CREAM French Scientist Has Given to the World a Discovery That Is of Distinct Value. Professor Lindet of the French I Agronomic institute has given to the Academy of Agriculture a very simple process for calculating rapidly the quantity of fatty matter in cream, j It is the fatty matter that gives cream its quality, the more of this butter the better the cream. This Is the process: A drop of cream is placed upon a sheet of paper and introduced at once into an oven heated to 105 degrees centigrade. The watery part of the . cream evaporates aud the fat, ab sorbed by the paper, forms a spot whicn enlarges rapidly at first, then | more slowly as the edges of the spot Increase their distance from the point at which the drop has been placed, j At the end of a specified time the area ; of the spot is measured and compared with that of a spot formed by a drop of pure grease of the same size de posited at the same time and under identienl conditions, i Professor Lindet uses drops of 1-100 ! of a cubic centimeter in size, and j places his paper in wooden frames to prevent it from curling up in the oven. Ho removes it before the spots have spread to more than three or four centimeters in diameter. Cow's Fondness for Roses. Because E. R. Patterson's milch cow walked into Walter G. Hyuiau's rose garden and consumed a sundry assort ment of blossoms, Hay ward Park, a, fashionable residence district of San I Mateo, is in the throes of a Civil war, avers a San Mateo (Cal.) telegram to the New York World. The law has beeen invoked and threats and coun ter threats are breathed. Hyman filed a written complaint with the San Mateo city trustees, who referred it to Poundmaster George Maggi. Recently Patterson made public the following letter to Hyman: "I hand you herewith my check for $3.25 to cover the full amount of dam ages, as claimed by you, done by my cow when she recently broke loose and got into your yard. In view of the very childish 'tell-the-teaeher' at , tltude you took in taking tills small accident up with sundry city oliicials i and others, I think I might have felt that I was justly absolved from any 1 financial obligation to you. However, I guess your action carries with It its own punishment, as I know that I should hate to carry the brand real men put on one who assumes the at ! titude you did on this occasion." Best stores advertise in The Patriot. Casa Stabilita nel 1895 .. PROSATE I Sidilana" ' I I Prezzo speciale per oleine di 25 casse in su | Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti i I IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OUVA 1030 So. 9th Street - - Phìladelphia, Pa.