The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, October 31, 1914, The Patriot, Image 1

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VOLUME I. —No. 13.
tee injifl lo
mini M
While going to the dedicatory
exercises at the new Indiana hos
pital Thursday, three persons
were injured when, their automo
biles collided with another ma
chine. The car was upset and the
occupants thrown out.
The Injured.
Mrs. Sue McCor.mick, of North
Seventh street; compound frac
ture of the right leg; severely cut
about the face and head and suf
fering from the shock. Taken to
the Simpson-Neal hospital. Con
dition serious.
Miss Ella McCormiek, daughter
of the above, fracture of the right
arm and suffering from shock.
Taken to the Simpson-Neal hospi
pital. Condition favorable.
J. Wilse McCartney, of North
Seventh street, artery on right
side of neck severed; suffering
from extreme loss of blood and
shock. Taken to the Simpson-
Neal hospital. Condition favor
Flickinger in An Auto Accident
Near Altoona.
Four persons, including an In
diana resident, were injured when
an eastbound Pennsylvania freight
train struck an auto-bus at the
Burns station crossing on the
Hollidaysburg branch, three
miles south of Altoona, Tuesday
The most seriously injured was
Frank A. Flickinger, of this place.!
a marble cutter in the J. E. Lewis
shop on South Thirteenth street, j
and a valued member of the Indi- j
ana Military band. He sustained
a fractured skull, concussion of
the brain, lacerations on the body
and is now in the Altoona hospi- j
tal, where he is not expected to re- j
Josephine Man Fatally Hurt
Michael Barberick of Josephine. |
this county, attended a dance at j
that place last Wednesday night
and at an early hour the follow
ing morning started to walk to
his home, but he lost his bearings
and fell down a 40-foot embank
ment, where he was found at day j
break. He was placed on the morn- j
ing train and was being brought
to the Indiana Hospital, when
death occurred. Barberick was
about 40 years of age and was one
of the best known foreigners in
this section of the county. He is
survived by a family in the old
More Than Twelve Thousand
Pieces of Mail Handled
Nearly a thousand pieces of mail
a day passed through the local
postoftice during the 13 working
days from October 1 to October |
15, during which time a strict rec
ord was kept of the amount, class
and weight of mail handled. In,
the above period 3,863 parcels,
weighing nearly two tons, were
sent out. at a cost for postage of
$123. More than 8,800 pieces of
parcel post were received for de
livery. Of this number 1557 pieces
were distributed through the
boxes and general delivery; 5.205
by the regular carriers. 890 by the
extra parcel post carrier and six
by special delivery. The number
of pieces handled during the peri
od was 12,165, or an average of
iieai ly 1,000 daily.
Turkish Warship Fires on
Seaport Near Sebastopol
I Photo by American Press Assoclat:<wi.
Tokio, Oct. 30 (11:15 a. m.)
The Russian embassy here an
nounces that Turkey has opened
war on Russia.
Theodosia, Crimea, (via Petro
grad), Oct. 29 —From 9:30 o'clock
to 10:30 this morning a Turkish
cruiser with three funnels bom
barded the station and city, dam
aging the cathedral, the Greek
church, a pier and some sheds.
One soldier was wounded. A
branch of the Russian Bank of
Foreign Commerce caught fire. At
the conclusion of the bombard
ment the cruiser left in a south
westery direction.
Demands Another Town's Sur
Novorossysk, Caucasia, (via
Pertograd), Oct. 29—The Turkish
cruiser Hamideh, which arrived
here today, demanded the surren
der of the city and government
properties, threatening in case of
refusal to bombard the town. The
Turkish consul and, officials were
arrested. The cruiser withdrew.
Big British Battleship Sunk
By Mine, Paris Dispatch Says
Paris, Oct. 30—It is reported!
here at one o'clock this (Friday)
morning that a first-class British
battleship, has been sunk by a j
Knife Artists Stay
In Mines and Escape
A Slav was badly slashed about
the head during a fight at this
place. The sight of one eye may
have been destroyed by a knife
thrust. The injured man stated
■ that he did not know who had
1 stabbed him. Deputy Sheriff Har
ry C. Williams and Constable Rob
ert Kerr Went to Lucerne and ar-
I rested three fellow countrymen of
the injured man. who were named
in an information made by the in
jured man. It was learned by the
officers that the three men under
arrest had been at work at the
time of the cutting. Two men who
are alleged to have done the cut
ting, learning of the arrests, re
mained in the mines all night and
escaped arrest. Officers are still
searching for them.
