The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 30, 1916, The Patriot, Image 2
| THE PATRIOT j ][ Published Weekly By ]! THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. jj (*• , f 11 Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue jj Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA <[ Local Phone 250-Z ![ FRANCESCO BIAMONTE, Publisher Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914, !; at the poßtoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the J; Act of March 3, 1879. ! |; SUBSCRIPTION jj ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS . $l.OO ji The Aim ol the Foreign Language Papers ij j: of America ij <[ TO HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD- JL j 1 ITIONB OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; TO REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN- <[ <[ SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING- ]> J[ LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY; ] IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT- ij < ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. J 1 A Voter's Catechism. D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government is this? R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the * United States? * R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of! E. Senat6 and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Senator! R. Theo. M. Kurtz. D. Who is the chief executive •f the United States! R. President. * D. For how long is the Pressident of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elcted? e R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for the st»te of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. Who is our Assemblyman! R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many State in the un ion! R. 48. D. When was the Declaration vof Independence signed! R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written! R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States! R. Washington. D. By whom are they elected! R. By the people. D. For how long! R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there! .. R. 435. According to the pop ulation one to every 211,000, (the ratio fixed by Congress after each decennial census.) D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each state in the United States Senate T R. Two. D. Wko are our U. S. Senators! R. Boise Penrose and Georgs T. Oliver. D. For how long are they elect ed! R. 2 years. D. Who is our Congressman ! R. 8. Taylsr North. D. How many electoral votes has the state sf Pennsylvania! R. 38. D. Who is the chief executive of the state of Pennsylvania! R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected! R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organized government ? R. Yes. D. Aj*e you opposed to organiz ed goTernment? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist ? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not b© ieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poli gamist ? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poly g a mist ? R. One who believes in having mors than one wife. D. Do you belong to any se cret Society which teaches to disbelieve in organized govern ment? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any 1,-ws of the United States! R. No. D. Who makes the ordinance* for the City ! R. The board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remair permanently in the U. S.! R. Yes. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS IN BRIEF Interesting Items From All Sec tions ot the State. GULLED FOR QUICK READING News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout the Keystone State. There is strong agitation for a good, live board of trade at Coaldale. State hatcheries are distributing tad poles and frogs for propagation. York Springs is trying to raise $2500 toward a garment-making plant. E. L. Conrad has been appointed justice at Waynesboro, Franklin coun ty. Altoona Silk Mill employes have been granted bonuses for a total of $15,000. Employes of the Tyrone and Wil liamsburg paper mills will get wage advances. Reading school board increased the wages of fifty-one janitors from $2 to; $8 a month. A license granted to the Millheim j hotel, Center county, is not to become j operative till April. Soft coal is retailed at nineteen | cents a bushel in Pittsburgh—the hihhest price ever. A trolley collision in East Pitts burgh injured sixteen persons, two of j them perhaps fatally. Coasting in a taxi, Gus Greenawalt, aged twelve, Shippensburg, was pos i sibly