The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, October 17, 1914, The Patriot, Image 1

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VOLUME I. —No. 11.
Great Battles Fought
Behind Drawn Curtain
French Report Western Conflicts in Allies' Favor
and Germans Have Decided Advantage in the East
In order to arouse enthusiasm French guns captured in the flghtiug in France have been sent to Berlin, where
I they were taken through the streets under military escort. They will also be exhibited in other German cities.
LONDON, Oct. 15.—Two; great j 1
battles,4 one in northern France N
and Belgium, the other in Russian ;!
Poland, both with a front of 300
miles, have reached their height,
hut the public is allowed only an
occasional glance of their
progress through official commu
nications which frequently are 1
widely at variance.
Trend of Western Battle. ;
From the French reports it ap
pears that the western battle is go
ing slowly, but surely, in favor of .
the allies. Under the pressure of
the troops of the allies, the Ger
mans who started to advance on
Calais and other French coast
ports, have been forced to evacu
ate the left bank of the Lys river
which is a considerable distance
east of the points their advance
guards reached last week . Furth
er east in the Lens district and
southward between Arras and Al
bert, where the Germans made the
initial attempt to work around
Big Dog Cost Owner
Big Sum at Indiana
Because E. R. Shearer shot a big i
dog belonging to William Delap- i
pa, of the Big Run mines, near El
dersridge, the owner went looking
for Shearer with a shotgun. Shear
er evaded Delappa, who was ar
rested on a charge of surety of the
peace. Delappa was released when
lie furnished bail to keep the peace j
for three years and to pay all the ,
Indiana Fair Ground
Stables Are Burned
Prompt work by the Indiana
fire department saved the half
mile stretch of stables at the Indi
ana fair grounds Monday. The
fire is believed to have been start
ed by tramps in one of the sections
the allies' left, the English and !
French have made "notable pro- <
gress." i
German Assaults Lack Former
Evidence that the German as- :
saults are being delivered with
less force is conveyed in the inti
mation that between Die Somme
and Oise their artillery attacks
are not being followed up with in
fantry charges. It is possible that;
they have withdrawn some of i
their troops from this position to
strengthen their advance toward
the coast, but it is considered this
would be risky as it might permit
the allies to break through and in
terrupt the communications of
their armies fighting north of the
LONDON, Oct. 15—The Rome
correspondent of the Exchange
Telegraph company says that a
message from Bdsel states that the
Christopher Willy, who had
been contracting in West Virgi
nia, is visiting his parents on
North Eighth street.
"Mike" Menosky and "Cy"
Eheam returned to their studies
at the Indiana Normal, after a
strenuous season with the Fede
j ral League.
Mr. J. R. Formica, brother of
Prof. A. R. Formica, of Homer
City, is here from New York. Mr.
Formica will enter the West Point
Military Academy the latter part
of March.
French have reoccupied Muelhau
scn. The Germans, it is said,
compelled to use 150 motor cars
to carry off their wounded.
PETROGRAD, Oct. 15 —The
Russian general staff issued the
following stateme nt today:
"There is no change to report on
the East Prussia and central Vist
ula front. South of Przemysl a
Russian column engaged and de
feated the Austrians, taking sev
en officers and 500 soldiers prison
ers, and capturing many rapid fire
LONDON, Oct. 15—A Central
News dispatch from Rome says:
"According to a telegram from
Constantinople, published here.
Turkey has informed Germany
owing to a lack of money she will!
have to demobilize her army.
I j
LONDON, Oct. 15—A Ilavasj
agency despatch from Clialons|
sur Marne says that German ar
tillery continues to bombard the
cathedral of Rheims.
Panic Averted When
Movie Film Burned
When a moving picture film took j
fire in the booth of the Pitt thea-1
ter last Saturday night a panic
was only averted by the presence
of mind of the management and
iti e actors. The film was on the
floor of the booth. The door of
the booth was open and the smoke
reached the auditorium, some of
the audience starting on a run for
the door. Through the efforts of
the management and the orchestra
and the actors a serious panic was
averted. Over $5OO worth of films
were taken from the booth. The
damage by the blaze amounted to
about $5OO.
