Dais Riwit pert l nie mil lificflni D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government i* this? R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of j this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of? R. Senate and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Senator? R. Theo. M. Kurtz. D. Who is the chief executive of the United States? R. President. D. How long is the President of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elcted ? e R. By the people. D. W T ho makes the laws for the fltete of Pennsylvania. R, The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature % consist of? R. Senate and A^embly. D. Who is Assemblyman? R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many State in the un ion? R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. By whom are they elected ? R. By the people. D. For how long? ff __ g GREAT —— . Inter-State Fair ~ 1856 INDIANA, PA. 1916 !' "SIXTY YEARS YOUWG" •■• ' Bigger and Grander Than Ever Spectacular Free Attractions Matsuda Imperial Japanese Troupe 5 Aeroplane Flights 5 2 Bands 2 17~ 7"; ; Finest Grounds and Accommodations in the State-Special Excursion Rates on All Railroads RACING PROGRAM $4,000 IN PURSES September 5, 6, 7 and 8 I R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there ? .. R. 435. According to the pop | ulation one to every 211.000, (the ratio fixed by Congress after eack decennial census.) D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each state in the United States Senate ? R. Two. I i D. Who are our U. S. Senators? R. Boise Penrose and George ; T. Oliver. D. For how long are they elect ed? R. 2 years. D. Who is our Congressman? R. S. Taylor North. D. How many electoral votet» has the state of Pennsylvania ? R. 38. D. Who is the chief executive of the state of Pennsylvania? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected} R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organized government ? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organiz ed government? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist ? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not be ieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poli gamist ? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poly gamist? R. One who believes in having more than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret Society who teaches to disbelieve ;R organized government? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any Lws of the United States? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City ? R. The board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remaiD permanently in the U. S.? R. Yes. PENNSYLVANIA NEWSJN BRIEF Interesting Items From All Sec tions ot the State. GULLED FOR QUICK READING 1 | News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout tha Keystone State. « Counterfeit quarter dollars are in general circulation at Berwick. Scarcity of labor is holding up pub lic improvements in Pottstown. Pottstowners are complaining of the appearance of many monster flies. Carlisle aims to raise S3OO a month for local guardsmen's needy families. Lehighton citizens raised $lB6 to supply their new park with benches. Recruiting has started at Hazleton for Battery A, Second Pennsylvania Artillery. Melvin H. Neiffer, of Altoona, has been appointed a diary and food in spector. One vagrant Pittsburgh dog sur vived three municipal attempts to as phyxiate it. Severe bumping of his right thumb gave William George,