The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, December 12, 1914, The Patriot, Page 2, Image 2

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Csffi t Co.
ile lt;i City.
'• esaler.
on tlie market we are con
•j- dm il create a big demand. Our
!: re* .nodern machinery, and our
:e: <v!. e e and éxpericnce in Macaroni
' Ir a retailer.
nabìi *: ;.u ture INDIANA MACARONI from
' have • ie; entative in your town, wnte
tur namt .nd ;d. ìess to }'our nearest wholesaler.
• Itimi of Hi acari ni, we can supply you. It will
bis. Lesi graùi'B. li tur produci is giveu an oppor
•v ed tha. y ur tosO-umers will always ask for
To the Consumer.
[}\l fXARCNI nrade in the same way as the ge
ni. Macaroni, like bread, is beat when fresh, and
'in estern Pennsylvania, you can buy INDIANA
v. a few days old.
• u v> olutely the highest quality, ask frr INDIANA MA
\ p bli, by American Preea Association.
# i&li, by American Press Associate
A Curious Superstition.
Matty Greeks firmly believe to this
6n a curious heathen notion, which :
Mptdfi that the fate of every child is
entirely by three mysterious
who are spoken of collectively
WQ the "moral." These three "fates"
are Jttipposed to be Invisible women,
Mho oome on a visit of inspection j
■ftortiy after the birth of each child.
Mhep always come after sundown, says
fee superstition, and the Greek parents
a newly born baby is in the
feuse and a visit from the "moral" is
carefully leave the door open
MMI a feast and money offerings
fel ready for the "fates" when they
gfeoid arrive.
i A Summer of Haze.
f Mnrope xmd Asia were covered by
feg during the summer of 1785. Says
Mfibert White (letter Io9*T"The sum-
Mer of the year 1783 was an amazing
aad a portentous one. * ♦ * for. be
feten the alarming meteors and tre
■KIKIOUS thunderstorms. * * * the
pactrfiar haze or smoky fog that pre
gniled for many weeks in this island
fetagbmd) and in. every part of Europe
aad even beyond Its limits was a most
extraordinary appearance. The heat j
was intense. Calabria and part of the
fee of Sicily were torn and convulsed
with earthquakes." Cowper also re
!flr to this phenomenon in speaking of
fhnitouw, with a dim and sickly eye."
• Fbvto by A xeilcan Press Association.
' t
The kaiser's 42 centimeter guns are being transported in sections on huge auto trucks.
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if .feioto B* FC?RR.-ICAN PTFS Association,
, E-"~ ■ m■'ll*' - - .■ I' - .I 1 , ,—— 111 . . . y
Old English Slaves.
Before the conquest and for a long ;
time after at least two-thirds of the
people of England were denuded of all
the substantial attributes of freedom.
The lords had the absolute disposal of
them. They might be attached to the
soil or transferred by deed, sale or con
veyance from one lord to another.
They could not chance their place or
hold property—in short, they were
slaves under their obligation of per
petual servitude, which the consent of
the master alone could dissolve. The
system was not fairly abolished until
the reign of Charles 11., and so late as ;
1775 men were bought and sold in '
Scotland with the estates to which they 1
were bound.
Quite Enough.
Penman—Did you wade through that ,
last book of mine?
Wright—Yes. I did.
"Were you much stuck on it?"
"Only a dollar twenty-five."—Yonkers
A Guide's Escape.
First Guide—How was your life
saved? Second Guide—He mistook a
cow for me.—New York Sun.
Good Manager.
"Is your son's wife a good man
"Yes. She manages to make him
Jump whenever she gives him an or
der. which is more than I ever was
able to do."—Judge.
Always Apprehensive.
"My wife gets nothing but apprehen
sion out of life."
"How so?"
"She's afraid of cows in the country
and automobiles in town."—Kansas
City Journal.
Rather Too Light.
The landlady who had not a reputa
tion for overfeeding her boarders asked
her solitary boarder as he looked dole
fully at his supper. "Shall 1 light the
The boarder gazed at the scanty meal
and replied, "Well, no, it isn't neces
sary; the supper is light enough!"—
; London Telegraph.
Got All He Asked For.
Another "meanest man" has been
; found. He lives in the city and con-
I ducts a thriving business. The other
! day a seedy individual approached him
and said: "Say. mister. I'm hungry and
; would like/to get a nickel to get a cup
;of coffee and a roll. I have four pen
nies and only need one more. Please
give me a penny."
The man after searching himself
said: "I haven't got a penny. All I
have is a nickel. Give me your four
cents in change, and I will give you
the nickel."
