The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, November 13, 1915, The Patriot, Image 4

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According to the late reports Roumania has closed the DUD übe to
Russian ships carrying supplies and ammunition to the Serbs and several
Russian men of-war, which had fied into the harbor of Gruia, had been
•disarmed, and the crews numbering 860, bad been interned.
This action is believed to mean simply that Roumania is insisting on a
strict neutrality pending the government's final decision on the war issue.
It is practically certain that the king favors the allies.
H'hat the Atlantic Refining Company Means to Me.
"Most people do not realize the indespensible service
which many of our great Pennsylvania industries are ren
dering every day," said a farmer from the Western part of
the state recently. "Let me try to show you what the
Atlantic Refining Company means to me and how much
better I can live because of the progress this company has
made in the manufacture of petroleum products. We
haven't any gas out our way and I would not use it if we
had. Ido all my reading by a Rayo Lamp filled with
Atlantic Rayo Lamp Oil, and in the summer my wife does
all her cooking on an oil cookstove, in which I use the oil
of the Atlantic Refining Company and in the winter 1 use
Rayo Oil in my oil heater to keep my rooms warm."
"Out in the barn is where 1 appreciate the real worth
of the Atlantic Refining Company. I have a little car
which I use for business trips to town and I keep that
going with Atlantic Gasoline and Polarine. My wagons
are all greased with Nica Axle Grease and I make the har
ness last by regular applications of Eureka Harness Oil.
When harvesting season comes, I get the most out of the
harvesting machines when I lubricate them with Ruddy or
Prarie Harvester Oil. My cream separator is always in the
best of condition and I attribute that fact to the constant
use of Standard Hand Separator Oil. "
"I think you can see from this what the Atlantic
Refining Company has done for me. I could mention
candles, ironing wax, cheese coating and any number of
tilings which this company makes for me but I think I've
said enouglit to prove that as far as 1 am concerned there
is at least one of our big industries which is absolutely
This statement is a rather remarkable one when we consider that the
petroleum industry began less than 60 years ago. That one company,
which began in comparatively humble circumstances in 1565, is able to
•supply so many of our needs, is a remarkable tribute to the foresight and
industry of those early Pernsylranians. The Atlantic Refining Company
is only one of our great industries but it certainly must be classed as one I
of our most important.
rr. ■ i
I . ay- S
T.betEn Pt'.ai Cede.
The Tibetan penal code is curious.
Murdei punished with a fine vary
ing according to the importance of the
slain, theft by a fine of seven to one
hundred times the vaiue of the article
stolen. Here, again, the fine (lei>ends
un the social importance of the [>erson
from whom the theft has been commit
ted. The liarborer of a thief is looked
uixm as a worse criminal than the
thief himsoif. Ordeals by tire and by
boiling water are still used as proofs
of innocence or guilt, exactly as was
the custom in Europe in the middle
ages And if the iainas never inflict
death they r e adepts at torture.
Solomon was the wisest as well as
the most married of men—think that
over.—Florida Times-Union.
Too Deep Fer Him.
A Britisher was announcing his
views on things in generai and sum
med up his own position by the state
ment, "Well. I've seen life." "But."
•aid his American friend, "one of your
own bright poets has said. 'Life's a
**.'" The Britisher is still exploring
Mr* mmark -\>w Voik Times.
The Rip Van Winkle Kind.
Salesman—Why not try one of our
Kip Van Winkle rugs, madam? Pros
peetive Purchase^. — What Kind are
they? Salesman —They have an un
usually long nap.—lndianapolis Star.
Aye, There's the Rub.
If we had to turn our own grind
stones we wouldn't have so many axes
to grind.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Trap For Quotation Experts.
if any one wants a catch question to
spring on a gathering of self confessed
literary sharps let him ask whence
comes the quotation, "One touch of
nature makes the whole world kin."
This is one of the six best sellers in
the world of quotations, yet not one
person in a hundred knows where it
comes from. It is comparatively easy
to guess the author, but almost ir ipos
sible to find a person, who cau name
the work.
One could build any number of par
lor games around "One touch of nature
makes the whole world kin." Try it. -
Spokane Spokesman-Review.
A Lost Mine.
Among the famous lost mines of the
western world and one which is again
being sought is the Tisingall of Costa
Rica. It is said to have yielded great
quantities of gold in the time of the
Spanish domination. After quelling
the Indian uprisings, however, the
Spaniards failed to relocate the mine.
It is thought that it lies hidden in the
bed of one of the larger streams.
Many legends are heard dealing with
its wonderful richness, and many at
tempts have been made to find it, but
so far without avaiL—Argonaut.
The Wise Man.
Fa/i&er Stack —You say you went
through an agricultural college? Then
you must know all about nitrates?
Stranger—Sure thing! Where did
you want to telegraph to? —New York
Takes a Sip of Tacks.
While she attempted to take a drink
from what she thought was a glass of
water while in the dark at her home in
Point township, Northumberland coun
ty, Pa.. Miss Alice Rboades, eighteen
years old. swallowed several hundred
tacks and pins. She was taken to the
Mbt M Packer hosDitnl. Sunbury.
The Work is Absolutely Guaranteed to Be
First-Ciass in Every Particular.
Shop open from *7 A. M. to 12 M; from 1 P. M. to 6 P. M.
i-nd fr< m 7 P. M. to 8 P. M.
I Use the Best Leather on the Market. Don't Forget.
Opposite V. M. C. A.
