The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 11, 1915, The Patriot, Image 4

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Published Weekly By
Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue
Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA
Local Phone 250-Z
F. BIAMONTK, Editor and Manager
V. ACETI. Italian Editor.
Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914,
at the postoffice at Indiana. Pennsylvania, under the
Act of March 3, 1879.
ONE YEAR . . $l.OO | SIX MONTHS. . $5O
Toe dm oi Me Fore'gn 'angua je Papers
of America
Advertisements under this head li
H word each insertion.
FOR SALE]—Corner lot in Chevx
Chase, 65x150, for further informa
tion, apply at this office.
FOR SALE horses, 5 and
6 year old; weight about 3,000. In
quire at this office.
S'Jrago Amendment Is Intro
duced-Cloturs iidetracxsd
pr.DKißio FI::;T starts
Senator Hitchcock Would Put Em
bargo on Munition*—Lodge Warns
to Tighten Chinese Exclusion Law.
Senator Thomas Proposes National
Incorporation of Railroads—Senate
Adjourns Until Friday.
Washington, Dec. 8. —The senate,
after a briet session devoted ex.iU-
Sively to tne introduction of Dili.,, ad
journed till Friday.
ine liemocraiic steering committee
and the ttcpuoiman comm.itee will de-
V(.,e the time t.ll Friday in trying to
assign senators to committee vacan
'lhe president sent to the senate
several hundred nominations of per
sons now ho.ding recess appointments
and which will have to he confirmed
by the senate. Secretary Lausing's
nomination as secretary of state was
one of these.
More than 1,000 bills were intro
du ed, in the senate the first bill day
of the session. The record was male
: by Senator McLean of Con cut,
who introduced 150. The fir?t bii' o
be introduced and which will be No.
1 1B the measure to establish a deport •
ment of public health, by Senator
Owen. Thia bill han been No. J in the
last two congresses,.
Most of the .uiils introduced wcr n of
private ch-.racter.- Among measures
of public i-. teres* were:
Wants Dry Washington.
Senator Waeks' bill to requfn* the 1
registration of legislative Attorneys
and legislative agents. Senator' Shi
pyard's bill for a "dry Washington,"
which enacts that the national capital
shall be dry after Nor. 1, 1916. Hena
tor Thomftii' bill authorizing an ,sue
of $500,000,000 1 certificates df indebt
edness by the government to meet the
needs of national defense. Also a bill
for federal incorporation of railroads.
Senator Saulsbury submitted a meas
ure for civil government in Porto
Rico. A bill for agricultural entry A
coal lande in Alaska was reintroduced
by Senator Smoot, who also put in a
bill authorising the secretary of the
treasury to redeem bonds at his dis
cretion with the surplus funds in the
Suffrage Amendment Presented.
Proposed constitutional amend
ments for woman suffrage were intro
duced by Senators Thomas and Suth
erland. Senator Hitchcock offered a
measure to make it unlawful to export
munitions to be used against any coun
try with which the United States is at
The cloture resolution reported to
the Democratic conference by Senator
Owen was referred to the committee
on rules. Many other amendments to
the rules w®re pffered.
Senator L-~dgq reintroduced a bill to
dissolve the foundation for industrial
peace which Theodore Roosevelt, es- j
tablished with the proceeds of the j
Nobel prize awarded to him for the
part he playd in bringing about peaci
between Russia and Jaoan. The
foundation proved to be an impractical
scheme and Colonel Roosevelt finds
that he ccnnot recover the money'
from the trustees without legislation
from congress. He has announced
that if ever he gets possession of the
$40,000 once more he will devote it to
the cause of labor.
Would ""ighten Exclusion Law, i
Mr. Lodge reintroduced a bill
firing one cnt postage do circulating
libraries. ll© also reintroduced a
measure to strengthen Chinese exclu
sion laws.
The immigration bill of the last corv
gress was reintroduced by Senator
Dillingham. The bill for a uniform
bill of lading was revived by Senator
Pomerene of Ohio. Senator Weeks put
in a bill to correct the alleged Injus
tice of the construction put on the
Cummins amendment by the inter
stHe commerce commPtee requiring
pp"=engers to a d'"Dration of
vrlu" when they offer baggage for
! -
Ambassador to U. S. Receives Wei
come at tuenos Aires.
