2 ART TREASURES OF FI. Precautions That Guard Them at the Louvre, In Paris. Those who visit the Louvre do not suspect the labor that is necessary in keeping the building in order. It must be protected at night against tire and burglars by watchmen, who, witn re volvers at bip and dark lanterns in band, make their rounds, accompanied by police dogs. Upstairs and downstairs and along the corridors, says the Paris corre spondent of the New York Sun. the distance they travel amounts to four miles, and in every room the watch men mi>t "punch" the clock that shows whether the rooms have been Inspected and how often. During the night the most valuable works of art are kept under lock and key. When the galleries are closed to the public a clever piece of mechanism is set in motion that carries the royal Jewels, worth millions of dollars, into a special burglar proof chamber. The Venus tie Milo. too, has her own spe cial bedroom. An iron shutter rises from the ground in front of her and hides the marble features of the god dess. In the early lUUI ling an army of custodians pours through the rooms, and the process of cleaning begins. A force of 150 men sets to work with brooms, dusters and floor polishers. The custodians exceed the strength of a company of soldiers on a war foot ing. There are one chief custodian, three underchiefs. twenty-seven supe rior and 148 inferior custodians. To these must be added the Louvre's arti sans, for the great place has its own works department aud almost its owu factory RADIUM AND LIGHTING. And the Better Protection of Hordes During Thunderstorms. Radium has been discovered vastly to improve lightning rods iu their pro tection of buildings during thunder •torms. Of course the enormous cost of radium prevents any practical use of the fact as yet But there is a very fair possibility that the information gained in this way wiii lead to a new form of lightning rod which will be more efficiert or that further experi ments will show that a tiny quantity of radium at a reasonable cost will im prove the pr< ftection. The purpose of lightning rods, of course, is to catch the electrical cur vents in the air during a storm and lead them safely into the ground in stead of allowing the lightning to pick its own course down through a house or church steeple, and their use Is based on the principle that a metal rod will give the electricity p smoothci path of less resistance than ordinary building material. The whole trouble with lightning rods now iu that, though they can bf made to do the trick if the electrical discharge Is near them, there is no was to lead electricity through the air to the rod. Radium will do this part of the work, as has been demonstrated in scientific experiments. Two milli grams of radium ou the end of a rod made the air a considerable distance awny J vastly better conductor. Thus any electrical discharge within ■everal yards of the rod had a path open for it along the radium rays tc the rod nnd then down the rod to the earth.—Saturday Evening Post. Out of the Mouths of Babes. Sunday School Teacher—Can you tell me who dwelt in the Garden of Eden? Little May Yes, ma'am; the Ad amses. "What is an amateur, Bobby?" quer ied his small sister. "An amateur," replied Bobby, "is anything that isn't nature." "Mamma," queried little Myra, "do you think grandpa has really gone to heaven?" "Yes, dear." was the reply. "Well, continued Myra, "I'll bet he aneaks outside once in awhile to smoke b'a pipe." In the lesson mention had been made of the canthook that Is used in rolling logs. "Can you tell me what a canthook Is, Tommy?" asked the teacher. "Sure," replied Tommy. "It's a cow that hasn't any horns."—Detroit Free l*ress. What Bobwhite Eats. Fifteen per cent of the food of the bobwhite is composed of insects, in eluding several of the irm c f serious pests of agriculture. IT-iii ~i its food of weed seed.>. one-fourth of gref-t I about one-sixteenth of wild fi Taken in all the bobwhite la very useful to the farmer, and while it may not be necessary to remove it from the list of game birds every firmer should see that his own farm 4a not depleted by sportsmen. Father Foots the Bill. Father (having Just accepted cigar from son)— And what do you pay for these? Son—Two for a quarter. Fa ther—What! And I content myself with two for a dime! Son—Well, you know, dad, our cases are different. If I had as large a fairdly as you to sup port I shouldn't smoke at all.—Boston Transcript Watch and Watch. First Pickpocket—Here he cornea, now! Second Plckf>ocket—All right You keep a watch on Mm while I take a watch off Mm!— London Answers. Whers to Find It. Wigwag—l never knew such a fel low as Bjones He is always looking for trouble. Henpeckke-Then why doesn't he get married? FRENCH ZOUAVES ON THE MARCH K A " y g Photo by American Press Association. A Spirit of Resignation. An actor on his benefit night, having a very limited audience, when he came to the often quoted passage, " 'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more, Sempronius; we'll deserve it," heaved a deep sigh and substituted for the last line. "But we'll do more. Sem pronius; we'll do without it."—"Pic tures and the Picture Goer." BRIDGE IN FRANCE REBUILT BY GERMANS r Photo by American Press Association. BELGIAN ARTILLERY IN ACTION © 1914, oy American Press Association. Too Much Wit. An East Cleveland man who likes to tinker about his borne pulled away the steps to his side door last Saturday and took them into the garage, where he added sundry nails to their makeup. He was lugging them back when bis next door neighbor looked over the fence and said: "Hello, Brown. What you doing? Repairing your house?" "I'm taking steps in that direction," Brown replied. He was so much pleased with his wit that he forgot his caution, tripped on a croquet wicket and, falling over the steps, cut his nose ou the scraper —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Extravagance. Extravagance hi thought is as bad aH extravagauce in living expenses.