jSHS2S2SZS2SHSZSHSSSZS72SBSZSZS2SZSZSHSHSZSHS2SHSZSaSHS2SHSHSBSZSHSZSZSHSZSZSBS2SZSZSBSZSZSHSESESZSBSZSHS2SZSHSZSZSHSZSZSZSHSZSZSZSHSZS- nSZSZSZSZSZS2SES?-T^HSZSZSZS?SUSZSHSHSSSZSZSHSZSZSHS2SZSZS2SZKSZS2SZSZSZSHSZSHS | INDIANA GROCERY C 1. PART J g We have much encouragement from the public of Indiana and vicinity, and we aim to ple.i t very one § g . When we advertise a bargain we give it, and the best evidence we have is the large patronage \ .re recen 4*. S S ■anaaßgg jiBKKSsaaMKg gj | IWE HAN DLh:O N L V HIGH OR a G >DH | Received Daily | I GROCERIES FANCY FRESH PRODUCE AND FRUITS Poultry Fish Fish | B 8 Cans Condensed Milk 25c Fancy York Imperial Apples, peck .... 30c Youmr Snrimr Chickens fresh and clean C* 1, # u u* on S § Largest Evaporated Peaches, pound .... 10c Large Sweet Juicy Oranges, dozen 2oc g P & ' Steak, fresh aught, 20c jjj g Good Luck Santos Coffee, pound 15c Large Grape Fruit, each sc, 6c home dressed, lb 23c S 0 4 Cans Sugar Corn 25c Spinach Grapes bish, fresh c* ight 20c [U S 4 Cans Tomatoes 25c Egg Plant Turnips K K 2 Five-Cent Boxes Matches 5c Celery Spanish Onions f . 1 Haddie, fresh caught -Oc g K Fancy Potatoes, bushel 65c Parsley Sweet Potatoes OiUitishank Bros. Catsup, 3 bottles to -OL Cj H Sugar, 25 pounds for $1.35 Lettuce Oranges Extra Fancy Spanish Stuffed Olives, 4 bot- " Frying Uysters, large, quart .... 40c Cj g Fancy Spring Wheat Flour, per sack $1.85 Finest Quality Goods and all at Bargain _ g B Fancy Louisana Molasses, 3 cans .... 25c prices. ties for 2oc > n, pound loc g | Extra Fancy Sliced Peaches in Heavy Sy up, 4 \>> for 25c 1 8 ~ ~ OUR MOTTO IS: -- Good Weight and Measure at a Fair Price. jjj MOW Jim Will BO CM for me March Terra ol Court Jury Commissioners Completed Their Work Wed., Morning-174 Names on List. MANY CASES ARE LISTED Jury Commissioners M. H. Henry and G. W. Delancey, Sheriff George H Jeffries and Deputy Sheriff Harry C. Williams, this morning, completed their work of drawing the names of the men who will serve as jurors at the March term of court. The Grand Jury list follows and the Petit jurors will be published tomorrow: Hutchinson, J. H., Rochester Mills. Johnston, A. E., Armagh. Mack, Perry J., Robinson. Getty, Mont, Hillsdale. Harris, Thomas, New Florence R. D. 3 George, Wm., Indiana. Carqahan, J. 0., Parkwood, R. D. 1- Barber, Jno. I. Clymer. Liggett, J. N., Homer City, R. D. 1. Brown, Albert, Homer City. Keeley, James, Saltsburg. Tomb, Harry, Armagh. Fleming, John, Homer City. . Donahey, T3. H., Indiana. Davidson, W. S., Marion Center. Brown, Valentine, Brushvalley. Ferguson, S. 8., Blairsville. Bracken, Henderson, Blades, R. D. Forman, Earl, Indiana. Cary, Jno. F., Blairsville. Barr, Geo. A., Marion Center. Woods, Irwin, Shelocta. Huffman, J. W., Gipsy. Luther, Miles M., Clyde. It Changed His Mind. A switching engine prevented a Chi cago man from committing suicide the other day. With a rope around nia neck and fastened to the rails of the Rock Island railroad he was crawling between the ties, prepared to jump from a viaduct when a switching cn gine came along and cut the rope A? be had lost his chance of hanging ' m self, he thought betisr of his proj' „ v- Good Advice. "What would you say," said the prophet of woe, "if I were to tell you that in a very short space of time all the rivers in this country would dry up?" "I would say," replied the patient man, "go and do thou likewise."— Btray Stories. _ _ - - - 'm Y.M.C.A. Course Auditorium, Tuesday, February 2. PRINCE or POPULAR LECTURERS (1' *'• . BilitPl* W&Bm 9^H9BS •• JHBHIHHHHH lliKrv L. B. WICKERSHAM. NO POPULAR lecturer in America surpasses L. B. Wickersham in his appeal to the average audi ence. Scholarly, yet never didactic; humorous, yet never clownish; uplift ing, yet never dry and uninteresting, his addresses take hold of the heart strings. His record of return dates has never been surpassed in the Ly ceum, 65 per cent of his engagements being in towns where he has appeared from one to four times, and his fund of material is practically inexhausti ble. The late Sam Jones, who knew a lecturer when he heard him, said: "Wnen committees ask me about s Seeking Information. Little Wife—How do you like mes saline and brocaded satin with chiifoa over velvet? Hubby—What are yo talking about—clothes or the platform of the woman's party?