■j WANTED —Boy to learn pric ;-
-eg trade; must be active. Ii-
I .uii'. -hi? office.
m Bremu in
[scopes jail Senleflce
Must Pay Fine of $l,OOO and Costs
Aggregating Hundreds of
Joseph Coshey, agent for the
Independent Brewing Company at
Latrobe, was paroled in court on
Monday by Judge S. J. Telford.
Coshey nearly nine months ago
was found guilty of shipping beer
into restricted territory. He was
sentenced at that time to pay fine
of $l,OOO and to serve 3 months in
the Western penitentiary. Cosh
ey's companion, tried at the same
time, died a short time afterwards
The case was taken to the Su
perior court and to the Supreme
court and Judge Telford's deci
sion was sustained. Costs aggre
gating hundreds of dollars are in
volved because of the appeals.
Coshey was in Indiana Wednes
day, but has done nothing toward
complying with the order of the
court. Unless this is done shortly
Sheriff Jeffries savs the man will
receive a sentence and the parole
will be revoked.
Bon Ton First to Have Living
At 7:45 o'clock last Tuesday ev
ening the Bon Ton had its fall op
ening. Mr. S. W. Rose, manager
of the store, had certainly arrang
ed an evening of pleasure. Under
the lively notes played by the Nor
mal Conservatory Orchestra, liv
ing models, portraying the latest
fashions, were seen. The up-to
date store was beautifully deco
rated with autumn leaves and de-
signs. Refreshments were served
to all the visitors.
Couldn't Fool Seanor.
Harry Seanor, of Willet, has
just returned to his home after
purchasing 13 head of cattle in
Butler county. The seller was
known to be "tricky." On the day
of delivery Seanor had a "hunch"
and visited the farm very early to
get his cattle. lie found the cat
tle in the orchard with the farmer
up the tree shaking apples, which
the cows were eating ravenously.'
Seanor expressed his opinion of
the farmer, had the cattle weigh- j
ed, and took possession of them
that evening, making payment by
the weight in the evening. Seanor j
stated on his return that when he
purchased apples he "didn't want
hair on them." The difference in
weight was 400 pounds.
List cf Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the
Indiana postoffiee October 10:
J. Y. Aughenbaugh, Mrs.
Ballo, Miss Lizzie Beck, A. C.
Fleming, Mrs. Elbey Kellev, Mrs.
Carrie Mellenry, G. 11. MeKinley.
H. E. McQuown, W. D. Miller.
Sidney Mountain. Mrs. Jo. A.
l'ease. Miss Mary Renard, Dalla
Corte Silvio, S. M. Wolffe, Oliver
Zimmerman. Miss Annie Gudarte.
When inquiring for letters in
this list please state that they
were advertised, giving date.
Gil ii Hon Mi
! io lo Gil's Home
The departure of a number of
heads of families to engage in the
European war. together with an
unusual number of accidents in
Indiana county coal mines, in
which foreign men were killed or
| so badly wounded as to cause their
families to become county charges I
has been a source of much worri
ment to the county commissioners.
When these families become coun
ty charges, as a rule, there are a
number of children to be cared
for. Whenever possible these chil
dren are placed with families, but
reeently it has keen hard to find
homes for them.
Under the law the children may !
be kept in the county home for a
period of 30 days only. While in
attendance at the state convention
of poor directors at Carlisle, Coun
ty Commissioner E. M. Ansley and
Mrs. Sue E. Williard consulted
with members of the state board
of charities and received permis-1
sion to turn the big farmhouse at
the county home into a home for
foreign children until such times
as suitable places can be secured
for them. Mrs. Williard will have
charge of the home and it will be
conducted along lines similar to
the Girls' Industrial School on
Eleventh street. A school will be
connected with the home. The i
boys will also be taught to do use
ful chores, gardening, etc., while
the girls will be given instructions
in household duties.
