BP =B —— GREAT ==— | Inter-State Fair \ * 1856 INDIANA, PA. 1916 "SIXTY YEARS YOUNG" , • i Bigger and Grander Than Ever Spectacular Free Attractions Matsuda Imperial Japanese Troupe 5 Aeroplane Flights 5 Bands Finest Grounds and Accommodations State - Special Excursion Rates on All Railroads RACING PROGRAM $4,000 IN PURSES September 5, 6, 7 and 8 __■ 1 a PENNSYLVANIA NEWS IN BRIEF Interesting items From All Sec tions of the State. / GULLED FOB QUICK READIN6 Nswe of All Kindt Gathered From Various Points Throughout ths Keystone State. Montgomery county will number its bridges. It is estimated that 700 Berks coun ty farmers own automobiles. The state is repairing the road be tween Lehigh Gap and Slatington. South Bethlehem has just been granted two new letter carriers and one clerk. George A. W. DeFrest has been ap pointed sheriff of Warren county by Governor Brumbaugh. W. H. Colgrove, of Jackson, Miss., has been elected physical director of the York Y. M. C. A. Operation of mines in the Hazleton region grows more difficult daily, due to the scarcity of men. The former Baumstown school house bas been turned into a church by the Church of the Brethren. Tripping on a lose plank. Mrs. W. S. Wilson is in Lewistown hospital with a fractured thigh. Suffering from dementia, Thomas Clayton, forty years old, of Milton, shot and killed himself. Meningitis caused by a fall has para- Jyzpd the limbs of Walter Malososky, aged four, of Tamaqua. Locking in a room a constable who came to arrest him, John Bailey is being sought by Carlisle officers. Mowing weeds, Allen Laudenslager, of Allentown, was stung by a wasp colony until his eyes were closed. Burglars took a small amount of change and tickets from the Dillsburg Station of the Cumberland Valley rail road. Caught under falling coaJ at Packer No. 2, James Posseskie, aged thirty-- nine, of Lost Creek, wai* crushed to death. Chaster council has awarded the Cambridge Trust company, of that city, Its $lOO,OOO bond issue on a bid of $100,431. Playing with matches, Mary Andru lage, Mt. Carmel, was burned to death, like her six-year-old brother three years ago. When his motorcycle backfired and upset on a steep mountain path, Car aon Wolf, Carlisle, lay helpless with a sprained ankle. Governor Brumbaugh has received s request from the Republican con gressional campaign committee to stump this fall. Charged with fatally injuring Enoch PolanBki in a quarrel over their chil dren, Stanislau Stephanovitz was jail ed _at Shenandoah. Professor E. C. Toole, a graduate of Urainus and native of Selinsgrove, has been elected principal of Mahanoy City High school. Taken ill on a street car, Charles T. Snoddy, seventy years old, of Watson town, died of heart failure before he could be gotten home. Falling thirty-five/feet from the top of No. 6 breaker, Michael Dennis, of Tamaqua, sustained concussion of the brain and a firactured leg. Lehigh county constables held their outing at Fairviaw Park, South Beth lehem, and were addressed by District Attorney Warren Miller. After Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rufe had searched all Doylstown for their four year-old boy, they found him fast asleep under a sofa at home. Rev. John Slack has resigned the pastorate of the First United Evan gelical church, of Ashland, to enter the Presbyterian denomination. Thomas R. Jones, division superin tendent for the Lehigh Valley Coal company, resigned to accept a similar position with Madeira Hill & Co. Labor is so scarce in West Potts grove, Montgomery county, that the directors can get no one to give the high school its annual cleaning. Held up by a masked highwayman, Carlo Antonio, a Hazleton buyer, was robber of $3O, in broad day light, between Jeddo and Ee.kley. Mrs. Mary Romeo, aged sixteen, a bride of a year, is missing with her child from her home at Drifton, and so is Joseph Phinezatic, a boarder. A fall of coal killed Michael Povil sky, of Freeland, aged thirty-seven, while robbing pillars in the Jeddo mines of the G. B. Markle company. Wanted because his automobile kill ed William Karalwicz, aged twenty six, May 30, at Shenandoah, Charles Tarowsky, Kingston, has bgen arrest ed. \ President Judge Seybert has in structed the constables of Perry coun ty to report on bad roads, so he can take action against delinquent super visors. Representatives of the Lehigh Val ley Coal company and the Girard Es tate have decided to evict all speak easy tenants on their Schuylkill county lands. Enjoying an after-dinner stroll along the Lehigh tracks at Rummer field, Leslie Mingoes, aged forty-five, a blacksmith, was killed by a fast train. Charged with conducting gambling, proprietors of eight Altoona billiard and pool rooms were arrested, at the instigation of District Attprney Pat terson. James Dickson, thirty-five years old. committed suicide at his home in New Castle by cutting his throat with a razor. Dickson and his wife had been separated and despondency over this is believed to have been responsible for for the suicide. George H. Clements, thirty-one years old, superintendent of the Yough Sand and Stone company, at Dunbar, near Connellsville, was probably fatally stabbed at a house dance in the resi