Buenos Aires. Dec. 8. —D.\ Romu'a
S. Naon, ambassador to the United
States, reached here from Washing
| ton. having come on a vacation.
The returning ambassador was
given a most cordial reception by the
authorities and diplomatic represent
atives and other prominent person
Large crowds of citizens, among
whom were thousands of students,
also gathered to greet Dr. Naon.
Staple Blue* and Blacks Corns From
Jamaica Product.
New York, Dec. B.—The action of
Great Britain in declaring an embargo
on logwood at the island of Jamaica
is going to hit American dye-tuffs and
cloth factories a harder blow than
anything since the blockading of Ge~-
msny. There is no as to the
severity of the English blow to Amer
j Van industries.
Kaaffy Arranged.
A mnn Took the following telegram
to a telegraph office: "Mrs Brown
Center Street: I announce with griet
the death of Uncle .lames Gome
quickly to read the will 1 l*lieve we
are hi* helm John Black "
The telegraph clerk, having counted
the words. sld. "There are two word*
t*> VIA nr. sir"
"Cm out •with grfe?.'" was (She re
Fly.— Cb4e*ge Neva
_ 4
Take® a Blj* of Teeke*
WMl© she attempted to take a drtnk
fYwiw what he thought was a g!a*s of
wafer while In the <Wk at her home Sn
Point townsh'p. Northumberland caun
ty. Pa.. Miss Alice Rhondes. eighteen
year* old. swallowed several hundred
tacks and pins. She was taken to the
tfanr 11. Packer bosoltaL ttunburv.
An Old Verb.
To lace Is an old verb. In Ram net
Rowlands' "Martin Markall." lfilO. we
are told that "loyterers lace In the
streeto. lurke in alehouses and range
in the hlghwales " The word occurs
I believe. In some of Mortimer Collins' i
But CupSd laxeth 'mongsj the faterj
Whose cler* complexion he oft
—London Notes and Quelle*
The delicious little fish called the an
ctaovy Is found in largo quantities In
the M ed 1 terranean sea and also on the
coasts of Spain. Portugal and France
where extensive fishing operations are
carried on during the months of May
June and July
A Far Cry.
Ella Miss Antique says she wishes
she could step to the phone and call
up her happy college days. Bella —lf
she did she'd have to employ the long
distance phone.- Florida Times-Union
Nothing hut the harmony of friend
ship soothes our sorrows. Without Its
sympathy there 1* no happiness on
The Meta Varda Cliff Dwelling# Are
Really Compie.e Towna.
Many visitors to tis pretiistorlc cliff
dwellings of the Mesa Verde National
park. In southwestern Colorado, says a
government publication, are astouisbed
to tiud that what Is commonly de
scribed as a dwelling Is not proieriy
a dwelling ut ail. but a vllluge or city.
The celebrated Cliff Palace Is uot a
palace. Neither Is Sprtne Tree House
a house, nor Balcony House a house
Each of these is a complete town
which once, in the dim ages t>efore the
earliest Indian tradition, was an or
ganized community, often of conslder
-1 able size.
The arrangement of houses In a clifT
dwelling of the siw of cliff Palace, for
example. Is characteristic aud lull
mutely associated with the distribution
of the social divislous of the lnbat>-
ttatits The |Mpu!atloti was cotii|Ksed
of a number of units. (KMslbly clans,
each of which had Its own social or
-auization more or less distinct from
others, a condition (hat appears In the
arrangement of rooms The rooms oc
cupied by a clan were not uecessarily
counts-ted. although geuerally neigh
boring rooms were distinguished from
on® another by their usea.
Bertholiet and Robespierre.
It Is wild that the celebrated snvant
Bertholiet In the most dangerous times
of the republic sustained his fearless
love of truth Some days [trior to the
ninth Thermldor H sandy deposit was
found in a barrel of brandy Intended
for the army. The contractors. s u *
pected of jtofsoning. were Immediately
arrested, and the scaffold was already
prepared Bertholiet. however, exam
lned the brandy and reported it free
from all adulteration.
"You dare maintain," said Robes
pierre to him, "that that brandy does
not contuln |H)lsoii?'*
As his reply Bertholiet drank off a
glass, saying. "I uever drauk ao much
"You have plenty of courage!*' ex
claimed Rol>espierre.
