The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, November 18, 1916, The Patriot, Image 4
ADVANCE IN LEATHER DEPENDS ON DEMAND CHICAGO, Nov. 16.—Five hundred members of the Nation al Association of Tanners in an nual convention here today said there would be no advance in the price of shoe leather unless the nations at war make.too big a demand on the surplus stock now in the hands of tanners and shoe manufacturers. Hides and skins, however, were declared to be scarce. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Indiana office November 11, 1916: Miss Latalon Alexandria, T. A. Boyer, R. G. Bullerdick, Mrs. Burnheimer, Mrs. John Crau duff, A. R. Coob, Inessa Dar caugel, Mrs. Sharp Decker, Miss Mary L. Harris, Mr. Jno. Harsh berger, J. Blair Kennedy, Alev. Kovacs, Mr. Joseph Koslosky, Mr. John F. Logan, Mr. Curtis Moore, Mr. Clayton Philips, Mr. H. W. Rager, George F. Rod gers, W. P. Shamhart, Mr. J. M. Wray, Ed. Weader, Miss Lot tie Williams. When inquiring for letters in this list please state that they were advertised, giving date. HARRY W. FEE, P. M. Sterft Tow Msnp~ jiM LnfF® RJgte A W® SMIV® UIP TO IDATBD wodttng ttams, {pAtool <m& ttlh® FSini@sli Orndl® IPqexgs 0 COLLEGE; NEWS STATE COLLEGE, PA., Nov. 15.—Indiana county is repre sented at the Pennsylvania State College by a delegation of eight students. They are enrolled in the various courses and classes as follows: Junior class—C. A. Fowler, 404 Oak street, Indiana, dairy husbandry; J. H. Wilson, 217 South Seventh street, Indi ana, commerce and finance. Sophomore class—Miss Martha G. Breniser, Blairsville, home economics. Freshman class— Donald C. Dunbar, Wehrum, mining engineering; J. A. Srp, Jr., 195 North Walnut street, Blairsville, mechanical engineer ing; W. S. Wetzel, Marion Cen ter, agriculture. Two-year course in agriculture—F. M. Barkley, Livermore; C. C. Houck, Clymer. J. H. Wilson is president of the junior class. ELKIN'S BODY IN NEW MAUSOLEUM 1 The body of the late Justice John P. Elkin, which since the Jurist's death of a year ago, had been resting in the mausoleum in Greenwood cemetery, was, on Wednesday morning, taken to the beautiful Elkin Mausoleum, which was recently completed in Oakland cemetery. No ceremon ies attended the removal of the body of Indiana's first citizen to its final resting place. ■ trade marks and copyrights obtained or no I H fee. Send model, sketches or photos anc} de- I m scription for FREE SEARCH and report I I on patentability. Rank references. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for ■ ■ you. Our free booklets tell how, what to invent 0 I and Bare you money. Write today. H / ID. SWIFT & £B.l D. C. SJ « II Grande Grosseria ] |U[ A qpp f Generi Garantiti all'lngrosso * w iTlrt IL< 1 Pressi ! HI A ROX Ì Extra fermentati da cinque mesi J| »oo IMTORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1030 S. 9th St. Philadelphia, ii| Agenzia Italiana F. BIAMONTE, Proprietario Tn X 111 ,i i/l|\ \ I Spedizione di moneta col mezzo di Vaglia garantiti. | Si accorda il miglior Cambio della giornata ! Biglietti di Passaggio con tutte le migliori Com | pagnie di Navigazione. I Assicurazione - Atti Notarili - • Interprete Rivolgetevi o Scrivete al Manager. FRANCESCO B. GAROFALO 15 N. Garpenter Ave INDIANA, PA APERTO TUTTI I GIORNI FINO ALLE 8 P. M. Al SABATO FINO ALLE 10 P- M. «