The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 19, 1914, The Patriot, Image 1

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VOLUME I. — No. 20.
Christmas tree
Big Norway Spruce, 70 Feet High,
Has Been Secured for Muni
cipal Event.
A giant Norway spruce, 70 feet
long, gaily decorated with scintil
ating electric lights, -wreaths and
strings of popcorn and cranber
ries, and a beautiful white star on
the topmost branch, and placed on
on one of the town's principal
thoroughfares, will greet Indiana
residents and strangers Christmas
evening, when the first Municipal
Christmas Tree will be formally
dedicated. The committee is b\isy
with the final preparations and
hope to announce the competed
program within the next few days.
At five minutes before seven on
Christmas evening all the church
bells in Indiana will ring and as
the old town clock sends out its
first note if the hour of seven the
lights will flash on the tree and the
band will burst into a gay Christ
mas song and the long-heralded
Christmas tree for everyone will
be a reality. There will be much
singing, folk dances and of course,
a few speeches to start the pro
gram in the right direction.
How to Win Our Sympathy
The following letter was written
by J. W. Sutton, of this place, to
the editor of the North American :
There is a syndicate of Germans
in the United States that is spend
ing a vast sum to print, and dis
tribute booklet favorable to the
German cause, hoping thus to
create sympathy for Germany in
this country This town has been
flooded with them.
If this syndicate would devote
the same amount of energy and
funds to alleviate the hunger and
suffering in Belgium it would, do
more to create a favorable impres
sion of the Germans than all its
pamphlets will accomplish.
Indiana, Pa., Dec. 7, 1914.
Many Candidate for
the Indiana Judgeship
One of the most spirited politi
cal fights in the history of Indiana
county is expected next year when
the term of President Judge S. J.
Telford expires. Among those who
have been mentioned as being pos
sible candidate are J. Wood
Clark, Samuel Cunningham, who
was defeated by a narrow margin
nine years ago by Judge Telford;
John L. Getty, Congressman J. N.
Langliam, John 11. Pierce, John A.
Scott, E. Walker Smith, S. J. Tel
ford, Elder Peelor and D. B. Tay
lor/It is expected that Judge Tel
ford will be a candidate for re
Offers Armory Site.
A. C. Ferrier, proprietor of the
Point store, has offered a site for
an armory for Company F, Tenth
infantry, N. G. P. The site is five
blocks from Main street and four
blocks south of the site accepted
by the government for the postof
fice building. Many believe the
site will not meet with the approv
al of the state armory board.
Son Charged With
Killing His Father
Latrobe, Dec. 17. —John Aman
ich, Jr., chaged with shooting to
death his father, John Amanich.
Sr., and then attempting to end
his own life, is in the Westmore
land county hospital in a critical
condition. The men had been
drinking. The shooting took place
near Harrison City.
Artilleryman Home.
j Harl Langham, one of the Unit
ed States gunners, who helped to
shell Vera Cruz, is visiting his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lang-
Jaam, of this place.
itusn is Cn at .Local Postof
fice; Mailing Gifts Early.
Postmaster H. W. Fee is pleased
with the manner in which the peo
ple of Indiana have responded to
the call of the postoffice depart
ment to mail packages early. Since
Thursday the Christmas rush has
been on in Indiana and mails are
much heavier than usual. The rush
started almost a week earlier than
last year.
It is believed that the last min
ute rush will be avoided to a large
extent this season. Additional
clerks are on duty.
Santa Clause letters are not so
numerous as in other years. Each
year some of the youngsters put
letters addressed "Santa Claus"
into the mails, but always omit to
place the name of the particular
spot on the map where that gentle
man may be found.
Grand Jury Pleased
With Juvenile Ward
In making its return the De
cember grand jury, of which C. C.
Campbell was foreman, compli
mented the officers of the juvenile
home, which has just been estab
lished by Indiana county on the
Campbell farm, southeast of town.
The grand jury said: "The New
ly Juvenile Home has been opened
and is in operation. We think it
is a good idea and should be main
tained in a proper manner, which
we found to be done. • We think
the new home is well managed by
Mrs. Sue Willard and Mrs. S. J.
Telford, who have the same in
charge." The Juvenile Home is
the farm house on the County
Home farm and is admirably situ
ated for the keeping of juvenile
Criminal Found in County Jail
A man in the Indiana county
jail on a charge of the larceny of
an overcoat and who gave the
name of John Zelaneous, was on
Tuesday morning identified as
Vincent Bhurbuck, of Vander
grift, who had just been paroled
from the Western penitentiary af
ter serving six years of a 13-year
sentence on a charge of burglary.
