4 THE PATRIOT published weekly by THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO. Office: Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. F. BIAMONTE, Manager & Editor F. SMITH, English Editor A. L. FRASCONA, Italian Editor tered as second-class matter Sep tember 26, 1914 at the post office at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year $2.00 Six months . . . . $1.25 One Copy 5c (Continued from Page 1.) them 100 memorials in Italy to the name of Joseph Mazzini, intellec tual friend and liberator of man kind, head and soul of the Italian revolution, lifelong, unselfish, pure and steadfast soldier of the com mon good. In Milan you will find a beauti ful white marble monument to a lawyer that devoted his life to agi tating for the abolition of capital punishment. We have not yet found time to erect any memorials to our men in civil life that have interested themselves in behalf of humanity, > hut in every state in the Union, ex cept three, w r e still hang men or put them to death in the electric chair. Italy has been for forty four years free from the barbarism of legal murder. I should think that Englishmen or Americans pausing over our hangmens' rec ords would be moved to go a little slow about the inferior Italian. And yet they are not., I was crossing the Atlantic a couple oi years ago on a steamer from the Mediterranean that carried many Italian immigrants. These disport ed themselves on the forecastle and it was a common practice for the first class passengers to as semble forward and lament the ad dition of '' such people'' to the su perior population of the United States. Instead of lamenting they should have rejoiced. (Perhaps if we can get. enough It alians to come here they may civi lize us to a point where we shall not desire to hang anybody. These 4 'such people" have oth er qualities for us, among them the sense of workingmen's solidar ity, a willingness to make sacrifice for the common aim, and a persist ence that never tires. An Italian strike is known as one of the hardest of all strikes to aubdue. Not long ago the mauegement of a great branch of one of the most important trusts in America was engaged in the pleasant and eon genial task of reducing wages. It reduced wages everywhere until it came to a department ' wherein the employes were Ital- j Sen. No wages were reduced in ! that department. The management \ was asked why, and frankly gave j the reason. It knew that the Am- ] erican employes would stand for a cut. but the Italians would not. j and if one of them quit all would j suit. j 1 should thiuk that a few more ! men of that kind would be quite < an addition to our outfit. C. E. RUSSELL. < i More Than $2,000 in Bounties Paid in Week. County Commissioner's Clerk iWalter 11. Ayers reports that or ders for more than $2,000 were is- j led by the county commissioner's Ice in the first seven days of this mth for the payment of boun ds. Weasels were almost the on- Jj* animal on which bounties were paid. It is believed that $3,000 j .will be distributed in this manner ] p®ior to the end of the present (Week. Lost of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the In- j diana office December 5, 1914: . C. L. Allen, Edwin L. Bugstres ser, Fuller & Johnson, Mrs. ZSlar-1 garet Gailey, Mrs. S. F. Gibson, j Mrs. Carrie E. Johnston, L. J. Jo- j seph, Mrs. R. \Y. Lewis, Miss Jane i Moorhead, Emma Ream, Mrs. Geo. | W. Robertson, T. P. Robinett, Mrs. i J. N. Ruffner, Lawyer Sherman (special), Mrs. Earl Simmons. Miss Mabel Stephens, Sam Wal beck, Mrs. E. F. Williams. When inquiring for letters in this list please state that they were advertised, giving date. HARRY W. FEE, P. M. Bodies of Dsad Russians Lying In Trench © 1314. by American Press Association. This picture shows the interior oi a Russian trench near Cracow. It hat been deserted by the forces, two dead soldiers being left. Note the snow in the background. The temperature of the war zone in Russia is about the same as the temperature of Chicago in winter. AMERICAN FLAG SOUGHT Citizens of Belgrade Find Protection When Austrians Enter. Nish, Serria (Via London), Dec. V,. —The first news from Belgrade since Its occupation bv the Austrians has been received here. The hospital in the old capital Is now in charge of three Irish-American doctors, who in sisted on going there while the bom bardment was actually in progress. When the Servians abandoned Bel grade, because they did not wish use lessly to sacrifice men in a vain at-; tempt to hold an unfortified city, the doctors refused to desert the wounded whom it was impossible to transport. I The military hospital