The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, March 10, 1917, The Patriot, Image 4
(Coutinued from Page 2) tiary, $3,641.81; at Morganza, $2,299,- 26, and at Huntingdon Reformatory, $1,022.12, making a total of $9,653.19. The expense to the county on these four prison accounts was $1,088.32 less in 1916 than in 1915. It is possible to still further reduce the annual ex pense by having proper jail facilities in our own county. It costs $2.45 per week to maintain a prisoner in our own jail. It costs $4.00 per week for maintenance at the Allegheny County Work House. Our foreign popula tion is increasing, and it is only fair to anticipate increased expenses along these lines in the future. On the matter of proposed altera tions in the County Jail, I want to quote in part from the recommenda tion of the December Grand Jury of last year, as follows: "We further re port that we found the County Jail very much in need of alterations to increase the capacity and render a classification of prisoners possible, as well as improve the sanitary condition * * * We think the wing of the jail nearest the Court House should be re modeled on both floors so as to pro vide eight or more cells arranged as the present so called 'Drunk Cells' and the floor above the furnace room lowered to the level of the other floors. This will provide five divisions in the jail. We recommend a bridge from the upper hall-way of the jail to the Court Room." It seems to us that this recommen dation of a former Grand Jury is a common sense, practical proposition, and we submit it to you for your con sideration. As suggested, it would improve sanitary conditions, and in crease the cell capacity for a better classification of prisoners at compara tively small cost. As the jail construc tion is now, there can be no classifica tion of prisoners. The professional, dangerous and vicious criminal, the degenerate, the occasional and acci dental and unfortunate violators of the law, young and old, are all confin ed practically together, or within easy communication of each other. Hie evil and harmful effects of such con ditions, both morally and physically, are apparent to everyone, and further more such conditions very materially interfere with the proper administra tion of justice. You may also have reports of View ers recommending the erection of County Bridges presented to you. In such case or cases it will be your duty to hear the testimony produced, and if it shall appear to you from the facts set out in said reports, and from the evidence adduced, that the erection of said bridge or bridges is necessary for the accommodation and convenience of public travel, it will be your duty to approve the sam?. If in your judg ment it is not necessary for the ac commodation and convenience of pub lic travel, it will be your duty to dis approve the report. In order that ;ou may be enabled to better perforin the manifold duties of your present work, we suggest th:tt you make your inspection of the County liuildinjr this afternoon, and not enter uoon the work which will be presented to you by the Distn'ct At torney until tomorrow morning. This will give you more time to think over and discuss among yourselves just what recommendations you want to make when you will have finished your work. In order to carry out this sug gestion the District Attorney has not caused any witnesses to be subpoen aed to appear before you today on any Bills of Indictment. Make your in spections this afternoon, and then you will be ready to proceed to the Grand Jury Room and take up your work as presented by the District Attorney. Now, gentlemen of the Grand Jury, you will have a number of Bills of In dictment to pass upon, including charges of Murder, Larceny, Adultery, Riot, Violations of the Liquor Laws, Fornication and Bastardy, Assault and Battery, Cruelty to Animals, Statutory Rape, Seduction, etc. You will fix your own hours of meeting and adjourning. We will ask you to appear in a body in open Court each morning at 9:00 o'clock, to make returns of your findings. The Court will be in session at that hour, ready to receive such returns. DA VENDERE Dovendomi ritirare in New Brunswick, N. J., Sulla proprietà' della BACHE RE ALT Y COMPANY; vendo ad un prezzo di vera occasione. Casa nuova, stalla per 4 caval li—Grosseria awiatissima---2 Cavalli di sei anni—3 buggies— -2 carri—2 capre—4 paia di finimenti ed altro: Per ulteriori schiarimenti rivolgersi a FILLIPO RICUPERO, Mclntyre, Pa. Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" MARCA "GIUSEPPE GAR^LDF Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti Pasquale Giunta j IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1030 So. 9th Street - - - Philadelphia, Pa. S 3-— ■ K —S3 La macchina del business man Macchina unica a caratteri visibili 10 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATIS I j » La macchina Woodstock ha un valore di SIOO e si da per soli $59.50 a sola titolo di reclame. L'Unica Macchina da Scrivere Negli Stati Uniti Con Pagamento Facile di Soli 10 Soldi al Giorno. Agenzia Italiana 15 N. Carpenter Ave. INDIANA. PA.