The indigent foreign element in ;
this county is increasing every
year and provisions must be made
for their care. In the near future
additional provision must he made
for caring for the foreign insane
in this county. An additional
building may have to be erected
on the county farm for this pur
i pose.
Johnstown Woman Is
Head of Indiana Hospital
The new Indiana hospital will
be formally opened with appro-j
priate exercises on Thursday, Oe- 1
tober 29. when the general publicj
will have an opportunity of in- i
speeding the building. Miss Sarah
I Morgart, of Johnstown, will be
superintendent. Miss Morgart is
a graduate nurse, having been
i connected with the Cambria hos
j pital in that city for some time.
; The assistant superintendent will
!be Miss Eliza Dill, a graduate
j nurse of the Allegheny General
! hospital, Pittsburg. The new
j building is one of the most hand
somely appointed hospitals in this
; section of Pennsylvania.
Double Wedding' for Sisters.
Misses Alda and Bessie Kinnan.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George
I R. Kinnan. of near Georgeville.
| became the brides of John Wad
dell. of Dixonville, and 1. W. Ham
ilton, of Georgeville, respectively,
at a double ceremony performed
• at the Kinnan home Wednesday.
WANTED—To buy a 6 or 7 pas
senger automobile; one that has
been used but a few months. Ap
ply at this ■ n e, giving make an 1
. Piice.
Pu ii Pimm
Left Good Old U. S. A. to
Become Belgian Soldier
Punxsutawney, Oct. 14—Chas.
Broeekaert, formerly of this place,
a brother of Mrs. Camiel DeFoor,
Mrs. IS. 11. Stigers and Mrs. Alfred
Deraud, of Punxsutawney, is a
prisoner in the hands of the Ger
mans, according to a letter just
received by Mrs. DeFoor from her
parents in Belgium.
The letter, which arrived a few
days ago, was the first Mrs. De-
Foor had received since the begin
ning of the war, and her anxiety
was considerably relieved hv the
missive, which stated that her bro
ther had gone tq the front with
the Belgian soldiers on August 21
and that shortly afterward he
was taken prisoner by the Ger
mans and would probably be held
by them until the conclusion of
the war.
Mr. Broeekaert was reared in
Punxsutawney, he having come to
this place when a swaddling in
fant. He was a member of the
Boys' band and is known to his
friends here as "Brocky."
In May of 1900 the young man
returned to Belgium to enter the
military service. He enlisted for
three years, and upon the expira
tion of his term, re-enlisted.
In a letter to his parents in Bel
gium the young man stated that
he was well and expected to re
turn to his home town of Wetter
en at the conclusion of hostilities.
Mrs. Ann E. Williams Is Dead in
New York State, Aged 80
Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Williams,
relict of-Thomas Williams, died
Wednesday at the home of her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William Russell, of Montezuma,
N. Y., aged about 80 years. The
remains were brought Friday to
to Grisemore, this county, for in
terment in the Nebo church ceme
tery, but the burial arrangements
will not be completed until the ar
rival of the party.
Mrs. Williams was a daughter
of Lewis Coy, of Grisemore, one
of the earliest settlers in that sec
tion of Indiana county, who died
a number of years ago. Her hus
band, Thomas Williams, died in
1878. She was the mother of Lew
ie C. Williams, of Eldorado. Blair
i county; Robert R. Williams, of
Pueblo, Colo., and Mrs. Russell,
at whose home she died.
Aged 99, She Sccres
Girls' Narrow Skirts
Greensburg, Oct. 15—Mrs. Cath
erine Bair, aged 99 years, had
300 affectionate friends and de
scendants at her birthday party
Tuesday. She shook hands with
the 300, petted the babies present,
inquired solicitously about the
welfare of the other aged women
in the crowd and laughed like a
girl when boxes of chocolates and
flowers came her way.
Asked if she had ever worn
hoops, Grandmother Bair replied:
"No, sir. I never had any use for
them." She thought th<* present
day girl, in her narrow skirt,
wouldn't be able to g over a
fence gracefully, and she scored
the style. "