The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, February 05, 1916, The Patriot, Image 2

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    Outfitters for the Entire Family M
■entario e' la | | ■■■ fili Dopo l'inventario e' la H
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questa Vendita di Due in Uno VOSTRO 1 j
L Abbiamo trovato dopo aver fatto l'inventario, che noi abbiamo troppa roba
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abbiamo tagliate i prezzi in questa vendita da destra a sinistra. Qui vi e 1
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Tool Set, consistine ofj —— ■
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According to an unofficial report
from Amsterdam, Turkey has admitted
that one of her submarines was re
sponsible for the sinking of the Persia
in the Mediterranean last month.
Should it prove to be correct, the
United States undoubtedly will send
to the Ottoman government one oi
the sharpest notes dispatched from
Washington to a foreign power since
the European war began. In the opin
ion of many persons it would be to all
intents and purposes an ultimatum,
demanding of Turkey under threat of
an immediate severance of diplomatic
relations, a prompt disavowal, pun
ishment of the commander responei-
ble, reparation and assurances for the
Through the good offices of the Unit
ed States the German, Austrian, Tur
kish and Bulgarian consuls in Sa
lonika, who have been held under ar
rest by the allies on board a French
warship in the harbor, are to be re
King Nicholas has fled from Mon
tenegro and has landed in Italy on hij
way to Lyons. The defense of the
country has been left entirely to
Prince Mirko, General Voukotitch, the
former premier, and General Mar
Austro-Hungarian troops have occu
pied the important town of Scutari, in
northern Albania, according to a
Stefani News agency dispatch from
Austrian occupation of Montenegrc
virtually was comp.leted with the
taking of the Adriatic coast towns of
Antlv&ri and Duloigno. In the in
terior, the disarming of Montenegrin
soldiers is proceeding, according to
advioes from Teutonic sources.
The compulsory service bill of the
ministry was presented in the British
house of lords after having passed its
third reading in the house of com
mons by a vote of 383 to 36.
French air squadrons made im
portant raids on Monastir and Giev
geli, according to a dispatch from Sa
lonika to ReuteFs Telegram company.
Taking advantage of the bright
moonlight, a hostile aeroplane swept
over the east coast of Kent. After
dropping nine incendiary bombs in
rapid succession the aeroplane disap
peared out over the North sea.
One man was killed and two men,
a woman and three children were in
A second attack, this time by two
hostile seaplanes, was made on the
Kent coast later. No casualties havs
been reported. The raiders escaped.
Heavy fighting occurred on Friday
and Saturday between the British
army that is attempting to reach Ku'
el-Am ara in Mesopotamia and the
Turks. The battle took place at Ess in.
seven miles from The
British were unable to drive the Turk
from their positions.
The Russians who originally fought
the Turks on a limited area in the
Caucasus have inflicted several crush
ing defeats upon the Turks since
Grand Duke Nicholas took the chi~f
command. They have transferred the
momentum of their offensive over the
Caucasian border into Armenia, wherft
they are now attacking Erzerum, an
important city in the Interior.
Russian columns operating in Persia
have occupied the town of Sultanabad,
150 miles southwest of Teheran and
about an equal distance northwest of
Ishpahan. The garrison and the Ger
man consul have fled to Bouroudjir.
fifty miles west of Sultanabad.
News reaching Rome is to the effect
that the Germans have concentrated
8,000 automobiles in Constantinople
which are destined for rapid trans
portation of a Turco-German expedi
tion to Bagdad.
Capture by the Germans of an allied
position 260 yards long to the north
of Arras was announced by the Ger
man war office.
The Austrians have occupied the
Adriatic seaports of Antlvari and Dul
The urgent necessity of speeding
up the supply of munitions has de
termined Great Britain to put into
force immediately plans for the dilu
tion of skilled labor with semi
skilled, unskilled and female workers
in all controlled establishments.
Every day brings to our door
•* something that is good to do and 7
*• that it never will come our way
•• •
.. to do again. If we are blind and ••
** do not see it and then insist that
** our days are featureless, whose
•• fault is it? Opportunity does its ••
.. part, and ws must likewise do I.
*" our part. 7
A Very Ofd Rule.
The oldest mathematic book In the
world is believed to be the "Papyrus
Rhind" in the British museum, pro
fessed to have been written by Ahmes,
a scribe of King Ra-a-us. about the
period between 2000 and 1700 B. C.
This "Papyrus Rhind'" was translated
by Eisenlohr of Leipzig, and it was
found to contain a rule for making a
square equal in area to a given circle.
It was not put forth as an original dis
covery, but as the transcript of a
treatise 500 years old; r still, which
sends us back to approximately 2500
B. C., when Egyptian mathematicians
solved, or thought they had solved, the
problem of squaring the circle.
The Great Eastern.
The dimensions of the one time world
famous Great Eastern were as fol
lows: Lepgth. 602 feet; width, 83 feet;
depth, 60 feet; tonnage, 24,000 tons;
draft when unloaded, 20 feet; when
loaded, 30 feet. She had paddle wheels
fifty-six feet in diameter and was also
provided with a four bbided screw pro
peller of twenty-four feet diameter.
She had accommodations for 800 first
class, 2,000 second class and 1,200 third
class passengers, 4,00<t In all. Her
speed was about eighteen miles an
hour. The Great Eastern was finally
broken up for old iron in the year
1889 after a checkered eareer of some
thirty-one years.
All Wrong.
The popular actor had become a sol
dier. In a hotly contested skirmish he
distinguished himself by his courage
®nd gallantry.
"Well, well." said he at the end of
the action, "what do you think of
that? Not a soul's applauding."—New
York Post
Head For Business.
