The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, April 24, 1915, The Patriot, Page 4, Image 4

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I •;;;AvAWA , M'V-A , e E . c aV.v
La Grande Offerta <
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"to La pane anteriori* del pacchetto NEBO senza
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a I avviso dei giornali. vu.c adesso ,
e? - \ Vz soldo m contanti, tjltre al -
~ \ Cupone da '/a e.
\Cn o Wld ° " C ° a " ?
<b\ tanti conte- c ;
j t -i -* X miro in eia-
A. —-,J \ scun pacche T- e
, TjUj "• [ ' [• { tE$ to anro ?
cu p° ni 'i uan * k
SI . * , . I to le parti 8^
anteriori dei t
Bj ~ magnifici re- S'
3j ,£"*-> Y-l gali. Domati, ?
V ~</ pf&X fi cosw Tip datelo al va- ?
tj ifcH mia }■}' strotabaccaio
Affiti- V ed egli vi spie- ®V
.• ~ f': Yghera' subito
f. V l a maniera J"-
Uj Questa cHerta spira il 31 dicembre 1313
on Him For President
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Yhoto © by Mutual Film company.
General Felipe Angeles will be the
Hast president o£ Mexico, supported
the United States government and
united choice of the belligerent
fkctions which have been fighting since
tiie exile of Huerta. This is the ru
3fcor. cux-rent in political circles in
and was given every cred
ence by diplomatic representatives of
tite Latin-American republics.
HAN3ED l 6'( A Unuol.
' Curious Story of n Murder and the
Discovery of the Crime.
An old volume of the Quarterly Ite
*Sew mentions a crime discovered in a
nest extraordinary way in Australia
the year 1830. of which a public rec
'trd is preserved aud which figures
"with full details in the journals of that
The confidential steward of a wealthy
arttler near Sydney stated that his
raster had suddenly been called to
Mn gland on important business and
Pikat during his absence the whole of
Itfs immense property would be in his
exclusive care.
Some weeks after an acquaintance of
absentee settler riding through his
grounds was astonished to perceive
JM£m sitting upon a stile. He strode
3flterward to speak when the figure turn
from him. with a look of intense
•wrow, and walked to the edge of a
pond, where it mysteriously disap
On the morrow he brought a number
£ men to the water to drag it. and the
Body of the man supposed to be on his
"way to England was brought up. The
ate ward was arrested, brought to trial
asd. frightened at the story of his mas
ter's ghost, confessed the crime, stat-
Sag that he did the murder at the very
atile on which his master's ghost had
appeared. He was duly executed.—
®*se and Comment.
Ifiysica! Energy It Expends Quoted In
To lift 550 pounds one foot in one
accord requires what is known as one
te>rsepow*er. Similarly a horsepower
fe able to raise twice that weight one
foot In twice the time, or one-half foot
ID just that time. Moreover, it can
nise half 550 pounds one foot In half a
aecond, or two feet in a second, and
a on. Therefore when we lift one-
Jourtb of that weight. 137% pounds,
tewir feet In one second, we are ex
arting a horsepower.
Accordingly, when a person who
weighs 137% pounds runs upstairs at
the rate of four feet a second, he is
exerting the equivalent of a horsepow
qc. For a man weighing twice that
■inch. 275 pounds, it would be neces
sary to climb at the rate of only two
fleet a second to exert a horsepower.
3ft is possible to do much more.
As a matter of fact, a horse often
exerts many times a horsepower. The
average horse can draw a wagon up a
Pill where a ten horsepower engine
with the same load would fail. A horse
power does not represent the greatest
momentary strength of the average
Jkorse. but is a measure of the power
which he can exert continuously.—New
.Xork World.
Oddly Enough They Also Have Differ
er.t Birthdays.
A boy and a girl, twins, were bom in
Alliance. 0.. on different days and at
liffereut places.
They are healthy, and their mother.
Ifrs. Rosina Folgia, thirty-two, is do
iug well. The girl was born shortly
Before midnight in the Tolgia homo.
The next morning Mrs? Folgia was
taken to a hospital, where she gave
Pirth to her son. ne weighs tgn
pounds. His sister weighs six and
aue-half pounds.
Are you looking* for fruits and vegetables? Why
don't you visit RUNZO'S MARKET on 6th St., Gall as by
"phone,, and we will deliver promptly to
your residence. Both Phones.
If it's fruits, we have them. They are fresh, jusb
arrived from the market. Give us a Call
The Patriot.
Published weekly by
Office: No. 15 Carpenter ave. ;
Marshall Bldg., Indiana, Pa.
' F. BIAMONTE, Editor & Manager
F. SMITH, English Editor.
B. COLETTI, Italian Editor.
Entered as second-class matter
j September 26, 1914, at the postof
fice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
• Local Phone 250 Z.
Bell Phone 49-W.
I; Chas. Lambo ||
) (Opposite the Park) ]>
D. Have you read the Consti
tution of the United States?
