4 I [usta dei repubblicani|^| •J United States Senator: Boies Penrose ì fimreraor: Martin G-. Brumbaug'h } Ueutenant Governor: Frank B. MoClain Secretar; of Internai Affair:: I Henry Houck Sepresentative in Congressatlarge Thomas S Crag-o 5 Mahlon M. Qarland Daniel F. Lafean John R. K. Scott Itepresentative in Congressi S. Taylor North Itepresentative In General Assembly: Wilmer H. Wood I sunfhienzionati sono i candidati del partito Repubblicano clie si presenteranno alle elezioni uffi ciali. La croce (x) indica Fuma dove dovrete deporre la lista dei repubblicani. Ì Siete contenti della giornata che guadagnate? E' essa sufficiente ai vostri bisogni? Volete miglio rare le vostre condizioni? Non dovete fare altro clie votare per I L'INTIERA LISTA REPUBBLICANA mi in w i GRANDE j RAPPRESENTAZIONE < a Lacerna, Pa. fi VFNJTE A VEDERVI SULLA TELA DEL CINEMATOGRAFO ìì COME GLI AETRI VI VEDONO | PANORAMI DEL VOSTRO PAESE E FOTOGRAFIE VIVENTI DEI VOSTRI AMICI 000000000000$000000®0000^$ ZJ- M. RISINGER, Presidente S. (\ STERI. K. Passiere X F. C. BETTS, Vice Presidente W. p. liisiNGEßr Ass.Cassiere Z 1 BANCA NAZIONALE 1 fIOMER CITY. PA. ! HOMER CITY. PA. • PROSSIME PARTENZE direttamente per Napoli e Palermo ili Snn MB ~~ 20 Ottobre 1914 SAW GIORGIO,, . ■ . . . . . , 5 Novembre 1914 ' Adattamenti e servizi di terza classe insnnerahiii ——r- t |e o ai >W comode cabine di prima e seconda classe - Cabine di lusso znzz Tacqui sto di biglietti ri volgersi *i IMÌANCPSC'O IMA MONTE Marshall Building. Stanza 11. 12 - INDIANA. PA. OROLOOIAIO ITALIANO F. DE MATTEIS CREEKSIDE, PA. Si compra oro ed argento usato. Si cambiano e si vendono orologi D * Si eseguisce qualunque riparazione su orologi italiani e americani. Si riparano sveglie, e orologi a pen dolo ed armi da fuoco. Entrate in questo negozio liberamente e visi tate il ricco assortimento. Ai nostri lettori e abbonati Richiamiamo l'attenzione di tutti i nostri lett< ri ed abbonati sull'avviso che pubblichiamo in ottava pagina dei Magazzini del "Bon Ton,,. E' una vera occasione che si presenta a tutti coloro che desiderano far spesa di og getti di vestiario, scarpe ecc. poiché* ' presentandosi con i cuponi ai detti i Magazzini godranno di un notevole ribasso. Avvertiamo perciò" tutti co loro che ne hanno interesse, di ta gliare i cuponi perche' senza di essi non potranno usufruire dello speciale sconto che i magazzini del ' -Bon Ton., fanno per speciale concessione ai let tori del "Patriota,,. Approfittatene dunque: questa vendita speciale dura per tutto il mese di ottobre. Simili occasioni capitano di rode. Assicurazioni al fuoco su forniture e fabbricati con le migliori compagnie. Prezzi bossi. ? à X. X. SWEXK là A ivi no la Corte Indiana, Pa. £ TIPOGRAFIA "f DEL "PATRIOTA,, Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. ij ==== ~ =============== iS 8 ji IS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ !! SL---- == _ s= _ s== _ ss .„J! si rsEomscorcn LAVORI DI STAMPA CIIN LA MASSIMA SOLLECirUOINE ED ESATTIZZI j| CIRCOLARI ■ STATUTI • CARTE INTESTATE * MANIFESTI • BUSTE . STATEMENTS # $ PARTECIPAZIONI 01 NOZZE J $ \ ? BIGLIETTI 'DA VISITA - BILL HEAOS | BUSINESS CARDS - PROGRAMMI, ed altro |i $3 |: ;i il $ : ;■ & $ |: & ii I || $ |: ( Caratteri moderni nuovissimi The Patriot Publishing Co. INDIANA. PA. 5 t w ' m THE PATRIOT published weekly by THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO. Office: Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. F. Bi A MONTE, Manager & Editor F. SMITH, English Editor B. COI.ETTI, Italian Editor. Entered as second-class matter Sep. tember 26, 1914 at the post office at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES j One year $2.00 Six months . . . . $1.25 One Copy 5c ... DOWN WITH THE SPEED FIENDS "There are nice streets, big wide, smooth, long, straight streets in Indiana. When we get j there we'll hit up the speed a bit i and enjoy some real fast driving." This is a remark frequently heard from autoists driving to- I ward Indiana. Indiana has good streets. The borough paid for them. They ; were built for the convenience of our townsfolk. Outsiders are making these I streets speedways. They are endangering the lives of pedestrians. Visitors in town often remark that it is strange that speeding is allowed on the main thoroughfore of a town so large and so progres sive as Indiana. Our townsfolk only gasp. They, too, wonder why strange auto drivers are permitted to break all speed limits inside the borough. There is a speed limit here —15 miles is the law. We are not not blaming the po i lice officers for the conditions : which exist. Arrests follow violations of the speed limit. But the PATRIOT takes this stand: Fifteen miles as a limit is not exactly what Indiana needs. That speed is too great. There should be a limit of from eight to 10 miles I'hat s fast enough driving through the streets of the town. The PATRIOT urges the estab lishing of an ordinance that will make the exceeding of an eight or ten mile limit punishable. This would put a stop to the speed menace. It would cause our : streets to become an advantage in stead of a detriment. Council can do this. It will re-! quire only a little effort, l and Bert ichteberger. sentiment of the people of this town when we say that we need a speed limit worse than we needed the paved streets. Other towns are establishing speed limits—real speed limits— and enforcing them. Why can't Indiana? THE PATRIOT QUESTIONS THAT A GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW. D. Have you read the Constitution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government is this? R. Republican. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of? R. Senate and House of Representa tives. D. Who is the chief executive of the United States ? R. President. D. For how long is the President of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the Presi dent in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name ? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the iTesident of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elected ? R. By the people. D. Who makes the liws for the State of Pennsylvania? R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature con sist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. How many States in the Union? R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the Capital of the State of Pennsylvania? R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each State in the United States Senate? R. Two. D. By whom are they elected? R. By the people. D. For how long ? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there? R. According to the population one j to every 30,000. D. For how long are they elected? - R. 2 years. D How many electoral votes has the State of Pennsylvania? R. 34. D. Who is the chief executive of the S ate of Pennsylvania? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected? R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Tener. D. Do you believe in organized gov ernment ? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organized government ? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not believe in organized government. D. Ave you a bigamist or poliga mist? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poliga mist? R. One who believes in having more than one wife. D. Do you belrr-g to any secret So ciety who teach to disbelieve in or ganized government? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any laws of the United States? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City? R. The Board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain per- 1 manently in the U. S.? it. Yes.