The beggar requests that his name
be not mentioned in connection with
the Item. —Cincinnati Enquirer.
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in the; cuou and cu.
rate it I't <o dreamer
idealistic phi lit nt x -( He Is in ten
ly practical, ami. . practical, he i!
not uttempt to reform ilie reformutO'
methods all at oiire. The process ur
been gradual. The inmates of the Uat
way reformatory are now self goven
lng. Two years ago there were repot
ed to the superintendent 4,889 infra
tlons of the rules.
Offered Self Government.
Dr. Moore broached his self gover:
meut scheme to the inmates. He tob
them that it rested entirely with them
selves whether they were granted ai
J tonomy or not Last year the numbi
j of inmates increased, but the nujjibc
lof reported infractions of the rule
was 2,002 less than during the prev'
ous year. The older inmates, wfc<
i j were working for the privilege of be
iing treated like citizens, were seldom
reported, and they did much to tam
\he new inmates who were inclined to
"I be obstreperous. Dr. Moore called the
I inmates together and told them thai
- the time had come when he was goinc
i to grant them autonomy. He outlined
i his plan, which was Jo have the mis
[ deeds of inmates judged and punish
. mer for them meted out by a council
prisoners elected by their fellows.
On July 12 of this year each of the
! fourteen tiers elected two council men
to represent it Each Tuesday and
i Friday the council meets to act upon
. reports of misbehavior by Inmates
. The council has a president, who Is
j presiding judge, and a secretary, who
is clerk of the court. Prisoners are
produced before the council and faced
* by their accusers, who are their fellow
inmates or councilmen from their tier
' and they are given an opportunity to
cross examine witnesses and testify in
' their own defense. If the accused is
[ found guilty he is sentenced to the loss
* of some privilege.
i The decision of the council is final
It is not subject to approval by the
> superintendent or any officer of the In
i stitution, and none of the officers if
I permitted any voice in its delibera
tions. If a councilman misbehaves
and becomes amenable for a serious
breach of discipline be is tried by bis ;
t fellow toi.iicilmen. If a councilman j
Is ousted for cause an election to so
lect his successor is Immediate'y hole :
on his tier. NYver has the decision of
the council failed to meet with tin '
approval of the prisoners
Rules Governing Council.
Here are some of the governing rulet
of the council:
To do all in our power 'or:< p the us>
of profane language amm; tie inmates.
To try to ascertain the number ol an l
Inmate firuiI M " of steal MIS articles from
tb* room of another inmate and submit
his name to the council for action.
To try t<" do away v. : th all disorder i.i
the dining room, especially hissing and
loud talking, and to Keep perfect order.
To try to have the inmates take a pridr
)n their general behavior and In that way
reduce the number < \ i. ports against th.
Inmates of the Institution
To try to instill a better fellowship am:
spirit among the inm.ateh To try to le3i
them from the habit of doing things fo j
which they are liable to bp reported in'
the habit of doing things that are mam.
and clean.
The council shall take a lively interest
In all amusements for the benefit of tHe
inmates on holidays and other times. T
try to arrange to give shows from time
to time, especial'v on holidays.
Councilmen will ask the Inmates on .
their tiers to seird the-n suggestions from
time to time f r the betterment of the j
Inmates of the institution.
Dr. Moore says that the prisoners
govern themselves bettor than a host
of guards could govern them. The
honor roli br.s grown under autonomy
in the state reformatory, and the <!♦- j
linquent roil has decreased correspond
Beedy CLap 'stopping pedestrian)—
Pardon me. sir, but you look very much '
like a man I know. j
Pedestrian—lndeed! Well, you look
like a man I don't want to know. Good I
day!— Boston Transcript.
"Tinker has placed an old railroad
•ign. 'Stop, look and listen!' at the en- j
tfanee to his driveway."
"What's the idea?"
"His wife is runmng the touring
Weii Named.
"Why do you call your horse Lion?'
••Because he is such a roarer." —Balti-
more American. _ j
. yoi nt good frui sgo to ROSS' STORE 1
; orner SMb and Water st. or call Local |
| phone 20 7W. t
j£ We get fresh fruits of all kinds twice a J
ti week. jj
J We specialize on California fruits. |
' ' ■ ■" ' \
Wallack on the Ballet.
The late Lester Wallack once told a
atory of his still more famous father.
James W., that as either an actor or a
manager he could never tolerate the
One day there came to him a friend,
a man about town, who said, "My dear
Wallack, it Is very curioua that you do
not see the beauties of imagination
shown by the poses of the ballet." Go
ing on in this strain, the visitor at last
wore out the patience of the actor
manager. who replied:
"Look here. It is bad enough to stand
these absurdities in an opera; but
though I can comprehend people sing
ing their joys. I am hanged if I can
their dancing their griefs."