— Chicago News. Musical Note. "Say, Hiram, what do they mean bf a Stradevar'us ?" "Oh, a Stradevar'us is the Latin name for a fiddle."—Musical Courier. Common Course. Hi— What course is Sarah studying at that boarding school? Si—l can't re member, but I think it's cosmetics.— Stamford Chaparral. The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose be sees to be best.—George Eliot. Different. Seedy Chap (stopping pedestrian)— Pardon me, sir, but you look very much like a man I know. Pedestrian—lndeed! Well, you look like a man I don't want to know. Good day!— Boston Transcript. lecture, I tell them if they want a man who will do everybody good— and do them good forever —get Wick ersham." Committees have been "get ting Wickersham," on the advice of the lamented Jones, for years, and none has ever yet been disappointed. He is a man of spotless character, lofty purpose and great natural en dowments; magnetic, brilliant, sym pathetic and humorous. His lectures are strikingly original, built around some fundamental truth, and gain added charm from his rich, musical voice and dramatic delivery. To hear Wickersham is to hear the Prince o£ Popular Lecturers. Luck. Willie—Paw, what is luck? Paw—Common sense, my son.—Cin cinnati Enouirer. _ Old Time Bayonets. The bayonet of the Waterloo era was nearly a foot longer than the present weapon. An Ancient Phrase. The frequently quoted "1 do not pin my faith upon your sleeve" is traced in sentiment to feudal times, when the partisans of a leader used to wear his badge pinned upon their sleeves. Some times these badges were changed for specific purposes, and persons learned to doubt; hence the phrase, "You wear the badge, -but I do not intend to pin my faith on youv sleeve."—New Yora American. What Hurt Most. "Why are you crying so bitterly, lit tle man?" asked the kind hearted old lady as she patted the tearful young ster on his head. ••Bill Jones hit me on the nose," was the boy's reply. "Did he hurt you much?" "Naw; he didn't hurt me at all, but he ran away before 1 could hit him back."— Richmond Times-Die patch. THE PATRIOT Function of Literature. "A book," said Dr. Johnson, "should show one either how to enjoy life or to endure it." Was ever the function of literature expressed more pungently or justly? Any man who enjoys or en dures has a right to speak if he can. If he can help others to enjoy or en dure he has a right to speak, if he doubt as to his part in life, while if he cannot ecstatically enjoy he can at least good humoredly endure.—A. C. Benson in Century Magazine. More Than He Needed. "At the end of five hours and a half if you are in town," said the judge, "you will be arrested on the same charge." "You may five full hours of that time back." said the lawbreaker. "I can get along with the thirty minutes."— Philadelphia Ledger. Scared. "What was the matter with old Boozie when he called the doctor at midnight last night?" "He thought he had lost his sense of taste. His wife's hat was on the dining room table and he ate the grapes off it. "—Houston Post. Gclden Fleece. The noted order of the Golden Fleece fs a military one instituted by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, in 1420. on the occasion of his marriage with the Portuguese princess, Isabella. The order now belongs to both Spain and Austria. If you know how to spend less than you get. you have the philosopher's stone.