dence of Job Cole, at Dunbar. Cole who Is alleged to have done the cut ting, escaped from the house, but was capturesd a short time later, and is being held. Miss Mbert W. Da via, bookkeeper of the Chester County Trust company, aged about forty, was found dead In her room where she boarded, at West Chester. The government has purchased the homestead of former Congressman Samuel S. Blair as the prospective site for Holtldaysburg's $90,000 federal building. A purse containing 910 that Jacob PeUchwender, of Bethel, lost while pflowing a flield three years ago, has Just been found by George Bross while mowing wheat. For burglarizing a Morea store of watches, rings, knives and jewelry valued at $4OO, Charles Wetzel and Theodore Faust, both under eighteen, are under arrest. Altoona policemen reported nine vio lations of the blue Jaws, but cool weather made the ice cream and soda water so unprofitable, returns will not pay fines. Charged with collecting $51.50 for the Four-County firemen's convention and failing to turn it in, Harry Seip, Lehighton, entered bail for court be fore 'Squire Snyder. Because the company would not pay at noon instead of three P. M„ breaker boys struck and tied up the Scott Col liery, at Kulpont, 500 men being thrown out of work. Mrs. John Ritter, of near Carlisle, was seriously hurt, and her husband slightly hurt, when their automobile was struck by a car driven by Dr. N. O. Rckles, of Carlisle. Blinded by the glare of another ma chine, Dr. William Barr, of the State hospital,*drove his automobile down an embankment near Fountain Springs but escaped uninjured. Grangers around Kimberton organ ized a "buyers' club" to purchase feed at wholesale prices, which will be sofld to meaibers plus twenty-five per cent, to cover the incidentals. A discharge under the insolvent laws has "been granted Philip Weiss, Tama qua, in jail ten months on a charge of trying to shoot Jdlius Weber, a Westherly liquor deader. For fighting over the European war, fifteen aliens were incarcerated in the Coaldale lockup overnight, and then fined $8 for smashing the cots and cut ting the water connections. Scranton will appeal to the superior court from the public service commis sion decision declining to order the railroad companies centering in that city to erect a union station. While crossing the Pennsylvania railroad tracks at Freeport, John Pra gor, seventy-nine years old, was killed by a passenger train. He was former ly a resident of Sharpsburg, Pa. Falling from the electric railway trestle near Burnham, John Crossgrove fractured a thigh, while two sons car ried under his arms, saved themselves by holding on to the tie beams. All the boroughs in the North Penn VaJley, including Lansdale, Souder ton, Perkasie, Selleraville and Quaker town, have received "clean-up" orders from the state health department. One policeman patroling the entire town is not enough to maintain order in Shippensburg, and citizens want an other on account of bootlegging and other forms of illicit whisky traffic. Elmer Weikel, a Red Lion automo bile dealer, has been held for the ■SfTWMiiMMiiMMMMWBMMBMWEMMBHBBHMHMHWBi Q Motor-Wheels still going fast—Also real bargains in the Used Motorcycles. 3 TWIN INDIANS, $4O, $9O, $ll5 1,2-SPEED EXCELSIOR, 'l5, $125 1,2-SPEED INDIAN, $l5O 1 BARLEY DAVIDSON, $45 INDIANA CYCLE COMPANY Indiana, Penn'a. HHHIBHHHHHiH ■ trade marks and copyrights obtained or no I I fee. Stnd model, sketches or photos and de- I I scription for FREE SEARCH »"d report ■ I on patentability. Bank references. PATENTB BUILD FORTUNES for a you. Our free booklets tell how, what to Invent ill ■ and save you money. Write today. ID. SWIFT | PATPIIT LAWVrOQ K nUi^&^^Wash ington, D. C. * 1 SALE and INI JIDS. Advertisements under this head lc a word each insertion. I would exchange my 11 room house with a large Store Room, also a good stable located in Clymer, for a good size farm any place in the County. Apply at this office. , ~ Local Phone, Office, 263-z Residence, 246-y. DR. C. J. DICKIE DENTIST Room 14, second floor Marshall building INDIANA, PENN'A. His Selection. Mr. Sharp—Oh, I say, Mr. Dense, what animal do you think you'd like to be on a cold day? Mr. Dense —Um —er—ah—let me see—l think I should like to be a little otter. Anything else? —Exchange. grand jury on a charge of fiivoruntarjr manslaughter, for the death of Mrs. Prank Ross, of Dallastown, August 4. District Attorney Lloyd proposes taking action against the Cumberland Railway company, because it has re fused to raise feed wires that caused the (ieath of Bishop Eveland, near Mt. Holly. Owing to the advance In food prices, the commissioners of Chester county have decided to allow the matron of the county house of detention twenty cents instead of fifteen a mead for the juveniles confined there. Fearing he would be stricken with typhoid, Levi M. Cramp, fifty-two years old, of Gibraltar, a heater«who stopped work at Coatesville owing to the fever, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor in his back yard. For tying several hundred yards of copper wire to a schoolhouse bell, in Upper Gyynedd township and going to a nearby woods and ringing it for one hour, for a joke, seven warrants hare been issued for six L&nsd&le boys and a girl. Because the Travelers' Insurance company hasn't paid a death claim, Mrs. M. L. -Eby, New Cumberland, has brought suit for $7OOO accident insur ance, hemorrhages caused by a tooth brush bristle having caused the death of her husband.