A Doleful Mood.
The proprietor of a Paris cafe no
ticed that after he had refused to give
his pianist an Increase of salary the
number of his customers dwindled
rapidly. It was only when all but
one diner had deserted him that he
discovered that the pinnist had been
inflicting Chopin's "Funeral March"
.on the audience nightly. The pianist,
who was proceeded against in the law
courts and was fined 5 francs, pleaded
that he played according to the mood
he felt in after his request had been
The Women of Belgium.
No one can travel In Belgium with
out being struck by the extraordinary
activity and prominence of the women.
Over the doors of shops of all descrip
tions the name of the owner or owners
is frequently followed by "Sisters" or
"Widow." You find them proprietors
of hotels and restaurants. They are of
ten custodians of the churches. They
are employed to tow the boats along
the canal banks. They cut up the meat
in the butchers' shops, and they are
even to be noticed shoeing horses at
the forge.—Liverpool Mercury. His Theory.
"The heavy explosions of a battle al j
ways cause rain. It rained after Wa
terloo; it rained after Fontcuoy: it
rained after Marathon."
"But Marathon was fought wit I
! spears and arrows, niy clear."
"There you go. Always throwing j
j cold water on anything I have to say.' j
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Word Magnet.
Magnet is derived from the name of
the city of Magnesia, in Asia Minor, i
where the properties of the lodestone i
are said to have been discovered. It
has, however, been asserted that the
, name comes from Magnes. the name
, of a shepherd who discovered magnetic j
5 power by being held on Mount Ida, in |
j Greece, by its attraction for the nails |
in his shoes.
China and Japan.
Japan was originally civilized byway
of China. Today Japan sends men of
science to instruct the Chinese.
Good Advice.
Lord Kitchener's ' answer to the .
young reporter who asked him for his
autograph is wholesome advice for all
autograph hunters. "Young man. go j
and make your own autograph worth !
having."—Youth's Companion.
1 ,]
Soldsring Aluminium.
When holes appear in aluminium
utensils it Is not necessary to discard
the dishes ss no longer useful, for by
a simple method they can be made to
take solder. Insert a brass or copper
rivet In the hole, flatten both ends and
then solder over both the inside and
the outside surfaces in the usual man
ner. If you wish to solder a piece t<
I a sound part of the utensil use a shun
I awl to punch holes for holding spots o
! copper or brass. If the aluminium ii.
very thick cut the holes with a sninl.
drill held in a carpenter's bit brace.
Quickly Relieved.
Little Hannah had been left in the
library one morning and shortly after
she came i onlng to her mother.
"Mother," ~;.ked, "that ink that
father writes with Isn't Indelible ink,
Is It?'
"No, dear." was the reply.
"Oh, I'm so glad of that," cried the
"Why, dear?" queried the mother.
"Why," said Hannah, "I've spilt it
all over the library rug."—Boston Her
Washington's Farewell Address.
Against the insidious wiles of foreign
Influence. I conjure you to believe me.
, fellow citizens, the jealousy of a free
people ought to constantly awake, since
history and experience prove that for
eign inflnenr" !-'• one of the most bane
ful foes nf r. publican government. Eu
rope lias a set of primary interest*)
which to us have none or a remote re
lation. Hence she must be engaged In
frequent controversies, the causes of
which arc essentially foreign to our
concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be
unwise in us to implicate ourselves by
artificial ties i i the ordinary vicissi
tudes of her politics or the ordinary
combinations and collusions of her
friendships or enmities.
A certain fiction writer applied to a
friend, an interne in a hospital, for
tome local color for a tale he bad
based upon an occurrence in such an
The interne couldn't think of any
thing of moment, but the writer jog
ged his memory thus:
"Surely you know of some realistic
bit here that I could use."
"I have it!" suddenly exclaimed the
"Yes," eagerly came from the writer.
"Here is realism with a vengeance,"
said the youthful interne. "One of our
patients walked in his sleep because be
dreamed he bad no car fare."—New
York Globe.
Edison and the Dee.
It is recorded that Thomas A. Edison,
after watching the tremendous energy
of a busy and noisy little bee, re
"A real plane, a heavier than air
i machine of great weight, can be bull*
as soon as we obtain something that
beats the air at the rate of 200 time)
a second. That bee weighed 7,000
times more than his wings. If we
can only get to that, get to that—the
greatest thing for the smallest wing—
; that is the thing. The bee's wings
: beat the air CtKi times a secoucL"