—Franklin. Fascinated by His Model. The weekly meeting of the Married Ladies' Society For the Better Control and Guidance of Husbands had just been called to order by the president. •"Members will now tell their trou bles, one at a time," said the chair. A meek looking little woman stood up in a far corner of the room. "My husband," she quavered, "is in love with his model." The buzz of gossip suddenly ceased, and all eyes were turned upon the speaker. "But your husband is not an. artist," argued the president. "He runs an iron foundry, doesn't he?" "Yes'm," said the meek lady, "bnt all the same be loves his model. You see, he's a self made man."—London Standard. HEALTH AND WEDLOCK.' Conditions That Should Be Studied Be fore It Is Too Late. Marriage, from any point of view, is of course a serious proposition, as it may bless or wreck two human lives, if not more. Not the least important of these points of view is that of the health of both parties to the contract. The health commissioner of Pennsyl vania in an official bulletin gives the following advice to those about to marry: "First, a man should not marry un less into a family wth a history of reasonable longevity, free from hered itary disease. He should not marry a woman advanced in life, delicate, feeble or afflicted with any inherited deformity. The age most proper for women in this climate is nineteen or twenty years and for men twenty-four or twenty-five years. Women of a nervous temperament, those who are extremely irritable, hysterical, subject to convulsions or to epilepsy from or ganic disease, ought to avoid matri mony. "In this country marriages before the ages of twenty-five and nineteen respectively are contra indicated, be cause, as a rule, previous to these pe riods of life the body is not fully de veloped, the different functions are not perfect, and any offspring developed by them in their immature condition must be deficient in vital power." Genuine Wit. Benjamin Moore, the second bishop of New York, was a man noted in hia day for his ready wit—a quality that his wife apparently shared with him. A dinner was given by some one of Gouverneur Morris' friends when he was about to depart for Europe. Bish op Moore and his wife were of the party. In the course of the conversa tion Mr. Morris observed that since he was going abroad he had made his will and, turning to Bishop Moore, said to him: "My reverend friend, I have be queathed to you my complete s£i>ck of impudence." Bishop Moore replied: "Sic- yvu are not only very kind, but you Jte very generous. You have left me by far the largest portion of your estate." Mrs. Moore immediately added, "My dear, you have come into possession of your inheritance remarkably soou."— Youth's Companion. British Behind Breastworks In France Photo by American Press Association. Man 405 Takes Bride of 95. South Norwalk, Conn., Jan. I. Henry A. Hurlburt, weighing 405 pounds, took as a bride Miss Roxanna Spooner, who tips the beam at 96. 1915JANUARYJ915 SIM' T WTT I FTS"! • ..I ■ ■ I" 11 -f 111 |||| D 2 |3456789 ,;0H11215Hio!8 117181920212223 552827282930 ■lr.r* ■ ■ 1 " 3 LINEE ITALIANE NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA FLOBIO-RUDATTINO LA VELOCE SOCIETÀ' DI NAVIGAZIONE A VAPORE ITALIA NAVIGAZIONE ITALIANA A VAPORE BERVIZ9O CELERE per Napoli, Genova, Palermo, MessllQ VAPORI NUOVI A DOPPIA ELICA BPLENDIDI ADATTAMENTI * per la la., 2a. e 3a. classe PROSSIME PARTENZE Da Ptiilade'.pMa Da New York N&V. GEH. Verona 10 genn. ■ ITALIANA Duca d'Abb. 30 genn. Uri OPC Europa 0 Febbr. I LLUUL Stani paiia 27 Febbr. ITALIA Ancona 22—23 genn. I biglietti sono vendibili da tulli gli agenti auterizzati Hartfield, Solari & Co., Agenti Generali 24 WHITEHALL STREET. NEW YORK ■waDOWBHHiiiaHEiKHaaMHHKaHaaMnHHi PICA RFTTFR M lÉiiii^ivm2P& 1 A A^JC/ 1 1 &J IO forS Centi {# Bso Cash Cospons in scatola k'| gfei - - J 4-jj Tr.tti i Cuponi ZIHA possono essere il- r r uh ;*óÌtf . . 4 • . • - • y ""A Vv, ./.) I^SCSBE saS* La Sigaretta che vi darà piacerò (a vii S'erto *" Fatte per soddisfare il gusto degl'lT ALI ANI / a4>' |§j% fallii Provatela e non ne fumerete aìtr\ se queLo clic desiderato è una A'? Vrl^/SvMB IfcE sigaretta con punta semplice. AW