in Belgrade has twelve or fourteen detached houses. The entire space is invaded by refugees seeking the protection of the American flag. About 20,000 citi sens of Belgrade are camping on the grounds or are housed in the buildings the central hospital being rv*ed as a basis of supplies. Woman'* Weapon*. A number of married men were re cently dining together at their club. The question was asked, "What trait in your wife do you consider the most expensive one?" The answers were as numerous as the men in the party. With one it was vanity, another re ligion or charity or love of dress. The last man to whom the question was put answered oracularly, "Her tears." THE PATRIOT ; (Hi® 111 Mjß 5111 KM. D. Have you read the Constitution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government is this ? R. Republican. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of this 1 country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States ? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of? R. Senate and House of Representa tives. D. Who is the chief executive of the ' United States ? R. President. D. For how long is the President of |,:he United States elected? R. 4 years. D. W ho takes the place of the Presi dent in case he dies ? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name ? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the IVesident of the ; United States elected ? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors , elected ? R. By the people. D. Who makes the ILWS for the State of Pennsylvania? R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature con sist of? R. Senate and Assaroblv. D. How many States in the Union? j R. 48. I D. When was the Declaration of t !Independence signed? , R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the Capital of the State of Pennsylvania? R. HarriU.mg. D. Ho'v any Senators has each .3tate in United States Seriate? R. Two. ' D. By whom are they elected? R. By the people. D. For how long? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there ? R. According to the population one to every 30,000. D. For how long are they elected? R. 2 years. D. How many electoral votes has the State of Pennsylvania? R. 34. D. Who is the chief executive of the State of Pennsylvania? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected? R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Tener. D. Do you believe in organized gov ernment ? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organized government ? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not believe ic organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poliga mist? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poliga mist ? t R. One who believes in having nlorC than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret So ciety who teach to disbelieve in or ganized government? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any laws of the United States? R. No. •y i D. Who makes the ordinances for the City? R. The Board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain per manently in the U. S.? K. VeR. làiÈMh ini 4* lAJÈàA 1 IVcLtc vestir bene? I "Volete calzar meglio? I Avete bisogno di mobilia? j a Recatevi a far spesa nei Magazzini di 1 ] Biamonte & Zamboni ■ CREEKSIDE, PA. ffff Tfff TTff Iff* 1 I . : n i nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f IgoSTSSiII |j Finimenti ★ Selle * Collai| Hj ★ Coperte ★ JJj J[ ★ Incerate per cavalli ★ j Suola e chiodi per scarpe 8 =|ABBIAMQ TUTTO NELLA NOSTRA | 8 Si eseguiscono Riparazioni vi & ci> • ® SJ. M. Bjsinger, Presidente S. C. Steele, Cassiere F. C. Betts, Vice Presidente W. P. ltisiNGEßr Ass. Cassiere 1 ■ 111 DI 11 CRI Pi 1 H HOMER CITY. FA. • dal 4 par ce.ilo sai depositi di risparmio® r' ~T^iz*z*TX'&ìrw:ww.wWArw.wxrirxrw:v r tt jrn. XiW *ECX^ W. M. MAHAN I g Avvocato in Cause Civili e Criminali -- Giudice di Pace jj 3 Ufficio al Marshall Building 5 ili CARPENTER AVE. INDIANA, PA.S Telefoni: Bell-Local | GtoRGE O.LEYDlC,dir6ttore di pompe funebri VENDI TOSE j: APERTO NOTTE E GIORNO |jj J| <' Telefoni: Local-Bell 23-25 North Sixt St. INDIANA, PA. E PIANOLE f ===^Z—~Z& i SOPRASCARPE DI GOMMA Wmffiß SCARPE PER MINIERA JBH? FELTRO PER STIVALI M|Pk "Arcticks,, con una o quattro ' f ' bWe car P e u ' ' eltro ! NOI VENDIAMO LE MIGLIORI SCARPE DI GOMMA NON BADATE AI PREZZO, CERCATE LA DURATA H. O. CHRISTY & CO. a — p Tutti quegli italiani clic desi derano fare la caria di citfadii nanza americana, possono rivol gersi al nostro uificio, che un nostro impiegato si incaricherà' di esplicare tutte le pratche ne cessarie SENZA ALCUN COMPENSO.