f!f Oflt the PATRIOT Published Weekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building. INDIANA, PENNA Local Phone 250-Z F. BIAMONTE, Editor and Manager V. ACETI, Italian Editor. Entered as second-class matter September 20, 1914, at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $l.OO | SIX MONTHS. . . $.50 The Aim of the Foreign Languaie Papers of America TO HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONSOF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OP CIVIC DUTY; IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. Raindrops. Drops of n*.in vary in rhelr size per haps from a twenty-fifth to a quarter of an inch in diameter In parting from the clouds they precipitate their descent till the Increasing resistant* opposed by the air becomes equal to their weight, when tbey continue to fall with uniform velocity. This ve kx*ity is therefore in a certain ratio to the diameter of the drops: hence thunder and other showers in which the drops are large pour down faster than a drizzling rain. A drop of the twenty-fifth part of an inch in failing through the air would, when it bad ar rived at its uniform velocity, acqnire a celerity of only eleven and a half feet per second, while one of a quarter of n Inch would have a velocity of thir ty-three and a half feet. In Half Mourning. "1 don't understand you. Linda. One day you're bright and jolly and the next depressed and sad." "Well, I'm In half mourning; that's why."—Fliegende Blatter. Kin and King. Kings in the earliest days were mere ly the "fathers of families," and the word is derived from the same source as "kin." Every man will get his rights when every man does his duties and not be fore. How to Teil if It is Silver. To distinguish silver from white metal the Jeweler and Metalworker gives the following directions: Rub on a piece of slate, wet the streak with dilute nitric acid, by which it is dis solved, and then a drop or two of hydrochloric acid from the end of a glass rod, when a curdy white precip itate is formed which does not disap pear on the addition of a small or large quantity of water, being, in fact. Indissoluble in this, while most other metals will not be thus affected. Fulfilled. Mrs. Gnaggs—Before we were mar ried you used to Ray you could listen to my sweet voice all night. Mr. Gnaggs —Wei!, at that time 1 had no idea I'd ever have to do it.—Judge. Not a Bout Winner. Tramp-Once I was well known as a wrestler, mum. Lady-And do you wrestle now? Tramp-Only wiiia announcing hi views on things In general and sum cued up his own position by the '•tare uient. "Well I've seen fife.'* "But"' aaid his merle:'.n friend, "ore of your own bright* t •'(>'< has' sahl 'Life's r. The IV:id or is strll e.tplorh ? •* - \px folk Times. J The Eye of the Army J Oh, I clamber up high to the vault of the sky, Far above all the muck of the trenches; above the quick ire of the maxin gunfire, Far above all the reelc and th* stenches. There's a puff from below in the lines of the foe, Where a gunner is seeking to harm me, But I drop and I rise from his bombs In the skies And I still am the eye of the army! For it's my job to learn every sally and turn Of the enemy right when they make It. I'm a sentry whose care is a post high In air. And it isn't for me to forsake it. So I duck and I dip and I dodge and I skip From the aeroplane shells that would mar me. While the gunner with zest does his Sun day school best To put out tlte eye of the army. Now, there isn't much cnance for the an cient romance In tli ese days of mechanical slaughter. When we shed human blood In a horrible F.ood On the fac ■ cf tie land and the water. But I am not bound by the soldiers' dull round, for In war's mighty drama they star me, And it's still a great game full of glory and fame— To the venturesome eye of the army! —Berton Braley in New York Times. Clever Scheme. "Blink's wife seems to be quite a mt> slcian." "Yes, she is a fine pianist." "How does she keep in practice when she is away from home?" "She carries a large inuff." "What for?" "Just to keep her hand in!"