The alleged parole breaker was
returned to the penitentiary to
complete his sentence.
Directors End Convention.
The twenty-third annual con
vention of the Indiana County
School Directors' Association was
concluded here Wednesday night,
with the re-election of J. Taylor
Bell as president, and the selection
of these officers: E. M. Loekard.
Indiana, secretary; vice presidents
H. E. Roney, of Trade City, and
John F. St. Clair, of West Wheat
field township; William S. Daugh
erty, of Indiana, treasurer. Fran
cis Elkin, of Smicksburg, almost
continuously a school director for
39 years, was the most interesting
figure of the convention.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the In
diana postoffice December 12:
Miss Marcel Cark, Miss Burma
Ferguson, Margaret France, Wm.
Kelly, J. A. F. Landensehlager, J.
I A. F. Landensehlager, H. D. Lloyd
Joseph Mover, J. R. Patterson. L.
H. Pinkerton, Mike Priskin. S. M.
Stewart, Meri Szenteszki. J. omko.
When inquiring for letters in
this list please state that they were
advertised, giving date.
Fruits, Xuts and Vegetables.
Again the glad Xmas time is at
hand—a special carload of ruits, veg
etables, nuts, etc., at low prices. Come
and see us.
13 North 6th St. Opp. Court House
Advertise in The Patriot.
along whole front
1 ~
Photo* by American Press Association.
The first picture shows the hood worn under the helmet, the second the hood without the helmet and the third
the hood worn over the helmet.
Main Army of Muscovites Shatter-
New Big Battle for Possession of
' Warsaw May Decide the
Eastern Campaign.
Vienna, Dec. 17 (via London) —
An official announcement says the
Russians are retreating along the
entire front in Galicia and Polamif
Continuing, the communication
"The latest news permits of no
further doubt that the resistance
of the Russian main force has
been shattered. After the defeat
of the southern wing in the battle
of Limanovo, which lasted several
days, our allies also gained a vic
tory near Lodz.
"The Russians are now com
pletely routed on the River Bzura.
"Threatede by our advance
across the Carpathians from the
south the enemy began a general
retreat, which they are trying to
cover by stubborn fighting in the
regions before the Carpathians.
"Our troops are attacking on
the line of Grodno—Zakliczyu.
"Along the other pats of the
front the pursuit has begun."
London, Dec. 17—"The Rus
sians are retiring along the entire
front in Galicia and Poland." This
statement, officially issued at Vi
enna, is the outstanding feature
of tonight's news from the battle
"While there is no confirmation
from other sources, such a move
on the part of the Russians would
Rushing Work at Josephine Plant
An additional force of 100 men
has been put to work by the Bol
linger-Andrews Construction com
pany on the new ingo{ mill at Jo
sephine. There is at the present
time a arge demand for the pro
duct and the plant will be rushed
to completion. It is expected that
the plant will be finished within
20 days. The site will have 20 ac
res adjoining the Josephine blast
furnace of the Corrigan-McKinney
company. Six acres are now being
covered with five large buildings, i
A number of houses to accommo- [
date the workmen are also in pro- j
cess of construction.
oe quite in line w r ith the announce
ments in dispatches from Petro
grad that the Russians, threatened
on both flanks, had decided to
take up new positions where they
would be able better to meet the
onslaughts which are being
launched against them by the
Austro-Germans from the Carpa
thians to the East Prussian fron
_ __
Sultan Loses Egypt, Britain
Has Assumed Protectorate.
London, Dec. 17 —The official
Press Bureau tonight issued the
following statement concerning
the making of Egypt a British
protectorate: "His Britannic Maj
esty's principal Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs gives notice
that in view of a state of war aris
ing out of the action of Turkey,
Bgypt is placed under the protec
tion of His Majesty, and will
henceforth constitute a British
"The suzerainty of Turkey over
Egypt is thus terminated and His
Majesty's government will adopt
all measures necessary for the de
fense of Egypt and the protection
of its inhabitants and interests.
"The King has been pleased to
approve the appointment of Lieut.
Col. Sir Arthur Henry MacMahon
to be His Majesty's High Commis
sioner for Egypt."
The Turkish charge d'affaires
assured the Italian foreign office
Found Frozen to Death.
Uniontown. Pa., Dec. 17.—Froz
en solidly in six inches of ice, the
body of Arthur Robbins, proprie
tor of the Robbins Hotel and a
well-known pottery manufacturer
of New Geneva, was found last
night by a searching party. Rob
bins, aged 42, was in Pittsburg on
Tuesday. It is supposed he was
walking home when he fell in
to the stream. A 25-foot embank
ment leads down to the stream
and a narrow path winds along
the road at this point.