R. Yes.
D. What form of Government
is this?
R. Republic.
D. What is the Constitution of
the United States?
R. It is the fundamental law of
this country.
D. Who makes the laws of the
United States?
R. The Congress.
D. What does Congress consist
R. Senate and House of Rep
D. Who is the chief executive
of the United States?
R. President.
D. How long is the President
of the United States elected?
R. -4 years.
D. Who takes the place of the
President in case he dies?
R. The Vice President.
D. What is his name?
R, Thomas R. Marshall.
M- 1 Mill I immmmmm.
D. By whom is the President oi
the United States elected?
R. By the electors.
D. By whom are the electors
elcted ? e
R. By the people.
D. AVlio makes the laws for the
state of Pennsylvania.
R. The Legislature,
i D. AVhat docs the Legislature
i consist of ?
R. Senate and Assembly.
D. llow many State in the un
D. When was the Declaration
of Independence signed?
! R. July 4, 1776.
D. By whom w 7 as it w r ritten?
| R. Thomas Jefferson,
j D. Which is the capital of the
(United States?
R. Washington.
D. Which is the capital of the
state of Pennsylvania.
R. Ilarrisburg.
D. How many Senators has
each state in the United States
Senate ?
R. Two.
D. By whom are they elected?
R. By the people.
D. For how long?
R. 6 years.
D. How many representatives
are there ? ..
R. 435. According to the pop
ulation one to every 211,000, (the
ratio fixed by Congress after each
| decennial census.)
D. For how long are tliey elect
, IU 2 years.
D. How many electoral votes
has the state of Pennsylvania ?
R. 38.
D. Who is the chief executive
of the state of Pennsylvania?
R. The Governor.
D. For how long is he elected?
R. 4 years.
D. Who is the Governor?
R. Brumbaugh.
D. Do you believe in organized
government ?
R. Y r es.
D. Are you opposed to organiz
ed government?
R, No.
D. Are you an anarchist ?
R. No.
D. What is an anarchist?
R. A person who does not be
icve in organized government.
D. Are you a bigamist or poli- j
gamist ?
R, No.
D. What is a bigamist or poly
R. one who believes in having
more than one wife.
D. Do you belong to any secret
.Society wjio teaches to disbelieve
in organized government?
R. No.
D. Have you ever violated any
!• ws of the United States?
R. No.
D. Who makes the ordinances
! for the City ?
R. The board of Aldermen.
W. M. MAHAN j,
s Avvocato in Cause Civili e Criminal! - Giudice di Pace 3
1 Ufficio al Marshall Building
B Telefoni: Bell-Local
Only child of Speaker Champ Clark is to marry James M. Thomson, pub
lisher of the New Orleans News-Item, in June.
Knew Traveling Men.
"She's a sensible girl," said the first
traveling man.
"Yon bet she is," said the second.
"Last night when I took her to dinner
before ordering she asked me if I was
going to pay the check myself or work
It Into the expense account."—Detroit
Free Press.
Ayo, There's the Rub.
If we had to turn our own grind
stones we wouldn't have so many axes
to grind.—Cincinnati Enauirer.
Photos by American Press Association.
Champion Jess Willard is always greeted by mobs every time he appears on the street Here he is seen arriv
ing in New York after fight; also in a clinch with Johnson, which gives you an idea of Jess* huge proportions.
* * SA
1). Do you intend to remain
permanently in the U. S.?
R. Yes.
Disaster Blamed on Dust.
Charleston, W. Va., March 20. —
That the cause of the explosion in
the Layland mine of the New River
and Pocahontas Consolidated Coa 1 ,
company, March 2 was due to a "dust
explosion caused by a blow-out shot
in the third left of main tunnel head
ing In No. 3 mine" rrm tka verdict of
the coroner's 'nrr
Extravagance in thought Is aa bad as
extravagance in living expenses.—E
W. Howe's Monthly.
Principals In the Case ot
Barnes vs. Roosevelt
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Photos by American Press Association.
Judge Andrews at top, Colonel
Roosevelt on left and William Barnes
on right.
German Captain Who Interns
His Ship at Norfolk
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Photo by American Press AssociaUon.
Turks Hold Off Allies In Dardanelles.
Land Operation Reports.
Berlin, March 29. —Included in the
news items given out by the Overseas
News agency was a story concerning
the operations "in the Turkish war
sone reading as follows:
"Reports from Constantinople say
the nocturnal attempts of the allied
torpedo boat destroyers and mine
sweepers to make another attack on
the outer defenses of the Dardanelles
. were frustrated by the fire of the Tur
! Irish batteries.
P "The report published in English
I newspapers telling of successes gained
t *>y the allied landing forces on the
t shores of Saros bay is a flat invention.
"Great indignation prevails in Con
r stantinople because of the attempt of
the British admiral to entice the gov
ernor of Smyrna by bribery to hand
i over the fortifications of Smyrna. The
governor contemptuously rejected the
offer ~