The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 25, 1915, The Patriot, Image 1

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    WE DO FINK |
Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year To all our Friends.
At the close of the year we web-on e ; pain the < pp< rtm ity to extend the Season Greatings and our Sincere Good Wishes. May Good Health, Good Cheer, Good
Fortune, Love, Peace, aim G d Will be with you ..t Cliii- ma-: ; ml may you realize your Rosiest Hopes and Highes Ambitions for Prosperity and Contentment
in the New Year. Patriot Pub>lish!ngr Company.
Operation of 400.000 Troops Being Direc
ted From Constant'nople
Western Front Active
ROME, Deo. 22. A Turoo German expedition aga
inst Egypt lias already been iuiziated, according to infoi
mation received by "Tribuna" trom neutral sources. Van
guard notions already have occurred. 1 lie operations ar<
being directed from Costantiuople.
The strength of the Egyptian expedition is estimated ai
400.000. Of these 300.000 are Turks and 100.000 Germans
New Division Engineer Appointed
Frederick A. Benz
Officials of the Buffalo,
ter & Pittsburg railway have just
announced the promotion of Fred
erick A. Benz, former assistant en
gineer, to the position of division
engineer, divisions 1, 2 and Erie
division with headquarters at Ro
chester, N. Y.
Sudden Death of J. C. Moorhead.
John Calvin Aloorhead. aged 71,
the last member of the family of
Alt xander Thompson Aroorhead,
one of the early settlers of this
county, died unexpectedly in his
home here Wednesday from pneu
monia. lie was a # lifelong resi
dent of the county. lie was one
of the original developers of the
coal mining industry in this coun
ty, a lifelong member of the Unit
ed ! resbyteriau church and an ar
dent Prohibitionist. He leaves a
>v , Airs. Alatilda J. Lintnei
Moorhead, and the following chil
dren: Airs. S. J. AlcAlains. Leech
burg. Pa.; Mrs. Herbert Smith
Johnstown, Pa.; J. Calvin Moor
head, Sunbury, Pa.; Edgar Aloor
head, West Newton, Pa.; David
Lintner, William 0., Charles A.
and AlisvS Mary Elizabeth Moor
head, of this place. Funeral ser
vices, were held Friday afternoon
at his residence on School street
and burial was made at Oakland
WANTED —( arpenters Will I
pay aceo ' ngr to merits. Inquire |
at this v b-e.
Large bands of Arabs are ex
pocted to join the invading force-
War materials already being
jent daily to Asia Minor. It ii
eludes numerous German heav)
It is reported that Turkish f on
es' already have crossed into Egvp
louth of El Arish. They have beei
engaged by British outposts.
Follow Caravan Route.
The invaders evidently propose
to follow the caravan route which
strikes the Suez canal near Isma
lia. The British have constructed
strong fortifications to bar this
mute. Most of the defenders are
News is being spread in Constas
linople of the successful work of
Turkish emissaries sent to Arabia
Peoria and A f rica to preach a holy
1 war against the enemies of Turkey
It is an open secret, however, that
the fate of many of these emissa
ries is unknown. Those sent to the
Sudan and Egypt were arrested.
Aged King Feter Safe
In Italy Exclaims, "My
Very Soul Is Crushed."
London, Dec. 22. —King Peter
cf Serbia has arrived in Italy and
will make his future home in a
royal villa at Caserta, about 20
miles from Naples.
As the aged Serbian monarch
was greeted by Princess Natal, of
\l-mtenegro he tragically exclaim
ed: "My heart is broken When
the Germans destroyed my coun
try they crushed my very soul."
V concentration camp has been
established in southern Italy foi
Serbian refugees who are arriving
there in great numbers from Mon
tenegro and Albania.
Strangles to Death
In Fit of Coughing.
Johsstown, Pa., Dec. 23.—Mrs
Charles Speigelh alter, wife of
Constable Charles Speigelhalter. of
Conemaugh, who would have cel
ebrated the twenty-fith auniver
sary of their marriage today,
strangled' to death in bed yeater
day morning.