McGregor Is Improved.
The condition of Pure Food
Agent James McGregor, who has
been ill at his home for the past
month, is greatly improved.
Thursday that his government
could make a satisfactory expla
nation of the recent attack on the
Italian consulate at Hodeida. Call
ing at the foreign office for second
time in 14 hours, he said that he
expected the Forte's reply to Ita
ly's representations within a short
Despite the delay of Turkey's
reply the belief is strong here that
the matter will be smoothed over
without war. It is known that Ger
many has exerted its influence in
Constantinople to prevent the Ot
toman government from giving
Italy an affront that will lead to
London, Dec. 17 —In a dispatch
from Rome the correspondent of
the Central News says:
"A Trieste official has announc
ed the blowing up by a mine and
the stoking of the Austrian train
ing ship Beethoven with the loss
of the crew and all the cadets on
None of the standard naval ref
ence books' has mention of train
ing ship named Beethoven belong
ing to Austria-Hungary. The dual
monarchy has four or five ships
devoted to the training of cadets
and it is possible since the out
break of hostilities other vessels
have been used for this purpose.
When a ship is assigned for train
ing purposes her name often is
Three Miners Burned
John Leslie and Raymond Tus
kev, miners, and William Kerr, a
driver—were painfully burned in
the West Branch mine at Barnes
boro recently, when five kegs of
powder exploded. The building
in which the letgo occurred was
blown to atoms and Kerr was
thrown many feet. All of the in
jured are under treatment at their
homes and are expected to recover
Banquet for Hotelman.
In honor of C. M. Wortman. who
recently purchased the Moore
Hotel, he was tendered a banquet
by a number of prominent Indiana
Special Train Took Students to
Their Homes—Opening Day
January 5.
The fall term of the Indiaua
State Normal school closed with
the end of the 3:30 class period on
Thursday afternoon. A special
train on the Pensylvania railroad
Friday morning took the students
who live in towns and cities along
route from here to Pittsburg to
their homes. A dance, customary
at the close of the term, was held
in Recreation Hall on Thursday
evening. The winter term will op
en on Tuesday. January 5, 1915.
When the winter term opens, a
majority of the students who have
been living with private families
and in the school cottages, will be
given rooms in the main building,
as the new wing to the girls' dor
mitory, is now completed. Even
with the new rooms, there will not
be enough for all and several of
the cottages will be retained.
Hunting Embargo Issued.
The state livestock sanitary
board has issued a general order
prohibiting hunting in all of the
counties under quarantine for foot
and mouth disease.
Dußois Becoming a City.
Dußois today filed its formal ap
plication to the governor for a
charter as a third-class city. It
voted in favor of cityhood last
Report Deep Drifts.
Drifts from 10 to 12 feet have
been reported from the northern
part of Indiana county since the
heavy snowfall of Sunday. In
many cases it is necessary to take
to the fields to travel in that sec
Two Killed in Mine
Deputy Coroner Dunsmore, of
Barnesboro, was in Colver Thurs
day and conducted an inquest in
to the death of two foreigners, fa
ther and son, who were killed at
about 5 o'clock Thursday morning
in the Colver mine of the Ebens
burg Coal Company.
The son, it is said, was working
on night shift and was visited ear
ly Thursday morning by his fath
er. The men, it is said, were run
down by some cars that got away
Several other miners had narrow
escapes, but these two were the
only ones hit by the cars.
The bodies were turned over to
Undertaker C. Doerr, of Colver.
and arrangement have been made
with him to bury them at Carroll
town, probably on Saturday.
The killing of the two men is
the second serious accident in this
mine within the past week or two.
Two miners are recovering at the
Miners' hospital, Spangler, from
burns received in an explosion of
powder several days ago.
Auto Bandit's End.
( Pittsburg Dispatch.)
The fate which finally overtook
Frank G. Hohl, the auto bandit
and bank robber in Cincinnati,
yesterday, was inevitable sooner
or later if he persisted in his
crimes. ll is success in robbing the
bank at Altoona last March and
in robbing the two in Cincinnati
yesterday was made possible, of
course, by the unexpected nature
of his raids. While there was al
ways a possibility of just such a
desperate act, it was deemed
remote in view of the danger of
being caught that it could hardly
be guarded against without an ex
penditure wholly out of propor
tion to the possibility.
Emboldened by his getting
(Continued to Pac* -D