"1 had more when I signed my re
port." replied the chemist, aud hems
the mutter terminated.
Bevath Cantury Needlework.
Before the end of the seventh ceo
tury needlework WHS carried to great
perfection in convents, where it was
used for the establishment of the
church and the decoration of priest It
robes. Artists did not think It beneath
their dignity to trace the patterns used
for embroidery in their natural colors
A certain religious lady, wishing to
embroider a sacerdotal vestment, ask
ed no lew a personage than St. Dun
•tan. then a young man. but already
noted for his artistic skill and taste,
to draw the flowers and figures, which
•he afterward worked In gold thread.
"Do you know." suki the particularly
well groomed and elalwrately viva
clous lady In the full bloom of her sec
ond youth, "that I have the most won
derful gardener In the world—the leu i
derest hearted not only of gardeners. [
but of men? lie has always made tue
up a very special Isniquet uu my birth
day and presented it to me In person
But ever since I was thirty-well, he'a
only given me a birthday bouquet ev
ery third year" —New York Post
Heroes and Villains..
Men are not made heroes by the per
forma n<-e of an act of heroism, but
must be brave before they can perform
It; so they were not made villains l\
the commission of a crime, but were
villains t>efore they committed ft.—Rus
Is Thia So, Ladie*?
"They sny that a Martian year ha*
ver 000 days "
"Possibly It Is in Martian years that
our ladies give their agee." Boston
Sure Continuance of War Seee
In Briand Cabinet
Franc* Acclaims New Ministry Great
•st In Its History—lntursi War ta
the Bitter End —New Premier Will
Rule With Iron Hand —Colleague* In
clude Prominent Men of the Past.
Aristide Briand. who completed tb*
formation of Ills third French cabinet
which contains several former pre
miers. will rule with an Iron band
he lives up TO Ids reputation.
His ikditical record Is studded witb
masterly achievements.
lie pushed through the law which
separated church and state.
lie smashed the railroad strike, th#
greatest labor disturbance France eves
knew, without shedding s drop of
He placed M. Points re in the pre*!
dential chair.
Now he enters upon the titanic tush
of piloting France to victory with !!>•
assistance of the strongest cabinet of
the Third republic aud the support of
every party in France.
Every shade of republican thought
ie represented In the ministry. The
holy union, proclaimed by President
Poincare at the outbreak of the war,
la to lie renewed when the Clerical
leader, Denys Cochin, alts side by akin
with the Socialist leader, klan-el Bena
Gaiiiani Ha* Fine Record.
General Gulllenl la a grim disetplF
narlan who will take a strong grip on
the army. His greatest achievement
before the war was the pacification of
the rebellious colony of Madagascar,
in which task General Joffre sen od use
der him.
The war minister was made military
governor of Paris when the government
was moved To Bordeaux. General Gul
lieni's mission being to defend Pari®
to the laHt If the Germans heaicged
the capital. He Is a splendid organiser,
whose greatest feut In this war bee
been to preserve Paris from Zepiwllna
The first action of the new ministry
will be to modify radically the censor
ship, allowing greater liberty lu tb®
publication of war and diplomatic newt
and complete freedom to dlerww polit
ical questions. '
Universal opinion Is that the consti
tution of this strongest possible cabinet
la a plain warning to Germany (but
France intends to coutlnue the war to
the bitter end
First Real Coalition Cabinet.
This Is the first time in the history
of the French republic that there la
a coalition ministry of all the oppos
ing parties and factions. It follow®
closely on the recent innovation rf
forming a British coalition cabinet of
Conservatives uud Liberals.
The action in forming the cabinet
was the culmlnntlon of deep popular
sentiment that at the supreme crista
of the war party division should give
way to united action by all the parties
in common support of the government
As the cabinet of Vlvhmi was rep
resentative of only a few jk> 1 ill r-ai
groups, the ministers presented their
collective resignations, uud President
Poincare Immediately charged Aria
tide Briand with the formation of a
new organization, combining all ele
Fond Mother—lmprovise? Why, my
daughter can Improvise any piece ol
music put before her!— Judge. Non più' forfora
Vi e' solo-un rimedio per curare la
forfora, ed'e' quello li uccidere il
germe. Vi e' solo una preparazi. ne
per i capelli che uccide il germe ed e'
la "MLdredina Hair Remedy "
Questa nòn connine r-storatriòe
della cute capillare che ha un recqrd
di aver curato migliaia, fra crescere i
capelli su quella testa che vi è' vita,
enra la forfora, ferma la caduta dei
capelli e il prurito della pelle in tre
eettimane. E' il tonico piii' bello e
vigoroso, non si attacca, non e' gras
eoso ed e' copiosamente usato dalle
donne che desiderano conservare i
capelli lucidi, flessuosi t sodici.
