4 I [ USTA DEI REPUBBLICANI |xj ! United States Senator: ! Boies Penrose | Governor: I Martin G-. Brumbaugh I Lieutenant Governor: 1 Frank B. MoClain E Secretary of Internai Affair:: | Henry Houck I Representative in Congressat larga e Thomas S. Crago ; Mahlon M. Garland Daniel F. Lafean John R. K, Scott Representative in Congressi S. Taylor North Representative in General Aste.ubiy: Wilmer H. Wood I summenzionati sono i candidati del partito Repubblicano che si presenteranno alle elezioni uffi ciali. La croce (x) indica l'urna dove dovrete deporre la lista dei repubblicani. Siete contenti della giornata che guadagnate? lE' essa sufficiente ai vostri bisogni? Volete miglio rare le vostre condizioni? Non dovete fare altro che votare per L'INTIERA LISTA REPUBBLICANA POL. APY. m J. M. RISINGER, Presidente S. (\ STEELE, (Aisjiere F. C. BETTS, Vice Presidente VV. I'. Ri ASÓ.CassiereZ BANCA NAZIONALE DI HOIR CITY. I I HOMER CITY. PA. • Interessi del 4 per cento sui depositi di risparmio 9 PROSSIME PARTENZE l direttamente per Napoli e Palermo '•SAN GIORGIO,, . . . . .... . 5 Novembre 1914 IWiWUEUHL . . , . . . . . . 28 Novembre 1914 Adattamenti e servizi di terza classe insuperabili """ " _ {leganti e comode cabine di prima e seconda classe di lusso Per l'acquisto di biglietti rivolgersi a FRANCESCO BIAMONTE - Marshall Building, Stanza n. 12 - INDIANA. PA. Assicurazioni al fuoco su forniture e fabbricati con le migliori compagnie. Prezzi bossi. N. N. SWENK Vicino la Corte Indiana, Pa. I Ai nostri lettori e abbonati Richiamiamo l'attenzione di tutti i I nostri lettori ed abbonati sull'avvisi 1 che pubblichiamo in ottava pagina dei ! Magazzini del "Bon Ton,,. E' una vera occasione che si presenta a tutti coloro che desiderano far spesa di og getti di vestiario, scarpe ecc. poiché' presentandosi con i cuponi ai detti ' Magazzini godranno di un notevole ribasso. Avvertiamo perciò' tutti co loro che ne hanno interesse, di ta gliare i cuponi perche' senza di essi non potranno usufruire dello speciale sconto che i magazzini del "BonTon,, fanno per speciale concessione ai let tori del "Patriota,,. Approfittatene dunque: questa vendita speciale dura per tutto il mese di ottobre. Simili occasioni capitano di rade. Il nostro giornale |si vende, ogni sabato, nella citta' d'lndiana, Pa., presso la cartoleria ed agenzia gior* nalistica di Huey&Moorhead, j in Pliiladelpliia st. (di fronte alla stazione dei carri). ' l~ "I H~ ~HI ■ ~ r _ - - I ! _l j CEPCASI ragazzo robusto per tipografia. Rivolgersi o scrivere a F. Bia monte, Marshall Bldg., In diana. Pa. nXFomil li DIRETTORE ! | DI POMPE FUNEBRI 1 I —:— • ° INDIANA, PA. i ài | Ufficio in Carpeoter Ave. Il Aperto giorno e notte I | | Locai Pilone 121W 3 Tutti quegli italiani che desi derano fare la carta di cittadi. nanza americana, possono rivol gersi al nostro ufficio, che nn nostro impiegato si incaricherà' di esplicare tutte le pratche ne. cessarie SENZA ALCUN COMPENSO. I Ognuno può' giudicare a modo proprio il valore di un articolo, ma spesso molti s'ingannano. Venite a vedere i nostri vesti'i e potrete facilmente convincervi che i nostri prezzi sono bassi e la manifattura e' ottima. Ord nate ora il vostro vestito prima che il freddo arrivi, e vi colga sprovvisti. CBAS. E. PAUCH Sarto 1 Marshall Bld. Carpenter ave. |!( INDIANA, PA. t TIPOGRAFIA DHL "PATRIOTA,, Marshall Bldg. Indiana, P; ■■2522 2225 2525255252552552525252255252525225*2 *** * * !! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SI !L===_- === === ========= -!] C M SEGUISCONn LAVORI DI STAMPA CON LA MASSI SOLILA LUPINE ED ESATTEZZA I i CIRCOLARI - STATUTI - CARTE INTESTATE MANIFESTI - BUSTE STATEMFNTS j PARTECIPAZIONI DI NOZZE ì BIGLIETTI OA UISITA - BILL HEADS $ BUSINESS CARDS - PROGRAMMI, ed altro !; $ & i: ì # i: ij $ il S| # - j: $ $ !:•-, r r fji # Ì| jj # j: / Caratteri moderni nuovissimi x / The Patriot Publishing Co. INDIANA, PA. Always Dreaded the 14th. Most disinal of all men off the stage was Grimaldi, the clown, and his fa ther fathered him. He had that curi ous dread of a certain date whlch as- MLLS so many. The elder Grimaldi bat ed the 14th of the month, and when it was passed he regarded himself as safe until the next. He wu born, ehristened and married on the 14th of the month, and, beLng discontented wlth all three events. we wlU hope hls death on March 14, 1788, •atlsfled him. —London Tatler. QonUI Qrooting. He—You were gettiug ready to go •ut, and I'm afraid my call is inop portune! She—Really and truly, I would much rather stay here and talk with you than keep my engagement this afternoon! Ile—I am delighted! But can the engagement be broken wlthout inconvenience? She —Oh, yes! The dentist won't mind! Equina Evolution. Ages ago the liorse was an anlmal no larger thau a fox terrier. Today the specles has gone o far ahead that the elephantine borses seen on the Liver pool dockg are the wonder of every body who has seen them, and one of these horseg is able to do as much pull- Ing as three ordinary horses which have not been bred in a simiiar man uer.