Advertise in The Patriot.
mine. The name of the ship is not
reported. The news is confirmed.
Russia Ready for New Foe.
Petrograd, Oct. 29 —Russia now
; counts Turkey as an enemy. This
became evident following the re
port here of the bombardment by
a Turkish cruiser of the Russian
seaport? of Theodosia and the de
mand for the surrender of Novo
rossyk. By this step, in the opin
ion of well informed circles here,
she has marked her as an ally of
Germany in the great struggle
now in progress for the suprem
j acy of Europe.
Theodosia (formerly Kaffa) is
a Russian seaport on the southeast
coast of Crimea, about 100 miles
northeast of Sebastopol. by which
it is connected by rail.
Novorossyk is on the northeast
coast of the Black Sea and is the
capital of the territory of the
| Black Sea. It is almost directly
■ opposite Theodosia. at a distance
of about 120 miles.
Italy May Accept
Offer of Nicholas
Rome, Italy. Oct. 9 —The Gior
nale d'ltalia today declares that
if Emperor Nicholas will deliver
unconditionaly to Italy the Aus
| trians of Italian nationality cap-
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the In
diana postoffiee October 24, 1914:
Mrs. Akin, Mrs. A. M.
Biddle, Miss Helen Carr, A. W.
Dodds. Miss Margaret R. Jaeoby.
Amey Johnston, Jones King, John
H. Learn. Roy McClarin, J. L. Me-
Govern, T. S. Meagher, Mrs. H. K.
Parker, Mrs.> F. A. Simons, Miss
Marey Wylars, Muezka Gyargy.
When inquiring for letters in
this list please state that they
were advertised, giving date.
Called Home from Michigan
Benjamin Hill, of near Creek
side, a student in electrical engin
eering at Ann Arbor, Mich., has
been called to his home because of
tlic cciicus illness of his father.
tured by Russian troops, the Ital
ian ministers have virtually decid
ed to accept his offer.
On October 24 the Russian am
bassador at Rome notified the Ital
ian government that Emperor
Nicholas was ready to send to It-
aly all Austrian prisoners of Ital
ian nationality taken by Russian
troops in Galieia, on condition that
the government did not return
them to Austria-Hungary. Tim
prisoners that the Russian emper
or has proposed to transfer to It- j
aly are said to number 5,000. and
beong to the districts of Trent. ;
Triest, Gorz, Pola and Dalinatia. i
• I
Italy Angry at Hellenic Occupa
tion of Southern Albania
Rome, Italy, Oct. 29 —The re
port that Greece has landed 1200
soldiers at Santi Qauarnta, thus
taking possession gives them en
tire control of the Corfu Channel, j
is causing a profound impression
in Rome. As this step on the part
of Greece was strongly opposed by j
the London conference, it is gene
rally believed in Italian political
circles that Greece will not be sup
ported by Great Britain and
Rossiter Lad Breaks
From Two Prisons. I
Joseph Compassi, sixteen, is iq
the toils of Jefferson county offi
cers after a remarkable criminal
career during the past year. He
was sentenced to Morganza by
Judge Telford after he had robbed
stores at Juneau, Valier, Punxsu
tawney and Rossiter, his home
town. He escaped from the re
formatory and was later heard
i from at Jamestown. N. Y., where
| he was found with $l2 in Ms poc
ket near a store that had just been
robbed. He was placed in the
| Jamestown jail, but escaped. He
j next robbed two stores at Ridg
way. Dayton was the next scene
jof his operations. The Dinsmore
( store in Punxsutawney the next
and he is now in the Punxsutaw
ney lockup.
Advertise in The Patriot.
Miss Margaret Vogel is visiting
relatives in Greensburg.
Miss Emma Sehisler, of Latrobe
returned to her home Thursday af
ter a visit with relatives here.
Attorney and Mrs. J. E. Peelor
liadj as their guest over Sabbath.
Mrs. J. B. Reed, of Pittsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dinsmore, of
Punxsutawney. were Indiana vis
| itors on Thursday.
Mrs. Harry C. Christy attended
to Club business in Blackliek and
Homer City Tuesday.
Miss Fanny Thomas, of North
Seventh street, left here Wednes
day to visit friends in East Or
iange, N. J.