She returned Tuesday from the
Johnstown hospital, where she had
been ill of typhoid fever. Tester
day morning she began coughing
She will be buried Christmas.
Su'scrib For Patriot
.'.V WS - . y.-v v.* 2 ... ■'P-
Presidens Wedded, Off on Honeymoon in Virginia Hotel
Washington, D. C., Dec. 20.
Mrs. Edith Boiling Gait and
.Yoodrow Wilson, President of the
• niied States, were married in thu-
I av ing room of Airs. Gait's resi
lence. No. I'OS Twentieth street,
t 8:30 Saturday evening.
Two houis later the President
ind his wife left the bride's
ome, entered a White House au
o, which was at the curb, and mo
Pittsburg, Dec. 23.—The Pitts
burg Bank for Savings, corner of
Fourth avenue and Smithficld
streets, one of the largest savings
banks in the city, failed to open
its doors at 9 o'clock Wednesday
morning. A notice on the door
said the bank had been closed by
order of the state banking depart
ment. G. 11. Getty has been ap
pointed temporary receiver There
was much excitement but no dis
Three Killed in a Collision. ..
Robert Milliron, aged 37 years,
a mill worker of Vandergrift, and
i brother-in-law of Ray Craig, lo
al Adams Express agent, and
■eorge Home, aged 50, a mill
v orker of Vandergrift, and an un
cle of Mrs. John McGregor of this
place, were instantly killed, toge
ther with Clifford MeConnell. ag
ed 27 years, of Vandergrift, a ne
phew of John MeConnell of Tndi
ana, when the jitney bus in which,
they were riding with W H.
George, of Vandergrift; Robert R.
Herbert Home and
Henry Graden, also of Vander
grift, was struck by a fast freight
on the Conemaugh division of the
Pennsylvania raflroad at a grade
crossing in Apollo early Sunday
-Jtnrns advertise in Th'
lo.ed across the Potomac to Alex
andria, Va., thus avoiding a big
ciowd waiting at the Lnion sta
Jon here. At Alexandria they en
Lered a private car on a train tha
left at 11 :40 for Hot Springs, Va
There Air. and Airs. Wilson wil
live Jit the Homestead Hotel until
after New Year's day unless some
development should necessitate
the President's earlier return to
[Mother Murders Her Child
Whi'e Temporarily Irsane.
Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 23. —Sit-
ting beside the mutilated body of
her 2-year-old-daughter, Katherine
Margaret, Mrs. Helen Leibfried.
2S years old, was found a raving
maniac at 9:30 o'clock this morn
ing in her home in Roxbury, a
suburty of this city. The child.had
been mutilated with a butcher
knife, the throat being cut aiuhthe
abdomen slashed. She had killed
the child while temporarily insane
Inventor Goes to Prison. \
Cleveland, 0.„ Dec. 23.—DM E
AY. Ritten, inventor of liquid fire,
who was arrested for passing
worthless checks and was believ
ed to be implicated in various
schemes with representatives '* of
foreign governments in this coun
ty was today given an indetermi
nate sentence in the Ohio peniten
tiary. He was convicted on the
charge of carrying concealed wea
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the In
diana office December 18, 1915:
Mrs. C. E. Boases, Mr. George
Buterbaugh, Simon De Far. D.
Dittman, Esq., Mrs. Tillie C. Die
kie. Col. W. I. Durbin. Mr. Robert
Ewing. Miss Myrtle Miller, Miss
Sara Pierce, Mr. Frank Steelton.
H. 11. Snyder. Miss Elsie Stineman
Miss Anna Thomas, Mr. Clayton
<. Worrel, E. K. Walker, E. Wag
When inquiring for letters in
this list rlease state that thev
were adveriised. giving date
T \\RRY W. FEE. P. M
J.e capital. Two of the White
louse automobiles have been sent
n ahead and the couple expect to
-.peiid their honeymoon motoring,
fifing and walking over the
nountain trails.
