% THE PATRIOT Published M eekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building, INDIANA. PENNA Local Phone 250-Z F. BIAMONTE, Editor and Manager V. ACETI, Italian Editor. Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914. at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $l.OO | SIX MONTHS. . $75 The Aim ol the Foreign Language Papers of America To HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; TO STRIVE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY: IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. CURE FOR THAT FIGHTING FEELING. Ne 0F | fjh ~ * a evW kjun6 for !, v WAR wau BEs'vena j iiWtSSSA TO - - —B lackman in Birmingham Age-Herald. TOPICS IN BRIEF If silence is golden Col. House could start a mint. Back up your President and the stars and stripes will never have to back down. At the present rate Newport News will soon put Kiel in piker class as far as shielding German ships is concerned Kaiser's letter praising the prowess of the Turkish sol diers lacks any specific reference to Armenia. Brandies says the Hartford Current, l, was weighed in 1 o the balance with Mr. Taft." It must be some balance. Arkansas seems in sore need of its first syllable. Ihe next time we have to sand Germany a note, we favor letting Billy Sunday write it. Our understanding is that Britannia rules the waves on Mondays, \\ ednesdays and Fridays. Trouble a! >ut the peace movements is that a soft head always seems t( go with a soft heart. And what las become of the old-fashioned sister who used to wear li fa dozen petticoats ? As the IV Mdent now puts it, "There is such a thing as a nation bei* ; proud to fight for principle." Every no v. rad then a brilliant inspiration seems to dawn on Hon. harles Chaplin and he falls down. Cn the \\ n e, we doubt if there is anything a woman derives more •'•.est, downright enjoyment from than a good cry. A young n an usually keeps on being crazy about a girl at long as she eps on being crazy about some other man. Honesty is u ingredient in the makeup of man whc pays his j nst d t> befoie buying luxuries. A joke isi much of a joke unless it is punctuated by laughter of tii istener. His Maternal Grandma. A devoted father after a day's ab sence was met by his two little sons. "Have you been good boys?" Silence. "Have you been good boys?" "No, papa. I called grandma a bad word," said the five-year-old, turning scarlet Hs it possible? What did you call your grandma?' "I called her a human being." The father, with a mighty effort, maintained his gravity and closed the scene decorously. "I must forgive you for once, but remember if you ever call your grandmother a human being again I shall have to spank you."— London Telegraph. The Safe Spot. "So when you had 200 feet start to escape you ran instead directly up to the bear when your gun failed to work? I don't know whether you were a foolhardy hero or a rattled fool!" de clared the doctor a