- Many Pennsylyanians, particularly residents of Philadelphia, of Bucks county and the northern suburban sec tion, are interested in the prospect of the appointment of Colonel Henry D. Styer, of Bucks county, to the rank of brigadier general in the United States army, in the near future. Banks township (Carbon county) school board elected James S. Boyle, principal of Audenried schools; Joseph Boyle, of Tresckow schools, and Hugh McGee, of L eviston schools, at a salary Df $BO each; Miss Susan Whalen, ">f Coxeville schools, and Anna Mulligan, of schools, at monthly salaries of $77. A Voter's Catechism D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government I Is this ? / R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States ? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Cougre«* consist of ? - » v i wX h*. >ri:X£9 IH* 4 R. Senate and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Senator? R. Theo. M. Kurtz. D. Who is the chief executive of the United States? R. President. D. How long is the President of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the President in ciase he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elcted? e R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for the stete of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. . Who is our Assemblyman? R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many State in the un ion? R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4,1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. By whom are they elected ? R. By the people. D. For how long? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there ? .. A Grew tome Bequest. What Is probably the strangest and at the same time the most horrible be quest ever made Is to be found In the will of Lieutenant de Pap, formerly an officer in a smart reglmeafc of Aus trian hussars, who was executed by strangling some years ago for the mur der of his brother. Previous to his execution the mur derer requested that he might be pho tographed while hanging on the gal iows and a copy of the ghastly picture sent to his father. * Not Alarmed. "Oh, Mr. Robinson, somebody has stolen your car!" "That's all right. The thief will bring it back when he finds out how much gasoline it takes to run it"—St Louis Post-Dispatch. To the Heart of Leisureland where woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Be tween New York City (with Albany and Troy the gate ways) and LAKE GEORGE THE ADIRONDACKS LAKE CHAPLAIN THE NOBTK AND WEST The logical route is "The Luxurious Way" Largest and most magnificent river steamships in the world DAILY SERVICE Send for free copy of beautiful "Searchlight Magazine" Hudson Navigation Corn y. Pier 32, Worth River New York " THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE " | R. 435. According to the pop ulation one to every 211,000, (the ratio fixed by Congress after each decennial census.) D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. N R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators U&s each state in the United Senate ? R. Two. N D. Who are our U. S. Senators! R. Boise Penrose and Georgt T. Oliver. 4 D. For how long are they elect ed f R. 2 years/^ D. Who is our Congressman! R. S. Taylor North. D. How many electoral votes has the state of Pennsylvania? R. 38. D. Who is the chief executive of the state of Pennsylvania! R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected! R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor! R. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organized government ? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organis ed government! R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not be ieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poli gamist ? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poly gamist? R. One who believes in having more than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret Sooioty who Reaches to disbelieve in organized government? R. No. ; 1). Have you ever violated any l«»vvs of the United States? B. No. ... ... D. Who makes the ordinances for the City ? R. The board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain permanently in the U. S.? R. Yes. A Baseball Record. One man in baseball history placed himself in the hall of fame by deliver ing Just one ball, calling for probably only a few seconds' actual participa tion in the game. He was Manager Childs of the Ports mouth (O.) team. In a game with Marion June 20, 1010, Childs went into the box and pitched one ball. It resulted in a triple play, and Childs got credit, of course, for pitching an entire inning with one heave, the only time it has ever been accomplished.—Chicago Herald. But Not Unpardonable. "Don't you bring that man here again. He's unshakable!" "Why, did he insult you?" "No. but he's dumb and wants to talk with his fingers.*' Baltimore American.