The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 04, 1915, The Patriot, Image 4

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Published Weekly By
Oilice: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue
Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA
Local Phont 250-Z
P. BIAMONTE, riditor aud Manager
V. ACETI, Italian Editor.
Entered as secoml-cla*s matter September 20, 1014,
at the postollice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the
% Act of March 3, 1870.
ONE YEAR . . $l.OO | SIX MONTHS. . 7 r 0
Tne Aim a: tne foreign ; a iguaje Papers
oi America
It Was a Cosmopolitan Crowd That
FlockeJ to Hie Shrine.
Dumas jjsr like some bionze of a
Buddhist temple, while his guests
stool or moved about, conversing with
him or among themselves, writes Fran
cis Griersou in the Century, describing
an eveuhig xvith tlie great novelist. A
famous comedian from the Gymnase
exchanged jokes xvith a tragedian from
the Theatre FrancaLs, a witty journal
ist xvas conversing xvith a gifted singer
from tlie Theatre Lytic, an artist xvith
floxving hair and a huge piiue nez wa:i
begging a professional beauty to give
him a series of sittings for her por
trait. ti novelist on the qui vive for
copy seemed to see. hear and appropri
ate everything and everybody all at
A young poetess and an aged drama
list xvere discussing the latest plays. A
Russian countess, tall, slender, insinu
ating. clad all in black, made me think
•of a character I had seen in a fantastic
pantomime. She glided about mysteri
ously and. stopping at Dumas' chair,
placed her long, thin hand on his shoul
der for some moments, like a ghostly
visitor with a fatal message, and then
glided away. Austrians, Italians. Ger
mans. mingled their accent with the
accent of the true Parisian. But Du
mas xvas more than a Parisian; he was
a cosmopolitan at a time when there
were no cosmopolitan Frenchmen, and
he gave me the impression of a man
who had seen life in every aspect.
He might as well have said In so
many words: "My mind is made up.
Do not give yourself the trouble to tell
me what is going on in England or
America or in the country of the Grand
Turk or among the nabobs of India. 1
know as much as they know. You see
me sitting here contented enough as
things are. All these charming women
of talent are my friends" (as a matter
of fact, there was not an old xvornan in
the roonii. "A man is not the author
of books like 'Monte Cristo' without
some recompense."
No one would have taken him for a
| celebrated author. He had the air of a
man who had done nothing all his life
but invent, taste and prepare luxurious
dishes at a restaurant patronized by
wealrhv gourmets.
Data Will Be Usd In Efforts to Ex
tend Country's Foreign Trade.
Instructions to American consular
and commercial representatives in for
eign countries calling for exuaustlve
reports on industrial organization and
the relations between industry and j
government have been transmitted by
the bureau of foreign and domestic
The reports will form the basis for
a thorough investigation of industrial
and business systems throughout the
world undertaken by the federal trade
commission, xvith which the bureau is
co-oi>e rating. The trade commission
also plans to conduct a supplementary
worluxvlde inquiry through squads of
special investigators.
Commercial attaches in foreign capi
tals. as well as the consular ollicers of
the state department, have been in
strutted to cover in their reports busi
ness organizations, manufacturing and
producing efficiency, merchandising
methods, business aud industrial laws,
and particularly the relation between
business organizations and govern
mental authority. Instructions were
prepared sei>arately for each of the
various countries.
Special Instructions have been issued
calling for reports on the so called
"cartel" system of business organiza
tion, as developed in Germany, under
which great combinations of capital
-are fostered.
The reports also will be available for
use by the bureau and the commission
hi their efforts to extend the foreign
trade of the United States. The com
mission already has held numerous
hearings In this country on this sub
j Skyrocketing cf "War Erides" Excites
Wall Street of Nippon.
Tokio, Dec. 1. —The wildest sky
rocketing in Japanese history of war
stocks forced a temporary su pension
of the stock exchange. As a resu't of
frantic bull trading some representa
tive stocks have risen SSCO per sha ?.
The boom is a general remit of ths
enormous rales of arms, munitions and
supplies to Rus'-ia since the war b?-
gan. tut received tremendous impetus
from the Russo-A.siatic bank's recent
advertisement of a lean to take care
of the czar's purchases.
John Megino Tried to Murder Spouse
at Christening, Alleged.
Latrobe, Pa., Dec. 1. —Her throat
slashed almost from ear to ear and
her nose completely bitten off, Mrs.