Mrs. C. M. Wortman, of Water
street, is home from a visit with
: her sister. Mrs. Fred Jamison, of
Washington, Pa.
Judge S. J. Telford was in Mor
ganza on Friday attending a meet- i
ing of the Pennsylvania Industrial
. Mrs. S. Ellman, of Johnstown,
who had been visiting for the last
two weeks with the Kleinstub fam
ily of Creekside, returned home on
Mrs. John F. Clements, of
Philadelphia street, was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Ney Proth
ero, of Jeannette, during the lat
ter part of last week.
What's the Matter With "Jack?"
"Jack" Ness, a barber on Phil
adelphia street, has always been
noted for his prowess as a hunter
"Jack" can go out into the woods
and dig up more game than any
one on the line, unless it's E. R.
Springer, Elmer Allison or David
Wearner. But this year "Jack"
doesn't seem inclined to hunt.
"Jack" hasn't got a license
yet," commented one of his fel
low friends. "He must be sick or
No hunter's license; perfectly
good dogs lying idle and "Jack"
only grunting when you ask him
about hunting. Something wrong
Several suggestions have been
offered as to "Jack's" reason for
not procuring a license this sea
son. Some declare he's jealous of
"Seal" Black's famous rabbitskin
boots and is waiting until he gets
a chance to get a pair like them
Others still maintain that "Jack"
refuses to hunt because he has to
get a license and wear a tag. just
like his hunting dog, and the idea
doesn't sound good to him. Eithei
of these two reasons may be the
correct one.
Ernest Miner Held Up
While at the spring to get a
bucket of water, J. Zampiccoli, a
uiner, found on his return hoim
a smooth-faced tall young man
who without hesitating drew two
revolvers and said to Zampiccoli
"Hands up,!" (which he did). He
then put on his guns in his pocket
and took from Zampiccoli's pocket
Thieves Got Contribution Box.
The contribution box in St. Ber
nard's Catholic church was rifled
by thieves early Friday morning.
A cxiill z..'- f m.'iicy v?.s secured
111 IS M
I Inlno Mil
Building and Equipment Valued at
$165,000 Is Gift of Coal
A modern hospital, erected and
equipped at a cost of $165,000 was
presented to Indiana county on
Thursday by Adrian Iselin, Jr..
and his-sister, Miss Georgine Ise
lin. of New York City. The Iselins
have large holdings of coal in this
county, and the gift was made as
a result of their interest in the in
dustrial development of this sec
tion of the state.
Simple ceremonies marked the
presentation. Lucius W. Robin
son, of Rochester, N. V., general
| manager of the Buffalo, Rochester
and Pittsburgh Railway Company,
made the presentation address and
•Justice of the Supreme Court John
P. El kin, who is president of the
County Hospital Association, ac
cepted gift in behalf of the lo
cal organization.
Among those who attended the
I ceremonies were Adrian Iselin, Jr.
and two daughters; C. 0. I). Ise
lin and Georgine Iselin, of New
York City; William T. Noonan,
president of the Buffalo, Rochester
and Pittsburgh Railway Company
and directors of that company.
Sara Morgart, of Johnstown, is su
j perintendent of the hospital.
W. T. Wilson Loses Money.
William T. Wilson, a member of
the Indiana delegation who went,
to Blairsville Tuesday evening to
greet Theodore Roosevelt, had his
pocket picked while listening to
the speaker. The poekotbook was
taken from his pocket and contain
ed about $3O.
A Correction.
Last week's Patriot on its ed
itorial "Down With the Speed
Fiends," in the next to the last
paragraph should have read, "We
feel sure that we voice the senti
ment of the people."
Fatal Mine Accident.
Joe Mlinastik, aged 35- years,
was killed by a fall of slate in the
mines at Graceton on Monday ev
1118 SI
That Squire Crossman will lead
the Hallowe'en parade.
• That the building of a new post
office is still a mystery.
That the Council has sent for a
catalogue to purchase a motor
That Frank Wood of the
"Grand Opera Co., will show some
of these days our "home talent"
on the screen.
That Dr. Truitt. with his big (?)
car turns the "curves" at full
speed without upsetting "certain
ly slick."
That County Treasurer J. Wil
lis Wilson has sold, 3715 hunting
licenses since the beginning of the
season —and that more than that
are hunting.
WANTED —To buy a 6 or 7 pas
senger automobile; one that has
been used but a few months. Ap
j ply at this office, giving make and
price. „