MOORHEAO BROTHERS Philadelphia Street. Indiana, Pennsylvania. ANNUNZIANDO LA NOSTRA Vendita di Vestiti da Uomo e Giovanetti gi; noi saressimo giustificati di lasciar passare questa stagione usuale nostra vendita di sgombro; per la ragione che oggi non si potrebbe più' ottenere i medesimi vestiti modello e qualità' ai prezzi dell' Anno scorso e sa rebbe impossibile la riduzione una delle regole del nostro magazzino e' di tener lo "'stock'' di ultima novità' stagione per stagione mai trasportare la mercanzia da un anno all' altro. Percui, non curandoci del sacrificio. LA VENDITA e' cominciata il 12 corrente e durerà' fino al 31 LUGLIO ! I Lista dei Ribassi I VESTITI DA UOMO VESTITI DA BUCATO PER VESTITI DA RAGAZZI I Tutti i vestiti da uomo e ragazzi, delle BAMBINI da 2a 6 nni ! Il famoco "WOOLWEAIT' ad 1-4 di meno marche Hart Scnaffner <fc Mar e Kirschbaum nn A . • . TTT ,c iu.uu - ora • (. oU un 1-3 di meno del prezzo regolare. ASSOStimentO marca JUMPERS VESTITI DA • eE& E. Venduto 50c, 75c, sl, ' ora 6 " $28.00 - ora - $21.00 $1.50 ora 25c. 7 " " ora ■ 5,25 25. - ora - 18.75 6- - ora - 4.50 20. ora 15. Altro venduto 50c, 75c, $1.50 5 ora . 375 18. - ora - 13.50 ora solo 50c . . r ■ 4. • ora - 3. 15. - ora 11.25 . 12 . ora 9.00 Assortimento extra venduto 3. v - ora - 2.25 10. ora 7.50 $1.50, $2,52.50 ora solo 98c on includendo vestiti "Blue Serge" Un assortimento di Pantaloni da uomo "Khaki" 45c Overals, a righi, blue misure da 32 a 42 per soli 48c Un assortimento di Colletti di gomma a 5c l'uno Un assortimento di Colletti di lino numeri misti lOc Un assortimento di Camicie da ragazzi, con colletto soffice per soli 25c o 3 per 25c Camicie soffice da homo 15 1-2, 16, 161-2, 17 ora 25c; Pagliette, 1-2 Prezzo. MOORHBAD BROTHERS INDIANA PENN'A. et = da GRANDE VENDITA DI SCARPE BIANCHE BASSE! Ora e' il tempo per voi di ottenere un grande ribasso su' scarpe bianche per uomiui, donne ragazzi e fanciulle. Abbiamo inoltre un Grande Assortimento di Scarpe di Pelle nera e gialla Venite e vedrete con poco de naro quanto potete comperare. La vendita incomincia oggi sabato 15 luglio. Hartsock's S H O E STO RE 662 Phila. Street, Indiana INDIANA'S Finest Ice Cream Parlor IT IS QUALITY THAT COUNTS and it is because our confec tionery combines the qualit ies of purity, flavor and fresh ness that it is perfectly heal thy, To a lover of fine cand ies a box of our bonbons; chocolates or caramel is an un qualified delight. The 'Boston' Where Quality and Purity Are Paramount ElFFwiiE Advertisements under this head lc a word each insertion. FOR SALE —Farm of 53 acres in Rayne township, 1-4 mile from Kimmel station on the 8., R. and P. Good house and barn, fruit and good spring water. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire at Patriot Office. Continued from page 2 Frederiska and" Steve Kocsla, unnat uralized citizens of Emaus, were each fined $25 and costs for having dogs in their possession contrary to law. Partial loss of vision, due to the crack of a whiplash, was ruled to be cause for compensation, and Richard Dalrymple, a Northeast teanuster, will ge£ $5.50 a week for 125 weeks. Playing with matches at Buck Mountain, five-year-old John Nogava ignited his clothes, and was burned from head to foot. He cannot recover. Mrs. Elizabeth Gedbon, living with her son-in-law, John Rutkowski, in Shenandoah, will celebrate her on® hundred and second birthday July 25. The beer tax collected from Schuyl kill county is equal to $2.40 for every man, woman and child, and indicates $500,000 spent yearly for that kind ol booze. Twenty-eight members of Company E, Eighth Infantry, of Mahanoy City, rejected by the mustering officer at Mt. Gretna, were cheered by a big crowd. More than 200 clerical and laity rep resentatives attended the seventh annual convention of the Danville Con ference of the Lutheran church at Sunbury. In the fall of a York scaffold, Gil bert Anderson, aged fifty-nine, alight ed on his head and fractured his skull, while Charles King, sixty, was hurt internally. Falling asleep on his market wagon at Milton, Samuel Jordan, thirty-four, fell from his seat in front of Samuel Saso's automobile and was run over and killed. Falling from a load of hay, Mrs. Charles Hoover, of Conewago town ship, York county, was probably fa tally injured, her back apparently be ing broken. Returning home to Pittsburgh from the Berlin embassy, Lieutenant V. D. Herbster says the scarcity of food in Germany is undeniable; but there is no starvation. After running down a band of bur glar