—London Answers. Lucky He Wa 8aved. "Tou can't convince me." said the lit tle man with tbe ragged trousers. "that you ccn bring np children right b.v talkin' to 'tm aud lettln' it at that You've got to use the rod. or you'll spoil the child. I used to git aioiit three Ilckin's a day on the average." "It doesn't seem to have done much for you," replied the lady with the pro truding jaw. "It done a lot for me. If tliey'd iet me go my own way I might almost of been a failure in life." —Judge. Novor Touchod HÍD. Landlady (to new boarder. crushing ly)—Mr. Newcome, that is the cream and not the milk you are pouring on your oatmeal. It was intended íor the coffee. Mr. N.—Oh, never mind, Mr. Baikins. I like it just as welL A DoUful Mood. The proprletor of a Paris cafe BO tlced that after he had refused to give his planlst an increase of salary tbe number of hls customers dwindled rapidly. It was only when all but one dlner had deserted him that he dlscovered thot the pianlst had been inflicting Choptn's "Funerai March" on the andience ulghtly. The planist, who was proceeded against in the law coui*ts and was flned 5 francs, pleaded that he played according to tbe mood he felt in after his retiuest had been refusud. THE PATRIOT published weekly by THE FATRIOT PUBLISHING CO. Office: Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. | F. BIAMONTE, Manager & Editor F. SMITH, English Editor B. COLETTI, Italian Editor. Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 26, 1914 at fche post office at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One vear $2.00 i Six months . . . . $1.25 One Copy 5c i — To Set Color*. In washing auything blue put • handful of salt into the water; green. a lump of alum; gray or brown, a llttle ox gall; tan or linen goods. a little hay water; reds and pinks, use a little vine gar,—National Magazine. — Human Stepping Stones. When a Chinese lady approaches a muddy place she beckons a boy. Th* boy drops on his Ir'" 's and knees in the mud, and the l„... uses him as a stepping stoue, for wiiich service she gives him a smull eoin. Snow Blankets. The eartb under a thick coat of snow is about 10 degrees warmer than the air immediately above the snow. THE PATRTOT QUESTIONS THAT A GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW. D. Have you read the Constitution of the United Stntes? R. Yes. * D. What form of Government is this? R. Republican. D. What is the Constitution of the ÍJnited States ? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of th? United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of? R. Senate and House of Representa tives. D. Who is the chief executive of the i United States ? R. President. D. For how long is the President of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the Presi dent in case he dies ? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name ? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the I*resident of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elected? R. By the people. D. Who makes the lí ws for the State of Pennsylvania ? R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature con sist of? R. Senate and Assemblv. D. How many States in the Urrlon? í . R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed ? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of thc United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the Capital of the State of Pennsylvania ? R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each State in the United States Senate? R. Two. D. By whom are they elected? R. By the people. I D. For how long ? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there ? R. According to the population one to every 30,000. D. For how long are they elected ? R. 2 years. D. How many electoral votes has the State of Pennsylvania ? R. 34. D. Who is the chief executive of the State of Pennsylvania ? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected? R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Tener. D. Do you believe in organized gov ernment? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organized government ? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not believe ir. organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poliga mist? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poliga mist? R. One who believes in having more than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret So ciety who teach to disbelicve in or ganized governmcnt? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any laws of the United States? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City? R. The Board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain per manently in the U. S.? lí Yes.