—E. W. Howe's Monthly. SOLDIERS GOING TO FRONT. ~ZJ Photo by American Press Association. Flattering. Very Stout Farmer's Wife (to little rustic, her protege)— Well. Sam, your master and 1 are going to the cattle show. Cowboy—Oh. I'm sure I hope you'll take the fust prize, 'm—that I do.—London Tit-Bits. Aye, There's the Rub. If we bad to turn our own grind stones we wouldn't have so many axes to grind. Cincinnati Enquirer "One Eye Open." Some years ago in London a French man stepped into a hansom and was asked; "Where do you wish to go?" "One eye open." he replied. "Right," said cabby, who understood nothing and drove off. After a time, same question, same reply. Finally the driver descended aud demanded further information. "One eye open." still was the an swer. Cabby fnrious. A crowd assem bled, a policeman appeared on the scene and demanded the whole story. Then the mystery was solved. The fare wanted to be driven to 1 High Rolborn. Our Funny Language. A man feels put out when he discov ers that he has been taken in.—Chicago News. THE PATRIOT ine U'uci vjr Okcue. From time immemorial such great sentiments as liberty, justice, truth have been spoken of and when put intc verse, statue or painting have been represented as being feminine. Just why this should be so there is no tell ing, but It Is so. It was in obedience to this custom that "Liberty Enlight ening the World" stands iu tlie shape of a woman.—New York Journal. This Was In Denmark. An Englishman having business in a certain Danish town arrived at the railway station. He inquired of a group of then standing near the way to the house he wanted, whereupon one of them offered to go with him and show him. With recollections of what such a service meant in Eng land he said. "I don't want a guide." "But surely you asked us to show you the way," said one of them. "Yes, but I don't want a guide." "My dear sir, I am not a guide; I am the bishop." Dying Poor. It is no disgrace to die poor, but it's n mean t-L k to play ou your relatives. - UnLtdU Ti'pt"* Murder Comparisons. In Italy there are about 2.500 mur ders annually, Russia about 2,400 and Spaiu abuut 1.000. Feat* of a Strong Man. Well known In the old buffalo days of Saskatchewan was Joe Beaupre. famed a thousand miles as the biggesl eater in the north. Joe was not six feet tall, but he was a broad, deep, thick sort of man, with a hand like a ham and a stomach like nothing else in the world, lie would eat an entire boxful of apples at one sitting aud thinl nothing of it. Once, having encounter ed a gentleman who thought he was some eater, Joe consumed fifty-three pounds of buffalo meat in one day and topped off with a raw turnip, a six pound piece of pork, some lard and two loaves of bread. The best his competitor could do was thirty-seven pounds of meat. Beaupre was so strong he never would fight any man for fear he should kill him. One day. while sledding on a narrow trail with an obstinate horse, he became angered, struck the horse on the head with his fist and killed it He loosened the harness and threw the dead animal on one side of the trail. He never really knew how strong he was. Beaupre died of rheumatism while still a young man.—Saturday Evening Post. The Seventh Ir.nir.g Stretch. It is a simple ceremonial, but im pressive. like all manifestations of the soul of a multitude. I need only close my eyes to call up the picture vividly. It is a day of brilliant sunshine, and a great crowd of men is seated in the open air, a crowd made up of all con ditions, ages, races, temperaments and states of mind. The crowd has sat there an hour or more, while the aft ernoon sun has slanted deeper into the west and the shadows have crept across greensward and hard baked clay to the eastern horizon. Then, al most with a single motion—the time may be somewhere between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock—this multitude of divers minds and tempers rises to its feet and stands silent, while one might count twenty perhaps. Nothing is said. No high priest intones prayer for this vast congregation. Neverthe less, the impulse of 10.000 hearts is ob viously focused into a single desire When you have counted twenty UK crowd sinks back to the benches. A half minute at most and the rite is over.—Simeon Strunsky in Atlantic. Virtue of Peanuts. The oil of the peanut bus a quieting effect on the pueuinogastric nerve, the largest nerve supplying the stomach. Many nervous persons who like pea nuts and do not know why, like them for this reason. They quiet the nerves of the stomach. These persons should cat a few lresh roasted peanuts after each hearty meal, as many nervous conditions are due to an irritation of the pneumogastric nerve, and the pea nut oil acts as a sedative to this nerve Of course the nuts must be crisp and well chewed and not too many taken To get the best sedative effect a hand ful of the hot peanuts should be eaten just before retiring. This presup poses that the powers of elimination are in good repair. The peanut, a member of the pulse family, is nutrb tious and would clog the system if not eaten correctly, as it is almost equal to meat.