Beside the secret service guard
.he party was accompanied by one
stenographer. The President will
keeP in touch with the White
House over special wires.
Reynoldsville, Pa., Dec 21.
After saving her four little chil
dren from their burning home ear
ly yesterday, Mrs. Anna Adelson
perished in the flames w hen she
returned to rescue two sleeping
children of a neighbor. Her char
red body was found after the
I house had been destroyed
The children were rescued by
Hugh Haggerty, Central League
baseball player, who went into the
house in search of Mrs. Adelson.
Few districts escaped in the
general reorganization of the en
gineering work of the state high
way department at Harrisburg on
Monday. The changes are effec
tive January 1. Most interesting
lo tl:is section is the changing of
the first district, which formerly
comprised Center, Clearfield, Clin
ton and Indiana counties, to em
brace (enter, Clinton, Mifflin and
Huntingdon counties. Ileadquar
tors of this district will be ai
Bellefonte. W. D. Meyers remains
assistant engineer in charge of
that territory.
W. O. Bennett is the superin
tendent of Centre county and C.
U. Orndorf, draughtsman attach
ea to District No. 2 at Harrisburg.
has been made superintendent of
C linton county. D. A. McC'loskev
acting chief of construction in Dis
trict No. 11, has been made super
intendent of Huntingdon county,
taking the place of T. J. Strickler.
In District No. 4, with head
quarters at Franklin, H. W. Clay
baugh remains as assistant engi
neer in charge. Jefferson county 1
has been withdrawn from this dis-'
t iet and ha * added to a new.
iv-created district.
Judge S d. Telford passed sen
teiice Monday morning upon the
j.isoners who weie found guilty
at criminal court last week. Two
a 7 gi. meats for new trials were re
Mlvatore Bianehi. convicted of
adulteiy, was sentenced to pay the
costs of prosecution, a tine, and to
undergo imprisonment in the Alle
gheny county workhouse for six
Fiank Pellegrino of Ernest, con
victed of black mail, was sentenc
ed to one year in the workhouse
and also to pay a fine and costs of
John Sinclair, who was convict
ed of assault with intent to rape,
was allowed to go to his home on
ly to be arrested on a similar
charge, was given an indetermi
nate sentence to the Huntingdon
William Kriwas, of Ernest, who
was found guilty of murder in the
eeond degree of a fellow country
nan at Ernest, was sentenced to
pay the costs of prosecution, -t
, fine and to undergo imprisonment
.in the Western penitentiary for
rot more than five, nor less than
two years. His attorney made a
motion for a new trial, but the
evidence was so slight that it was
John Stewat, of near Dilltown,
convicted of assault with intent to
kill, with Ilenry Kinder, as prose
cutor, wa.s sentenced to not more
than two years or less than one
.year in the penitentiary, and was
given a fine and must also pa> the
costs of prosecution.
Walter Renz, convicted of as
sault with intent to rape, was not
in the court room when he was
railed for sentence and will likely
receive his sentence next Monday.
An application for a new trial for
Renz was refused.
The case of Dominick Madelina,
cf Ileilwood, charged with mur
der, was continued until the
March term of court.
1 I dam a r Mines Will Open Soon.
j Increased activity in the order
department and the increasing
cold weather is responsible for tho
report from reliable sources that
the mines at Idamar will resum
active work after the first of the
year. Three hundred miners will
i:e given steady work according to
the semi-official announcement.
The mines have been partially
closed for several months due to a
lack of orders and the rather
warm weather conditions.
Blairsville, Dec. 23 —Blairsville'a
first annual poultry show is over
and the association which backed
the exhibit made money. A show
rext year is already assured.
The show closed Friday of last
week and the last of the out-of
town birds were shipped away on-
Monday. There were more than
400 fowls on exhibition.
The farmers in the surrounding
country showed much interest in
the exhibit and it is likely that
they will be among the most ac
tive workers at the next show.
Fanciers from Johnstown, Altoo
na. Indiana and other places had*
chiekens here.