Mary Megino, aged twenty-five, is in a
critical condition at the Latrobe hos
pital as the result of an alleged attack
by her husband, John Megino, at a
christening here. Megino escaped and
state troopers are searching for him
"Do you know." said the particularly
well groomed and elaborately viva
clous lady in the full bloom of her sec
ond youih. "that 1 have the most won
derful gardener In ibe world—the ten
derest hearted not only of gardeners,
but of men? lie has always made me
up a very special bouquet on my birth
day and presented it to me in persou.
But ever since I was thirty-well, be'®
only given me a birthday bouquet ev
ery third year "-New York Post.
Heroes and Villains.
Meu are not made heroes by the per
forniance of an act of heroism, hot
must be brave before they can perform
It; so they were not made villains l\x
the commission of a crime, but were
villains t>efore they committed It.—Bus
Is This So, Ladies?
"They sat that a Martian year ha*
>ver •;<>< days "
"Possibly it Is In Martian years that
our Indies .give their ages."—Boston
Th# Exception.
"If at first you don't succeed, try
try again."
"That's good theory, but it Isn't al
ways wise practice."
"Why not?"
"I once tried to paper a room myself
I didn't succeed, but I assure you that
my experience taught me never to trx
It again."—Detroit Free Press.
Berthollot and Robospisrro.
It is said thut the celebrated savant
Rerthollet in the most dangerous time*
of the republic sustained his fearless
love of truth. Some days prior to tin '
ninth Tliertuidor a sandy deposit w>o :
found In a barrel of brandy intended
for the army. The contractors, su.-
peeted of poisoning, were immediately s
arrested, and the scaffold was already
prepared. Berthollet. however, exam !
ilied the brandy and reported it free
I l orn all adulteration.
"You dare maintain." said Itol>es
Pierre to him. "that that brandy doe>
uot contain poison?"
As his leply Berthollet drank off a
glass, saying. "1 uever drunk so much
"You have plenty of courage!" ex
claimed Robespierre.
"I had more when I signed my re .
port." replied the chemist, and tier*
the matter terminated.
Seventh Century Needlework.
Before the end of the seventh cen
fury ueedlework was carried lu great
lorfectiou in convents, where it xva>
used for the establishment of the
church and the decoration of priestl> j
robes. Artists did nm think it beneath
their dignity to trace the [tatterus used
for embroidery in their natural colors
A certain religious lady, wishing ro
embroider n sacerdotal vestment, ask- i
ed uo less a jtersonage than St. Dun
stan. then a young man. hut already
noted for his artistic skill and taste,
to draw the flowers and figures, which
she afterward worked in gold thread
j Cc!d Happenings
| In the Day's News j
Rattl!es!# ke killed at Morristown. N
J., had full grown rat inside.
Free lunches must be pure in Pater
son. N. J.. hereafter or saloon ownei
may go to jail.
Two pet cats chloroformed and bur
ied in same coflin wit'a Thousand Is
lands hotel proprietor.
A boy umpire who called home run
hit a foul was slabbed in the back in
Long Island City, New York.
Desiring to chew it In his old age
Missouri man has refused $lO for sin
gle twist of "homespun" tobacco eighty
four years old.
Blnn who will be twentv-one years
old Nov. 3 may vote on Nov. 2. elect ion
day. attorney general decides on ground
that man is of age day before his tweu
ty-tirst birthday.
House being lifted over treetop? on
giant scaffold at Loretto. Pa., where
Charles M. Schwab ordered old man
alou ifevcd intact over big pines to
nwlce way for his new home.
An Old Vsrb.
To laze Is an old verb In Ramrie
Rowlands' "Martin Markall." 1fIO. we
are told that "loyterers laze in tin
xfreete. lurke In alehouses and range
In the hlghwaies" The word occurs
I believe. In some of Mortimer Collins
Qui Cupid tazeth 'monfiit ttv faler\
Whose clere complexion he oft sweareth
—London Notes and Queries
The delicious little fish called the an
•how is fniiiid in lirrce quantities h
the Mediterranean sea and also on the
•oasts of Spain. Portugal and France
where extensive fishing operation* n
-•nrried on during the mouths of Max
tune und July
A Fsr Cry.
Ella-Bliss Antique says she wishes
-he could to the phone and call
•ip her happy college days Helta —lf
she did she'd have to employ the lone
llsts'tice phone. - Florida Titties-Union
Nothing but tne harmony of friend
hip si H >tlies our sorrows. Without HP
sympathy there la no happiness on
earth. —Momrt
Animal Etiquatts.