—Philadelphia Ledger. Putting It on the Map. Captain Cook shows in his "Voy ages" how some of the mouth filling place names on maps are evolved. "Off New Zealand there is an island called by the natives 'Matuaro.' One of my officers, having asked a native the name of that isle, the latter re plied, 'Kematuaro,' putting 'the' be fore the name, as is the custom. The officer, hearing the sound imperfectly, repeated his question, whereupon the native repeated his reply, emphasiziug It with the word 'oeia,' which means 'indeed.' So in the logbook Matuaro was transformed into 'Kumettiwarro weia.' "—London Globe. He Rivaled Cicero. Quintus Hortenslus. the Roman ora tor, would have come down In histor-y with great f:me had any of his speech es been preserved. He died In the year 50 B. C. He was a soldier and statesman, and his mentality can be judged from the fact that he was a rival of Cicero. SUGGESTS WARTIME DIET. ————— Macaroni and Cheese an Ideal Meat Substitute, Says Health Board. A New York health department i>nl letin urges people to depend >u maca roni and cheese instead of meat us the ideal "wartime diet." Dr. Marion B. McMillan, chief of the food inspection bureau of the board of health, says that, for many pereous who are unable to buy sufficient quau tities of treats to sustain their farnl lies, macarou! aud cheese would be an Ideal food. "Let the American housewife take a lesson from her Italian cousin and learn the many palatable dishes to be made from macaroni and spaghetti.' says the bulletin. "Very few realize the araoun' if nourishment contained in an average helping (two heaping ia blespooufuis; of macaroni baked with cheese. Such a helping contains three times as much nourishment as a slice of lean beef and is practically equal to the latter in building up mus cle, bone and sinew. Study the follow fng comparison "Roast beef (lean). A helping (100 grams* contains 150 calories, of which 00 calories are protein. "Macaroni baked with cheese. A helping (150 grams) contains 450 calo ries. of which 80 calories are protein. "Smash the high cost of living. Meat every day is unnecessary." The Pessimist. The pessimist stands beneath the tree of prosperity and growls when the fruit falls on his head. / I French Commander Who Has Won Great Victory AgjV .*X f > 1 ( , •->.. : * Photo by American Press Association. GENERAL JOSEPH JOFFRE. Some idea of how the Germans were banaastu oj artillery fire during their retreat was obtained on a visit to the fields near Meaux. The German in fantry had taken a position in a sunk en road on either side of which were stretched in extended lines hum mocks, some of them natural and some the work of spades in the bauds of German soldiers. Beside many bodies were forty or fifty empty cartridge shells while frag ments of clothing, caps and knapsacks were scattered about. This destruc tion was v "cught by batteries little more than miles distant. Straggling clumps of wood inter vened between the batteries and their mark, but the range had been de termined by an officer on an elevation a mile from the gunners. He tele phoned directions for the firing and through glasses watched the bursting shells. The sunken road was littered with bodies today. Sprawiing in ghastly fashion, the faces had almost the same greenish gray hue as the uniforms worn. The road is lined with poplars, the branches of which severed by frag ments of shells, were strewn among the dead. In places whole tops of trees had been torn away by the artil lery fire. A Demonstration. "I distinctly saw you with a police man's arms around you." "Oh, yes, mum! Wasn't it nice of him? He was showin' me how to bold a burglar if I found one in the house." -Life. COMPANTTT BREAKFAST. A Surprise Party That Startled • Bride In India. "I was married in India," says a writer in the Contra Costa Gazette, "and rented a little house fourteen miles or so from any other habita tion of white men. The morning my wife and 1 arrived the servants laid breakfast on the veranda overlooking the river. At the clatter of the platea there began to come down from the big tree that overshadowed the house and up the tree that grew in the ravine behind it, from the house roof Itself, from everywhere, a multitude of sol emn monkeys. "They came up singly nod in couplre and in families and took their place* without noise or fuss cn the veranda and sat there like an audience waiting for an entertainment to begin. And when the breakfast was nil laid and the monkeys were all seated I went in to call my wife. "'Breakfast is ready, and tbey ara all waiting!' I said. " 'Who are waiting? she asked in dismay. 'I thought we were going to be alone, and I was Just coming out !n my dressing gown.' "'Never inind.* I said 'The about here are not fashionably dressed. Tbey wear pretty much the same things all the year round.' "And so my wife came out. Imagine her astonishment. In the middle of the veranda stood our breakfast tables and all the rest of the space, ua well as the railings and the steps, was covered with an immense company of monkeys, as grave as possible and as motion* less and silent as If they were stuffed. Only their eyes kept blinking and their little round ears kept twitching. My wife laughed heartily—at which the monkeys only looked all the graver— and sat down. ! " 'Will they eat anything? she asked. " Try them.' I said. "So she picked up a biscuit and threw it among the company. Three hun dred monkeys jumped into the air like one, and for an instant there was a riot that defies description. The next moment every monkey was sitting in ts place as solemn as If it had never moved. Only their eyes winked and their ears twitched. "My wife threw them another bis :uit, and the riot broke out again. Then she threw them another aud another and another. But at last we had given away all that we had to give and got np to go. The monkeys at once roso and, advancing gravely to the steps, walked down them in a solemn pro cession and dispersed for the day's oc cupations." ...