internally injured. Berks county trappers, since the fall of snow, are catching quite a number of skunks and red foxes. The Alco Silk company has taken over the Cumberland mill, at Lebanon, and is operating 125 machines. Dickinson Law school fund was boosted $5OOO by Robert H. Smith, ol San Francisco, an early graduate. Lloyd George, the English premier, and William Rowlands, of Freeland, a native of Wales, were classmates. Skating across Lake Wlnola, Foster Minger and William Blodgett, of Post Hill, Wyoming county, were drowned. Rather than pay a $2 fine and costs for falling to send his child to school, Peter Gruss, Reading, was taken to jail. Waynesboro received a new city service motor truck for the use of the Always There Hook and Ladder com pany. Barks county Democrats contributed $135 in dimes toward wiping out the debt of the Democratic national com mittee. John T. Coleman, of Tuscarora, has been appointed justice of the peace for Schuylkill township, Schuylkill county. - Rev. John Calvin Ely, Jr., pastor ol Mifflintown Presbyterian church, has accepted a call to Bethany church Lancaster. A six-months-old child of Mrs. A. P. Troxell, of Emaus, swallowed a safety pin, but a physician saved the little one's life. Hazleton, with 30,000 population has 4106 employed in industries othei than mines, the latter being the chiel employers. A committee of the P. O. S. of A. State camp met in Reading and con sldered plans for the opening of an orphanage. Employes of the Mathews Gravity Carrier company, at New Castle, have been given a wage boost of twenty five cents a day. Classes have been organized in the Neighborhood House at Palmerton foi educating the foreign element into American citizens. With the road In bad condition and tolls a needless burden, residents seel? to condemn the six-mile Lewistown & Reedsville turnpike. Convicted of bigamy, at Hampton, Va., Herman Forte, an ex-soldier, ol Hazleton, has been sentenced to three years at hard labor. The Tamaqua school board has con demned the old Southward bricfc school building, which had been in service over sixty years. Mayor Mortimer, of Pottsville, has offered $lO to any woman who will catch the young man who is hugging women all over the city. The families of all prisoners from the Hazleton region in penitentiaries and jails received Christmas dinners from the Sa'vation Army. Hotel keepers throughout the Pan ther Creek valley are being urged tc close their places of business at th€ game hour, *arly every night. Weatherly Foundry & Machine com pany shipped a forty-three ton gold dredging outfit to the Chic-San Mining company, at Chemulpo, Korea. Clinton McAllister, of Wilson town ship, arrested in Easton for operating an automobile while he was lntoxlcat ed, was fined $lOO and costs. Employes of the New Jersey Zinc company, at Palmerton, Hazard and Millport will get a fourteen per cenl bonus of total earnings for 1916. Cumberland county commissioners of fended fifteen candidates when they chose as mercantile appraiser Benja min Garver, ot New Cumberland. Nearly $25,000 representing a tei per cent bonus, was distributed among 100 employes of the Atlas Powdei company's plant, south of Tamaqua. Court refused an Injunction a Pottsville againet International officers of the Mine Workers; but a new sail was at once begun by expelled locals Windows were shattered and holes torn in the wall when a waterback in the home of Harry R. Bngel, Boyer town, exploded and badly lacerated Mrs. Engel's face. With little ceremony and in the pres ence of only the faculty and some students, ground was broken for the new $60,000 Dickinson Law school building at Carlisle. Bert C. Roos. of Luzerne Mines, neai Indiana, was selected mercantile ap praiser for the coming year by the county commissioners. Because he became too persistent in an argument, at Mahanoy, Walter Serva broke John Witcon's jaw with a beer glass, and the county courti will settle the argument Police and county detectives are searching for four men who bound and gagged Samono Trache, of Bradford and robbed him of $95 and certificates of deposit aggregating $620. Mrs. Esther Irwin, widow of Dr George B. Irwin, of Washington, fa tally injured by an automobile belong ing to William Wylie, has filed suit foi $25,000 damages against Wylle. Stephen Fritz, the only man ir Palmerton who refused to comply with the compulsory school law, by nol sending his children to school, was fined $2 by 'Squire B. W. Shipe. Experienced hunters say that in spite of the fact that seventeen deei were killed in Carbon county during the season which recently