suspects, Hazleton police were chagrined tojearn that only five could be prosecuted, the others being exempt by limitation. Joseph Gabster, sixteen years old, of Ernest, near Indiana, was electro cuted while wading in a small stream. He attempted to raise a wire which was charged. Because Roy Henry, aged fifteen, lighted a short-fused cannon cracker and forgot to drop it, a Lewistown sur geon says his right hand may have to be amputated. Michael Pahulycz has died from in juries sustained at the Standard Steed works, Lewistown, when an overhead crane dropped ten tons of ingots across his hips. The Pottstown Country club has an option on the sixty-acre Kepler farm at Sanatoga, on which it is proposed to construct a clubhouse, golf links, ten nis courts, etc. A $25 license fee, $7.50 water rent and thirty complimentary tickets hardly paid for the damage done to Phoenixville streets by the heavy wagons of a circus. Moravians of Reading have purchas ed a lot on McKnight street for $5676.25, on which they will erect a church and organize the first Moravian congregation in Reading. The silk manufacturers of the Le high Valley are complaining of a shortage of help, due to the tendency of girls as well as men to go to work in the munition plants. Draining of the cavity around David Wright's heart, punctured by a knife blade, may save Amos Anderson, the Carlisle stabber, from a trial for homi cide, if Wright gets well. Peter Grublic, twenty-four, married three weeks, and a star base ball and foot ball player, fell twenty feet from a ladder at Locust Mountain colliery, badly fracturing his right leg. Mrs. Jacob Reitmeyer, near Auden ried, was awarded $lO a week for 300 weeks by the state workmen's compen sation board for the accidental loss of her husband at an Oneida colliery. Objections were filed with the pub lic service commission by residents against the request of the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad company for permission to abandon the station at' Gaines. Tioga„countv. Richard "Robertson, agea tmrteeu months, died in the Easton hospital after an operation. The child was playing in a yard at Farmersville, and attempted to swallow a kernel of corn, but it lodged in his throat. As a result of their automobile turn ing turtle Mrs. Nelson Francis and her father, Samuel Kuhn, of Titusvllle, are in the City hospital, the former suffer ing with several broken ribs, and Mr. Kuhn with his hip badly crushed. The Lehigh Valley Coal company, acting for its subsidiary, the Wyoming Valley Water Supply company, will keep huckleberry pickers off the Dreck's creek reservoir watersheds, to prevent fire menace to pine trees. The Lehigh Valley railroad has an nounced that all its employes who en list for service on the Mexican border will either be given back their posi tions or will be given equally good Jobs after discharge from the serv ice. Judge Wagner has decided that the Berks county controller will have to approve the salaries of the additional engineer and two watchmen employed at the Berks county prison who served since the beginning of the year, be cause the additional men were neces sary. Through an opinion handed down by the supreme court, Mrs. Emma Diehl, widow of the late John Diehl, will re ceive $4070 from the Lehigh VaJley Railroad company for the death of her husband, killed while weighing a freight car in the Bethlehem steel yards. Robert Duran, of Braddock, Pa., was crushed to death and his motorcycle was demolished when an automobile, said to have been owned by Curtis Keim, of Jerome, crashed into the motorcycle and its rider on the Lin coln highway at Jennertown, near Johnstown. Duran's skull was frac tured, his neck broken and one leg fractured. He died a few minutes af ter the accident. Frank Tempiine, Shamokin, a safety inspector, was killed in a mine at Sha mokin. Many Pennsy shopmen at Altoona have volunteered for train service in case of a strike. .-Mount county, is planning old home' week for this, its centennial year. George Thomas was run down by a jitney bus at Shenandoah and prob ably fatally injured. Mag decorations on the Carlisle court house blew into the clock and tied up the works. The_South Bethlehem school board ▲ rolling log killed Lawnoce DeUh ler, near CnrtiiL Mrs. James Arter killed a snake in her kitchen at Bunbury. Altoona will take a referendum rote on more stringent Bun day closing. Accused of deserting the nary, Ray-; moed j£tAßffer._fit yju arreetedL
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