"Has your boy Josh a head for busi
"Yep," replied Farmer Corntosseh
"He's always talkin' about makin'
money. I kind o' wish his hands was
as good fur work as his head is fur
bnatiM*"—Washington Star.
The Hungarian Crown.
The Hungarian crown worn at their
accession by the emperors of Austria
as kings of Hupgary is the identical
one made for Stephen and used at his
coronation over SOO years ago. The
whole is of pure gold, except the set
tings, and weighs almost exactly four
teen pounds. The settings above allud
ed to consist of fifty-three sapphires,
fifty rubies, one emerald and 338
pearls. It will be noticed that there are
no diamonds among these precious
adornments. This is accounted for by
the oft quoted story of Stephen's aver
6ion to sueh gems because he consid
ered them "unlucky."
A False Alarm.
"I know something, I do, about a
member of this family," said little
Bobby Slithers triumphantly to his old
er sister, Maud.
"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Miss Slithers.
"Half a dollar is all I have, Bobby.
Will you promise not to tell If I give
you that?"
"Sure, I will," answered Bobby in
surprise. "But it ain't nothin' on you.
sis. It was the cook and the {ceiuun."
—Birmingham Age-Herald.
Nothing New.
"I see," said Eilkins, "that a French
scientist has discovered a method tor
staving off old age."
"Well, what of It?" demanded Wil
klns. "There's nothing new in that. A
man can stare off old age by jumping
off the Eiffel tower, or dropping a
lighted match In a powder barrel while
sitting on It or by rocking the boat
when he's out in the water, or by rid
ing over Niagara falls sitting astride
of a log. Those French scientists make
me tired with their hullabaloo over
nothing."—Harper's Weekly.
Too Deep Fer Him.
▲ Britisher was announcing hi*
views on things in general and sum
med up his own position by the state
ment, "Well, I've seen life." "But,"
■aid his American friend, "one of your
own bright poets has said. 'Life's s
fake.'" The Britisher is still explorlnf
ike remark—New York Time*.
talis ill o H Cite Hi Know.
D. Have you read the Consti
tution of the United
R. Yes.
D. What form of Government
is this?
R. Republic.
D. What is the Constitution of
the United States?
R. It is the fundamental law of
this oountry.
D. Who makes the laws of the
United States?
R. The Congreea.
D. What does Congress consist
R. Senate and" House of Rep
D. Who is our State Senator?
R. Theo. M. Kurtz.
D. Who is the chief executive
of the United States?
R. President.
D. How long is the President
of the United States elected?
R. 4 years.
D. Who takes the place of the
President in case he dies?
R. The Vice President.
D. What is his name?
R. Thomas R. Marshall.
D. By whom is the President of
the United States elected?
R. By the electors.
D. By whom are the electors
elcted ? e
R. By the people.
D. Who makes the laws for the
stete of Pennsylvania.
R. The Legislature.
D. What does the Legislature
consist of?
R. Senate and Assembly.
D. Who is our Assemblyman?
R. Wilmer H. Wood.
D. How many State in the un- j
R. 48.
D. When was the Declaration
of Independence signed?
R. July 4, 1776.
D. By whom was it written?
R. Thomas Jefferson.
D. Which is the capital of the
United States?
R. Washington.
D. Which is the capital of the
state of Pennsylvania.
R. Harrisburg.
D. How many Senators has
each state in the United States
Charles Freeman Suffers Loss by Ruse
of Thieves.
While Charles Freeman of Mones
een, Pa., a wealthy theatrical man
with a chain of show houses in the
valley towns, was away from home
his house was pluncered under the
guise of a "movie house burglary."
In the absence of Freeman and his
family, when but one servant re
mained at the house, a big van was
driven up to the house and three men
alighted, one carrying with him a
movie cam ra. Presenting an order
purporting to be signed by Mr. Free
man to the servant, the pseudo movie
man began work. Everything of value
excepting the furniture and carpets
was taken.
Master In Divorce Case Named.
Judge Shafer of Pittsburgh appoint
ed John W. Thomas as master in the
divorce proceedings brought by Harry
K. Thaw against Evelyn Nesbit Thaw.
Mrs. Thaw has not contested the suit
and no appearance has been filed in
her behalf by counsel.
11916 FEBRUARY 1916
6 7 8,910T1t8
R. Two.
D. Who are our U. S. Senators?
R. Boise Penrose and George
T. Oliver.
D. By whom are they elected?
R. By the people.
D. For how long?
R. 6 years.
D. How many representative*
are there ? ..
R. 435. According to the pop
ulation one to every 211,000, (tlte
ratio fixed by Congreea after oath
decennial census.)
D. For how long are they elect
R. 2 years.
D. Who is our Congressman?
R. S. Taylor North.
D. How many electoral votes
has the state of Pennsylvania?
R. 38.
D. Who is the chief executive
of the state of Pennsylvania?
R. The Governor.
D. For how long is lie elected?
R. 4 y£ars.
D. Who is the Governor?
R. Brumbaugh.
D. Do you believe iu organized
government ?
R. Yes.
D. Are you opposed to organiz
ed government?
R. No.
D. Are you an anarchist ?
R. No.
D. What is an anarchist?
R. A person who does not be
ieve in organized government.
D. Are you a bigamist or poli
gamist ?
R. No.
D. What is a bigamist or poly
gam ist?
R. One who believes in having
more than one wife.
D. Do you belong to any secret
Society who teaches to disbelieve
in organised government?
R. No.
D. Have you ever violated any
lews of the United States?
R. No.
D. Who makes the ordinances
for the City ?
R. The board of Aldermen.
D. Do you intend to remain
permanently in the U. S. ? /
R. Yes.
light made to I
fit y&trr need. I
are made in many styles I
that sell at a wide vari
long service Tungsten I
and Mazda
teed to give the maxi- m
mum satisfaction. That's
why it pays to get a real