No on® who is at all observant of
the ways of animals can have failed
to notice how gentle large dogs, like
the St Bernard und the Great Dane,
are to their smaller canine fellows. It
Is rare that a big dog turns upon one
of the little fellows, no matter how
aggravating and snappy the latter may
be. Instead, he invariably treats the
small dog's antics with unruffled and
dignified tolerance. For there Is a
recognized code of etiquette among
animals. If you please, quite as much
as there Is among human beings. In
truth, there are not a few respects In
which the animals can give points on
politeness and good behavior to man
Takes a Sip of Tacks.
While she attempted to take a drtnt
from what he thought was a glass o*
water while in the at her home b
Point towTih'p. Northumberland ceur
ty. Pa.. Miss Alice Rlio-tdes. elghtee*
years old. swallowed several hnndre-'
tacks and pins She was taken to ttu
Marr M. Packer hosDitai. Sunbuiy.
Easily Arranged.
A man took the following telegram
to a telegraph office: "Mrs Brown
Center Street: I announce with grief
the death of Uncle James Come
quickly to rend the will. I t>ellere tri
are his heirs John Black "
The telegranh clerk, having countni
the wnls. said. "There are two words
too avoir. sir"
"CUT • AIT 'WITH grief,'" was tfca re
ply.— -Chicago New®.
A our* Pro or.
Th® new family who htv® Jnr
moved in have something; in their live
they want to hide."
"M hy do you think ®o?"
"Because their hired girt Is deaf an<
4umb."—Baltimore American.
Th® Mssa Verde Cliff Dwellings Art
Really Complete Town®.
Many visitors to tl#* prehistoric ell
dwellings of the Mesa Verde Nation;
park, in southwestern Colorado, say
government publication, are ustoulsbt
to tiud that what is commonly ti.
scribed as u dwelling is not proper,
a dwelling at all. but a village or i*lty
The celebrated Cliff Palace is uot ;
palace. Neither is Spruce Tree Hons,
a house, nor Balcouy House a hoiisi
Each of these is a complete towi
which imce. in the dim ages before th
earliest Indian traditiou. was au 01
guuized community, often of cousidei
able size.
The arrangement of bonnes In a clif
dwelling of the star of Cliff Palace, fo
example. Is characteristic and iuti
mateiy associated with the dUtributlot
of the social division* of the tubal'
Hants. The population was com|HJse<i
of a number of uuitw. possibly clans
each of which had Its owu social or
gaulzation more or less distinct from
others, a condition that appears lu the
arrangement of rooms. The rooms oc
cupied by a elan were not necessarily
connected, although generally neigh
boring rooms were distinguished from
•oa another by their uses.
Babies In Bamoa.
Samoan babies can give points to
Europeans apparently. According to
A. 8. Middleton In "Sailor and Beach
comber." they are much prettier and
very Intelligent. Moreover:
They can swim at three months ofl;
talk, run and sing at a X ear old. HIM! if
a Samoan bad a child thai sucked a
dummy (presumably a com fort en at
six years old and wailed driveling
along in its pram at an advanced age,
as the children of the wealthy class of
England do. they would look U|MID it
as a great curio and smother It for
shame on the first starless uigbL
John Bull.
The nickname John Bull is said to
have appeared first in u satire by Dr.
John Arburhnot culled "Laxv Is a But
tomiess Pit: or. tlie History of John
Bull." published in 1721. Washingtoi
Irving mention* the typical figure as a
"sturdy, corpuleut. old fellow with a
red waistcoat, leather breeches and
short, oaken cudgel. Many Nnfioleonle
caricatures show John Bull represent
ed tn this way.
lira. Gnaggs- Before we were mar
ried you used to say yon coukl listen to
■ay sweet voice all night. Mr. Gnagga
Wei!, at that time I hud no idea I'd
ever have to do R.—Judge.
Not a Bout Winner.
TVamp— Once I was well known a® a
wrestler, mum. And do yo®
wrestle now? Tramp- Only wP* purr
•rty. mum —New Orleans
yuna. ! x nAli Z£t h.N'.U Ih A li! Li
Il rimedio per i capelli e' la M'l
iredina. Stimola il cranio elo tien*
'ienico. E' il più forte rigeniratoiv
he si conosca. E' un medicinale pu
o, sia per i capelli che per il cranio.
