T H E_ PATRIOT Published Weekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA Local Phone 250-Z F. BIAMONTE, Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914, at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS. . $l.OO The Aim ot the Foreign Language Papers of America To HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; TO REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY; IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. A TECHNICAL WAR DECLARED There is sufficient comment upon the "peace" that has raged between Italy and Germany in the fact that a declaration of war makes little difference to soldiers in the field. Since German officers command Bulgarian troops and German soldiers are fighting by their side, the landing of Italians at Saloni ca compelled a declaration. But German experts had long advised, if not directed, the Austrian campaign against Italy. They have been consulted in the further defense of Trieste. In any case, Italy could not engage many divisions of Germany's ally without indirectly fighting Germany. She is now free to send troops into France to emphasize the harmony of the allies. The absurd situation has lasted so long chiefly because of the presence in Italy of a powerful party representing the Berlin court and vast investments of German capital. Yet the sham could not have been kept up t?ut for the fact that the very Italians who hated Austria with a bitter hatred had no quarrel with Ger many herself. The declaration of war will gravely affect German business interests in Italy and cause the seizure of harbor-hugging ships. It will heighten the hardships of Italians still in Germany. It can not lessen the bitterness of the conflict in arms, but it has a very important bearing upon the terms of peace when the war is over. —New York World. ' . . • 'Q == y ft U . : ■ ■ , ' ■■!■■■ f I Grande Grosseria ITI lIUATP I air Tnarnssn 1 v iTlim A MLt A Prezzi Ristretti TOSCANI $ 1.35 nsggsn Extra fermentati da cinque mesi Kiw IS ■ PASQUALE GIUNTA Às^ssÀ IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA ""H 1 1030 S. 9th St Philadelphia, Pa.ì§ F. BIAMONTB, Proprietor « Spedizione di Moneta a Mezzo Vaglia G-arantiti Si Accorda il Miglior Cambio Della Giornata Biglietti di Passaggio Con Tutte le Migliori Campagnie di Navigazione. Assicurazioni - Atti Notarili - Interprete. Rivolgetevi o Scrivete al Manager. FRANCESCO B. GAROFALO 15 N. Carpenter Ave. INDIANA, PA. 1 APERTO TUTTI I GIORNI UNO ALLE 8 P. H. Al SABATO FINO ALLE IO P- M.