Life' purposes are the attainment
of personal perfection and to help |
in the whole life of the world. Men
are given their lives and the possi
bility of dying natural deaths only
on condition that they serve the life
of the whole world, whereas the
suicide exploits life as long as it is
agreeable and refuses to serve the .
life of the world as soon as it be
comes unpleasant, ignoring the
likely fact that hi* service began
only at that moment when his life
became burdensome. Every work
is at first unpleasant.—Tolstoy.
Eye Strain.
There are two common kinds of eye
strain. It is a strain for a person
who is farsighted to do close work,
and it is a strain for one who is near
sighted to use the eyes for distances.
Both kinds of eye strain produce the
same symptoms—headache—and both
require that the eves be examined and
1 Francesco Biamonte I
1 Interprete ufficiale per la Contea d'lndiana |
| Marshall Bld„ In liana, Pa. |
s 1
C? C? C 3 ET? caca caca entra ™
Non più' forfora
Vi e' solo un rimedio per curare la
forfora, ed e' quello di uccidere il
germe. Vi e solo una preparazione
i per i capelli che uccide il germe ed e'
la '-Mildredina Hair Remedy
Guesta non comune ristoratriee
! della cute capillare che ha un record
di aver curato migliaia, fra crescere i
capelli su quella testa che vi e' vita,
cura la forfora, ferma la caduta dei
capelli e il prurito della pelle in tre
j settimane. E'il tonico piti' bello e
vigoroso, non si attacca, non e' gras
| soso ed e' copiosamente usato dalle
donne che desiderano conservare i
capelli lucidi, flessuosi t soffici.
Il costo e' di 50 c. e $1 la botti
glia e si vende da tutti i draghisti.
GRATIS, per mostrare come la
Mildredina Hair Remedy cura, vi
manderemo, a richiesta un esemplare
gratis. Spedite alla '-The Mildred
Louise Co., Boston Mass.*' il vostro
indirizzo e 10 soldi per le spese po
stali. La vostra forfora può' essere
intieramente cacciata ed i capelli ac
quistano una lucidità' brillante, con
l'uso di questo preparativo di 4-Sham
poo*' che e' superiore a tutti gli altri
che avete usati. Sciogliete un cuc
chiaino di Sagetone in un bicchier
d acqua tiepida, poi strofinatela fra i
capelli e questo basterà a togliervi
la forfora. Facendone uso ogni tanto
i vostri capelli diverranno lucidi e
conserverete sempre la testa pulita
. Si vende presso T. E. Hildebrand,
Indiana, Pa.
I c T'V am " a Buchheit Bros, n 1
roba di casa . „
T ~ T . fornitura a prezzi |g
* Indiana, Pa. 1
Abbiamo ottima fornitura a prezzi bassi, una grande quan- i
tita' di letti di ottone, ferro e legno. Guanciali Springs e ma- |
terassi a prezzi da non temere concorrenza. É
Noi garantiamo tutta la merce che comprate da noi. Facciamo cornici per 5
quadri e per altri suppellettili di casa. VENITE A TROVARCI.
OPPOSTO Moore Hotel il
Non fallisce mai c produce il risul
tato desiderato. Gli rinviva e rinvi
gorisce il bulbo capillare, rafforzando
tutta la pelle cutanea. Ci pervengo
no lettere di congratulazioni da tutti
gli Stati, e ci dicono che la Mildredi-
na Hair Remedy. ha operato veri mi
racoli. Una donna da Chicago ci scri
ve: ' k Dopo avere usato il vostro ri
medio, la caduta dei miei capelli e'
cessata, ed ora posseggo una bella
capigliatura folta e lunga.,,
Un'altra scrive: "Dopo avere usa
to due bottiglie di Mildredina, i miei
capelli sono cresciuti lunghi e folti,
ed e' sparito pure il bruciore della
pelle. Questo e' quello che ci scrive
la signora T. A. Falardeau, di Jef
ferson City, Mo. Ordini per posta,
di Mildred, Louise Co., Boston Mass.
TI Medol di
Nannie B. Powdered
e' il più' effettivo per rimuovere i
capelli superflui. Prendete un pac
co di questa polvere, buttate una
quantità' nell'acqua mischiando. Do
po applicate il tutto sui capelli stro
finate. e dopo due o tre minuti avre
te l'effetto desiderato.
Questo e un metodo rapido, non
l nocivo e non occorre ripeterlo.
Siate sicuri che comprando il Me
! dol, otterrete il vostro scopo.
Indiana. Pa.
li Vapore "Ancona,, durante la traversata
Uni £ 11À LIANE
mumn •
per Napoli, Genova, Pai arino, Messina
& per Ir, la.. 2". e 3a. classe .
Oj Ptìl3aaì>Liii ùè NwTart
N&f. BEH ■ Duca degli Ab. Nov. 24 I
uri Europa Dicembre 8
ytlllU!! Stampab'a Nov. 1C
IIILìi Ancona Nov. 27 j
| * I vwfKi di toiS £\ s^sS
HsftEcld, Solari Co., Asceti Generali I
-r-jkc ii un m mnw \ ■ uni umn—■— pcnni
Per il risaltato finale delle
elezioni leggete in 3.a Pag\
Shoe Repairing
Opp. Y. M. C. A.
Get your shoes repaired ut a reasonable price.
Ladies shoes (half soled & healsj 75e
" " (nailed) . . . 65c
Gentfe " (sewed; . . . 1.00
4 " (nailed) . . . 75e
Ladies' (sewed) 55c
" (nailed) 45c
Gents' (hand sewed) . . , 75c
" (nailed) 50e
Half soled and heels. size 1 to 3 ssc
" " " " 4 to 5 " 65c