— Pea** •on's Weekly. A Risky Study. ""Why have you dropped your popu lar astronomy?" asked the visitor. " 'Cause I got too many lickings," confided Tommy. "The other night I told pa that Mars' face was ever chang ing, and ma heard me and thought I meant her face. Next thing I didn't get any supper and got a licking be sides."—Chicago News. An Old Verb. To laze is an old verb. In Samuel Rowlands' "Martin Markali.** 1010. we are told that "loyterer* laze In the streete. lurke in alehouses and range in the higbwaies" The word occurs. I believe, in some of Mortimer Collins" lyrics: But Cupid tazeth 'mor.gst the faiery lapses. Whose elere complexion he oft sweareth passes. London Notes and Queries Anchovies.' The delicious little fish called the an ; cbovy is found in large quantities in 1 the Mediterranean sea and also ou the I coasts of Spain. Portugal and France. where extensive fishing operations are ! carried on during the months of May. Tune and July A Far Cry. Ella—Miss Antique says she wishes *he could step to the phone and call up her happy college days. Bella—lf happiness on Il - ViCHU Thft Human Fac*. Rosa Bonheur, the great painter of animals, bad a system of mnemonics which was exceedingly quaint. She could trace in the fares of those peo ple who visited her a resemblance to some sort of animal. For instance, if some one reminded her of a certain lady she wonlcb probably hesitate for a moment and then sfty, "Oh, yes. the lady with the camel face!" or. "Oh. I remember— she had a cow fv e!.*V *l*lvs i memory sj\-ry:u jras not' lia;f-i ing io } her Crioßds. bur v shoved Itb v satu rated she was with a kr. jwieJfp of an imals and their characteristics. On ev ery human f ice she found a lik( aess to ' Bome nnima §be.ji4d studied Lnd de lineated. Where Was Wa es? Speneei Leigh Hughes. M. I'., t* lis of the following amusing ♦xpTien*e: He was once passing the war off e building in Whitehall when his mm panion. a Scotchman, pointing to the emblematic devices engraved over the door, indicated the Scotch thistle, the English lion and the Irish harp "Where Is the emblem of Wales?" ask ed his friend "Oh." Mr. Hughes re plied. "I expect there is a leak c the roof."— l.ondcu Express , El Paso Guarded. El Paso, Tex., Nov. '• —Eight three -1 Inch cannon glistened as the sun rose this raornPg on the hill overlooking El Pa o. The guns were planted be -1 side the w .ter works reservoir and cormandm* the railroad approach's to EI Pas j. Villa troops on patrol duty across the Rio Grande could Ve seen gazing at the big guns pointing : >o their direction. BRITISH TO MAKE STEEL ; x rices cf American Product Give Impetus to Home Industry. , Paris, Nov. - " our correspondent ; '-earns from a- unit: .w.chabl ..cure :hat American sales in *teci t-ars <, Prance arrd England have sx-en **o seriously menaced by :he excessive*- prices demanded that four-fifths I the market probably has been lo^t. At the recent conference between \lbert Thomas, the French minister of munition:;, and Lloyd-George, tko minister o. munitions for Great B~'i air. which was attended by the chief French ar.d Engli. t: h steel manu facturers, arrangements were conclud ed by which British mills will be ab!o net only to supply all the require ments of Great Britain, fcu' furnish more than half of France':- nc-d. - MiLL HI SiiiAkGU Rapidamente curato Molte persone soffrano il male di tomaeo da anni, ed immaginano che lovranno sopportarlo per anni an i con la conseguente aggravante d ltre malattie. Costoro mangiono t j .evono oltre misura forzando lo sto j uaco alla digestione, j Ma lo stomaco ha bisogno di ui ; stro aiuto per altrettanto lavoro. Se questa gente usasse la TONO i iiNE IABLETS regolarmente, sa ebbe loro di grande aiuto allo stoma j :o. Non importerebbe cosa mangiate ! WINE k WINE ì I migliori Sarti da uomo in Indiana Vestiti da $25 in sopra Precisione Ai Cantone delia Citizen Bank Bldg Moda *. d ì Dì•, 'J ì lei fi '} ■ : • ìcCÌj li ! •. I t V I Indiana, Penna. • ! : i 1