Il costo e' di 50 c. e &1 la botti
glia c si vende da tutti i droghisti.
GRATIS, per mostrare comp la
Mildredina Hair Remedy cura, vi
manderemo, a richiesta un esemplare
gratis. Spedite alla "The Mildred
Louise Co., Boston M-ss. " il vostro
indirizzo e 10 soldi per le 3pese po
etali. La vostra forfora può' essere
intieramente cacciata ed i capelli ae
quistano una lucidità' brillaiAe, con
l'uso c'i questo preparativo di "Sham
poo" che e" superiore a tutti gli altri
che avete usati. Sciogliete un cuc
chiaino di Sagetone in un bicchier
d acqua tiepida, poi strofinatela fra i
capelli e questo basterà' a togliervi
ia forfora. Facendone uso ogni tanto
i vostri capelli diverranno lucidi • e
conserverete sempre la testa pulita
Si vende da Ildebrand,
Indiana, Pa.
; l.a micpio-fi fn'ic'lt' si ottiene rendtmdo felici le pero e care. Kon tutti p ss no fare dai rigali ch'osi come de i • rH>ehbr" r - p> Il
i! valore dell'* gget o c e rendi; il rega'o gradilo, binsl il gusto nella scel ?, il prnsier e la gemi izza con cui vii ne pronti-.
oii diami ura lista di oggetti gr d tassimi per Signori e Signorine, in ricorrenza del'e prossime feste Vaiaiz'e. LergHte alei-taiiinni- eri r t ' |
I Guanti : Camici da stanza 'Fazzoletti Valigette dà viaggio ! Appenda panni Vali.
! Guanti foderati in pelle Camice di seta Mutande 11 Spazzole per capelli Scatole di snoia per camice <\,?. t
Cravatte Panciotti di lusso Cinghie Scatole per colletti Bottoni per polsini Vestiti
Maglie / | Cappelli Camice ' Assortimento per manicure Spille per cravatte Cap, u.-.-i
Bretelle Berretti Giubbe per stanza Carte da giuoco Ganci per cravatte Ber. et imi pelo
| Il negozio che da molti anni e' il primo in Indiana per il grande assortimento ci regali.
i Recatevi subito a fare le vostre spese Natalizie. Noi conserviamo tutto quanto vi possa far D, ..**• ;.o
• """ MOORHEAD EROS. .. . v, PA .
Non fallisce mai e produce il risul
tato desiderato. Gli rinviva e rinvi
gorisce il bulbo capillare, rafforzando
tutta la pelle cutanea. Ci pervengo
no lettere di congratulazione da tutti
gli Stati, e ci dicano che la Mildredi
ra Hair Remedy, ha operato veri mi
racoli. Una donna da Chicago ci seri
ve: "Dopo avere usato il vostro ri
medio, la caduta dei miei capelli e'
cessata, ed ora posseggo una bella
capigliatura f- Ita e lunga.,,
Un'altra scrive: "Dopo avere usa
to due lKjttiglie di Mildredina, i miei
capelli sono cresciuti lunghi e folti,
ed e' sparito pure il bruciore della
pelle. Questo e' quello che ci scrive
la signora T. A. Falardeau, di Jef
ferson City, Mo. Ordini per posta,
di Mildred, Louise Co., Boston Mas 4.
Il Medol di
Nannie B. Pow lered
e'il poi' e fettiv > per rimuoverei
capelli superflui. Prendete un pac
co di questa polvere, buttate una
quantità' nell'acqua mischiando. Do
po applicata il tutto sui capelli stro
finate, e dopo due o tre minuti avre
te l'effetto desiderato.
Questo e' un metodo rapido, non
nocivo e non occorre ripeterlo.
S ate sicuri che comprami > il Me
dol, otterret i il vostro scopo,
Indiana. Fa.