Una piccola bottiglia di Mildredi
a mette vita nei vostri capelli, ciò
he non fanno 12 bottiglie di qual
iasi altro tonico fin ora conosciuto.
tSi conosce il risultato fin dal pri
llo giorno esi vende presso tutte le
Ungherie del mondo a $1 la botti
dia. 11 tonico "Mildredina,, e' il più
-iciiro per distruggere i microbi
quali sono nocivi a tutti con una
nedia del 98 per cento. Questi per
niciosi, persistenti e distruttivi iuset
;i, spariscono completamente dopi
in ordinario lavaggio di questo to
ni ;o. Mandiamo un campione dietro
l'invio di 10 soldi in frane >bolli,[che
rappresentano semplicemente le spe
se po itali. Scrive subito alla ditta
Mildre l Luise Co , Boston Mass.
Dalle novità' dulia Bellezza
La Signorina L. S. T. scrive: Il
"Rosetone,, e' meraviglioso per il
poitentoso effetto. Strofinate questa
crema sulla faccia liberamente e fate
che si asciughi. Questo massaggio ri
petitelo pure ia sera ene vedrete il
grande effetto. Tutti i draghisti vi
cadono u ioti-sa li "R J > ia.,,
T. K. Hddeoraud
lu liana, Pa
MALt 01 SlUHii;u
Rapidamente curato
Molte persone soffrano il . male di
stomaco da anni, ed immaginano che
dovranno sopportarlo per anni an
ni con la conseguente aggravante di
altre malattie. Costoro mangiono e
bevono oltre misura forzando lo sto
maco alla digestione.
Ma lo stomaco ha bisogno di un
estro aiuto per altrettanto lavoro.
Se questa gente usasse la TONO
LINE 1 AB LETS regolarmente, sa
rebbe loro di grande aiuto allo stoma
co. Non importerebbe cosa mangias
sero e bevossero, le pillole Tonoline
addolciscono lo stomaco irritato e
fermano le produzioni di gas in 5 mi
nuti. Quando il peso sparisce, signi
fica che lo stomaco e' stato molto a
iutato nella digestione.
Le pillole Tonoline
Non solamente sollevauo il soffe
rente, ma sono regolarmente prese,
curano assolutamente l'indigestione e
ricostituiscono lo stomaco abbastanza
forte per poter digerire un buon pa
John M. Daugherty
Drng Store
Indiana, Pa.
i vosri "O TTp I_l TP T~D I T f D{ \ negozio ili otti- 1
oigdtida X 3 U UXl.'.xUll ± -J—)XuV_V O. ma lorniturd i
ISouo i pimi venditori di Fornitura in Indiani. In ocnsioie del Natale hanno oa' pubblico un I rgo I
a-snriimento di gmocatt li, come U iva li idi leiom. t eni con ina cu nulo natiee razzine, bin mio ecc.
Como, htt, orologi da sdutto, senio, sma', tivo ini per limeria o jau.sjeec.i. r trot.i e tjuti altri ait.coliche
e' superiino me zicr.are. Koi vendiamo lutto garantita ed a prezz; molto nd iti
Venite a vedere la nostra grande mostra unica in Indiana
Se no i cornpr U nella grande occasione della ricorre.izi del natala, ve lite n i noi in tu ti i tempi perche' 9
coiiserria i,o lodo per quando viuiiopa. ,Noa dimenticate imi rc rvi per le vostre c impure da
Indiana, Pennsylvania. j
C 'erti uomi-
ni non leg
gono questo
avviso; altri
lo leggono e
non credono;
altri lo cre
dono e ques
ti ultimi san
no la reputa
zione che go
dono gli in
Kirsohbaum Clothes
da sls, $lB, S2O e $25.
j >ono M insperabile f gura. cucito secondo l'ultima mala
e rima; MIMO sempre nuovi dopo essersene serviti
i perclie' soiio tatti oi
[(. 1.0 Materiale assolutamente pura lana
2.0 Processo chimico depurativo londinesi
3.0 Cuciti a mano con vera attenzione
4.0 Cuciti in seti nelle parti meno forti.
, Altri buoni vestiti da $7 a sls.
Paletot a prezzi bassi, Mailin, Cajpdi e tnjtiile; Camicie,
tua t, Cravatte et altri iti
! Indiana, Pa
7 •