[ La I per gli Occhi I I I vostri occhi non soffrono se II ■ . leggete o lavorate sotto la sof- I I fice e chiara luce di |l ■ ATLANTIC II I Ravolidht I MsMMSt I Esso non affumica e non I I puzza, dura più' dell'olio or- I I dinario,ma non costa di più'. I I ' Chiedetelo al vostro nego- - I Noi raccomandiamo le Stufe da Cucina New Perfection, i Caloriferi a Petrolio sen za fumo Perfection, le Lampade Ravo e le Lanterne Rayo per l'uso del Rr yolight on. THE ATLANTIC REFIXING CO. Dovunque in Pennsylvania e Delaware Oiolooi. Anelli Mutriinsiiioli. Gio ielli irei di pi elleno. Si riporoito oroieoi sioielii cu oitfoooremenflo il mio. m Wayneßigg&Co. Jewelert? tfc Engravers 726 Philadelphia Street INDIANA, PA. tiaderaarksaadcoiyrightsobtalned orno E ■ tee. Sk liti model, sketches or photos ami de- re Si seriptìon for FHCC SCAHICH report f E on pateutability. Ikuik ref«r»nv«s. fi PATEMTS EUILD FORTUNES f-. Fallacies ■ .1 •ou, no matter what experience vou may have bad with other physi cians, it will be to your advantage to see them at once. Have it forever set tled in your mind. Jf your case is in curable they will give you such advice e s may relieve and stay the disease. iJo not put off this duty you owe your self or friends or. relatives who are iffenng because of \cur sickness, as isit at t is time may help you. Worn out and run down men or worn en, no matter what your ailment may he, call, it costs you nothing Remember, this free offer is for tills visit only. * Man led ladies come with their hus bands and minors with their parents. : laboratories, Milwaul ee, Wisconsin.