closed, plenty of them are left for next year Fred Brock, deserter from the bat tleship Wyoming, and Elmer Breene of Baltimore, a tresspasser, who broke jail, have been returned to Lewistown unable to stand the rigors of the weather. Michael Gellish, of Highland, whi moved his wire fence with him when he quit the mines and went to Free land to reside, was compelled by Jus tice Thomas Malloy to return it and pay damages. The Carponter Steel works, Reading awarded the contract for the erection of a steel and concrete house, 216 by 76 feet in dimension and six stories high, to the Reading Contracting com pany for $lOO,OOO. Alleged to have stolen a seven-pas senger limousine from the Pullman Taxicab company, William Stevenson Vincent P. Hytha and C. P. William son, alf of the North Side, were ar rested at Rochester. iHSaSHSaSHSHSHSSESaSZJKStSSESESaSESSSasaSESESHSaSESaSESSSESSSaSESESHScIS^ | The Patriot Job Printing Department | B Is prepared to do all kinds of Commercial | Printing promptly and in an np-to-date manner. Call and get our low prices for jjj the best of service and workmanship. I 15 CARPENTER AVE. INDIANA, PA. | mif i—r nTOmßariimTrniT^r'frr^^ Rar&l free delivery carriers were appointed as follows: Pennsylvania, Arthur S. Doolittle, Route 1, Bradford and Herman C. Pansier, Route 1, Lin den. Falling from his hay 'loft and land ing on his head on the barn floor Brown Kelly, a farmer, near Carlisle was found unconscious and seriously Injured. Christmas gifts in the shape of sal ary and wage increases were passed out to virtually all Altoona municipal employes, save bureau heads, by council. Rev. Dr. J. Max Hark, pastor of th€ Moravian church, Lebanon, has an nounced his retirement, effective on March 1, after forty years spent in thi ministry. Court has permanently prohibited Pottsville council from paying a big sum to contractors for remodeling city hall—work that was let without advertising. Lester V. Starr, aged twenty-five, of Salamanca, N. Y., was killed when he fell beneath the wheels of a B. R. & P. freight train in the yards at Johnsonburg. Although past seventy years of age Major Stephen Drasber, of Freeland won the prize for being the handsom est man at the charity ball of th<» Freeland Elks. Insurance to the amount of $94,000 has just been handed to Mrs. C. C. Woods, Easton, widow of the late C. C. Woods, who was killed in a fall from the train. Two cases of whisky were stolen from the cellar of the National hotel, Millerstown, and at the home of Wil liam Snyder a housekeeper helped himself to a meal. Tommy Know. "Tommy,** said the teacher, "how do they ascertain the measurement of t vessel 7" "I guess they measure it with a navy yard," was the unexpected reply.—Chi cago News. The average person wastes lots of time telling other people things they do not care to hear. COMING TO INDIANA, PA. UNITED DOCTORS SPECIALIST WILL BE AT THE NEW INDIANA HOTEL Saturday, Jan. 13th One Doy Only. Nonlou.iiXPi Remarkable success 01 these Taianted Physicians in ine Treatmem 01 Chronic Diseases Offer Their Services Free of Charge The United Doctors, licensed by the State of Pennsylvania, are experts in the treatnu nt of diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, intestines, skin. nerves heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, diabetes, bed-wetting, rheumatism, sciatica, tape worm, leg ulcers, ap pendicitis, gall stones, goitre, piles, etc., without operation, and are too well known in this locality to need further mention Call and see them, it costs you nothing. Laboratories. Milwaukee. Wis. QUADRI PATRIOTTICI Cartoline mostrate. Libri d'ogni specie dietro ordlie Il rinomato DIZIQN4RIO TASCABILE Italiano-Inglese e viceversa" edito dal Fratelli Treves di Milano. La nuovissima GRUWITIGt ACCELCIATA del De Gaodenzl Corso completo per imparare a scrivere, parlare e capir bene la lingua inglese in tre mesi senza maestro. Agenzia Italiana Indiana Pennsylvania B l lll ILa macchina del ? business man Macchina unica a caratteri visibili - . ' 10 GIORNI 1)1 PROVA GRATIS ' i \ La macchina Woodstock ha un valore di SIOO e si da per soli $59.50 a sola titolo di reclame. L'Unica Macchina da Scrivere Negli Stati Uniti Con Pagamento Facile di Soli 1 0 Soldi al Giorno. Agenzia Italiana 15 N. Carpenter Ave. INDIANA, PA. bb'k b'b b'ìr iHrirìrtf * t t McAdoo's Restaurant $ 4* *** $ Da noi vie' tutto buono da mangiare. X j Venite a vederci. Vi tratteremo bece. I Volete mangiar bene? Venite da noi. <4* Ji a Philacelphia Street Marshall Building $ DR. C. J. DICKIE DENTISI Room 14, second floor Marshall building INDIANA, PENN'A.